Installation went smoothly. The need to add the 'var' directory during installation was unexpected. Also, that window (prompting me to add 'var') lets me fill in the database credentials (which I did) but once it has verified 'var' it reset the credentials and I needed to fill them in again. Seems that it could just take it one step at a time there.
The first image I uploaded didn't seem to 'take' as the browser status bar went to 'done' but the dialog box remained. I closed the dialog but the image never showed up (but there was definitely an entry for it). Second one was fine and I deleted the first.
It wasn't at all apparent how I could upload more than one image at a time.
Also it would be nice if (when a dialog box appears) the cursor is set active in the first field. Clicking to put the cursor there is a bit silly as there is no other likely action the user will be taking.
Joined: 2008-04-10
Posts: 67
Posted: Tue, 2009-02-03 12:42
Will test it soon. Please change the forum name to Gallery 3, it is Galler 3 now.
Joined: 2006-12-06
Posts: 358
Posted: Tue, 2009-02-03 13:33
jelzo: thanks and corrected.
AntonLargiader: Thanks for the feedback, At the moment, there is only the single image upload, Although there are plans for a more friendly uploader. You can follow the progress towards the final release here:
Installed on Windows Server 2008 Apache/2.2.4 (Win32) PHP/5.2.8-x64. Smooth!
Couldn't agree more to AntonLargiader's comment on login window. Please set cursor active at the login name field.
Can Add an album.
Failed to Add a photo:
-Add Photo to Gallery window does pop up.
-Can select desired file.
-Left all fields empty, select a file, click Upload -> browser busy for a sec or 2 then Done; but nth happen! no item added~
-Input full file name as Name and Title, click Upload -> browser busy for a sec or 2 then Done; refresh the page; item is added BUT WAIT, it's just an entity and the photo is not displayed, see this
-\var\uploads does contain the files I've tried to upload
My feelings on UI:
-yeah, much simpler than G2, just clean!
-operation is more direct: fewer clicks / page loads to do the same thing (like move item, make highlight, etc)
So far...
Joined: 2009-02-03
Posts: 3
Posted: Tue, 2009-02-03 13:59
Installation went reasonably fine for me, but why is it loading code from I have NoScript installed for Firefox, so that's the first thing I noticed. I think it's better to package whatever code is needed rather than load it from an external site. Fewer DNS lookups that way, too, so pages will load faster, at least the first time.
P.S. I'm running lighttpd on Fedora 10, 64-bit, and using the GraphicsMagick graphics toolkit. I'll update if I encounter any issues related to that platform.
Joined: 2009-02-03
Posts: 19
Posted: Tue, 2009-02-03 15:08
Hopefully the multi-image loader will be along in alpha pretty soon. I don't see a lot of people loading images one by one, with the kind of delay I was seeing. Pick a file, fill in all this info, wait for a bit, do it all again maybe 30 times? 100 times? 5000? That works for testing the rest of the program, but that's about all.
Ditto on the thing; NoScript caught that for me also.
I'll keep playing with it, but without a batch upload it's kind of hard to get a feel for how useful it it.
Joined: 2009-02-03
Posts: 19
Posted: Tue, 2009-02-03 15:22
OK, two more things. I have one album with one photo in it. I open Gallery, that one photo is the cover for the album. I click it to open the album and it displays as the contents of that album. No prob (although it's kind of hard to tell the difference).
When I click the "Additional options" dropdown in the little hover menu at the top of the image, I get an eternal spiral 'loading' image and nothing else happens. Also, on the right side of the page in the Item Info box I click the little down arrow for 'more' and nothing happens.
Joined: 2009-02-03
Posts: 19
Posted: Tue, 2009-02-03 15:55
OK, the reason behind some of that is that the "About this galley" "More" "Admin" (as owner of the picture) and the album view button (I think that's what it is, next to the Piclens slideshow button) are all null '#' links.
Joined: 2009-02-03
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2009-02-03 16:12
Have just downloaded the new G3 Alpha but have not yet peeked at it... is there any documentation on current hooks or planned hooks? I am interested in making a Joomla!/Community Builder 'bridge' for Gallery 3 and was wondering what the plans are for hooks.
Joined: 2009-02-03
Posts: 3
Posted: Tue, 2009-02-03 16:44
I've just downloaded G3 Alpha and when I create a new album with an apostrophe, i.e Nicky's album, i get a Kohana::show_404() error in the stack trace. Without an apostrophe, there is no problem.
Joined: 2006-04-15
Posts: 89
Posted: Tue, 2009-02-03 18:28
1. Gallery3 do not like my IE7. Everything push to the right in the Admin screen . Firefox work more normal.
2. when trying add a photo, unlike Gallery 2, the source photo has to be on the client side.
When it was added to the album ... there is no thumbnail nor the photo can be viewed.
3. Admin -> Settings -> graphics... getting the following error Fatal error: Call to undefined function gd_info() in /xxxxxxx/core/helpers/graphics.php on line 239....
Sounds like it is looking for the GD toolkit which I don't have on my server.
4. Photo can only be added one by one
Joined: 2004-08-23
Posts: 25
Posted: Tue, 2009-02-03 18:48
Per-item permissions gone???
The "sneak-peek" page mentions in passing "For instance, there are no longer item-level permissions." Is this a final decision? Will there be some way around for people who need item-level permissions?
Our family uses gallery to share our family album with friends and relatives. Inside every album we have 3 permission levels on images:
"Public" images that are visible to everybody
"Close friends and family" images that are visible only to a certain group of logged in users. Images that are somewhat unflattering, or somewhat redundant might go into this category.
"Private" images are only visible to ourselves - these are the images that for one reason or another we do not want to share with others.
It is essential that this is per-item, not per-album. A family member who is logged in, should see a single album with both "public" and "family-only" images, listed in correct sequence, not two separate albums (which would cause them to see images out-of-order).
Will we have to stick with Gallery2???
Joined: 2009-02-01
Posts: 23
Posted: Tue, 2009-02-03 18:58
I am still having trouble getting the gallery installed. Can someone help out...I am getting 500 Server Error A misconfiguration on the server caused a hiccup. Check the server logs, fix the problem, then try again.
