I think I've found a couple of bugs with the plugin system in 2.2 RC1...
On the "Get more plugins" page, it's telling me that there's a new version of Gallery available, even though there isn't
The Download link there points to a non-existent page (http://codex.gallery2.org/download)
--------------------- The Oldiesmann SMF Project Manager SMF+G2 Integration Project - Beta3 Now Available!
Joined: 2007-01-29
Posts: 12
Posted: Fri, 2007-02-09 21:33
New Gallery is excellent. Well done guys. Here are my suggestions (may be helpful for others as well)
1. MP3 player should be enhanced so the whole album can be played in a single shot.
2. Flash MP3/ video player is not very intutive. Improve that as its going to help.
3. New URL Rewrite is very cool and helpful for SEO.
Everything else is just great. Any idea about this new improvement mentioned in point number 1 and 2?
1) The new version checker code is incorrectly checking the experimental repository in RC-1. I've fixed that for RC-2 already, but thanks for the report!
2) Doh! Fixed, thanks!
1) Good idea! Would you please file a feature request for it here: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=7130&atid=357130
2) We have a better version in the pipeline.. hopefully we'll be able to get it into 2.2, but if not it'll be available as a downloadable plugin after 2.2 ships
3) Thanks! We have plans to further improve it, too.
3) Thanks! We have plans to further improve it, too.
Hi Bharat,
First, a huge debt of thanks to you and the G2.2 team -- it's really an amazing product and you deserve much thanks and congradulations.
But regarding raviverm's point #3, I would like to add a public plea for improvements in the way G2.2 runs its SEO while embedded. It's beautiful as a standalone feature, but everything goes in the toilet when I try to implement it in Joomla. My G2.2 site is only meant to be seen in the larger framework of my Joomla-powered site, so I'm really stuck. And nobody seems to have any answers in any of the relevant forums.
So whether it's just a tweak or simple instructions on how to employ it, having SEF URLs is absolutely critical to many sites.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on this!
Many thanks again,
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Sat, 2007-02-10 16:40
Let's defer that discussion about SEO / embedded G2's to another forum topic. Thanks.
It's too late for such changes in G2.2, but they can be made in G2.3.
Maybe this is just a configuration issue and it needs to be looked at by someone more familiar with the inner workings of G2. I don't know. If it means major code changes, sure, I wouldn't think that it would be rolled into G2.2. Like I said in the other thread, I can't make it fly but I might just be missing something. But with the other empty threads, I figured I'd chime in here.
If it could it run with existing code, that would be amazing. But nobody seems to be able to get there. Any ideas?
Joined: 2006-10-09
Posts: 13
Posted: Sun, 2007-02-11 10:14
I just upgraded to 2.2 RC1, multi-site configuration. I'm having two issues.
Upon logging in, I get the following error
Authentication Failure
Your change cannot be completed due to a loss of session data. Please try again. If it still doesn't work, try logging out and logging back in.
Back to the Gallery
Error Detail -
* in modules\core\classes\GalleryController.class at line 235 (gallerycoreapi::error)
* in main.php at line 224 (gallerycontroller::assertisgenuinerequest)
* in main.php at line 94
* in main.php at line 83
* in main.php at line 3
System Information
Gallery version 2.2-rc-1
PHP version 4.4.4 cgi-fcgi
Webserver Microsoft-IIS/5.1
Database mysql 5.0.24a-community-nt
Toolkits Thumbnail, NetPBM
Operating system Windows NT SERVER 5.1 build 2600
Browser Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20061204 Firefox/
Upon clicking the "Back to Gallery" link, everything seems to be normal in that I'm logged in.
The second issue I've come across is that if I view any album with multiple pages and click the page number or "Next" link for the next page to view, I am returned to the main (top) page. Examining the URL, the "g2_itemId" parameter isn't being included.
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Sun, 2007-02-11 10:34
you need to change your server congiguration. gallery 2.2 doesn't work with php-cgi on IIS anymore.
we contacted microsoft but they couldn't help resolving the issue and ask all iis users to either use fastcgi (that's what they recommend) or isapi php.
