Gallery 3.0 Beta 3 is ready!
Beta 3 is here! With this final beta, we begin the sprint to our full release! Your feedback in our beta series has been priceless so far, help us with our final push to work out the last little bugs and issues and polish up the product! Download it now! or read on for more details...
Intended audience
Gallery 3 Beta 3 is still not quite a finished product yet. There's still a lot of polishing to do, and a bunch of small missing features. But even in its incomplete state it is a fast, reliable and secure product. Live a little, try it out! If you're excited about creating beautiful themes and writing your own custom modules, now is a great time to get involved!
Security warning
Our good friends at Gotham Digital Science did a professional security audit for us, and we have fixed all the major flaws they uncovered. The minor issues that remain are along the lines of "you should ask for the old password as a confirmation when you let users change their password." We'll fix those, before the final release. All big security holes are closed. Did we miss some? We hope not, but if you install Beta 3 on a public site, we encourage you to watch for new releases and be prepared to upgrade if we put out security fixes.
Wahoooo! Let's go!
With the disclaimers and warnings out of the way, here it is:
Download Gallery 3.0 Beta 3 (1.3 MB)
or retrieve directly from our revision control with git
clone git://
Upgrading from Gallery 3 Beta 1 and Beta 2
You can upgrade from Beta 1 or Beta 2 (but not from earlier
releases). Upgrading is really easy! Unpack the new version on top
of the old one to replace the existing files and then either browse to:
(except use your real domain name) or if you have shell access, run:
php index.php upgrade
The Gallery 3 Philosophy
We set out to make an amazing application. Not only will you be able to easily host your photos, but you'll find that Gallery 3 makes it a joy. We focused on the following 4 principles:
Keep It Small - Gallery 3 is 4.5 MB with all of its features. This is a tiny fraction of the size of most similar applications.
Make It Intuitive - We've got some great usability and user interface experts on our team, designing and prototyping interfaces that just make sense. Frequent tasks are now quick and easy. Tough tasks are possible with great new interfaces.
Make It Fast - We've made some tough decisions in keeping the scope of Gallery 3 small. We've created a set of features that we think will make most of you really happy, while avoiding some of the crazier features that make the product slow. As a result, you're going to find that it's really snappy!
Make it Extensible - Our module system is so simple that even now while we're still in beta, the community has written 26 modules ranging from facial recognition to slideshows to batch tagging. Download and play with them from the gallery3-contrib repository on GitHub.
How Did We Do It?
We have stood on the shoulders of giants. Gallery 3.0 is made possible by some truly great advances in technology.
Kohana - We evaluated many PHP frameworks before choosing Kohana. It's speed, flexibility and power made it just what we needed. Thanks to the Kohana folks for providing this first class application framework!
PHP 5 - We're taking advantage of many of the new features and capabilities available in the latest versions of PHP. This allows us to write much less code and have a faster product.
jQuery - the write less, do more Javascript library. Gallery 3's rich user interface is heavily driven by Javascript and is made possible by the simple and powerful jQuery framework.
So what's new in this release?
There's not enough room to list everything, but highlights include:-
Beta 3
(hide details)
- Configurable custom URLs for each album, photo or movie.
- Greatly improved UI for administration pages
- Systematic fixes for Cross Site Security (XSS) vulnerabilities.
- Compatibility with PHP 5.3
- New, extensible context menus for albums, photos and movies.
- Better support for viewing full size images
- Rewritten Organize module. It's got a little less functionality now, but it's much cleaner and will be a primary focus for the next release.
- Tags are now searchable
- Much improved bidirectional language support
- 103 fixed tickets in the beta 3 release
- Beta 2 (show details)
- Beta 1 (show details)
- Alpha 4 (show details)
- Alpha 3 (show details)
- Alpha 2 (show details)
- Alpha 1 (show details)
This is the final beta release. Now we're going to be restraining ourselves to UI polishing, cross browser support, performance and stability. We want to release this to you as soon as possible! A few things that we know we'll be adding include:
- More bulk editing capabilities in the Organize feature
- Import permissions from Gallery 2
- Remap Gallery 2 urls to Gallery 3
- Improved tagging support
- Basic embedding hooks / instructions
- (opt-in) Stats collection (helps us to improve the product)
You can track development on our Trac roadmap.