All I did was copy the entire gallery folder which was zipped up to the server and went to the URL gallery/installer and I was expecting it to have more instructions from there. That is what the readme file said was supposed to happen. Is there a step I am missing? Please someone who has installed the gallery successfully let me know what I am doing wrong. Thanks
Joined: 2007-06-28
Posts: 23
Posted: Tue, 2009-02-03 19:24
I too am getting the 500 Error. I'll add that I've made sure the following was in my php.ini file:
short_open_tag = On
register_globals = Off
upload_max_filesize = 128M
post_max_size = 128M
Since I'm on a shared host (Bluehost), I don't have access to the apache config file. Is this required?
Joined: 2009-02-03
Posts: 19
Posted: Tue, 2009-02-03 19:23
welchyboy: "All I did was copy the entire gallery folder which was zipped up to the server and went to the URL gallery/installer and I was expecting it to have more instructions from there."
Did you create the database first? I think you are supposed to. I did, and the installation was relatively straightforward.
nogin, maybe you simply need the features of Gallery2. Sounds like Gallery3 is intended to be 'Gallery Lite.'
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Posted: Tue, 2009-02-03 19:34
Hooray for feedback! Let me answer a bunch of stuff at once:
Multi-image uploader: Yes, we're trying hard to get this into a workable state for the next alpha. It's a more complex problem than we had originally hoped. If you're willing to use the svn version, the scaffolding code (install from svn, you'll get a new item in the left of your main menu) there's a way to upload entire directories.
500 Server Error: Can you check your apache error log and tell us what you see there? The clue as to what's failing is most likely logged by Apache.
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Posts: 23
Posted: Tue, 2009-02-03 19:54
This was the error
.htaccess: Invalid command 'php_flag', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
I removed the php_flag lines and I am now able to start the installation.
Joined: 2007-06-28
Posts: 23
Posted: Tue, 2009-02-03 20:27
I am now able to log in to the gallery. I created an album but when I try to add a photo to that album I get the attached error message. I also noticed that when moving around the gallery I keep getting logged out.
If this type of information is not useful please let me know. I don't want to be a burden on the developers.
Joined: 2006-04-22
Posts: 35
Posted: Tue, 2009-02-03 21:45
blueskeyes wrote:
I too am getting the 500 Error. I'll add that I've made sure the following was in my php.ini file:
short_open_tag = On
register_globals = Off
upload_max_filesize = 128M
post_max_size = 128M
Since I'm on a shared host (Bluehost), I don't have access to the apache config file. Is this required?
I had the same problem but was able to fix it doing the following:
add the below lines to your php.ini file and delete the .htaccess file which comes with gallery 3.
If you do not delete the .htaccess the error will still be there.
short_open_tag = On
register_globals = Off
upload_max_filesize = 128M
post_max_size = 128M
Joined: 2009-02-03
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2009-02-03 22:37
I also noticed that themes aren't fully implemented. For example, I copied the default theme folder and renamed it to mytheme. I then placed a new logo image in the images directory called mylogo.gif. I changed the tag in the header.html.php file to point to mylogo.gif instead of logo.png. However, after switching to mytheme, the header appears to still get grabbed from the default theme and tries to load logo.png.
Joined: 2004-08-24
Posts: 8
Posted: Wed, 2009-02-04 04:17
Installation was easy, and very quick. My first impression is that I like the clean interface. The look and feel are great.
Is there a place to post bugs, or is this the appropriate place?
When I changed my admin password, a blank page loads with just this string displayed:
Haven't got it to work yet, but it does seem that /lib/jquery.listen.js is missing at the very least.
Joined: 2009-02-01
Posts: 23
Posted: Wed, 2009-02-04 14:31
Hurray thank you oggg i was getting the 500 error when I went to gallery3/installer before doing anything. I didn't have a php.ini so I created one and put the information you have in the post which is...
short_open_tag = On
register_globals = Off
upload_max_filesize = 128M
post_max_size = 128M
I then deleted the .htaccess. Instantly I got rid of the 500 error. Then of course once you get to the first page it pretty much does require you to create the database before hand which isn't a problem.
The gallery looks very cool and it is time to finally test the features. Thanks again for the help.
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Wed, 2009-02-04 22:51
nogin wrote:
Per-item permissions gone???
Yes. It adds code complexity, code size, admin/support difficulty, upgrade code, imageblock code, item copy/move code, slow speed. In the end there had to be a trade off, Per-item permissions lost.
Will we have to stick with Gallery2???
For the time being. G3 will not have all the features that G2 had or it will just be G2.
@nogin: Change comes at a cost. We determined that most users weren't using per-item permissions and as floridave says, removing that gives us some substantial advantages. You can approximate what you had before by creating sub-albums with different permissions. G3 will never be exactly like G2, you'll have to make some changes also to adapt to it (but the benefits should be obvious and worth it).
@blueskeyes: the error you're getting is linked to the fact that you keep getting logged out. I'm not sure why this is happening, and I'd like to know more. If you can share the url of your site with me, that would be a helpful start.
@nogin: Change comes at a cost. We determined that most users weren't using per-item permissions and as floridave says, removing that gives us some substantial advantages. You can approximate what you had before by creating sub-albums with different permissions. G3 will never be exactly like G2, you'll have to make some changes also to adapt to it (but the benefits should be obvious and worth it).
"Benefits should be obvious and worth it" - well, sorry, no, not for me. Per-item permissions is the feature that we use gallery for. Sub-albums are unacceptable as we need the permissions to be transparent to the end-user - we want them to see a single album, with all the items in correct order. Having per-item permissions as an optional add-on would have been OK, but it sounds like this is not part of the current plan
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Posted: Thu, 2009-02-05 00:17
@nogin: Sorry to hear that. Most users do not use per-item permissions, and it is a substantial performance/usability increase to drop it. It's possible to add it back, but it will be non-trivial.. it would require a large groundswell of demand for us to head down that path again. Luckily, there's always G2
Joined: 2009-02-05
Posts: 52
Posted: Thu, 2009-02-05 01:01
Installed it, it gave me admin password to use then when clicked to go to main screen there was a database crash. I reloaded the page and all was fine...I thought. Then tried to login with that admin password and it said the login name or password was not recognized. I guess I have to uninstall/reinstall the database?
