Those of you who are interested in beta testing: Please go to and register (if you haven't already done so), then post in the "Testing requests" topic (include the version of SMF that you want to test this with). I am putting the finishing touches on the 1.0.5 version now, and hopefully will have something available for beta testing soon.
New features:
Brand-new account creation interface - users choose whether to create a new G2 account or use an existing one. Includes validation functions to prevent any unwanted actions - users must enter a valid SMF password to create a new G2 account (this password is then used for their account in G2), or a valid username and password for the G2 account they wish to use.
Session linking - Uses built-in linking of SMF and G2 session IDs
New settings - The "embedPath" and "relativeG2Path" settings can be entered through the "Edit features and Options" area in SMF, so you don't have to modify any code.
Coming soon:
SSI functions - Makes website integration even easier and keeps things running through the board rather than through G2 itself.
I will also be starting to work on a couple of different versions for 1.1:
One version will use some of the built-in integration hooks in SMF. The other version will be similar to the 1.0.5 version and won't use any integration hooks, so the integration won't cause problems with other SMF integrations (Mambo/Joombla, etc.) that might be using these hooks.
When you finish your work on integrating G2 & SMF, could you please help me converyt my coppermine over. I'm sick of their attitude over there. I'd be happy to pay you if need be. I'm in no hurry, just keep it in mind. BTW, why did grudge REALLY leave the team??
Once I get beta testing started, I'll take a look at that and see what I can do to make it work with the SMF/Coppermine bridge. Since Coppermine just uses the SMF members and groups tables for the bridge, I'll have to pull all the users in as regular G2 members, then allow the user to link that G2 account to their SMF account via the dual-registration system (originally designed to ease the process of going from a standalone G2 and standalone SMF to SMF with embedded G2). I should have more time to work on this soon, and hope to at least have beta testing started by the end of the year. Right now I just have to figure out exactly which SMF integration hooks I'm going to be able to use and what functions need to be modified to work with those. I was also thinking about creating a version that doesn't use the integration hooks (for those who are using Mambo or another CMS that's already using those), but haven't decided whether that will be needed.
What happened to your site Oldiesmann? I tried to go to the link above and I got the ol' page can't be displayed error.
Joined: 2005-12-10
Posts: 2
Posted: Sat, 2006-01-21 19:50
It looks good so far. Great Job!!!!
Joined: 2005-05-18
Posts: 151
Posted: Sat, 2006-01-28 00:56
MetalHellsAngel wrote:
What happened to your site Oldiesmann? I tried to go to the link above and I got the ol' page can't be displayed error.
My host must have been down temporarily. My site hasn't gone anywhere though.
Also, for those waiting on the 1.1RC2 version of the integration, I will have more time in the coming weeks as it will be the beginning of a new term at school and I won't have as much work to do.
Joined: 2005-09-14
Posts: 17
Posted: Sat, 2006-01-28 14:22
Excellent... Count me in for giving it a thorough testing with RC2 when you're ready.
Joined: 2006-03-16
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2006-03-16 18:58
Oldiesmann - look like host is down again. Please let me know when you need people to test. I'm on SMF 1.1 RC2.
Joined: 2006-04-07
Posts: 3
Posted: Fri, 2006-04-07 21:11
anything new for the integrating with 1.1 ?
Joined: 2005-05-18
Posts: 151
Posted: Wed, 2006-04-12 01:51
I should have something together soon. I am on spring break this week and have a light course load this coming term (4 courses, three of which are online) because I just switched majors from Web Design to Business Computer Programming and Database Management. The Oldiesmann SMF Support Specialist SMF+G2 Integration Project
Joined: 2006-04-07
Posts: 3
Posted: Wed, 2006-04-12 02:07
Joined: 2006-04-12
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2006-04-12 16:03
Great,I'll try it
Thank Oldiesmann, ;D
Joined: 2006-03-19
Posts: 8
Posted: Wed, 2006-05-03 10:27
sounds like the best place to post.
all i want with SMF and G2 is this. LOGIN.
i would love to use the same login names. so they don't have to login to smf and then again on g2. ofcourse login properties would have to be the same or one only
any advises??