Thank you for your assistance valiant, it's much appreciated!
I replaced IIS with Apache 2 and that solved the login issue. However, the page navigation is still broken. Clicking on the Next link or page number on a multi-page album still takes me back to the Gallery's top level page. Examining the URL, the "g2_itemId" parameter isn't being included.
if you switch to an official theme, floatrix or matrix, do you still have the same problem? (if so, please also try the latest version of those themes)
Ah, I had tried to change it from FloatingMatrix before my first post but user error kept it from sticking. I changed the theme selection and clicked the save button on the bottom of the page and not the save button right under the theme selections. I went in and changed all albums to Matrix and the page navigation now works fine. I also disabled all themes except the two you mentioned until I can review them. However, I was unable to disable FloatingMatrix - there was no delete/uninstall/etc selection next to it like on all the others.
New module recommendation: Admin Maintenance - Scan for known issues and incompatibilities
When I did so, the System Checks stage reports 40 missing files and 23 modified files. This message does not show up on a fresh install of RC1. The files all look to be localizations for LC_MESSAGES/themes_matrix.mo I did a directory compare (Beyond Compare from Scooter Software = love) and all the files in the setup directory matched the files in the zip file.
Joined: 2006-10-09
Posts: 13
Posted: Wed, 2007-02-14 05:38
When building thumbnails/resizes from the Admin maintenance menu (first time), I get the following repeated multiple times while the resize is in progress under SQL Express.
(ado_mssql): select @@rowcount
Edit: Registering plugins on a new multi-site install also generates the same message repeatedly.
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Wed, 2007-02-14 09:52
tomorrows nightly version should log those rowcount messages and display them only in debug mode.
Let me know if there's a better place to make suggestions about stuff like the following.
The "Album quick links" (DHMTL or dropdown) doesn't honor the sort applied to the gallery.
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Sat, 2007-02-17 10:48
in g2.2 with g2.2's albumselect module?
as far as i remember, there was a related bug in a previous version, but it works in g2.2. i just tested it, works fine.
Yup, pure 2.2 (multisite), and I just installed the latest nightly build and was able to duplicate. Using Matrix theme, album sort is to sort by title in ascending order. I played around with the rearrange items and the drop down honored it but didn't after I set the sort order back to title.
The Gallery quick links are not displayed in the same order as the folders but in the order they were created.
Another issue that just started this evening after I upload a lot of images is that I can navigate from album to album without issue but clicking on an image causes it to pause and then abort with no data sent (view source = blank). This started happening with the pure RC-1 install and continued after upgrading to the latest nightly build. Try to view any image at the above URL or click http://johnwbartlett.com:8080/photoalbums/main.php?g2_itemId=6475
Kicking off the build all thumbnail and resizes from the maintenance window aborts after sending the first JavaScript value. The last line in the View Source is the following JavaScript line (js tags removed):
updateProgressBar("Build All Thumbnails/Resizes", "", "0", "", "Memory used: 8733456, total: 256M");
Hrm, training issue on the sort order specified in admin -> album select when used along with album sort. Blah.
Not being able to view the images on my site has something to do with the admin role. While logged out or logged in as a normal user, clicking and viewing a picture works fine. While logged in as an admin user, none of the pictures display when clicked.
I wrote a program to simulate viewing the login page, extract the hidden variables, submit the login form, and then fetching the URL for an image and passing in the GALLERYSID cookie. I was able to duplicate. Status code=200, no content returned. While it's in the fetch lag, no images will be displayed anywhere (thumbnails or not) until it's done.
we still fail to understand how users end up with latin1 data in their database.
we know that most users had a latin1 database (database definition), but we stored UTF-8 data in the database from the beginning.
what's the exact history of your g2 database?
with what g2 version did you start?
what mysql server version did you have when you installed g2?
what's the mysql version now?
did you ever restore a g2 database backup (and about when was that)?
sorry for not searching the bug database before posting...
i originally imported my v1 gallery on my server running v2, running a mysql4 db on suse 9.x, about a year ago. then last november or so i changed servers and imported the gallery v2 into the mysql5 db (running on debian etch) on the new server (iirc)
sorry i don't have more detailed knowledge on this.
thankfully i do have database dump directly before the upgrade... what's the best way to restore it, especially to keep further such occurrences to a minimum... or should i just manually rename the albums and recreate the comments? i don't think it'd take more than 30 minutes...
thanks for any suggestions.