Joined: 2002-05-21
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Posted: Thu, 2009-02-05 01:07
@AndrewRH: can you reinstall and see if you can reproduce the crash and cut/paste it here? That would be helpful.
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Posts: 52
Posted: Thu, 2009-02-05 01:14
Will try - sorry now that I didn't capture it.
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Posts: 89
Posted: Thu, 2009-02-05 05:22
I have same experience wiht AndrewRH...
During the first time installation, when it prompt for the database username/password, I cannot get thru because I have not create the database. After I created the database, and was able to connect, it said the admin account has been created with the password. It did not crash the database, but that ID/Password did not work. I thought, I have written it down incorrectly.
So, I dropped the database (I checked the mysql/data folder that Gallery3 data folder was gone), remove the gallery3 folders, unzip a new copy. Straigh enough, I do not have to create the database again, the gallery3 installer can connect, create the gallery data folder, give me the admin ID / Password. This time, it worked. I can logon without problem.
I can logon, and change the password... thus getting the same blank screen as pintobean801. That is {"result":"success"}
So far, still having problem with adding items.... the item was added but only a blank box, not thumbnail or whatsoever. .... no further testing
Joined: 2006-04-15
Posts: 89
Posted: Thu, 2009-02-05 05:28
Always have this question about dropping the database.. I have this feeling since the time of Gallery 2.... It was not a clean uninstallation even dropping the gallery database in Mysql. There seems to have some residue data remained in mysql. Is that correct? Not sure if this is the proper procedure to "clean" uninstallation....
Joined: 2007-01-08
Posts: 18
Posted: Thu, 2009-02-05 07:02
1) I found that during install that if you get a server 500 error with your server log indicating that it is a "SoftException in Application.cpp:252: File index.php is writeable by group" error, that you need to double check that your file permissions are set to 755 for directories and 644 for files. I am not sure why the permissions got set that way after extraction, since I have never had this issue with other installs (i.e., others are always set 755/644 by default). I think there should be some error checking on this and change the permissions during install or that error may cause others problems on installs.
2) After logging in, get "{"result":"success"}". Have to use back arrow to get back to screen.
3) You get a fairly unfriendly error box if you try to upload a photo but do not put at least the name and title. "{"result":"error","form":"" along with variety of text in the entry fields. Users might be confused on what to do since have to hit back arrow to go to upload screen.
4)After upload of photo I get: {"result":"success","resource":"\/gallery3\/index.php\/20031208-flame-fractal.jpg","location":"\/gallery3\/index.php\/20031208-flame-fractal.jpg"} Again, have to hit back arrow to go to an active screen.
5) More a theme issue, but seems like a lot wasted space for the vertical menu on the top-left portion of the screen rather than say a pop up option menu like in some Gallery 2 themes.
6) Not sure putting php_flags in the htaccess file is a good idea for a default, I know the last several shared hosts I have had do not allow php directives in the htaccess file (only in php.ini file). So might result in lots of troubleshooting forum messages since gives 500 errors (I just deleted the .htaccess file for my install). Maybe do like Joomla and have the htaccess file called "htaccess.txt" and instruct user to change if desired so at least the install is less problematic.
7) Be useful to be able to change the "admin" name at the install point
8)The database install portion, will not install if there are any tables of any kind in the database. Maybe that was by design, but not like prior where you were able to tell it to use table prefix so you can use existing database if wanted.
9) On my install, the "additional options" button that pops up over a photo results in a "loading" graphic but it never does anything (just says loading forever). Have to hit refresh to make loading graphic go away.
Maybe I need version 3 to grow on me a bit, so I will reserve some of my "comments" on the interface/feature set for later
Thanks for all the hard work by the Gallery team.
Joined: 2009-02-05
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2009-02-05 09:37
I got problem when I upload photo. When I click the "Upload" button, nothing happened.
I check the var/upload directory, something uploaded but nothing in thumbs and resizes directory.
I have checked the var/logs but no error messages about it(debug messages only).
My system is Freebsd 7.1R
apache: Server version: Apache/2.2.9 (FreeBSD)
php: PHP 5.2.8 with Suhosin-Patch (cli)
Thanks for the release. I'd like one feature: auto-generated file names for the photos. Auto generated file names can keep themselves universal unique. Don't rely on the origin filenames. Normally the host server replaces the multi-language characters in file names with "_", this increases the possibility to duplicate the names. I knew that G2 will append '_001' to the filename when it found duplicate file names in the same folder. But I'd like to see G3 go further that just auto-generate the file names. And more, I think it's better to hide the filenames to the users, include to the owners. Filename is for backend, so just keep it invisible. Then users can save time to deal with this field.
As to title, I think if the users want to add title to a photo, that's good, if the users don't, that's fine. If I have shot 10 sunrise photos, I won't name them sunrise1~10. If I have 500 photos for my family, I won't name them one by one, as father knows the person in photo is his son. So I think a photo without title is acceptable.
Ok, if a photo without title, how can it be searchable, how to generate tag? My gut feeling is that if a photo without title, then it's not searchable via title. But users can set tags/description/EXIF, so users can search via tags/description/EXIF.
Joined: 2009-02-05
Posts: 52
Posted: Thu, 2009-02-05 14:06
Just starting the re-install. First thing I did was delete the entire database. Below is what Gallery said when I then tried to use it (i.e. without a database present) - next step is to add new database and try to reproduce my admin login error (will post here again).
First issue: I go to the /installer subdir URL and it says "Success! Your Gallery3 install is complete!" -- so appears to be no way to reinstall with a new database (i.e. installer doesn't detect that the database has been deleted):
Database Error
A database error occurred while performing the requested procedure. Please review the database error below for more information.
Loaded in 0.0486 seconds, using 1.93MB of memory. Generated by Kohana v2.3.
Joined: 2009-02-05
Posts: 52
Posted: Thu, 2009-02-05 17:09
I just deleted the first gallery installation (had already deleted the database) and uploaded the alpha-1 again.
When going to the /installer I get a "Internal Server Error". I removed the .htaccess file and I get a database error if I don't put the /installer sub-directory in the URL (see below).
Now I add the /installer sub-directory to the URL and get the "Welcome!" screen on which I type in the name of the new database etc and click continue.
