Gallery 3.0 Beta 2 is ready!
Beta 2 is ready and that brings us one giant step closer to a polished Gallery 3.0 launch! We're very happy to announce that beta 2 comes with a 1-click upgrader. That's right-- you no longer have to reinstall your Gallery 3 install, we support upgrading from beta 1 (but not from earlier releases). What's that? You can't wait to try it out? Download it now! or read on for more details...
Intended audience
Gallery 3 Beta 2 is still not a finished product, yet. We are a lot closer, but still have plenty of polishing left to do on it. But most of the big pieces are in place and it's beginning to really shine. Even in its incomplete state, it is a stable and reliable product. If you're looking to move forward and you're willing to live a little bit on the edge, now is the time. If you're excited about creating beautiful themes and writing your own custom modules, now is a great time to get involved!
Security warning
We've commissioned a professional audit from our good friends over at Gotham Digital Science and they gave us a list of security flaws in the product. We have fixed all the major flaws they uncovered. There are still some little issues left, but they are along the lines of "you should ask for the old password as a confirmation when you let users change their password". We'll fix them, but they're not fixed yet. Are all the security holes closed? We hope so, but history says that there are probably a few that we haven't uncovered yet. If you install Beta 2 on a public site, we encourage you to watch for new releases and be prepared to upgrade when we put out security fixes.
Let's go!
With the disclaimers and warnings out of the way, here it is:
Download Gallery 3.0 Beta 2 (1.6 MB)
or retrieve directly from our revision control with git
clone git://
Upgrading from Gallery 3 Beta 1
You can upgrade from Beta 1 (but not from earlier releases).
Upgrading is really easy! Unpack the new version on top of the old
one and then either browse to:
(except use your real domain name) or if you have shell access, run:
php index.php upgrade
You want more features?
You can get all kinds of community-developed modules from our gallery3-contrib repository on GitHub. Download away, and ask for help in the forums if things go wrong.
The Gallery 3 Philosophy
Gallery 3.0 is easy and fun to customize. We have made every effort to make it much easier for the casual developer to hack on the product. You don't need a computer science degree to do something really cool with it! And our user-centric development process ensures that the user interface is not an afterthought.
Who's it for? - Back when we started Gallery 3, we clearly defined our scope and audience. The biggest shocker here is that we're no longer supporting every web platform out there. We're focusing our energy on the ones that are the most common.
These tough early decisions have made the product leaner and faster for you. For example, we got rid of photo-level permissions and provide them only at the album level. This makes the app faster and easier to maintain while simplifying the UI and removing a feature that most don't use. You can still do all the things you did before, but you'll have to do them a little differently now.
Simplicity - We've got some great usability and user interface experts on our team, designing and prototyping interfaces that just make sense. The emphasis is on making simple, frequent tasks quick and easy. To see an example of this, check out the Admin Dashboard and the User/Group administration page.
Size matters! - Gallery 3.0 is currently a mere 7.2MB (uncompressed on your disk), with all its features. Compare that to the 16.5MB of Gallery 2.3's bare bones minimal package. Tough decisions have greatly helped us to reduce code bloat.
On the shoulders of giants... - Gallery 3.0 is made possible by some truly great advances in technology.
We evaluated many PHP frameworks before choosing Kohana. It makes PHP application development simple and fast. Thanks to the Kohana folks for providing this first class application framework!
PHP 5. We're taking advantage of many of the new features and capabilities available in the latest versions of PHP. This allows us to write less code and have a faster product.
We're using jQuery to create the rich user interactions in the browser that make the application fast and light. Especially with with jQuery UI and a host of plugins, UI development couldn't be more hassle-free.
Easily customizable - Did you know you can create your own theme just by copying an existing theme to a new folder? How's that for easy? There's no new templating language so if you know HTML and PHP you can start hacking today.
Easily extendable - We've worked hard to keep things simple. You can write your own module complete with installer, menus and theme integration in just a few lines of code. And to make life easier, we've created a Developer module that gives you a point and click way to create your own modules.
Fewer configurations - We support Gallery 3 on Unix running MySQL 5, Apache 2.2 and PHP 5.2.3. I know what you're thinking..I run IIS/NGinx/LightHTTPD/etc.. what about me? Gallery 3 may work just fine on those platforms, but we're not primarily focused on them. Assemble your community and create a fork on GitHub and add fixes for your platform, we'll advise you and maybe eventually roll in your patches. In the meantime, the Gallery team is going to focus its energy on making the best possible product on the supported configuration.