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Mon, 2007-02-19 17:52
thanks for the information. maybe it's helpful in actually finding a fix for that utf8 conversion issue. but i doubt it, it's a complicated matter.
@upgrading to g2.2:
if you want to upgrade to g2.2 without losing / truncating text data, you'll have to:
- restore your database
- edit modules/core/CoreModuleExtras.inc
around line ~ 3020 (line numbers change)
as i've already upgraded to 2.2 and don't have too many cases where it actually truncated data (i have many photos, but not a lot of friends and thusly not too many comments ) i'll just go the manual edit way.
i trust that now it really is in utf, this problem won't present itself again...
perhaps a big warning that "in isolated cases the upgrade may lead to data loss" on the rc-download page would lead to more people actually doing database backups before upgrading? (i did thankfully, but haven't always done in the past)... just a suggestion.
thanks again for the help (and the great software)
Joined: 2005-09-28
Posts: 40
Posted: Tue, 2007-02-20 01:50
how can I have an idea of the timeline of the next releases? I'm looking forward to the RC2 and final release ;)
I'm RC1 in my "production" environment and it just rocks!
Joined: 2006-10-09
Posts: 13
Posted: Wed, 2007-02-21 08:54
Concerning not being able to view an image when clicking to view while logged in as an Admin user...
The debug output only generated the following:
(ado_mssql): SELECT COUNT(g2_Item.g_id) FROM g2_Entity, g2_Item, g2_AccessSubscriberMap WHERE g2_Entity.g_entityType = 'GalleryAlbumItem' AND g2_Item.g_id = g2_Entity.g_id AND g2_AccessSubscriberMap.g_itemId = g2_Entity.g_id AND g2_AccessSubscriberMap.g_accessListId IN (5676,5680,5682,5684,5691,5699,8606,8608)
Now it's looking to be a database corruption issue. I ran the SQL directly against the database and ended up canceling it at 12 minutes. This particular SQL is only being executed when logged in as an Admin user. "select * from g2_Entity" also seems to hang part way through the result.
I tried to rebuild the indexes on g2_Entity but it failed with a "Lock request timeout period exceeded" error message on the PK. I tried dropping the PK manually but got the same long-execution as I did when I ran the SQL above.
Ah, a solution! Perform a full backup of the SQLENTERPRISE database and then restore it.
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Wed, 2007-02-21 09:15
that's weird. that particular query isn't that heavy. the same query with a hundred ids in the IN() clause would be a little heavier, but should still not take a long time given that you only have a few thousand items, i presume.
i also don't like that mssql isn't verbose about corrupted indices.
I just upgraded my 27,000-photo gallery to 2.2-rc1 and am enjoying it so far! I did have a problem early on, though. Not really sure what happened, but I was playing around with the themes since I haven't seen what others are out there for a while, and somehow all of my thumbnails came up as "broken." I tried numerous time to rebuild the thumbnails and always received nothing but error output. Then I went to the imagemagick settings and it would tell me the path/permissions are incorrect, even though they were fine (and nothing had even changed). I re-installed graphicsmagick, deactivated/uninstalled/reinstalled/actived the imagemagick module, and it didn't make a difference. Then I deinstalled graphicsmagick, installed imagemagick, and still no help. Finally I manually deleted the cache in the d2data directory and the rebuild mostly worked, There were still a LOT of photos for which the thumbnails were not built, but most of them came through fine, so I decided to just wait until I had more time.
So now I have installed NetPBM and changed the toolkit priority, and am regenerating thumbnails again and it seems to be working.
I've always heard that ImageMagick/GraphicsMagick produced better quality images than NetPBM, but if it constantly seems to have these issues, I'm wondering if NetPBM is the better choice after all... I've been searching the forums for an "ImageMagick v. NetPBM" thread but as of yet haven't found it. Any pointers?
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Sat, 2007-02-24 15:57
@image quality: not sure about that. a few years ago, Bharat compared them and found netpbm to provide the better results.
@imagemagick/graphicsmagick: something must have changed. if the tests in site admin -> imagemagick fail, something's wrong.
if you want to follow up on the imagemagick module discussion, please create a forum topic in the troubleshooting forum. thanks.
@upgrading to g2.2:
if you want to upgrade to g2.2 without losing / truncating text data, you'll have to:
- restore your database
- edit modules/core/CoreModuleExtras.inc
around line ~ 3020 (line numbers change)
Ok, i restored my database -
then i get the error "Database Error - An error has occurred while interacting with the database." if I try to view the gallery.
If i go to /upgrade/ he tells me everything is ok, and that "Gallery-Kern Modul Version: 1.2.0 (Gallery 2.2)" is installed ...
Where can I see if the Database restore worked? Which files do I have to restore that I can make an update?
Posts: 151
I think I've found a couple of bugs with the plugin system in 2.2 RC1...
On the "Get more plugins" page, it's telling me that there's a new version of Gallery available, even though there isn't
The Download link there points to a non-existent page (http://codex.gallery2.org/download)
The Oldiesmann
SMF Project Manager
SMF+G2 Integration Project - Beta3 Now Available!
Posts: 12
New Gallery is excellent. Well done guys. Here are my suggestions (may be helpful for others as well)
1. MP3 player should be enhanced so the whole album can be played in a single shot.
2. Flash MP3/ video player is not very intutive. Improve that as its going to help.
3. New URL Rewrite is very cool and helpful for SEO.
Everything else is just great. Any idea about this new improvement mentioned in point number 1 and 2?
try my Gallery here:
Posts: 7994
1) The new version checker code is incorrectly checking the experimental repository in RC-1. I've fixed that for RC-2 already, but thanks for the report!
2) Doh! Fixed, thanks!
1) Good idea! Would you please file a feature request for it here: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=7130&atid=357130
2) We have a better version in the pipeline.. hopefully we'll be able to get it into 2.2, but if not it'll be available as a downloadable plugin after 2.2 ships
3) Thanks! We have plans to further improve it, too.
Enter Gallery 2 Theme Contest today! $3K in cash prizes!
Posts: 41
Hi Bharat,
First, a huge debt of thanks to you and the G2.2 team -- it's really an amazing product and you deserve much thanks and congradulations.
But regarding raviverm's point #3, I would like to add a public plea for improvements in the way G2.2 runs its SEO while embedded. It's beautiful as a standalone feature, but everything goes in the toilet when I try to implement it in Joomla. My G2.2 site is only meant to be seen in the larger framework of my Joomla-powered site, so I'm really stuck. And nobody seems to have any answers in any of the relevant forums.
So whether it's just a tweak or simple instructions on how to employ it, having SEF URLs is absolutely critical to many sites.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on this!
Many thanks again,
Posts: 32509
Let's defer that discussion about SEO / embedded G2's to another forum topic. Thanks.
It's too late for such changes in G2.2, but they can be made in G2.3.
Enter the Gallery 2 Theme Contest today!
Posts: 41
I've started this topic before (see: http://gallery.menalto.com/node/60107 ) and it's empty.
Maybe this is just a configuration issue and it needs to be looked at by someone more familiar with the inner workings of G2. I don't know. If it means major code changes, sure, I wouldn't think that it would be rolled into G2.2. Like I said in the other thread, I can't make it fly but I might just be missing something. But with the other empty threads, I figured I'd chime in here.
If it could it run with existing code, that would be amazing. But nobody seems to be able to get there. Any ideas?
Posts: 13
I just upgraded to 2.2 RC1, multi-site configuration. I'm having two issues.
Upon logging in, I get the following error
Upon clicking the "Back to Gallery" link, everything seems to be normal in that I'm logged in.
The second issue I've come across is that if I view any album with multiple pages and click the page number or "Next" link for the next page to view, I am returned to the main (top) page. Examining the URL, the "g2_itemId" parameter isn't being included.