Joined: 2005-05-18
Posts: 151
Posted: Wed, 2006-05-03 19:48
With my integration, users will be able to do that. When they first access Gallery, they have two options - create a new G2 account based on their SMF account (requires that they enter their SMF password) or link their SMF account to an existing Gallery account (requires valid username and password for the Gallery account they want to use). After that they will automatically be logged into the Gallery everytime they login to the board. I think I could probably set it up to use a standalone Gallery instead of an embedded version as well, but I will have to test this idea more before I can say for sure.
Also, for those who are still following this project - I do plan to resume work on this soon. I recently finished working on the IPB 2.1.x converter, and upgraded my Redirection Boards mod. I now just need to look over the upgrades that a couple of other people have made to my other two mods (Topic Ratings and Now Playing), which shouldn't take long.
My first priority with this project is to work on the existing integration for SMF 1.0.x - fix any remaining bugs and upgrade it to work with Gallery 2.1.1 since a few things have changed since then. After that I will get busy on the one for SMF 1.1.
Just another quick update for everyone. I had originally planned to release a new version last week, but everything ended up being delayed due to a minor mistake in the registration funciton - I forgot to have it redirect you back to the Gallery when registration was complete, which ended up causing SMF to throw an "Unable to load the 'main' template" error. Such a simple thing took me a long time to figure out... At this point I am doing some final testing, mainly to make sure the 1.1 RC2 version works properly. Barring any more major bugs, I should have the next beta out within a week.
Changes in this version:
Lots of bugfixes
Various minor code improvements here and there
Updated to work with Gallery 2.1.1
Now works with SMF 1.1 RC2 (even if you're using the Mambo/Joomla bridge)
Now that most of the bugs have been fixed with the main functionality, I will be focusing on adding additional features. I'll be looking at other integrations to see what they have, and also will be taking suggestions from other people. Image blocks will definitely be included, but I am not sure what else I will be including, so if you think of something that would be fun to have, let me know and I'll see what I can do
Thanks Oldiesman for this mod. Here is a preview of what it might look like. I made a SMF + Gallery2 at .
Notice 'Gallery' at the top bar.
SMF 1.1 RC2
G2 2.1.1
Joined: 2006-11-02
Posts: 5
Posted: Thu, 2006-11-02 17:58
The emails aren't been sent to my account for activation and therefore I can't download anything!
Joined: 2005-05-18
Posts: 151
Posted: Thu, 2006-11-02 22:08
rockgeek wrote:
The emails aren't been sent to my account for activation and therefore I can't download anything!
Not sure why they're not getting to you. I've activated your account, so you should be able to login now.
I Have a strange error with this integration.
Gallery 2.1.2, SMF 1.1RC3, integration beta2.
When I try to link smf user to gallery user, nothing happens but script doesn't generate an error.
this code:
$ret = GalleryEmbed::addExternalIdMapEntry('11', '11', 'GalleryUser');
does not create an enry in a g2_ExternalIdMap
$ret = GalleryEmbed::isExternalIdMapped('11', 'GalleryUser');
called _right after_ GalleryEmbed::addExternalIdMapEntry call doesn't return an error as well
$ret = GalleryEmbed::isExternalIdMapped('26', 'GalleryUser');
returns an error.
I called these function with random user_id, and isExternalIdMapped called with the same id that addExternalIdMapEntry (which didn't create a record in a g2_ExternalIdMap table) never returned an error.
Everything else work perfect. If I add a usermap record manualy (via phpMyAdmin) smf calls gallery2 in embeded mode with right credentials.
The same code (same versions of smf, gallery2 and integration) on my home server is working without problems.
What should I check to figure out this problem?