What's new in this release?
- Support for Photo printing with Digibug (beta 2)
- Many stability improvements for the Gallery2 import module, including better logging, and multi-site support. You still can't import from embedded Gallery2 installs (sorry!) (beta 2)
- The Server Add module has been completely rewritten to be more robust.(beta 2)
- Recent Changes and Most Viewed albums are now available (beta 2)
- Improved localization support for strings in dialog boxes (beta 2)
- Lots of small improvements to the organize module (a full rewrite is planned for the next release) (beta 2)
- Totally awesome 1-click upgrader. Upgrading has never been this easy! (beta 2)
- Support for configurable date formats (under Admin > Settings > Advanced) (beta 2)
- Support for short URL styles (look in gallery3/.htaccess for info on how to set that up) (beta 2)
- 108 closed tickets in the beta 2 release
- Support for upgrading to further releases (beta 1)
- Full HTTPS support (beta 1)
- Use the EXIF caption as the photo description (beta 1)
- Support for installs into non-empty databases (beta 1)
- Gallery 2 Import now imports comments, sort orders, keywords, tags, timestamps and more (beta 1)
- Photo and album names are editable (beta 1)
- Big improvements to the Organize (bulk editing) feature including drag and drop, mass rotation and album highlights (beta 1)
- Advanced settings editor (beta 1)
- Greatly improved permissions interface (beta 1)
- Improved localization client UI allowing to translate plurals (beta 1)
- Performance improvements (beta 1)
- 85 closed tickets in the beta 1 release
- Bulk editing interface (alpha 4)
- Gallery 2 to Gallery 3 import (alpha 4)
- Tag management for admins (alpha 4)
- 41 closed tickets in the alpha 4 release
- Support for database table prefixes (alpha 3)
- Random image block for the sidebar (alpha 3)
- Module administration view (alpha 3)
- Added translation server and localization client (alpha 3)
- Reimplemented the Flash uploader using SWFUpload (alpha 3)
- Album sort orderers (alpha 3)
- Add photos directly from the web server (improved in alpha 3)
- User/group/permissions management UI (alpha 3)
- Auto-login at the end of the installer, with a welcome page (alpha 3)
- Moved Google Maps and Polar Rose modules out of the official package into the community repository (alpha 3)
- 58 closed tickets in the alpha 3 release
- Localized UI with built-in editor (server side support is not finished) (alpha 2)
- RSS feed for comments (alpha 2)
- RSS feed for new images or movies (alpha 2)
- EXIF read support (alpha 2)
- Add photos directly from the web server (alpha 2)
- Support for uploading and viewing FLV movie files (alpha 2)
- Ability to view full size photos (alpha 2)
- Boolean and full text search (alpha 2)
- Album browsing
- Item commenting, comment moderation
- Spam protection with Akismet and Recaptcha
- Image toolkit support for ImageMagick, GD, and GraphicsMagick
- Theme system, including separate admin theme.
- Module system to extend the functionality, and a series of existing modules
- Basic metadata boolean search with relevance ranking
- Flash-powered slideshow (Cooliris)
- Album media RSS feeds
- Quick edits of item metadata
- In place item deletion and rotation
- User group management (drag & drop interface)
- Basic user permission management
- Admin dashboard with drag and drop blocks
From the beta release onwards we'll be working on polishing up what we already have. We will try to restrain ourselves from adding lots of new features and will focus on stability so that we can release it to you sooner.. A few things that we know that we'll be adding include:
- More bulk editing capabilities in the Organize feature
- Import permissions from Gallery 2
- Remap Gallery 2 urls to Gallery 3
- Improved tagging support
- Basic embedding hooks / instructions
- (opt-in) Stats collection (helps us to improve the product)
You can track development on our Trac roadmap.
Got feedback?
If you have any overall feedback, please visit the Gallery 3.0 Beta 2 Feedback forum topic and let us know! If you have questions, please visit the Gallery 3 Wiki, the future home for Gallery 3 documentation.
Armani2: Some fixes are in as we speak:
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
I just download gallery3 from github and install it. Translate only one Akismet description and submit it successfully. But I find that my "Localization contributions" count is still the same. It seems that server, in fact, rejected the submittion. Is my guess right?
This is an incredible good incarnation. I have 2300 pictures and any picture with over 3M resolution always gave me trouble with Thumbnail creations. Not here. Even the 12m images produced thumbnails quickly.
Love it. Now lets hope that most of the popular functions come in quickly. Sub albums would be one of the most needed.