**Is it possible to add in a 'table prefix' setting? That way we can add a bit more security by personalizing how the database names its tables**
After I clicked continue, I clicked "Start Using Gallery". That is when I got my second database error (also shown below, at bottom).
I then try again going to my gallery home page and it shows up.
I click on 'Login' and enter admin plus the password that was given to me by the system during setup. This worked! (Earlier, on my first installation, this had failed with the message "Invalid name or password").
Hope this helps! Now I'm off to explore alpha-1....
Database error no.1 when go to gallery home before going to /install
Database Error
A database error occurred while performing the requested procedure. Please review the database error below for more information.
kohana/libraries/Database.php [223]:
There was an error connecting to the database:
Stack Trace
Loaded in 0.0965 seconds, using 1.85MB of memory. Generated by Kohana v2.3.
Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Thu, 2009-02-05 19:16
@cmjimmy: I've seen multiple reports of the admin u/p not working after install. I'll investigate. Perhaps we should just log you in and let you change your own password, or let you provide a password in the installer (complicates the installer, so probably bad). We'll fix the {"result": "success"} bug in password changing. For uninstall, if you drop the database and delete the var dir, you're clean. That's all we have.
@Sundog_AK: Not sure why you're seeing JSON replies, but we aim to fix them. What browser are you using? I've guarded the php_value and php_flag settings in the .htaccess file so they shouldn't generate server errors now if they're not applicable. We aim to keep the installer *very* simple which means that you can't change the admin user there, but you can rename that user in the app itself (either via the "modify profile" link in the top right, or via the admin/users page). On the database front, we have not yet implemented the feature that allows G3 to prefix table names, so we avoid problems by not letting you share a database with another app for now. That's coming. There's an open bug to fix the "additional options" pulldown.
@yun: we have a better uploader coming, but for now make sure that you enter a title for the photo also (that's the most commonly missing element). file-based forms are weird in our dialogs causing it to not display the error message
@yeahy: we'll probably do auto-generated names by 3.0 because we'll be using a simplified loader that won't ask for titles. Not sure yet, we'll see
@AndrewRH: table prefixes are coming, not here yet. The errors you're seeing are very odd to me. Are you sure that you deleted the var dir and dropped the database? Can you humor me and try this sequence? Drop your database, delete your gallery3 dir (make sure that gallery3/var goes away) Unpack new gallery3. Create the new database. Then go to the installer and do an install and if that says it's successful, go to the gallery3 and see if that works. Let me know if that sequence resolves what you were seeing.
Joined: 2007-05-25
Posts: 241
Posted: Fri, 2009-02-06 00:36
Following is the contents of my users table after going through the install:
Shouldn't the admin user have a password instead of guest? So far I am unable to actually login, even if I copy the guest's password to the admin user.
Also, the appearance is all messed up. Looking at the apache error log, it is not using the "default" theme directory:
As such, images, .js, and .css files are failing to load because it's not adding "default" into the path. I did create this test gallery on a sub-domain with the root folder of the gallery being "/" essentially.
If I attempt to login, it fails with errors similar to what blueskyes shows (see attached)
Here's my operating environment:
Apache version 1.3.41 (Unix)
PHP version 5.2.6
MySQL version 5.0.67-community
Architecture x86_64
Operating system Linux
Is the Apache version not compatible?
Mark H.
Using Gallery 2.2.6 -
Joined: 2006-12-06
Posts: 358
Posted: Fri, 2009-02-06 03:03
You might be falling into differences between Apache 2.2 and Apache 1.3. The published requirements are Apache 2.2 or newer. So you might be breaking new ground trying to install on Apache 1.3.
@yeahy: we'll probably do auto-generated names by 3.0 because we'll be using a simplified loader that won't ask for titles. Not sure yet, we'll see
Great, simple things are lovely.
Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Fri, 2009-02-06 04:36
@MarkRH: I agree with talmdal that you're on an unsupported configuration, but I'm not convinced that's the entire problem. It looks like your database is getting unpacked but it's somehow failing to create the admin user. You could try debugging the code around the create_admin() call in installer/web.php and see where that leads, or if you're willing to share, I'd be willing to ssh to your box and try to see if I can figure it out directly. PM me the info in that case.
Joined: 2007-01-08
Posts: 18
Posted: Fri, 2009-02-06 07:29
@Bharat: I am using Firefox 3.06. I will have to try on IE7 to see if it is having same issue.
Joined: 2007-05-25
Posts: 241
Posted: Fri, 2009-02-06 08:17
On further examination, it appears that while it did create the vars table, it did not insert any of the values into that table. Using SQLyog, I manually ran the SQL statement that was in the install.sql file to add those values. Still, for some reason, it is not putting "default" in the file requests similar to /home/(username)/public_html/gallery3/themes//images/logo.png
I did echo out the SQL statement that sets the admin password which did include the hashed password; however, it also failed to insert the value.. with no errors that it had failed to do so. I manually added this hashed value into the users table; however, I still get the same error I attached.
Just for the heck of it, I tried on my local PC with: Windows XP Home SP3, Apache/1.3.33 (Win32), MySQL 5.0.51b-community-nt, and PHP 5.2.6. In this environment it did create the vars table with the information and added the admin password to the users table. The main problem in this case had to do with pathing; however, it was using the "default" theme so I was able to see what the UI would look like.
Where does it determine the active theme to use? I wonder if it's not able to read the vars table for some reason since it wasn't able to insert the values into it.
Mark H.
Using Gallery 2.2.6 -
Joined: 2009-02-05
Posts: 52
Posted: Fri, 2009-02-06 12:45
@AndrewRH: table prefixes are coming, not here yet. The errors you're seeing are very odd to me. Are you sure that you deleted the var dir and dropped the database? Can you humor me and try this sequence? Drop your database, delete your gallery3 dir (make sure that gallery3/var goes away) Unpack new gallery3. Create the new database. Then go to the installer and do an install and if that says it's successful, go to the gallery3 and see if that works. Let me know if that sequence resolves what you were seeing.
Yes, that is what I did...and just did again...
1. deleted the 'gallery' directory and all its sub-directories
2. created a new 'gallery' directory with the conents of ''
3. deleted the MySQL 5.0 database using MySQL Admin on my shared hosting provider (1&
4. created a brand new "MySQL 5.0" database
5. went to my URL for gallery without the /installer
6. went to my URL for gallery suffixed with /installer
7. renamed .htaccess file to 'notUsed-htaccess' (i.e. no .htaccess in /gallery)
8. went to my URL for gallery suffixed with /installer (again)
9. specified the new database info and clicked the 'Continue' button
10. saw a screen with the admin password and clicked the button
11. log into gallery as admin
After doing Step 5: "500 Internal Server Error"
After doing Step 6: "500 Internal Server Error"
After doing Step 9: worked fine this time!
After doing Step 10: worked fine this time!
After doing Step 11: worked fine this time!
Difference from before: I had lunch after creating the new new database but before configuring gallery. Maybe the DB wasn't completely setup on my host server?
Joined: 2009-02-05
Posts: 52
Posted: Fri, 2009-02-06 15:41
Page not found error...
1. Admin->Dashboard brings up crappy looking page
2. Clicking on one or another of the links sometimes (but not always) brings up a 404 page...
Page Not Found
The requested page was not found. It may have moved, been deleted, or archived.
kohana/core/Kohana.php [787]:
The page you requested, admin/index.php/admin/modules, could not be found.
Stack Trace
One thing that annoys me about G2 (which I like btw) is the fact that if the user selects a view size in front end, it doesn't stick when moving to the next image.
Will this be changed for G3?
Joined: 2006-12-06
Posts: 358
Posted: Sun, 2009-02-08 17:50
@Fjelsten: There will not be as much choice re view sizes in G3. The only sizes available will be the thumbnail, resize and fullsize. In the theme details you will be able to set the size of the thumbnail and resize, but will not be able to have multiple resizes, or the concept of a preferred resize.
Hmm. That does not sound good. I guess the full size is in separate window? I know I can install it myself but I think I'll wait for the beta.
Since my host might soon get on my case regarding the enormous file count for G2, I had hoped G3 would be the answer. The more I hear about G3, the less I think this is the case.
Posts: 19
Installation went smoothly. The need to add the 'var' directory during installation was unexpected. Also, that window (prompting me to add 'var') lets me fill in the database credentials (which I did) but once it has verified 'var' it reset the credentials and I needed to fill them in again. Seems that it could just take it one step at a time there.
The first image I uploaded didn't seem to 'take' as the browser status bar went to 'done' but the dialog box remained. I closed the dialog but the image never showed up (but there was definitely an entry for it). Second one was fine and I deleted the first.
It wasn't at all apparent how I could upload more than one image at a time.
Also it would be nice if (when a dialog box appears) the cursor is set active in the first field. Clicking to put the cursor there is a bit silly as there is no other likely action the user will be taking.
Posts: 67
Will test it soon. Please change the forum name to Gallery 3, it is Galler 3 now.
Posts: 358
jelzo: thanks and corrected.
AntonLargiader: Thanks for the feedback, At the moment, there is only the single image upload, Although there are plans for a more friendly uploader. You can follow the progress towards the final release here:
Posts: 8
Installed on Windows Server 2008 Apache/2.2.4 (Win32) PHP/5.2.8-x64. Smooth!
Couldn't agree more to AntonLargiader's comment on login window. Please set cursor active at the login name field.
Can Add an album.
Failed to Add a photo:
-Add Photo to Gallery window does pop up.
-Can select desired file.
-Left all fields empty, select a file, click Upload -> browser busy for a sec or 2 then Done; but nth happen! no item added~
-Input full file name as Name and Title, click Upload -> browser busy for a sec or 2 then Done; refresh the page; item is added BUT WAIT, it's just an entity and the photo is not displayed, see this
-\var\uploads does contain the files I've tried to upload
My feelings on UI:
-yeah, much simpler than G2, just clean!
-operation is more direct: fewer clicks / page loads to do the same thing (like move item, make highlight, etc)
So far...
Posts: 3
Installation went reasonably fine for me, but why is it loading code from I have NoScript installed for Firefox, so that's the first thing I noticed. I think it's better to package whatever code is needed rather than load it from an external site. Fewer DNS lookups that way, too, so pages will load faster, at least the first time.
P.S. I'm running lighttpd on Fedora 10, 64-bit, and using the GraphicsMagick graphics toolkit. I'll update if I encounter any issues related to that platform.
Posts: 19
Hopefully the multi-image loader will be along in alpha pretty soon. I don't see a lot of people loading images one by one, with the kind of delay I was seeing. Pick a file, fill in all this info, wait for a bit, do it all again maybe 30 times? 100 times? 5000? That works for testing the rest of the program, but that's about all.
Ditto on the thing; NoScript caught that for me also.![:)](
I'll keep playing with it, but without a batch upload it's kind of hard to get a feel for how useful it it.
Posts: 19
OK, two more things. I have one album with one photo in it. I open Gallery, that one photo is the cover for the album. I click it to open the album and it displays as the contents of that album. No prob (although it's kind of hard to tell the difference).
When I click the "Additional options" dropdown in the little hover menu at the top of the image, I get an eternal spiral 'loading' image and nothing else happens. Also, on the right side of the page in the Item Info box I click the little down arrow for 'more' and nothing happens.
Posts: 19
OK, the reason behind some of that is that the "About this galley" "More" "Admin" (as owner of the picture) and the album view button (I think that's what it is, next to the Piclens slideshow button) are all null '#' links.
Posts: 1
Have just downloaded the new G3 Alpha but have not yet peeked at it... is there any documentation on current hooks or planned hooks? I am interested in making a Joomla!/Community Builder 'bridge' for Gallery 3 and was wondering what the plans are for hooks.
Posts: 3
I've just downloaded G3 Alpha and when I create a new album with an apostrophe, i.e Nicky's album, i get a Kohana::show_404() error in the stack trace. Without an apostrophe, there is no problem.
Posts: 89
1. Gallery3 do not like my IE7. Everything push to the right in the Admin screen . Firefox work more normal.
2. when trying add a photo, unlike Gallery 2, the source photo has to be on the client side.
When it was added to the album ... there is no thumbnail nor the photo can be viewed.
3. Admin -> Settings -> graphics... getting the following error
Fatal error: Call to undefined function gd_info() in /xxxxxxx/core/helpers/graphics.php on line 239....
Sounds like it is looking for the GD toolkit which I don't have on my server.
4. Photo can only be added one by one
Posts: 25
Per-item permissions gone???![:-(](
The "sneak-peek" page mentions in passing "For instance, there are no longer item-level permissions." Is this a final decision? Will there be some way around for people who need item-level permissions?
Our family uses gallery to share our family album with friends and relatives. Inside every album we have 3 permission levels on images:
It is essential that this is per-item, not per-album. A family member who is logged in, should see a single album with both "public" and "family-only" images, listed in correct sequence, not two separate albums (which would cause them to see images out-of-order).
Will we have to stick with Gallery2???![:-(](
Posts: 23
I am still having trouble getting the gallery installed. Can someone help out...I am getting 500 Server Error A misconfiguration on the server caused a hiccup. Check the server logs, fix the problem, then try again.
All I did was copy the entire gallery folder which was zipped up to the server and went to the URL gallery/installer and I was expecting it to have more instructions from there. That is what the readme file said was supposed to happen. Is there a step I am missing? Please someone who has installed the gallery successfully let me know what I am doing wrong. Thanks
Posts: 23
I too am getting the 500 Error. I'll add that I've made sure the following was in my php.ini file:
short_open_tag = On
register_globals = Off
upload_max_filesize = 128M
post_max_size = 128M
Since I'm on a shared host (Bluehost), I don't have access to the apache config file. Is this required?
Posts: 19
welchyboy: "All I did was copy the entire gallery folder which was zipped up to the server and went to the URL gallery/installer and I was expecting it to have more instructions from there."
Did you create the database first? I think you are supposed to. I did, and the installation was relatively straightforward.
nogin, maybe you simply need the features of Gallery2. Sounds like Gallery3 is intended to be 'Gallery Lite.'
Posts: 7994
Hooray for feedback! Let me answer a bunch of stuff at once:
Piclens / CoolIris:
Multi-image uploader: Yes, we're trying hard to get this into a workable state for the next alpha. It's a more complex problem than we had originally hoped. If you're willing to use the svn version, the scaffolding code (install from svn, you'll get a new item in the left of your main menu) there's a way to upload entire directories.
apostrophes in album names:
null links: sorry 'bout that! Not everything is fully implemented and the "additional" quick link is one of them.
IE7: We'll get cracking on that. IE7 support has not been a high priority (but it will be).
500 Server Error: Can you check your apache error log and tell us what you see there? The clue as to what's failing is most likely logged by Apache.
Posts: 23
This was the error
.htaccess: Invalid command 'php_flag', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
I removed the php_flag lines and I am now able to start the installation.
Posts: 23
I am now able to log in to the gallery. I created an album but when I try to add a photo to that album I get the attached error message. I also noticed that when moving around the gallery I keep getting logged out.
If this type of information is not useful please let me know. I don't want to be a burden on the developers.
Posts: 35
I had the same problem but was able to fix it doing the following:
add the below lines to your php.ini file and delete the .htaccess file which comes with gallery 3.
If you do not delete the .htaccess the error will still be there.
short_open_tag = On
register_globals = Off
upload_max_filesize = 128M
post_max_size = 128M
Posts: 1
I also noticed that themes aren't fully implemented. For example, I copied the default theme folder and renamed it to mytheme. I then placed a new logo image in the images directory called mylogo.gif. I changed the tag in the header.html.php file to point to mylogo.gif instead of logo.png. However, after switching to mytheme, the header appears to still get grabbed from the default theme and tries to load logo.png.
Posts: 8
Installation was easy, and very quick. My first impression is that I like the clean interface. The look and feel are great.
Is there a place to post bugs, or is this the appropriate place?
When I changed my admin password, a blank page loads with just this string displayed:
Posts: 358
If you have a source forge id, you can post bugs here:
Posts: 241
Haven't got it to work yet, but it does seem that /lib/jquery.listen.js is missing at the very least.
Posts: 23
Hurray thank you oggg i was getting the 500 error when I went to gallery3/installer before doing anything. I didn't have a php.ini so I created one and put the information you have in the post which is...
short_open_tag = On
register_globals = Off
upload_max_filesize = 128M
post_max_size = 128M
I then deleted the .htaccess. Instantly I got rid of the 500 error. Then of course once you get to the first page it pretty much does require you to create the database before hand which isn't a problem.
The gallery looks very cool and it is time to finally test the features. Thanks again for the help.
Posts: 27300
Yes. It adds code complexity, code size, admin/support difficulty, upgrade code, imageblock code, item copy/move code, slow speed. In the end there had to be a trade off, Per-item permissions lost.
For the time being. G3 will not have all the features that G2 had or it will just be G2.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 7994
@nogin: Change comes at a cost. We determined that most users weren't using per-item permissions and as floridave says, removing that gives us some substantial advantages. You can approximate what you had before by creating sub-albums with different permissions. G3 will never be exactly like G2, you'll have to make some changes also to adapt to it (but the benefits should be obvious and worth it).
@blueskeyes: the error you're getting is linked to the fact that you keep getting logged out. I'm not sure why this is happening, and I'd like to know more. If you can share the url of your site with me, that would be a helpful start.
@pintobean801: thanks for the report, I've filed it here:
@MarkRH: thanks! I've removed that call in
Posts: 25
"Benefits should be obvious and worth it" - well, sorry, no, not for me. Per-item permissions is the feature that we use gallery for. Sub-albums are unacceptable as we need the permissions to be transparent to the end-user - we want them to see a single album, with all the items in correct order. Having per-item permissions as an optional add-on would have been OK, but it sounds like this is not part of the current plan![:-(](
Posts: 7994
@nogin: Sorry to hear that. Most users do not use per-item permissions, and it is a substantial performance/usability increase to drop it. It's possible to add it back, but it will be non-trivial.. it would require a large groundswell of demand for us to head down that path again. Luckily, there's always G2![:-)](
Posts: 52
Installed it, it gave me admin password to use then when clicked to go to main screen there was a database crash. I reloaded the page and all was fine...I thought. Then tried to login with that admin password and it said the login name or password was not recognized. I guess I have to uninstall/reinstall the database?
Posts: 7994
@AndrewRH: can you reinstall and see if you can reproduce the crash and cut/paste it here? That would be helpful.
Posts: 52
Will try - sorry now that I didn't capture it.
Posts: 89
I have same experience wiht AndrewRH...
During the first time installation, when it prompt for the database username/password, I cannot get thru because I have not create the database. After I created the database, and was able to connect, it said the admin account has been created with the password. It did not crash the database, but that ID/Password did not work. I thought, I have written it down incorrectly.
So, I dropped the database (I checked the mysql/data folder that Gallery3 data folder was gone), remove the gallery3 folders, unzip a new copy. Straigh enough, I do not have to create the database again, the gallery3 installer can connect, create the gallery data folder, give me the admin ID / Password. This time, it worked. I can logon without problem.
I can logon, and change the password... thus getting the same blank screen as pintobean801. That is {"result":"success"}
So far, still having problem with adding items.... the item was added but only a blank box, not thumbnail or whatsoever. .... no further testing![:-)](
Posts: 89
Always have this question about dropping the database.. I have this feeling since the time of Gallery 2.... It was not a clean uninstallation even dropping the gallery database in Mysql. There seems to have some residue data remained in mysql. Is that correct? Not sure if this is the proper procedure to "clean" uninstallation....
Posts: 18
1) I found that during install that if you get a server 500 error with your server log indicating that it is a "SoftException in Application.cpp:252: File index.php is writeable by group" error, that you need to double check that your file permissions are set to 755 for directories and 644 for files. I am not sure why the permissions got set that way after extraction, since I have never had this issue with other installs (i.e., others are always set 755/644 by default). I think there should be some error checking on this and change the permissions during install or that error may cause others problems on installs.
2) After logging in, get "{"result":"success"}". Have to use back arrow to get back to screen.
3) You get a fairly unfriendly error box if you try to upload a photo but do not put at least the name and title. "{"result":"error","form":"" along with variety of text in the entry fields. Users might be confused on what to do since have to hit back arrow to go to upload screen.
4)After upload of photo I get: {"result":"success","resource":"\/gallery3\/index.php\/20031208-flame-fractal.jpg","location":"\/gallery3\/index.php\/20031208-flame-fractal.jpg"} Again, have to hit back arrow to go to an active screen.
5) More a theme issue, but seems like a lot wasted space for the vertical menu on the top-left portion of the screen rather than say a pop up option menu like in some Gallery 2 themes.
6) Not sure putting php_flags in the htaccess file is a good idea for a default, I know the last several shared hosts I have had do not allow php directives in the htaccess file (only in php.ini file). So might result in lots of troubleshooting forum messages since gives 500 errors (I just deleted the .htaccess file for my install). Maybe do like Joomla and have the htaccess file called "htaccess.txt" and instruct user to change if desired so at least the install is less problematic.
7) Be useful to be able to change the "admin" name at the install point
8)The database install portion, will not install if there are any tables of any kind in the database. Maybe that was by design, but not like prior where you were able to tell it to use table prefix so you can use existing database if wanted.
9) On my install, the "additional options" button that pops up over a photo results in a "loading" graphic but it never does anything (just says loading forever). Have to hit refresh to make loading graphic go away.
Maybe I need version 3 to grow on me a bit, so I will reserve some of my "comments" on the interface/feature set for later![:)](
Thanks for all the hard work by the Gallery team.
Posts: 1
I got problem when I upload photo. When I click the "Upload" button, nothing happened.
I check the var/upload directory, something uploaded but nothing in thumbs and resizes directory.
I have checked the var/logs but no error messages about it(debug messages only).
My system is Freebsd 7.1R
apache: Server version: Apache/2.2.9 (FreeBSD)
php: PHP 5.2.8 with Suhosin-Patch (cli)
php_flag short_open_tag 1
php_flag register_globals 0
php_value upload_max_filesize 20M
php_value post_max_size 100M
SetOutputFilter PHP
SetInputFilter PHP
LimitRequestBody 20480000
any idea about this?
Posts: 69
Thanks for the release. I'd like one feature: auto-generated file names for the photos. Auto generated file names can keep themselves universal unique. Don't rely on the origin filenames. Normally the host server replaces the multi-language characters in file names with "_", this increases the possibility to duplicate the names. I knew that G2 will append '_001' to the filename when it found duplicate file names in the same folder. But I'd like to see G3 go further that just auto-generate the file names. And more, I think it's better to hide the filenames to the users, include to the owners. Filename is for backend, so just keep it invisible. Then users can save time to deal with this field.
As to title, I think if the users want to add title to a photo, that's good, if the users don't, that's fine. If I have shot 10 sunrise photos, I won't name them sunrise1~10. If I have 500 photos for my family, I won't name them one by one, as father knows the person in photo is his son. So I think a photo without title is acceptable.![:)](
Ok, if a photo without title, how can it be searchable, how to generate tag? My gut feeling is that if a photo without title, then it's not searchable via title. But users can set tags/description/EXIF, so users can search via tags/description/EXIF.![:)](
Posts: 52
Just starting the re-install. First thing I did was delete the entire database. Below is what Gallery said when I then tried to use it (i.e. without a database present) - next step is to add new database and try to reproduce my admin login error (will post here again).
First issue: I go to the /installer subdir URL and it says "Success! Your Gallery3 install is complete!" -- so appears to be no way to reinstall with a new database (i.e. installer doesn't detect that the database has been deleted):
Posts: 52
I just deleted the first gallery installation (had already deleted the database) and uploaded the alpha-1 again.
When going to the /installer I get a "Internal Server Error". I removed the .htaccess file and I get a database error if I don't put the /installer sub-directory in the URL (see below).
Now I add the /installer sub-directory to the URL and get the "Welcome!" screen on which I type in the name of the new database etc and click continue.
**Is it possible to add in a 'table prefix' setting? That way we can add a bit more security by personalizing how the database names its tables**
After I clicked continue, I clicked "Start Using Gallery". That is when I got my second database error (also shown below, at bottom).
I then try again going to my gallery home page and it shows up.
I click on 'Login' and enter admin plus the password that was given to me by the system during setup. This worked! (Earlier, on my first installation, this had failed with the message "Invalid name or password").
Hope this helps! Now I'm off to explore alpha-1....
