This is the official website of Gallery, the open source web based photo album organizer.
Gallery gives you an intuitive way to blend photo management seamlessly into your own website whether you're running a small personal site or a large community site.
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Gallery 2.2.3 Security Fix Release
Gallery 2.2.3 is now available for download. This release adds no new features. It fixes critical application security bugs in the WebDAV and Reupload modules. If the WebDAV or Reupload modules are active in your Gallery we strongly recommend that you either disable them, upgrade them via Downloadable Plugins or perform a complete upgrade to version 2.2.3. Thanks go to Merrick Manalastas and Nicklous Roberts for reporting the issues to the Gallery Security team!
Gallery 2.2.3 is a small security upgrade from 2.2.2 and has the same requirements as 2.2.2. If you haven't upgraded to 2.2.x yet, please refer to the release announcement of Gallery 2.2 for highlights of changes and the requirements of the Gallery 2.2 release.
Read on for more details and upgrade instructions...
Gallery 1.5.7 Released!
Gallery 1.5.7 is now available for download. This release fixes one very minor security issue, fixes a few small bugs, and makes a significant amount of text more sensible. Even though this release has no major security fixes, we recommend that all users of Gallery 1.5.6 and earlier upgrade to this release to be as bug free and secure as possible. You can download 1.5.7 from the Gallery 1 download page on SourceForge. Upgrade instructions are available on our documentation site.
If you've contributed to translations for Gallery 1 in the past, or would be interested in helping out, our translations for Gallery 1 are fairly far behind! Please join the gallery-translations mailing list and send an introduction to get started.
Announcing the Gallery bounty program!
The Gallery team is very excited to announce a new bounty program, where we pay you for helping us out by finding security problems in Gallery products or by contributing code. Additionally, you can pitch in to the fund to reward people that fix bugs or write features you want to see fixed or implemented! We're pledging $5000 to get this started, and you can start contributing right now! Read on for the details of this program.
Gallery 2 Requiring PHP 5 in February 2008
Several of the leading PHP projects and web hosting providers are working together to push for PHP 5 adoption at Gallery is pleased to announce that we will be joining them and committing to requiring PHP 5.2 to use versions of Gallery 2 released after February 5th, 2008.
Gallery 2.3 is currently in the works and will continue to support PHP 4.3 and security fixes will continue to be applied to Gallery 2.3.x for at least six months after our first release requiring PHP 5.2. However, if you want to use the cool new features in later releases, you should make sure that your web host supports PHP 5.2 and encourage them to upgrade if they don't! We feel that requiring PHP 5 is important for Gallery and will allow us to develop a better product for you! Read on for more details.
Gallery 2.2.2 Stability Release
Gallery 2.2.2 is now available for download. As a minor stability release it adds no new features and includes bug fixes only.
Over 30 bugs have been fixed in this stability release. Some highlights are:
- Fixed WebDAV for OS X / GNOME clients - Items are now recognized as images
- Fixed fallback theme / theme reset functionality
- Fixed PHP error in fetchWebPage() on too many redirects
- Fixed rewrite rule for embedded core.DownloadItem
- Fixed Upgrade Code for IBM DB2 / MS SQL Server
Read on for more details and upgrade instructions...
Week of Gallery 1.6
We asked and you responded! The needs of our users are key motivators for us, so given all of the very encouraging feedback from the Future of Gallery 1 story, we have decided to continue the development of Gallery 1 and release Gallery 1.6. Jens (aka Tim_j) and the whole Gallery team thank you for your continued support!
The next steps for Gallery 1.6 are a comprehensive security audit, followed by a release candidate. But before those can happen we need some help from you! Thus, this week is the Week of Gallery 1.6. During this week, we need your help picking through the latest pre-release of Gallery 1.6 to find bugs, inconsistencies, design issues and to notice any features you want to see that are missing. After trying to incorporate all of your feedback, the security audit will begin after which there will be no more major changes or features added. It's very important that you give your feedback now!
Please download the latest pre-release of 1.6 from Jens' archive and test it as much as you can. Post all the feedback you can provide in this Gallery 1.6 feedback thread so that the developers can respond to it and make Gallery 1.6 better for you. Thoughts about layout and design, bug reports, and any and all other comments are welcome!