Thanks in advance for help
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Tue, 2006-11-28 01:25
did you forget to add GalleryEmbed::done() at the end of your g2 integration?
all changes are done in a transaction body and GalleryEmbed::done() commits the transaction. If you don't commit the transaction, it's as you never changed anything.
Joined: 2006-11-27
Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 2006-11-28 08:12
it's exactly what I missed. Different versions of MySQL. non-transactional at home and transactional at hosting.
Thank you very much!
Joined: 2003-03-19
Posts: 18
Posted: Thu, 2006-12-14 14:59
I have tried to register with your site several times but i nver get a confirm code email. Are you not acceptoing any testers? Where can you get the integration package?
Joined: 2006-12-16
Posts: 1
Posted: Sat, 2006-12-16 00:17
I'm with boyakaa. I tried registering to be able to sign up for the beta and have never received any registration confirmation e-mail. Realizing my main domain goes through some more stringent anti-spam checks, I signed up again using a different e-mail address that should have no problems. Same result.
I'd love to try out this beta.
Joined: 2005-05-18
Posts: 151
Posted: Sat, 2006-12-16 15:42
Not sure why you haven't gotten the activation emails. I've activated your account (the "reelmccoy" one) and boyakaa's. Sorry for any inconvenience it may have caused
Hi Oldiesmann, i also have not recieved my reg email and cannot login, usernam is indica. i would really like to get on the beta for this asap please!
Joined: 2005-05-18
Posts: 151
Posted: Sun, 2006-12-17 17:48
indica wrote:
Hi Oldiesmann, i also have not recieved my reg email and cannot login, usernam is indica. i would really like to get on the beta for this asap please!
Since so many people have been having problems receiving the activation email, I went ahead and activated all remaining accounts that hadn't been activated yet (including yours). Still not sure what's going on, but you should be able to login now.
The Oldiesmann SMF Assistant Project Manager / Lead Support Specialist SMF+G2 Integration Project - Beta2 now available!
Joined: 2006-12-16
Posts: 2
Posted: Sun, 2006-12-17 19:26
thanks a lot!!!
Joined: 2006-12-17
Posts: 2
Posted: Sun, 2006-12-17 23:04
Hey Oddiesmann, I am another wishful implementer of your code. I have tried signing up for your site with the username jereme.guenther but I haven't received any activation email even though I requested it several times. I admit I have only waited a few hours, but typically email arrives in a few minutes. Anyway, could you manually activate my account so I can try out your code.
Joined: 2006-12-19
Posts: 12
Posted: Tue, 2006-12-19 22:22
Hope this is the right place to post. I have an SMF forum up and running with just under 200 users and I would like to install G2 and simply hook in to the SMF database, I dont want G2 integrated in the forum in anyway. I still want a seperate link to take you to the gallery but the user name and password is controlled by the forum. So if someone signs up to the forum they have access to the gallery and visa versa....does your mod allow this?
Joined: 2005-05-18
Posts: 151
Posted: Wed, 2006-12-20 02:48
jereme.guenther wrote:
Hey Oddiesmann, I am another wishful implementer of your code. I have tried signing up for your site with the username jereme.guenther but I haven't received any activation email even though I requested it several times. I admit I have only waited a few hours, but typically email arrives in a few minutes. Anyway, could you manually activate my account so I can try out your code.
Sure. Still not sure what's going on, but I'll activate your account for you.
Owain wrote:
Hope this is the right place to post. I have an SMF forum up and running with just under 200 users and I would like to install G2 and simply hook in to the SMF database, I dont want G2 integrated in the forum in anyway. I still want a seperate link to take you to the gallery but the user name and password is controlled by the forum. So if someone signs up to the forum they have access to the gallery and visa versa....does your mod allow this?
By default the gallery is embedded in the forum, but it's easy to change it to redirect to the external gallery instead. The mod will allow users to login to the gallery with the same username and password that they use for the forum. However, users who register in the gallery first won't be able to login to the forum with that username and password. This functionality could be added, but it would be a lengthy process, and would also mean disabling a security feature in SMF - by default, SMF encrypts whatever the user enters in the password field before it's sent to the script (in the rare event that someone were to intercept the data between the form and the server, they wouldn't be able to do anything with the password).