Database error no.1 when go to gallery home before going to /install
Database error no.2 -- after setup complete and want to go to gallery for the first time:
Posts: 7994
@cmjimmy: I've seen multiple reports of the admin u/p not working after install. I'll investigate. Perhaps we should just log you in and let you change your own password, or let you provide a password in the installer (complicates the installer, so probably bad). We'll fix the {"result": "success"} bug in password changing. For uninstall, if you drop the database and delete the var dir, you're clean. That's all we have.
@Sundog_AK: Not sure why you're seeing JSON replies, but we aim to fix them. What browser are you using? I've guarded the php_value and php_flag settings in the .htaccess file so they shouldn't generate server errors now if they're not applicable. We aim to keep the installer *very* simple which means that you can't change the admin user there, but you can rename that user in the app itself (either via the "modify profile" link in the top right, or via the admin/users page). On the database front, we have not yet implemented the feature that allows G3 to prefix table names, so we avoid problems by not letting you share a database with another app for now. That's coming. There's an open bug to fix the "additional options" pulldown.
@yun: we have a better uploader coming, but for now make sure that you enter a title for the photo also (that's the most commonly missing element). file-based forms are weird in our dialogs causing it to not display the error message![:-(](
@yeahy: we'll probably do auto-generated names by 3.0 because we'll be using a simplified loader that won't ask for titles. Not sure yet, we'll see![:-)](
@AndrewRH: table prefixes are coming, not here yet. The errors you're seeing are very odd to me. Are you sure that you deleted the var dir and dropped the database? Can you humor me and try this sequence? Drop your database, delete your gallery3 dir (make sure that gallery3/var goes away) Unpack new gallery3. Create the new database. Then go to the installer and do an install and if that says it's successful, go to the gallery3 and see if that works. Let me know if that sequence resolves what you were seeing.
Posts: 241
Following is the contents of my users table after going through the install:
Shouldn't the admin user have a password instead of guest? So far I am unable to actually login, even if I copy the guest's password to the admin user.
Also, the appearance is all messed up. Looking at the apache error log, it is not using the "default" theme directory:
As such, images, .js, and .css files are failing to load because it's not adding "default" into the path. I did create this test gallery on a sub-domain with the root folder of the gallery being "/" essentially.
If I attempt to login, it fails with errors similar to what blueskyes shows (see attached)
Here's my operating environment:
Apache version 1.3.41 (Unix)
PHP version 5.2.6
MySQL version 5.0.67-community
Architecture x86_64
Operating system Linux
Is the Apache version not compatible?
Mark H.
Using Gallery 2.2.6 -
Posts: 358
You might be falling into differences between Apache 2.2 and Apache 1.3. The published requirements are Apache 2.2 or newer. So you might be breaking new ground trying to install on Apache 1.3.
Posts: 69
Great, simple things are lovely.![:-)](
Posts: 7994
@MarkRH: I agree with talmdal that you're on an unsupported configuration, but I'm not convinced that's the entire problem. It looks like your database is getting unpacked but it's somehow failing to create the admin user. You could try debugging the code around the create_admin() call in installer/web.php and see where that leads, or if you're willing to share, I'd be willing to ssh to your box and try to see if I can figure it out directly. PM me the info in that case.
Posts: 18
@Bharat: I am using Firefox 3.06. I will have to try on IE7 to see if it is having same issue.
Posts: 241
On further examination, it appears that while it did create the vars table, it did not insert any of the values into that table. Using SQLyog, I manually ran the SQL statement that was in the install.sql file to add those values. Still, for some reason, it is not putting "default" in the file requests similar to /home/(username)/public_html/gallery3/themes//images/logo.png
I did echo out the SQL statement that sets the admin password which did include the hashed password; however, it also failed to insert the value.. with no errors that it had failed to do so. I manually added this hashed value into the users table; however, I still get the same error I attached.
Just for the heck of it, I tried on my local PC with: Windows XP Home SP3, Apache/1.3.33 (Win32), MySQL 5.0.51b-community-nt, and PHP 5.2.6. In this environment it did create the vars table with the information and added the admin password to the users table. The main problem in this case had to do with pathing; however, it was using the "default" theme so I was able to see what the UI would look like.
Where does it determine the active theme to use? I wonder if it's not able to read the vars table for some reason since it wasn't able to insert the values into it.
Mark H.
Using Gallery 2.2.6 -
Posts: 52
Yes, that is what I did...and just did again...
1. deleted the 'gallery' directory and all its sub-directories
2. created a new 'gallery' directory with the conents of ''
3. deleted the MySQL 5.0 database using MySQL Admin on my shared hosting provider (1&
4. created a brand new "MySQL 5.0" database
5. went to my URL for gallery without the /installer
6. went to my URL for gallery suffixed with /installer
7. renamed .htaccess file to 'notUsed-htaccess' (i.e. no .htaccess in /gallery)
8. went to my URL for gallery suffixed with /installer (again)
9. specified the new database info and clicked the 'Continue' button
10. saw a screen with the admin password and clicked the button
11. log into gallery as admin
After doing Step 5: "500 Internal Server Error"
After doing Step 6: "500 Internal Server Error"
After doing Step 9: worked fine this time!
After doing Step 10: worked fine this time!
After doing Step 11: worked fine this time!
Difference from before: I had lunch after creating the new new database but before configuring gallery. Maybe the DB wasn't completely setup on my host server?
Posts: 52
Page not found error...
1. Admin->Dashboard brings up crappy looking page
2. Clicking on one or another of the links sometimes (but not always) brings up a 404 page...
Posts: 66
One thing that annoys me about G2 (which I like btw) is the fact that if the user selects a view size in front end, it doesn't stick when moving to the next image.
Will this be changed for G3?
Posts: 358
@Fjelsten: There will not be as much choice re view sizes in G3. The only sizes available will be the thumbnail, resize and fullsize. In the theme details you will be able to set the size of the thumbnail and resize, but will not be able to have multiple resizes, or the concept of a preferred resize.
Posts: 66
Hmm. That does not sound good. I guess the full size is in separate window? I know I can install it myself but I think I'll wait for the beta.
Since my host might soon get on my case regarding the enormous file count for G2, I had hoped G3 would be the answer. The more I hear about G3, the less I think this is the case.