Changing default layout and other new user questions
Joined: 2011-01-07
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Hi, I have a working installation of gallery2 v2.3.1 on FC14. I've used the original gallery for many years, and have really enjoyed it. There are a few things I would like to change with the new installation, and hoped someone could help. - