Not sure where to post this, and don't clearly see a "Submit bug" link on site.
Seems as if in the new RC2, the URL Rewrite has broken the ISAPI Rewrite ini. If I check "Allow empty referer?" within the config, it produces a line like below, and ISAPI Rewrite gives an error of "Bad regular expression at lines 18 - 25."
RewriteCond Referer: (?!)
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Mon, 2007-03-12 02:10
1. i just tested this with iis 5.1 and isapi_rewrite lite. it works. no errors, and the rewrite rules and referer checks work as expected.
2. you can file bugs at -> trackers -> bugs.
please describe your case in details and include version numbers for all components (iis, isapi_rewrite, ...) that are involved.
btw: where does it show that error?
update: i see the error now, it's in some isapi parse error log.
but the rules still seem to work fine.
i'll see what we can do to get rid of the error.
- the parse error is only logged when you update the rewrite rules.
- the rules seem to work anyway.
- we might change the rule to be (?!.{0}) instead of (?!) to avoid the parse error logging.
anyone experienced problems trying to manage plugins with G2.2RC2 in other language than english ?
In my case, when going to Plugins, I don't have activate/deactivate/install/uninstall links...
language is ROmanian.
Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Mon, 2007-03-12 19:38
serbanc.. I see the same behavior with Romanian. Thanks for the report, we'll get it fixed.
Joined: 2006-05-19
Posts: 314
Posted: Mon, 2007-03-12 19:59
however, in french it works. could be a problem with the translation ?
i also did the RO translation....
Joined: 2007-02-06
Posts: 129
Posted: Mon, 2007-03-12 21:41
There seems to be a minor bug with the EXIF.
If you try to toggle between summary and detail, the EXIF disappears.
you seem to referring to the carbon theme.
The exif overlay closes when you change the exif detail mode. just click on the exif button again and you'll see the exif data in detail mode.
it's not necessarily a bug, but i agree that it would be nicer if the overlay wouldn't close.
Here are some pretty pictures of G2. These are callgraphs for a generic rc2-svn install
with 2 small albums. The first is just the top-level main.php request:
Both of these are without G2 acceleration turned on.
I like to do these to get an idea of where an app is spending its time and it is often usefulfor the developers to verify their performance assumptions.
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Tue, 2007-03-13 11:00
Thanks. We're using callgrind / kcachegrind from time to time already. I guess for me it was after your PHP demo at Google MV that I gave it a shot.
We'll need to do it again for G2.3 since there's still a lot of room for improvement.
BTW: I think the second graph is a nice example of where the CPU cycles go when G2 still has to generate thumbnails and resizes. It shows a Gallery after adding some pictures.
But it's not representative for a Gallery in a more or less steady state.
You may want to build all your thumbs/resizes in site admin -> maintenance -> build thumbs/resizes to reach this state.
PS: Any help on performance optimizations (or anything else) is more than welcome. So if you see something specific, please let us know.
Sorry but I have to disagree. When you click on something you expect to see it. I'd doubt this is what the developer intended and I gather from your post that this only happens for carbon.
I know its low priority, but would I have to put in a request for this?
My wife loves using gallery, moved her over from using Yahoo photos. One thing she likes to do with Yahoo photos is create a batch of photos and email them out to family and friends. Is this feature somewhere within Gallery?
Also, the cart is somewhat good feature, but how the heck am I supposed to view it after leaving it. There is no "my cart" button??? Only way I can get back into it is add another photo to it...
Joined: 2003-11-25
Posts: 46
Posted: Tue, 2007-03-13 16:30
The new thing since that talk at Google is the addition of aggregate profiling to xdebug. In your ini file add:
xdebug.profiler_aggregate = On
and it will then maintain profiling numbers over a series of requests whereas before you could only profile a single request.
And yes, I know I didn't graph G2 in a steady state. I wanted to see what called what to get an idea of how the code was organized.
I think it would be a worthwhile addition to the developer docs to provide a couple of graphs like these to help explain the overall
system to new developers.
Joined: 2007-02-25
Posts: 15
Posted: Tue, 2007-03-13 16:33
valiant wrote:
why should this specific rule be case-insensitive? only domain names are case-insensitive. the rest of an URL isn't.
It’s not the rule that you’re telling to be insensitive, it applies to all conditions as well.
From thier docs.
I (ignore case)
Indicates that characters are matched regardless of a case. This flag affects RewriteRule directive and all corresponding RewriteCond directives.
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Tue, 2007-03-13 16:38
I used the xdebug aggregate function already. It's neat to get an average but also to get an over-all impression as you pointed out.
A call-graph for documentation purposes? Sounds like a good idea. I'm adding a doc request on such that the idea doesn't get forgotten.
Wife just called me asking why the Gallery is broken. Page comes up, but all pictures where X. And no links worked to albums. After a while of trying to figure out why it works for me and it doesn't for her, she emailed me a screen shot. She was going to http://www.?????.com/gallery and I was going to http://www.?????.com/Gallery. When I changed mine to lower case, low and behold it did the same, no images and album links failed.
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Tue, 2007-03-13 16:45
I've updated your bug report. Your example is incorrect since it's doesn't need to be case-insensitive. But we can use it for rules that do referer checking.
We won't add the I flag to all G2 isapi rules. In general, URIs are case-sensitive. Domain names are not.
It doesn't make too much sense to make G2 URIs case-insensitive for IIS/Isapi_rewrite (just because Windows FS access is case-insensitive) while having it case-sensitive for all other setups. It would be inconsistent and when migrating your platform (e.g. to apache or to linux), you'll end up with a lot of broken links if you got used to case-insensitive URLs.
I suggest you change all your ibound links to use the same case for the gallery folder.
This is rediculous, make it an option, not a rule it out completely because a feud between operating systems. If I have to tell our customers that we host and my wife that they have to type in the URL exactly, and it's case sensitive is rediculous. And I'm sure that there are many others that agree, make it an option.
Direct copy from conversation between wife and I on this subject.
MSN Conversation wrote:
GotzBoost says:
It was because you where going to gallery, and the setup was Gallery. It was case sensitive. I turned it off, and it works now.
Carissa says:
GotzBoost says:
try it
Carissa says:
how stupid
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Tue, 2007-03-13 17:10
- We can't change it for G2.2, it's too late for that (risk management).
- Doing this change means adding code / special handling for isapi_rewrite. I'd consider it a feature request.
- We'll gladly fix the isapi_rewrite referer case-sensivity after G2.2 has been released.
Besides: You can easily add the I in your http.ini yourself.
It just doesn't make much sense to make our code more complex / invest development resources to have a special case for isapi_rewrite which is probably desired by a tiny fraction of isapi_rewrite users.
There's a democratic element in the gallery community to see if there's a larger interest in a feature.
Please use (file a feature request, get other users to vote for the same feature request).
guys, any solution for the romanian language problems ? or any hints to follow ?
[edit]: sorry, found the fix into SVN....thanks mindless
Joined: 2007-02-06
Posts: 129
Posted: Tue, 2007-03-20 13:48
I've just realised that with the Vista Shadow Carbon image frame turned on for the carbon theme, it doesn't show because it's the same colour as the background. To make it visible you need the change the album background to be the darker of the two shades (background2) in the first line in album.tpl:
[EDIT] My mistake - the shadow looks so small when the thumb is larger than about 160 that it hardly shows. The effect you get when you change the background to the darker shade is actually quite good!
# Misleading "feature" 298353: Add Network Place Wizard Saves the Location http://<server> as \\<server> in a Network Shortcut
* Workaround: use a port number after the domain, or use a trailing /. or a /# on any URL to use WebDAV properly in the setup wizard.
o e.g.:
o e.g.:
o e.g.:
* Explanation: the :port number on the domain name, the trailing slash dot "/.", or slash pound "/#" at the end of the URL prevents the bug which interprets the resource as a M$ network drive/SMB server.
* Observation: It's funny how proprietary networking would win out over Internet standards and it's funny that M$ hasn't fixed this in WinXP: Home. Could this situation be marketing driven? That rationale could be to not fix the bug and accomplish the following: 1) force upgrades to WinXP Pro over Home edition, 2) keep proprietary standards for M$ customer infrastructure lock-in.
Joined: 2007-03-02
Posts: 2
Posted: Mon, 2007-03-26 07:15
Hello, I wanted to know if one thinks to implement a functionality to make the authentication by OpenLDAP or somebody this trying. Thanks.
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Mon, 2007-03-26 13:25
this is the wrong discussion thread to discuss that matter.
i'll reply to your other forum topic.
G2.2 RC-2 is a few months old. Meanwhile, we've released G2.2 officially, G2.2.2 has been released too.
Joined: 2007-07-08
Posts: 9
Posted: Tue, 2007-08-28 10:09
Ive tried gallery 2.2.2.. cant say im impressed.. goin back to Plogger. No need for a such massive and bloated software. You should seriuosly take a look at the filestructure ffs!
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Tue, 2007-08-28 13:07
It's as bloated as you want it to be. Don't install any modules / features you don't want.