Got feedback?
If you have any overall feedback, please visit the Gallery 3.0 Beta 3 Feedback forum topic and let us know! If you have questions, please visit the Gallery 3 Wiki, the future home for Gallery 3 documentation.
@Armani2, please start a thread in the forums and make sure you're using the absolute latest experimental code:
@aalang, no, that's not the latest code if it's still doing that. It's been fixed. At least it doesn't do that for me in IE anymore. See my link above to get the latest experimental code.
@Bigda, please start a thread in the forums.
It's way too hard to follow problems in on big thread that has 100s of topics people are posting
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Not added yet. I might come from the community as it is not on the roadmap for a core module.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
OK, I assumed Armani2 had updated his site as he said earlier (that's where the screen shot was captured).:
Is it supposed to work in Opera?
did'nt know that there are already different themes for g3? where do you have the carbon- /darkness-theme from?greetings,
@G3 themes:
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Thanks for your continued fast development of this great piece of software!
I'd like to upgrade to beta3 (from beta2) but before that I would like to backup all personal data in my gallery installation. Is there an easy way to do that?
Thank you,
backup gallery3/var and your database and you should be fine.
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Thanks, nivekiam. The upgrade (php index.php upgrade) returned 'Upgrade complete' and the upgrader (.../index.php/upgrader) says I now have the most recent available version of the Gallery 3 module (7). But in the footer it still says 'Gallery 3.0 beta 2'. This seems to be similar to what maheshdixit has reported as the first comment on this post but his solution (running the upgrader again) did not solve the 'problem'.
-- Leonard
neither 7 or B2 are the most recent versions.
Go to this page and get the latest experimental code:
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nivekiam, I unpacked beta 3 and ran the upgrader (twice, actually) and then module Gallery 3 was updated from 6 to 7. So, the question is: is module Gallery 3 version 7 equivalent to Gallery 3 beta 3? And, if yes, why doesn't it show it in the footer?
@ileo: the version that corresponds to beta3 is 12, the version that corresponds to beta2 is 7, so it doesn't look like ur running with the most current code.
Yes, click the link I posted above and download the experimental code.
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talmdal, nivekiam, Thanks for your quick replies! I realised that by unzipping the archive the new files had been collected in a subdirectory under my gallery3 installation... I do not understand what 'Unpack the new version on top of the old one' (in the text above) means then. Is there an option for unzip that automatically 'updates' any new files?
Stupidly enough
, I moved all beta 2 directories (application, installer, lib etc.) in a different directory and moved all beta 3 directories into my gallery installation directory and ran the updater. This had the effect that all pictures have now broken links although the images are exactly at the place where they should be... I tried to restore everything by re-installing the original gallery2 files from the zip file + my var directory + restoring the MySQL database but to no effect...
Do you have an idea what went wrong and how I can restore the links to my pictures?
Thanks a lot!
Move your var directory from your B2 directory back to where it should be probably under your new gallery3 directory.
I'll try to make that wiki page better. Leonard, what is your native language?
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The problem with the pop up menu disappearing when you go too high on a picture is still happening for me. I am using IE8. My version of gallery is:
commit bec620487af86f566dc7a82549cd4dcb1cf99c9a
Author: Tim Almdal <------> (thanks for sharing my email with the world... I removed it)
Date: Tue Sep 22 09:48:24 2009 -0700
Unfortunately that did not solve the problem. Now I see 'Dang... Something went wrong!' and:
The left_ptr property does not exist in the Item_Model class.
File: system/libraries/ORM.php, line: 364
My native language is German, but I'll be happy to give you feedback on the explanations in the wiki.
Sounds like you didn't upgrade:
Or just start over. Copy the files over your B2 install and visit your site
But I'm not sure what state things are in right now.
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Oh and I modified this page:
Added the (unzip) part. Does that make it more clear? Unpacking a file means to extract the contents or un-zip it.
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Thanks for your help, nivekiam. I'll try that in a minute or two. I know what "unpack" means.
I did not (and still don't) understand what "unpack *over*" means. Does it mean: Replace all old directories by the new ones? All my personal data is stored in /var, right?