Great work.
Anil Garg
Slideshow under Gallery3 is very slow. It appears that it downloads the 12m resolution pictures that I am storing. Is there anyway for it to hook to smaller resolution and are there plans to offer multiple sizes of the original artifact?
Huh? Just click Options > Add an album. That functionality has been there since the first Alpha release (and even before that)
That's the way the slideshow works. If the user has access to the full size image, they'll download the full size image for the slideshow. It works the same in G2, but in G2 suprsidr has modified the slideshow plugin to have more options to not do that, like using the closest resize available. (NOTE THAT'S FOR G2 ONLY)
That hasn't happened in G3 yet, don't know if it will. For that, please file a feature request:
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I have a white screen after installing. I can't see log errors or anymore information. I try to install in a dedicated server with php 5.3.
Hi Nivekiam
Many thanks, and with this clarification, I am not sure that slideshow mod is required. I am loving this new G3 each time I try. I am sure many enthusiasts are working on themes which would be great ..
Best Regards
Anil Garg
Make sure you are using the latest code, not the B2 download:
There have been several changes to make G3 work under PHP 5.3.0
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I tried the last subversion code (few minutes ago), not the beta2.
oriolhernan, please start a new thread int eh G3 support forums
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
oriolhernan, try displaying more debug info:
EDIT: and do what Dave said
A new thread please.
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I'm having problem since the beta 1 with a movies.
When you add a movie FLV or MP4 it will not generate the thumbs and does not have the player, but can hear the audio of the movie.
JPG and GIF images appear normal.
What can be?
My system:
Debian 5.0.2 x64
Apache 2.2.9
PHP 5.3 (final)
ffmpeg 0.5
ffmpeg-php 0.6
Gallery 3 (pre-beta3) last build
Alexandre Xavier
Most likley a issue with the ffmpeg toolkit and/or module.
Please start a new thread with as much details as possible.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
I find the problem to submit translation. Compare two statements from reCAPTCHA and Akismet:
-- reCAPTCHA --
reCAPTCHA is a free CAPTCHA service that helps to digitize books, newspapers and old time radio shows. In order to use it, you need to sign up for a <a href="%domain_url">reCAPTCHA Public/Private Key pair</a>, which is also free. Once registered, the challenge and response strings are evaluated at <a href="%recaptcha_url"></a> to determine if the form content has been entered by a bot.
-- Akismet --
Akismet is a free, automated spam filtering service. In order to use it, you need to sign up for a <a href=""> API Key</a>, which is also free. Your comments will be automatically relayed to <a href=""></a> where they'll be scanned for spam. Spam messages will be flagged accordingly and hidden from your vistors until you approve or delete them.
The <a href...> format are different. My translation of reCAPTCHA can be submitted without problems, but it can't for Akismet.Can modify the URL in Akismet description to reCAPTCHA like?
Hey you,
I've been with you since version 1x, used version 2 for a few years period and now tried version 3 beta 1 and was enthusiastic (I still love to play with this Cooliris thing - and to impress my colleagues with my lovely nice and cool Gallery homepage). You went eons from version 1 to here - and now even a 1-click update to beta 2. I tried it and guess what: it worked just as it was supposed to do.
I am a software developer myself and I know what it is like to create a new software, roll it out and hope everything works out alright - and what should I say, you guys and girls did an awesome job.
Keep on like this - the world will love you for this.
Thank you so much
Posts like your make the bad days go a bit smoother. Thanks from the team.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Hi Guys, Still have that bug with gallery 3 and the latest code as of 7-31, when I open any of the admin tools they open on the right side of the page instead of underneath?
This happened with the last nightly release also..
Here Is a screen capture, this happens with every admin tool. I am using IE8... had no problems with the original gallery 3 beta 2, excpet for dropdown menus covering or going over the front page...
I'm not able to duplicate this. In IE 8 for me, Gallery functions just fine.
Please start a new thread so this doesn't get lost. Post info like your screen resolution, etc. I see you're in Vista so I'll try that when I get a chance, I only tried IE8 on XP.
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Dear Sir,
I have a problem after install gallery 3,
I got a message:
"Dang ..Something went wrong!
We tried really hard, but it's broken.
Talk to your Gallery Adminstrator gor help fixing this!"
can somebody help?
Thank you very much!
@king3king4: Please upgrade to the latest code (see the link below) and then start a new thread in the forum with details about your problem if it still persists.
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git | help! vote!
Thanks for your help!