Posts: 32509
you need to change your server congiguration. gallery 2.2 doesn't work with php-cgi on IIS anymore.
we contacted microsoft but they couldn't help resolving the issue and ask all iis users to either use fastcgi (that's what they recommend) or isapi php.
see: documentation -> known issues -> iis.
Enter the Gallery 2 Theme Contest today!
Posts: 13
Thank you for your assistance valiant, it's much appreciated!
I replaced IIS with Apache 2 and that solved the login issue. However, the page navigation is still broken. Clicking on the Next link or page number on a multi-page album still takes me back to the Gallery's top level page. Examining the URL, the "g2_itemId" parameter isn't being included.
Example: http://strangejourney.net:8080/photos/main.php?g2_itemId=101
Six pages in all. Clicking them doesn't take me to the expected page.
Posts: 32509
you're using a 3rd party theme, floatingmatrix.
if you switch to an official theme, floatrix or matrix, do you still have the same problem? (if so, please also try the latest version of those themes)
Enter the Gallery 2 Theme Contest today!
Posts: 13
Ah, I had tried to change it from FloatingMatrix before my first post but user error kept it from sticking. I changed the theme selection and clicked the save button on the bottom of the page and not the save button right under the theme selections. I went in and changed all albums to Matrix and the page navigation now works fine. I also disabled all themes except the two you mentioned until I can review them. However, I was unable to disable FloatingMatrix - there was no delete/uninstall/etc selection next to it like on all the others.
New module recommendation: Admin Maintenance - Scan for known issues and incompatibilities
Posts: 13
The RC1 upgrade instructions located at http://codex.gallery2.org/index.php?title=Gallery2:Download&oldid=12339 state that to upgrade from an earlier version of Gallery2, simply drop the files on top of the existing version and open the gallery then follow the instructions.
When I did so, the System Checks stage reports 40 missing files and 23 modified files. This message does not show up on a fresh install of RC1. The files all look to be localizations for LC_MESSAGES/themes_matrix.mo I did a directory compare (Beyond Compare from Scooter Software = love) and all the files in the setup directory matched the files in the zip file.
Posts: 13
When building thumbnails/resizes from the Admin maintenance menu (first time), I get the following repeated multiple times while the resize is in progress under SQL Express.
(ado_mssql): select @@rowcount
Edit: Registering plugins on a new multi-site install also generates the same message repeatedly.
Posts: 32509
tomorrows nightly version should log those rowcount messages and display them only in debug mode.
Enter the Gallery 2 Theme Contest today!
Posts: 13
So, just downloading the RC1 file again will give me the latest build?
Posts: 32509
nope, by downloading the latest nightly snaptshot (what we call "latest experimental code" on the download page).
Doumentation: Support / Troubleshooting | Installation, Upgrade, Configuration and Usage
Posts: 13
Let me know if there's a better place to make suggestions about stuff like the following.
The "Album quick links" (DHMTL or dropdown) doesn't honor the sort applied to the gallery.
Posts: 32509
in g2.2 with g2.2's albumselect module?
as far as i remember, there was a related bug in a previous version, but it works in g2.2. i just tested it, works fine.
Doumentation: Support / Troubleshooting | Installation, Upgrade, Configuration and Usage
Posts: 13
Yup, pure 2.2 (multisite), and I just installed the latest nightly build and was able to duplicate. Using Matrix theme, album sort is to sort by title in ascending order. I played around with the rearrange items and the drop down honored it but didn't after I set the sort order back to title.
The Gallery quick links are not displayed in the same order as the folders but in the order they were created.
Another issue that just started this evening after I upload a lot of images is that I can navigate from album to album without issue but clicking on an image causes it to pause and then abort with no data sent (view source = blank). This started happening with the pure RC-1 install and continued after upgrading to the latest nightly build. Try to view any image at the above URL or click http://johnwbartlett.com:8080/photoalbums/main.php?g2_itemId=6475
Kicking off the build all thumbnail and resizes from the maintenance window aborts after sending the first JavaScript value. The last line in the View Source is the following JavaScript line (js tags removed):
updateProgressBar("Build All Thumbnails/Resizes", "", "0", "", "Memory used: 8733456, total: 256M");
A sister multisite installation at http://johnwbartlett.com:8080/photos has none of these issues (save the sort).