Hey Oddiesmann, I am another wishful implementer of your code. I have tried signing up for your site with the username jereme.guenther but I haven't received any activation email even though I requested it several times. I admit I have only waited a few hours, but typically email arrives in a few minutes. Anyway, could you manually activate my account so I can try out your code.
Sure. Still not sure what's going on, but I'll activate your account for you.
I'm actually having the same problem. I signed up with username "oddne" but no activation email, even tried to have it resent..
Can you plesae help?
Thanks in advance
Joined: 2005-05-18
Posts: 151
Posted: Thu, 2007-01-04 22:13
oddne wrote:
Oldiesmann wrote:
jereme.guenther wrote:
Hey Oddiesmann, I am another wishful implementer of your code. I have tried signing up for your site with the username jereme.guenther but I haven't received any activation email even though I requested it several times. I admit I have only waited a few hours, but typically email arrives in a few minutes. Anyway, could you manually activate my account so I can try out your code.
Sure. Still not sure what's going on, but I'll activate your account for you.
I'm actually having the same problem. I signed up with username "oddne" but no activation email, even tried to have it resent..
Can you plesae help?
Thanks in advance
You've been activated. It looks like my host was having problems with the mail servers earlier - there are a few "connection refused" messages in the forum error log (one of the advantages of using SMTP over sendmail - you actually know why the mail wasn't sent).
You've been activated. It looks like my host was having problems with the mail servers earlier - there are a few "connection refused" messages in the forum error log (one of the advantages of using SMTP over sendmail - you actually know why the mail wasn't sent).
Great, Thanks a bunch
Joined: 2007-01-13
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2007-01-15 23:19
I've got the same problem. I've tried to register but any activation mail reached me. Can I look for any help to download the SMF + Gallery2 integration module ?
Joined: 2005-05-18
Posts: 151
Posted: Tue, 2007-01-16 01:59
More mail problems ("connection refused" messages). I've activated your account.
Just a reminder for those who didn't notice the update. Beta3 was released this past Saturday. As usual, numerous minor bugs popped up after it was released, but I am pretty sure that I have fixed all of them now. I am still looking into a couple of issues though.
I will be adding documentation and support for additional languages soon.
--------------------- The Oldiesmann SMF Project Manager SMF+G2 Integration Project - Beta3 Now Available!
Joined: 2002-09-24
Posts: 114
Posted: Thu, 2007-03-08 17:38
Is this Beta3 compatible with SMF1.1.2 ? or only with 1.1 RC3?
Selected to have the user albums created when they first access the gallery.
The users keep getting this error:
Error (ERROR_COLLISION)in modules/core/classes/GalleryUser.class at line 149 (gallerycoreapi::error)
in modules/core/classes/GalleryEmbed.class at line 344 (galleryuser::create)
in /***/***/public_html/mambo/smforum/Sources/Gallery.php at line 771 (galleryembed::createuser)
in /***/***/public_html/mambo/smforum/Sources/Gallery.php at line 490
in /***/***/public_html/mambo/smforum/Sources/Gallery.php at line 450
in ??? at line 0
in /***/***/public_html/mambo/smforum/index.php at line 133
If the members already have accounts in the gallery, you'll need to enable "Dual registration mode" and have the users choose the "use an existing gallery account" option when they first access the gallery.
--------------------- The Oldiesmann SMF Project Manager SMF+G2 Integration Project - Beta3 Now Available!
Joined: 2002-09-24
Posts: 114
Posted: Wed, 2007-03-21 14:03
This is a fresh install of the Gallery2.
I have done a fresh install on the SMF 1.1.2 aswell.
Did you install the "nobridge" version of the package?
--------------------- The Oldiesmann SMF Project Manager SMF+G2 Integration Project - Beta3 Now Available!