It's OK now when I use the firefox with gallery3,
but still have the same problem with safari in Mac ox 10.5.
fixed. thanks for reporting the issue.
BTW: the translation submission for akismet should just have been ignored. if there was an error, please let me know.
Have it working mostly. Everything seems to be working save one key item: The picture number. When looking at photos in an album it correctly lists photos 1 - X of Y (for example, photos 1-9 of 24). Clicking on a photo, say the 4th photo, a larger image is displayed as "0 of Y" (i.e. 0 of 24). This obviously affects the Next and Previous buttons, rendering them inoperable.
Make sure you're using the latest code:
If you are and you're still having issues, please start a new thread in the forums.
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I loaded up some 800 images on this Gallery 3 beta 2 and not a single thumbnail problem. The same imagemagic and the same server and same PHP5. What gives?
Also is there a way to specify smart host (SMTP server) because my password resets are not working.
Thanks in advance.
So it works? It is not a problem? so it is OK? To me that sounds like it [i]not a problem[i].
try a experimental version. If you still have a issue start a thread in the forums.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Yes indeed it works great. Kudos to the developers that the beta version is outperforming a stable prior release-train version.
My heartiest congratulations for a great release.
Very impressed with the G3. I think thumbnails are key to any gallery and I now have about 3000 pictures on shared hosted service of 1and1 and it works like a charm.
Is image and thumbnail rotation working or a placeholder. It did not work for me. Also can any one of us file bugs that we find or just qualified beta testers?
My Gallery is at:
(This is the image I could not rotate)
Strangely, I tried another picture. I was able to rotate by 90 degree but the thumnail stays the same.
please upgrade to the latest experimental version and start a new thread in the forums if you still experiance the issue.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
It's great. The only feature I am missing is a Subscribe functinonality, to send emails to my friends after uploading a new album.
Check out the Notifications module that ships with G3.
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Do we have to untar/unzip and FTP upload for the latest experimental upgrade or is there a point and click upgrade from the browser.
Somehow I saw an upgrade like that in 3.0 but can not seem to find it now. I know it can not disappear but I suspect it shows up only when required or something like that..
Any clues? Much appreciate.
Anil Garg
There isn't an upgrader for G3 that will upgrade itself unless you're using git from the command line.
So yes, if you don't have SSH access you need to d/l the compressed file, unzip it and upload it. Then point your browser to
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Still Problems with gallery2 import with the gallery 3 beta 2 version
I have the following gallery2 setup:
Your Gallery 2 has the following importable data in it
* 4 users
* 3 groups
* 156 albums
* 3028 photos
* 0 movies
* 0 tagged photos/movies/albums
After importing 1836 Pictures the import doesn't import further pictures and the only thing i can do is abort.
I have some linked pictures in my gallery. Is it possible that this is the problem? Any idea?
Upgrade to the experimental version, there's been many, many changes since B2 was released.
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how working does Gallery 2.3 need to be to be able to setup Gallery 3?
I have just moved host & have the database & G2data files (which were all working fine on my old host) but not an actual up & running gallery you can view.
Is that enough to be able to import everything to get gallery 3 working?
I believe you'd need a working install. G3's import, I believe, from what I've seen, connects to a working G2 install to grab images and data. You don't point point the G2 importer to g2data or the database, but to a working G2 install.
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Try and see but I guess it depends on how much is 'not working'.
You can always use the server add module
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
I used server add and then broke up my adds into few big root albums at one time and the migration worked like a charm. But I also did not have any tags, comments, descriptions etc.. to migrate.
Anil Garg
Are there any themes in G3 yet (besides the bundled)? Will G2 themes work with G3?
Anil Garg
My Picture Gallery
No and No.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
I upgraded to the latest version and still have the same behavior while importing from gallery2. The import runs until image 1898 and stops then. Pause and resume does have no effect. resuming seems not to work after the import stopped.
Any idea?
somethingg in the logs?
Where can I find this logs?
Did something go wrong? I see that is using 2.3...?
I found the logs in var/logs but did not found something related to the import.
The following screen does not change anymore
Any Idea?
The Gallery3 can be found on: the Gallery 2 can be found on
How do I update a site from 2.3 to 3.0 beta2?
@meulie: you don't... you have to install gallery3 beside gallery 2.3 and then you install/activate the g2_import module in gallery3
@juergen.haigis: Try looking in the forums, maybe this might shed some light: Problems and Issues should go forums (look under gallery3) here:
@talmdal: Will there be an auto-upgrade option in the final version, or is 'new install -> import from G2' the only way to go?