I see. "unpack *over*" means to unzip the files over your existing files so that you are updating Gallery3's code base. This will not overwrite, change or do anything else to /var
All of the data you really care about is stored in /var Upgrading G3 will never overwrite that because that directory does not exist in Gallery's file structure until you actually install Gallery. So G3 will never ship with that directory as part of it's structure.
Follow the steps here for upgrading and you should be fine:
I've hopefully clarified the part in those instructions that unpacking *over* is to mean replacing the existing files.
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Hi nivekiam, Yes the wiki page is very clear to me now, thank you!
I've now also successfully upgraded to beta 3 (looks great!). The problem with the missing links to my pictures was that I had modified .htaccess in order to use Gallery 3 without index.php in the URL. When following your instructions the old .htaccess is discarded. Maybe you'd like to add to the wiki page that one should check if one has modified .htaccess and copy it to the new directory if so.
One feedback to beta 3:
I have one album where I want to use a portrait photo as index photo and the name of the album is two lines long. In beta 2 this worked fine, in beta 3 the second line of the album name is cut off (see attached screen shot).
Good point about the .htaccess being overwritten since we ship that file with G3. I'll make sure the docs get updated.
About the album thumbs, that's a known issue and there's a ticket for it (I believe). I'll double check on that.
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Great release! Questions:
1. When will g3 be available?
2. Are g2 themes usable on G3 beta3 (and G3)?
3. Can album permission be assigned on a single user account like G2 does? in G3 beta3 I can only set group permissions.
Please don't ask the same questions over and over. They've all been answered:
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Update to Beta 3 went smoothly - well done.
Major problem though - in Opera and IE with Album Images leaping around on mouse over - rendering it almost unusable. Still perfect in Chrome and Firefox.
I'm sure this will be fixed and am still more than pleased with B3!
This was fixed, if you pull the latest code off the site or with git the problem goes away.(pre-RC1)
How to translate some string not in the transaltor frame ? ( ie some "edit album" window strings )
nazo, please update to the latest experimental code and verify that issue still exists.
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Buyer beware! If your monitor's resolution is greater than the resolution of the full size image, G3 will stretch the full size image and increase the resolution of the image to fit the larger viewing resolution!
Example: if you are a professional concerned about copyright and don't want to offer large size versions of your images to the general publics, then most likely you will have 700x500 sized images (or thereabouts). Well guess what? The default theme of G3 is going to stretch those images, pixellating them, and making them look horrible, for anyone that views those images in a monitor resolution greater than 700x500.
This is a serious theme flaw and needs to be addressed. It's OK to resize the images down when the image is larger than the viewing monitor's resolution, but resizing them up, stretching them, pixellating them to fit larger resolutions is clearly unacceptable behavior.
I had this problem with previous releses of beta 3, my Images are all cropped at 850X on the widest side and were being stretched out to around 900X on the largest size.
The latest release of beta 3 release candidate 1 "Gallery 3.0 git (pre-RC1)" Took care of this problem as you can see on my site all photos viewed at the largest size are as I cropped them..
@paulmcelis: before you go off half cocked, and start making sweeping comments like "Buyer beware... " you should check the ticket system ( to see if the issue has been identified or even fixed. And then maybe even get the latest version from github and see if the problem has resolved.
Someone else took the appropriate route raised a ticket (without any sensationalism) and would you believe it... it actually got fixed a couple of days ago.
Besides which this is still not release software yet, so there are going to be issues and letting us know so we can fix them is done by the trac system. You will need a sourceforge id (they are free) to create new tickets, but you don't need an id to browes.
Last time I checked this was free.
No need to start other threads about issues that are fixed.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Hi all.
Greats works
For the translation, I finally manage to find the 'ALL' option ... but how can we manage some menu/button too short for the string ?
For the "Select photos ..." string used to fill the button in the add photos window, I tried "Ajouter des photos ..." ou "Ajouter<br/> des photos" but the string is cut at the right or at the bottom.
Brilliant, thanks for response. All is now working well.
Just upgraded from Gallery 3 beta 1 to Gallery 3 beta 3 without a pain.
I do not pretend to SPAM, just for those having problems with the hosting: my hoster is 1and1 in Spain
Just trying to install the modules, I am dying to test gmaps, since I am running a gallery2 site with maps and I would not migrate to gallery3 till there is a nice gmaps module (see
The gmap module in gallery3-contrib, needs a lot of work as it was just an early place holder. So at this point, i would be surprised if it actually worked. It it does work, its probably not connected to any fields related to a photo.