Posts: 32509
> I played around with the rearrange items and the drop down honored it but didn't after I set the sort order back to title.
rearrange (reorger) doesn't do anything if you sort by title (or sort by anything but manual sort order, for that matter).
if albumselect's sort order is set to manual (site admin -> album select), then rearranging should show an effect. else it shouldn't.
> Another issue that just started this evening
i can browse your g2 without any issues.
@maintenance task:
please follow up on that in the support forums.
Doumentation: Support / Troubleshooting | Installation, Upgrade, Configuration and Usage
Posts: 13
Hrm, training issue on the sort order specified in admin -> album select when used along with album sort. Blah.
Not being able to view the images on my site has something to do with the admin role. While logged out or logged in as a normal user, clicking and viewing a picture works fine. While logged in as an admin user, none of the pictures display when clicked.
I wrote a program to simulate viewing the login page, extract the hidden variables, submit the login form, and then fetching the URL for an image and passing in the GALLERYSID cookie. I was able to duplicate. Status code=200, no content returned. While it's in the fetch lag, no images will be displayed anywhere (thumbnails or not) until it's done.
You can run the simulation yourself at http://johnwbartlett.com/testg2.cfm
Posts: 32509
i sure can't reproduce that problem with my own g2.2 installation.
you'd have to enable 'logged' debugging (FAQ: How to set/use Gallery in debug mode?) to find out what g2 is actually doing on those requests.
i'd logout / login again to clear your session data.
Doumentation: Support / Troubleshooting | Installation, Upgrade, Configuration and Usage
Posts: 26
POSSIBLE BUG while doing the database conversion during upgrade:
i just upgraded from 2.1 to 2.2rc1... everything went fine, no error messages. gallery 2.2 promises to be a great update
but now everything, from album titles to picture comments are cut off at the exact point where originally there was a german umlaut (äöüßÄÖÜ etc)
e.g., the album title "persönliches" is now "pers", a comment "ich wäre gern dabei gewesen" is now "ich w"
am on
MySQL 5.0.32... engine=MyISAM, default charset=latin1, (from the "before" dump)
if you need some information from the dump before or after update, feel free to ask
Posts: 32509
we're aware of this issue and hope you have a backup.
we still fail to understand how users end up with latin1 data in their database.
we know that most users had a latin1 database (database definition), but we stored UTF-8 data in the database from the beginning.
what's the exact history of your g2 database?
with what g2 version did you start?
what mysql server version did you have when you installed g2?
what's the mysql version now?
did you ever restore a g2 database backup (and about when was that)?
Doumentation: Support / Troubleshooting | Installation, Upgrade, Configuration and Usage
Posts: 26
sorry for not searching the bug database before posting...
i originally imported my v1 gallery on my server running v2, running a mysql4 db on suse 9.x, about a year ago. then last november or so i changed servers and imported the gallery v2 into the mysql5 db (running on debian etch) on the new server (iirc)
sorry i don't have more detailed knowledge on this.
thankfully i do have database dump directly before the upgrade... what's the best way to restore it, especially to keep further such occurrences to a minimum... or should i just manually rename the albums and recreate the comments? i don't think it'd take more than 30 minutes...
thanks for any suggestions.
Posts: 32509
thanks for the information. maybe it's helpful in actually finding a fix for that utf8 conversion issue. but i doubt it, it's a complicated matter.
please see:
@upgrading to g2.2:
if you want to upgrade to g2.2 without losing / truncating text data, you'll have to:
- restore your database
- edit modules/core/CoreModuleExtras.inc
around line ~ 3020 (line numbers change)
Doumentation: Support / Troubleshooting | Installation, Upgrade, Configuration and Usage
Posts: 26
as i've already upgraded to 2.2 and don't have too many cases where it actually truncated data (i have many photos, but not a lot of friends and thusly not too many comments
) i'll just go the manual edit way.
i trust that now it really is in utf, this problem won't present itself again...
perhaps a big warning that "in isolated cases the upgrade may lead to data loss" on the rc-download page would lead to more people actually doing database backups before upgrading? (i did thankfully, but haven't always done in the past)... just a suggestion.
thanks again for the help (and the great software)
Posts: 40
how can I have an idea of the timeline of the next releases? I'm looking forward to the RC2 and final release ;)
I'm RC1 in my "production" environment and it just rocks!