And we've made a big improvement concerning the file structure in G2.3. All the locale/ folders are gone (counting all plugins, more than 3000 directories are gone).
And the packages will be available without any language packages. Over all plugins, that's 2000 files less on your server if you want to run it in English only.
Can't wait for G2.3. Any idea of when we can expect to see it released? Next month? October?
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Tue, 2007-08-28 19:08
Release Candidate(s) in a few weeks. (Yes, there is a few weeks in a month and a few weeks in a couple of months as well).
Maybe more maybe less. ;-)
You should know that we never commit to anything.
The standard answer:
Posts: 8601
See Site Admin / Album Select for info on sort order. It should not be different in different browsers though.
Posts: 1
feedback: when uploading multiple files from local server, I get message 0 files uploaded, but still all images seem to be uploaded correctly.
Posts: 32509
i can't reproduce that problem. it works fine for me.
please post a topic in the support forums if you'd like to discuss this issue further.
Doumentation: Support / Troubleshooting | Installation, Upgrade, Configuration and Usage
Posts: 15
Not sure where to post this, and don't clearly see a "Submit bug" link on site.
Seems as if in the new RC2, the URL Rewrite has broken the ISAPI Rewrite ini. If I check "Allow empty referer?" within the config, it produces a line like below, and ISAPI Rewrite gives an error of "Bad regular expression at lines 18 - 25."
RewriteCond Referer: (?!)
Posts: 32509
1. i just tested this with iis 5.1 and isapi_rewrite lite. it works. no errors, and the rewrite rules and referer checks work as expected.
2. you can file bugs at -> trackers -> bugs.
please describe your case in details and include version numbers for all components (iis, isapi_rewrite, ...) that are involved.
btw: where does it show that error?
update: i see the error now, it's in some isapi parse error log.
but the rules still seem to work fine.
i'll see what we can do to get rid of the error.
Doumentation: Support / Troubleshooting | Installation, Upgrade, Configuration and Usage
Posts: 32509
- the parse error is only logged when you update the rewrite rules.
- the rules seem to work anyway.
- we might change the rule to be (?!.{0}) instead of (?!) to avoid the parse error logging.
Doumentation: Support / Troubleshooting | Installation, Upgrade, Configuration and Usage
Posts: 314
anyone experienced problems trying to manage plugins with G2.2RC2 in other language than english ?
In my case, when going to Plugins, I don't have activate/deactivate/install/uninstall links...
language is ROmanian.
Posts: 8601
serbanc.. I see the same behavior with Romanian. Thanks for the report, we'll get it fixed.
Posts: 314
however, in french it works. could be a problem with the translation ?
i also did the RO translation....
Posts: 129
There seems to be a minor bug with the EXIF.
If you try to toggle between summary and detail, the EXIF disappears.
my gallery
Posts: 32509
you seem to referring to the carbon theme.
The exif overlay closes when you change the exif detail mode. just click on the exif button again and you'll see the exif data in detail mode.
it's not necessarily a bug, but i agree that it would be nicer if the overlay wouldn't close.
Doumentation: Support / Troubleshooting | Installation, Upgrade, Configuration and Usage
Posts: 46
Here are some pretty pictures of G2. These are callgraphs for a generic rc2-svn install
with 2 small albums. The first is just the top-level main.php request:
And here is an aggregate profiling run of what I would consider normal usage clicking
around the albums and doing a bit of site admin work:
Both of these are without G2 acceleration turned on.
I like to do these to get an idea of where an app is spending its time and it is often usefulfor the developers to verify their performance assumptions.
Posts: 32509
Thanks. We're using callgrind / kcachegrind from time to time already. I guess for me it was after your PHP demo at Google MV that I gave it a shot.
We'll need to do it again for G2.3 since there's still a lot of room for improvement.
BTW: I think the second graph is a nice example of where the CPU cycles go when G2 still has to generate thumbnails and resizes. It shows a Gallery after adding some pictures.
But it's not representative for a Gallery in a more or less steady state.
You may want to build all your thumbs/resizes in site admin -> maintenance -> build thumbs/resizes to reach this state.
PS: Any help on performance optimizations (or anything else) is more than welcome. So if you see something specific, please let us know.
Doumentation: Support / Troubleshooting | Installation, Upgrade, Configuration and Usage
Posts: 129
Sorry but I have to disagree. When you click on something you expect to see it. I'd doubt this is what the developer intended and I gather from your post that this only happens for carbon.
I know its low priority, but would I have to put in a request for this?
my gallery
Posts: 15
Congratulations Everyone for the release of 2.2 version.
Well I have a doubt.. will be glad if someone helps..