Sorry, I've been Google'ing searching this morning for this answer...I'm sure I just mis-read or read over this...but ...
Gallery 3.... password protect Albums??? Where is this? Can I password protect a single album??? This seams like a big feature. I can't believe I missed this when reading over features or not having features... Can anyone shed some light?
Password protected albums don't exist yet. Someone will need to create a module, just as they did for G2.
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wow...shucks... I checked GIT ...didn't see anyone working on one yet. Didn't realize g2 was a after though module....thought it was built into the core.
I have no clue where to start on creating that module, but I'd be up for trying to figure that out and soon.
As a starting point, you can look existing modules in -contrib and there is a developer module in there as well, that gives some tools to help you out.
I'm not sure that the existing API, would lend itself to allowing someone to hook into the authentication. You might have to do some hacking in core, which gets risky, or try to figure out away to intercept the Kohana::404 exception and check for passwords.
In g3, the accepted way to do this is: create a group, give that group access to the album, remove all access for the other groups and then put the users you want to have access into that special group.
This is where I get confused. Who uses security like this? Essentially we're looking at a group for every album, plus a user for each album. I can't complain too much because I didn't right the code. But I do like to compare to what else is out there. We have active directory allowing user permission, we have Facebook allowing user permissions we have Gallery 2 allowing album permissions, but now we can only lock at the group level? If G3 would allow locking at the user level we'd be set
As for hacking apart code...that sounds like a security mess once it's been sealed. hmmm time to do some thinking or keep clients on G2 and public on G3.
@savo: if you are looking for an album per user then someone has written a contrib module that does that.
Its been said many times before, g3 is not a direct replacement for g2 and there will be people that require the weight and overhead which provides the extensive feature set. With G3 we made some design decisions in order to make g3 lighter and faster. Reducing the granularity of the permissions was one of them.
We did extensive investigation into how people used gallery and aimed to provide a really quality product to what we perceived was 80% of the web gallery space. We are looking to the community to fill the gap for the rest, but realize that there will be some people that have very specific requirements and will be better off staying with g2.
I understand g3, is not suppose to be a direct replacement. I'm fine with that. I was under the opinion that certain core features were staying...but if a module exist than of course I'm fine with that.
My major clients are people that LOVE to you facebook all day, but they also want to upload photos...So far they can't figure out how to use G2. I'm hoping G3 will be the solution to that.
I'm not trying to discredit G3 or its developers. There is a core group of dedicated people to this project and I'm glad to see the current state of it.
I'll look through the contribute modules for what I need. It didn't catch my eye earlier so maybe there is something to help my needs out.
As for user modules, what keeps those secure? How can they be audited? The core project is secure, but do we just "risk" it when we implement community modules, or is there a catch all that will stop the modules from opening up leaks?
I just wanted to say thankyou. I have just loaded gallery3 and now that I have actually followed all the instructions it works correctly!
I was using Gallery2 until my server died and the backup was unuseable, so I thought why not give gallery3 a go.
I know windows is not supported, but it runs on my own server 2003 under Apache 2.2.13, php 5.3.0, MYSQL 5.1.38, and it all seems to work as intended, I cannot use imagemagick (cannot get it to find the paths) but that is no big problem as everything else works.
One question. Is there a feature in the pipeline for showing different sizes of the photos (a drop down showing a default size, say 800x600 with the options to view at other sizes PLUS full size?
Keep up the good work and thanks again!
John R
John R, See if you can add the settings in the advanced setting page for IM.
I believe there is a feature request for multi re-sizes but it will not be a core feature, it will come from the community.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
I get a new problem when I click "Update Languages" button, Firefox only show me
Then the Language page doesn't refresh well.
I download Gallery3 from GitHub on 10/6, 10/7, and 10/8, they have the same problem.
Please start a new thread in the forums with more info.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Thank you for your work hard, when you public the stable version ??
Is it easy to convert from gallery2 to gallery3 ??
I am making vietnam travel website so should I install gallery2 or gallery3 now ??
thank you - my personal travel website
@ Stable, When it is done. We still have to do Release Candidates.
@G2 import, yes there is a G2 importer, but there is still some features missing.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team