Posts: 13
Concerning not being able to view an image when clicking to view while logged in as an Admin user...
The debug output only generated the following:
Now it's looking to be a database corruption issue. I ran the SQL directly against the database and ended up canceling it at 12 minutes. This particular SQL is only being executed when logged in as an Admin user. "select * from g2_Entity" also seems to hang part way through the result.
I tried to rebuild the indexes on g2_Entity but it failed with a "Lock request timeout period exceeded" error message on the PK. I tried dropping the PK manually but got the same long-execution as I did when I ran the SQL above.
Ah, a solution! Perform a full backup of the SQLENTERPRISE database and then restore it.
Posts: 32509
that's weird. that particular query isn't that heavy. the same query with a hundred ids in the IN() clause would be a little heavier, but should still not take a long time given that you only have a few thousand items, i presume.
i also don't like that mssql isn't verbose about corrupted indices.
Doumentation: Support / Troubleshooting | Installation, Upgrade, Configuration and Usage
Posts: 36
I just upgraded my 27,000-photo gallery to 2.2-rc1 and am enjoying it so far! I did have a problem early on, though. Not really sure what happened, but I was playing around with the themes since I haven't seen what others are out there for a while, and somehow all of my thumbnails came up as "broken." I tried numerous time to rebuild the thumbnails and always received nothing but error output. Then I went to the imagemagick settings and it would tell me the path/permissions are incorrect, even though they were fine (and nothing had even changed). I re-installed graphicsmagick, deactivated/uninstalled/reinstalled/actived the imagemagick module, and it didn't make a difference. Then I deinstalled graphicsmagick, installed imagemagick, and still no help. Finally I manually deleted the cache in the d2data directory and the rebuild mostly worked, There were still a LOT of photos for which the thumbnails were not built, but most of them came through fine, so I decided to just wait until I had more time.
So now I have installed NetPBM and changed the toolkit priority, and am regenerating thumbnails again and it seems to be working.
I've always heard that ImageMagick/GraphicsMagick produced better quality images than NetPBM, but if it constantly seems to have these issues, I'm wondering if NetPBM is the better choice after all... I've been searching the forums for an "ImageMagick v. NetPBM" thread but as of yet haven't found it. Any pointers?
Posts: 32509
@image quality: not sure about that. a few years ago, Bharat compared them and found netpbm to provide the better results.
@imagemagick/graphicsmagick: something must have changed. if the tests in site admin -> imagemagick fail, something's wrong.
if you want to follow up on the imagemagick module discussion, please create a forum topic in the troubleshooting forum. thanks.
Doumentation: Support / Troubleshooting | Installation, Upgrade, Configuration and Usage
Posts: 28
Ok, i restored my database -
then i get the error "Database Error - An error has occurred while interacting with the database." if I try to view the gallery.
If i go to /upgrade/ he tells me everything is ok, and that "Gallery-Kern Modul Version: 1.2.0 (Gallery 2.2)" is installed ...
Where can I see if the Database restore worked? Which files do I have to restore that I can make an update?
Posts: 32509
if you have a backup from your gallery from before the upgrade, you need to restore it to run the upgrade again.
instructions on how to restore a backup can be found at:
Doumentation: Support / Troubleshooting | Installation, Upgrade, Configuration and Usage
Posts: 7994
@habakuk: we also need to roll back your g2data/versions.dat file, which is a cache of your Gallery core module version. In your database, do:
Then take that value and put it on line 1 of g2data/versions.dat. Then the upgrader should believe that you've rolled back the database properly.