Is there any script (patch) to upgrade gallery2.1 to 2.2.. retaining my old data .
Posts: 129
Yukti - see
It's quite simple and straightforward to just replace the old files with the new ones.
Make sure you back up your files and database first though. There's lots of documentation on this.
my gallery
Posts: 32509
> I know its low priority, but would I have to put in a request for this?
please file a bug at -> trackers -> bugs.
Doumentation: Support / Troubleshooting | Installation, Upgrade, Configuration and Usage
Posts: 15
Thanks G!!
I am done with the upgrade .. hmm I learnt to be more patient and careful while work today ...
gr8 version created.. Cheers to all !!!
regards n care
Posts: 15
With the ISAPI Rewrite mod.
It is creating case sensitive matches, it needs to add an “I” flag to the end of each RewriteRule.
RewriteCond URL /Gallery/v/([^?]+)(?:\?.*)?
RewriteRule ([^?]*)(?:\?(.*))? /Gallery/main.php?g2_path=$1&$3 [N,L]
RewriteCond URL /Gallery/v/([^?]+)(?:\?.*)?
RewriteRule ([^?]*)(?:\?(.*))? /Gallery/main.php?g2_path=$1&$3 [I,N,L]
I will create a bug report.
Posts: 32509
why should this specific rule be case-insensitive? only domain names are case-insensitive. the rest of an URL isn't.
Doumentation: Support / Troubleshooting | Installation, Upgrade, Configuration and Usage
Posts: 15
My wife loves using gallery, moved her over from using Yahoo photos. One thing she likes to do with Yahoo photos is create a batch of photos and email them out to family and friends. Is this feature somewhere within Gallery?
Also, the cart is somewhat good feature, but how the heck am I supposed to view it after leaving it. There is no "my cart" button??? Only way I can get back into it is add another photo to it...
Posts: 46
The new thing since that talk at Google is the addition of aggregate profiling to xdebug. In your ini file add:
xdebug.profiler_aggregate = On
and it will then maintain profiling numbers over a series of requests whereas before you could only profile a single request.
And yes, I know I didn't graph G2 in a steady state. I wanted to see what called what to get an idea of how the code was organized.
I think it would be a worthwhile addition to the developer docs to provide a couple of graphs like these to help explain the overall
system to new developers.
Posts: 15
It’s not the rule that you’re telling to be insensitive, it applies to all conditions as well.
From thier docs.
I (ignore case)
Indicates that characters are matched regardless of a case. This flag affects RewriteRule directive and all corresponding RewriteCond directives.
Posts: 32509
I used the xdebug aggregate function already. It's neat to get an average but also to get an over-all impression as you pointed out.
A call-graph for documentation purposes? Sounds like a good idea. I'm adding a doc request on such that the idea doesn't get forgotten.
Doumentation: Support / Troubleshooting | Installation, Upgrade, Configuration and Usage
Posts: 15
And a reason why it needs to be case-insensitive.
Wife just called me asking why the Gallery is broken. Page comes up, but all pictures where X. And no links worked to albums. After a while of trying to figure out why it works for me and it doesn't for her, she emailed me a screen shot. She was going to http://www.?????.com/gallery and I was going to http://www.?????.com/Gallery. When I changed mine to lower case, low and behold it did the same, no images and album links failed.
Posts: 32509
I've updated your bug report. Your example is incorrect since it's doesn't need to be case-insensitive. But we can use it for rules that do referer checking.
Doumentation: Support / Troubleshooting | Installation, Upgrade, Configuration and Usage
Posts: 32509
We won't add the I flag to all G2 isapi rules. In general, URIs are case-sensitive. Domain names are not.
It doesn't make too much sense to make G2 URIs case-insensitive for IIS/Isapi_rewrite (just because Windows FS access is case-insensitive) while having it case-sensitive for all other setups. It would be inconsistent and when migrating your platform (e.g. to apache or to linux), you'll end up with a lot of broken links if you got used to case-insensitive URLs.
I suggest you change all your ibound links to use the same case for the gallery folder.
Doumentation: Support / Troubleshooting | Installation, Upgrade, Configuration and Usage
Posts: 15
This is rediculous, make it an option, not a rule it out completely because a feud between operating systems. If I have to tell our customers that we host and my wife that they have to type in the URL exactly, and it's case sensitive is rediculous. And I'm sure that there are many others that agree, make it an option.
Direct copy from conversation between wife and I on this subject.
Posts: 32509
- We can't change it for G2.2, it's too late for that (risk management).
- Doing this change means adding code / special handling for isapi_rewrite. I'd consider it a feature request.