Joined: 2007-03-09
Posts: 5
Posted: Thu, 2007-04-12 14:21
I tried installing your non-bridged version for SMF and Gallery 2.2.1 [/b]But no gallery-button showed up in SMF, and [/i]I could not find any way to configure it... The theme used in SMF are the Default theme.
I am new to all of this, could you help me out a little?
The site is here:
Joined: 2005-05-18
Posts: 151
Posted: Fri, 2007-04-13 21:01
The button only shows up if the gallery is enabled. To configure it, go to Admin -> Features and Options and click on the "Gallery" tab. If you don't see a Gallery tab, then you will need to copy the language strings from Modifications.english.php to the Modifications file for the language you're using, and also copy the strings from the beginning of Help.english.php to your language's "Help" file (these are used for the little popup windows that give you more detailed information about a setting).
--------------------- The Oldiesmann SMF Project Manager SMF+G2 Integration Project - Beta3 Now Available!
For the record I am using SMF 1.1.2 and Gallery 2.2, with the non-bridged version of the package. I had a Modification Parse Error upon installation and the Gallery tab isn't showing up for me under Features and Options. I'm using the default English language for both SMF and Gallery.
Posts: 151
Another update...
Those of you who are interested in beta testing: Please go to and register (if you haven't already done so), then post in the "Testing requests" topic (include the version of SMF that you want to test this with). I am putting the finishing touches on the 1.0.5 version now, and hopefully will have something available for beta testing soon.
New features:
Brand-new account creation interface - users choose whether to create a new G2 account or use an existing one. Includes validation functions to prevent any unwanted actions - users must enter a valid SMF password to create a new G2 account (this password is then used for their account in G2), or a valid username and password for the G2 account they wish to use.
Session linking - Uses built-in linking of SMF and G2 session IDs
New settings - The "embedPath" and "relativeG2Path" settings can be entered through the "Edit features and Options" area in SMF, so you don't have to modify any code.
Coming soon:
SSI functions - Makes website integration even easier and keeps things running through the board rather than through G2 itself.
I will also be starting to work on a couple of different versions for 1.1:
One version will use some of the built-in integration hooks in SMF. The other version will be similar to the 1.0.5 version and won't use any integration hooks, so the integration won't cause problems with other SMF integrations (Mambo/Joombla, etc.) that might be using these hooks.
More details will be posted soon.
The Oldiesmann
SMF Support Specialist
Posts: 3
When you finish your work on integrating G2 & SMF, could you please help me converyt my coppermine over. I'm sick of their attitude over there. I'd be happy to pay you if need be. I'm in no hurry, just keep it in mind. BTW, why did grudge REALLY leave the team??
Posts: 32509
there's an official coppermine -> g2 migrate module. it's still in development, but it exists.
Posts: 151
Once I get beta testing started, I'll take a look at that and see what I can do to make it work with the SMF/Coppermine bridge. Since Coppermine just uses the SMF members and groups tables for the bridge, I'll have to pull all the users in as regular G2 members, then allow the user to link that G2 account to their SMF account via the dual-registration system (originally designed to ease the process of going from a standalone G2 and standalone SMF to SMF with embedded G2). I should have more time to work on this soon, and hope to at least have beta testing started by the end of the year. Right now I just have to figure out exactly which SMF integration hooks I'm going to be able to use and what functions need to be modified to work with those. I was also thinking about creating a version that doesn't use the integration hooks (for those who are using Mambo or another CMS that's already using those), but haven't decided whether that will be needed.
The Oldiesmann
SMF Support Specialist
Posts: 13
What happened to your site Oldiesmann? I tried to go to the link above and I got the ol' page can't be displayed error.
Posts: 2
It looks good so far. Great Job!!!!
Posts: 151
My host must have been down temporarily. My site hasn't gone anywhere though.
Also, for those waiting on the 1.1RC2 version of the integration, I will have more time in the coming weeks as it will be the beginning of a new term at school and I won't have as much work to do.
