Gallery 2 Demo Sites
Submitted by mindless on Wed, 2006-07-19 21:34
We have launched a new showcase album of [url=/gallery/demosites/]Gallery 2 Demo Sites[/url]. There are many great Gallery 2 sites out there with a huge variety of themes, modules, customizations and embedded environments that we want you to see! This new feature of our website is powered by Gallery 2 using the Link Items, Rating, New Items modules, and a custom module with the submission form for new entries. The album shows newly submitted items first and is then sorted by rating. Please vote for your favorites to bring them to the top! This replaces our simple [url=/forum/g2_demo_sites]forum topic[/url] to list sample sites of our users.
i think this a great addition to the web site, keeping a comprehensive listing of G2 demo sites within the GMC domain.
I don't understand anything on this site...
Are you referring to the screenshots or to Gallery in general?
Kudos to Alan for the automated screenshots, this is a really nice showcase for Gallery!
I love this feature!!
This is a nice addition to the Gallery2 Demo sites. Nice visual showing the site. We are proud to be represented in the Demos, so thanks guys.
I'm sure it also makes the gallery developers happy to see their hard work put to good use in so many creative ways.
Looks really awesome guys! Its indeed a very nice addition to the Gallery Family! Very handy to see nice visual ideas from other people!
Keep the ideas circulating!
Most of the scores are very theory is that many people are posting their own Gallery and then rating everyone else's down. I'm sure most people who would vote on this feature have their own Gallery.
@mrwilly123: Well- obviously most people have their own gallery in this community- lol ;-)
I think the problem is, that not enough people vote. If every member who has a gallery would vote the votings would probably go up. Like it is now only the ones who post their gallery seem to vote and do it the way u said... for such a great feature there are only few voters i think, given the many gallery users...
Breath in love...--------------
------------...breath out peace!
As I have one in there i'm trying to have a vote for them all. Hard work keeping up, especially given the weird order they're now in
Think i'd prefer them all in order of rating, except for new items that stay at the top until they receive 5 votes and then slot into order.
All good though as getting to see some nice galleries. Voting criteria's going to be different for everyone (Design,Photos,Mods,etc...) which I think may account for some of the scores.
Very welcome addition
I agree with all of you. My site sadly has only 1.5 stars but I'm taking the time to vote for others as fairly as I can. I try to judge on creativity (distance from the default install) and overall aesthetics. I admit that my site is only a slightly modified matrix but it's embedded in drupal and I think it's a decent start for now. Hopefully I'll get some ideas from others in the gallery.
Vote for me if you get a chance and suggestions are appreciated!
Currently on page 2-
Yea, I agree too.
I admit I gave myself a good rating, but my site is a reflection of what I like. However, I rated other sites with no regard to my own positioning and as a result knocked my site to the last page a few times. Hey, I don't care. This is just friendly rivaly! There are some great original ideas out there and have no problem giving them the score they deserve.
I rate on Color schemes, layout, Theme vs. content harmony, Gallery structure, Usability/intuititive interface, "distance from the default install" (couldn't have said it better myself) and animations.
I would be interested in a comments system for sites. There is one site in particular ( I rated low only because it doesn't render correctly in Safari. Ouch! I really didn't want to do that since it is pretty cool in Firefox. The edits to my site boil down to code tweaks since I'm not a programmer, but I envisioned a simple, uncluttered site and accomplished it. I am continuously tweaking the code and wouldn't mind a little feedback from fellow Gallery Users.
Just curious - how long for submissions to be reviewed? I see new ones coming online daily, so I know someone is active on it... I'm excited to post a note to my users to come vote!
Took me about 3 days. And yea, I was refreshing every 15 minutes for a while too. ;)
All I can say is that we are doing moderation when we do. No guarantees made
h0bbel - Gallery Team
If you found my help useful, please consider donating to Gallery
3 days - Good to know! Refreshing every 15 minutes...
BTW, I think the site needs more COWBELL. ;-) Love that episode.
Two weeks now and still waiting.
I suspect you have many sites to approve so please accept my apology for bugging you - I just wanted to make sure mine didn't get lost in the shuffle:
Perhaps if I understood the dates used - does the date on the site indicate when it was SUBMITTED? or when it was APPROVED? If the former, then mine has definitely fallen through the cracks... :-|
Let me know...
I looked through our logs and it looks like your entry got deleted because the url you submitted had a trailing slash, so it redirected to a broken url. Would you try submitting it again? We usually approve new entries very quickly (within a day or two). Sorry about the hassle -- we're still working out some kinks with the submission workflow.
Done. Good thing I checked, eh?
Thanks, Bharat. Your product makes it all possible. I have a lot of work to fix performance, but the support forums are full of good ideas.
is it me or is the demosites page broken? I've refreshed twice now and I see a blank page.
Works for me now at least, but there might have been some issue earlier today.
h0bbel - Gallery Team
If you found my help useful, please consider donating to Gallery
Great Feature!
Not I can see where my site stands when compared to others!