- We'll gladly fix the isapi_rewrite referer case-sensivity after G2.2 has been released.
Besides: You can easily add the I in your http.ini yourself.
It just doesn't make much sense to make our code more complex / invest development resources to have a special case for isapi_rewrite which is probably desired by a tiny fraction of isapi_rewrite users.
There's a democratic element in the gallery community to see if there's a larger interest in a feature.
Please use (file a feature request, get other users to vote for the same feature request).
Thanks for your understanding.
Doumentation: Support / Troubleshooting | Installation, Upgrade, Configuration and Usage
Posts: 314
guys, any solution for the romanian language problems ? or any hints to follow ?
[edit]: sorry, found the fix into SVN....thanks mindless
Posts: 129
I've just realised that with the Vista Shadow Carbon image frame turned on for the carbon theme, it doesn't show because it's the same colour as the background. To make it visible you need the change the album background to be the darker of the two shades (background2) in the first line in album.tpl:
<table class="gcBackground2" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
[EDIT] My mistake - the shadow looks so small when the thumb is larger than about 160 that it hardly shows. The effect you get when you change the background to the darker shade is actually quite good!
my gallery
Posts: 14
In REF Gallery2.2 RC2 & WEBDAV connections via WINXP
The Problem: When i entered the webdav url as explained on the gallery2 page for webdav i was unable to login using winxp pro (SP2)
The solution is below in the mess that I'm not quite sure how to explain. But I have links referencin my source.
The end result is that I had to use the following URL:
Example (Notice the # at the end)
and nothing else I tried would work.
I attempted to document this find on the wiki however I dont have rights or perms.... so I'm passing this along
My source is here:
# Misleading "feature" 298353: Add Network Place Wizard Saves the Location http://<server> as \\<server> in a Network Shortcut
* Workaround: use a port number after the domain, or use a trailing /. or a /# on any URL to use WebDAV properly in the setup wizard.
o e.g.:
o e.g.:
o e.g.:
* Explanation: the :port number on the domain name, the trailing slash dot "/.", or slash pound "/#" at the end of the URL prevents the bug which interprets the resource as a M$ network drive/SMB server.
* Observation: It's funny how proprietary networking would win out over Internet standards and it's funny that M$ hasn't fixed this in WinXP: Home. Could this situation be marketing driven? That rationale could be to not fix the bug and accomplish the following: 1) force upgrades to WinXP Pro over Home edition, 2) keep proprietary standards for M$ customer infrastructure lock-in.
Posts: 2
Hello, I wanted to know if one thinks to implement a functionality to make the authentication by OpenLDAP or somebody this trying. Thanks.
Posts: 32509
this is the wrong discussion thread to discuss that matter.
i'll reply to your other forum topic.
Doumentation: Support / Troubleshooting | Installation, Upgrade, Configuration and Usage
Posts: 25
It is released.
Posts: 9
Thank you guys for RC2. Great work!!
Posts: 32509
G2.2 RC-2 is a few months old. Meanwhile, we've released G2.2 officially, G2.2.2 has been released too.
Posts: 9
Ive tried gallery 2.2.2.. cant say im impressed.. goin back to Plogger. No need for a such massive and bloated software. You should seriuosly take a look at the filestructure ffs!
Posts: 32509
It's as bloated as you want it to be. Don't install any modules / features you don't want.
And we've made a big improvement concerning the file structure in G2.3. All the locale/ folders are gone (counting all plugins, more than 3000 directories are gone).
And the packages will be available without any language packages. Over all plugins, that's 2000 files less on your server if you want to run it in English only.
Documentation: Support / Troubleshooting | Installation, Upgrade, Configuration and Usage
Posts: 344
Can't wait for G2.3. Any idea of when we can expect to see it released? Next month? October?
Posts: 27300
Release Candidate(s) in a few weeks. (Yes, there is a few weeks in a month and a few weeks in a couple of months as well).
Maybe more maybe less. ;-)
You should know that we never commit to anything.
The standard answer:

Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 344
So.........any idea when to expect the new G2.3?
I want it for CHristmas!
Posts: 344
We're getting closer to Christmas....are we gonna have a nice christmas present from the gallery team soon?!
Posts: 38
Here I am, asking the same question that was asked last year. When can we expect Gallery 2.3?
Posts: 32509
Documentation: Support / Troubleshooting | Installation, Upgrade, Configuration and Usage
Posts: 34
is there any way i can download this version again? i have some problems upgrading and the only way to restore my gallery is to reinstall this version
Posts: 7994
The links on this page should still work:
Be warned that they might fail the first few times since the mirrors probably don't have those files anymore.