Posts: 17
Excellent... Count me in for giving it a thorough testing with RC2 when you're ready.
Posts: 1
Oldiesmann - look like host is down again. Please let me know when you need people to test. I'm on SMF 1.1 RC2.
Posts: 3
anything new for the integrating with 1.1 ?
Posts: 151
I should have something together soon. I am on spring break this week and have a light course load this coming term (4 courses, three of which are online) because I just switched majors from Web Design to Business Computer Programming and Database Management.
The Oldiesmann
SMF Support Specialist
SMF+G2 Integration Project
Posts: 3
Posts: 1
Great,I'll try it
Thank Oldiesmann, ;D
Posts: 8
sounds like the best place to post.
all i want with SMF and G2 is this. LOGIN.
i would love to use the same login names. so they don't have to login to smf and then again on g2. ofcourse login properties would have to be the same or one only
any advises??
Posts: 151
With my integration, users will be able to do that. When they first access Gallery, they have two options - create a new G2 account based on their SMF account (requires that they enter their SMF password) or link their SMF account to an existing Gallery account (requires valid username and password for the Gallery account they want to use). After that they will automatically be logged into the Gallery everytime they login to the board. I think I could probably set it up to use a standalone Gallery instead of an embedded version as well, but I will have to test this idea more before I can say for sure.
Also, for those who are still following this project - I do plan to resume work on this soon. I recently finished working on the IPB 2.1.x converter, and upgraded my Redirection Boards mod. I now just need to look over the upgrades that a couple of other people have made to my other two mods (Topic Ratings and Now Playing), which shouldn't take long.
My first priority with this project is to work on the existing integration for SMF 1.0.x - fix any remaining bugs and upgrade it to work with Gallery 2.1.1 since a few things have changed since then. After that I will get busy on the one for SMF 1.1.
The Oldiesmann
SMF Support Specialist
SMF+G2 Integration Project
Posts: 151
Just another quick update for everyone. I had originally planned to release a new version last week, but everything ended up being delayed due to a minor mistake in the registration funciton - I forgot to have it redirect you back to the Gallery when registration was complete, which ended up causing SMF to throw an "Unable to load the 'main' template" error. Such a simple thing took me a long time to figure out... At this point I am doing some final testing, mainly to make sure the 1.1 RC2 version works properly. Barring any more major bugs, I should have the next beta out within a week.
Changes in this version:
Lots of bugfixes
Various minor code improvements here and there
Updated to work with Gallery 2.1.1
Now works with SMF 1.1 RC2 (even if you're using the Mambo/Joomla bridge)
Now that most of the bugs have been fixed with the main functionality, I will be focusing on adding additional features. I'll be looking at other integrations to see what they have, and also will be taking suggestions from other people. Image blocks will definitely be included, but I am not sure what else I will be including, so if you think of something that would be fun to have, let me know and I'll see what I can do
The Oldiesmann
SMF Support Specialist
SMF+G2 Integration Project
Posts: 3
awesome!
Posts: 151
I am pleased to announce that Beta2 has now been released. Please visit the project board for more information
The Oldiesmann
SMF Lead Support Specialist
SMF+G2 Integration Project - Beta2 now available!
Posts: 2
where is beta 2 for download?
Posts: 1
Thanks Oldiesman for this mod. Here is a preview of what it might look like. I made a SMF + Gallery2 at .
Notice 'Gallery' at the top bar.
SMF 1.1 RC2
G2 2.1.1
Posts: 5
The emails aren't been sent to my account for activation and therefore I can't download anything!
Posts: 151
Not sure why they're not getting to you. I've activated your account, so you should be able to login now.
The Oldiesmann
SMF Support Specialist
SMF+G2 Integration Project - Beta2 now available!
Posts: 2
I Have a strange error with this integration.
Gallery 2.1.2, SMF 1.1RC3, integration beta2.
When I try to link smf user to gallery user, nothing happens but script doesn't generate an error.
this code:
$ret = GalleryEmbed::addExternalIdMapEntry('11', '11', 'GalleryUser');
does not create an enry in a g2_ExternalIdMap
$ret = GalleryEmbed::isExternalIdMapped('11', 'GalleryUser');
called _right after_ GalleryEmbed::addExternalIdMapEntry call doesn't return an error as well
$ret = GalleryEmbed::isExternalIdMapped('26', 'GalleryUser');
returns an error.
I called these function with random user_id, and isExternalIdMapped called with the same id that addExternalIdMapEntry (which didn't create a record in a g2_ExternalIdMap table) never returned an error.
Everything else work perfect. If I add a usermap record manualy (via phpMyAdmin) smf calls gallery2 in embeded mode with right credentials.
The same code (same versions of smf, gallery2 and integration) on my home server is working without problems.
What should I check to figure out this problem?
Thanks in advance for help
Posts: 32509
did you forget to add GalleryEmbed::done() at the end of your g2 integration?
all changes are done in a transaction body and GalleryEmbed::done() commits the transaction. If you don't commit the transaction, it's as you never changed anything.
Posts: 2
it's exactly what I missed. Different versions of MySQL. non-transactional at home and transactional at hosting.
Thank you very much!
Posts: 18
I have tried to register with your site several times but i nver get a confirm code email. Are you not acceptoing any testers? Where can you get the integration package?
Posts: 1
I'm with boyakaa. I tried registering to be able to sign up for the beta and have never received any registration confirmation e-mail. Realizing my main domain goes through some more stringent anti-spam checks, I signed up again using a different e-mail address that should have no problems. Same result.
I'd love to try out this beta.
Posts: 151
Not sure why you haven't gotten the activation emails. I've activated your account (the "reelmccoy" one) and boyakaa's. Sorry for any inconvenience it may have caused
The Oldiesmann
SMF Project Manager
SMF+G2 Integration Project - Beta2 now available!
Posts: 2
Hi Oldiesmann, i also have not recieved my reg email and cannot login, usernam is indica. i would really like to get on the beta for this asap please!
Posts: 151
Since so many people have been having problems receiving the activation email, I went ahead and activated all remaining accounts that hadn't been activated yet (including yours). Still not sure what's going on, but you should be able to login now.
The Oldiesmann
SMF Assistant Project Manager / Lead Support Specialist
SMF+G2 Integration Project - Beta2 now available!
Posts: 2
thanks a lot!!!
Posts: 2
Hey Oddiesmann, I am another wishful implementer of your code. I have tried signing up for your site with the username jereme.guenther but I haven't received any activation email even though I requested it several times. I admit I have only waited a few hours, but typically email arrives in a few minutes. Anyway, could you manually activate my account so I can try out your code.
Posts: 12
Hope this is the right place to post. I have an SMF forum up and running with just under 200 users and I would like to install G2 and simply hook in to the SMF database, I dont want G2 integrated in the forum in anyway. I still want a seperate link to take you to the gallery but the user name and password is controlled by the forum. So if someone signs up to the forum they have access to the gallery and visa versa....does your mod allow this?
Posts: 151
Sure. Still not sure what's going on, but I'll activate your account for you.
By default the gallery is embedded in the forum, but it's easy to change it to redirect to the external gallery instead. The mod will allow users to login to the gallery with the same username and password that they use for the forum. However, users who register in the gallery first won't be able to login to the forum with that username and password. This functionality could be added, but it would be a lengthy process, and would also mean disabling a security feature in SMF - by default, SMF encrypts whatever the user enters in the password field before it's sent to the script (in the rare event that someone were to intercept the data between the form and the server, they wouldn't be able to do anything with the password).
The Oldiesmann
SMF Project Manager
SMF+G2 Integration Project - Beta2 now available!
Posts: 2
Thanks Oldiesmann.
Posts: 151
You're welcome
The Oldiesmann
SMF Project Manager
SMF+G2 Integration Project - Beta2 now available!
Posts: 2
I'm actually having the same problem. I signed up with username "oddne" but no activation email, even tried to have it resent..
Can you plesae help?
Thanks in advance
Posts: 151
You've been activated. It looks like my host was having problems with the mail servers earlier - there are a few "connection refused" messages in the forum error log (one of the advantages of using SMTP over sendmail - you actually know why the mail wasn't sent).
The Oldiesmann
SMF Project Manager
SMF+G2 Integration Project - Beta2 now available!
Posts: 2
Great, Thanks a bunch
Posts: 1
I've got the same problem. I've tried to register but any activation mail reached me. Can I look for any help to download the SMF + Gallery2 integration module ?
Posts: 151
More mail problems ("connection refused" messages). I've activated your account.
The Oldiesmann
SMF Project Manager
SMF+G2 Integration Project - Beta2 now available!
Posts: 151
Just a reminder for those who didn't notice the update. Beta3 was released this past Saturday. As usual, numerous minor bugs popped up after it was released, but I am pretty sure that I have fixed all of them now. I am still looking into a couple of issues though.
To download Beta3, go to;dl
I will be adding documentation and support for additional languages soon.
The Oldiesmann
SMF Project Manager
SMF+G2 Integration Project - Beta3 Now Available!
Posts: 114
Is this Beta3 compatible with SMF1.1.2 ? or only with 1.1 RC3?
Posts: 114
Upgraded to gallery2.2
I have SMF 1.1.2
Setup Gallery as embeded inside SMF.
Selected to have the user albums created when they first access the gallery.
The users keep getting this error:
Error (ERROR_COLLISION)in modules/core/classes/GalleryUser.class at line 149 (gallerycoreapi::error)
in modules/core/classes/GalleryEmbed.class at line 344 (galleryuser::create)
in /***/***/public_html/mambo/smforum/Sources/Gallery.php at line 771 (galleryembed::createuser)
in /***/***/public_html/mambo/smforum/Sources/Gallery.php at line 490
in /***/***/public_html/mambo/smforum/Sources/Gallery.php at line 450
in ??? at line 0
in /***/***/public_html/mambo/smforum/index.php at line 133
How can I fix this?
Posts: 151
If the members already have accounts in the gallery, you'll need to enable "Dual registration mode" and have the users choose the "use an existing gallery account" option when they first access the gallery.
The Oldiesmann
SMF Project Manager
SMF+G2 Integration Project - Beta3 Now Available!
Posts: 114
This is a fresh install of the Gallery2.
I have done a fresh install on the SMF 1.1.2 aswell.
Posts: 151
Did you install the "nobridge" version of the package?
The Oldiesmann
SMF Project Manager
SMF+G2 Integration Project - Beta3 Now Available!
Posts: 5
I tried installing your non-bridged version for SMF and Gallery 2.2.1 [/b]But no gallery-button showed up in SMF, and [/i]I could not find any way to configure it... The theme used in SMF are the Default theme.
I am new to all of this, could you help me out a little?
The site is here:
Posts: 151
The button only shows up if the gallery is enabled. To configure it, go to Admin -> Features and Options and click on the "Gallery" tab. If you don't see a Gallery tab, then you will need to copy the language strings from Modifications.english.php to the Modifications file for the language you're using, and also copy the strings from the beginning of Help.english.php to your language's "Help" file (these are used for the little popup windows that give you more detailed information about a setting).
The Oldiesmann
SMF Project Manager
SMF+G2 Integration Project - Beta3 Now Available!
Posts: 2
Just wondering: does Gallery have to be installed in a subfolder to SMF? I have SMF installed at and Gallery installed at - should it work or does Gallery need to be at ?
For the record I am using SMF 1.1.2 and Gallery 2.2, with the non-bridged version of the package. I had a Modification Parse Error upon installation and the Gallery tab isn't showing up for me under Features and Options. I'm using the default English language for both SMF and Gallery.
Thanks in advance for any help.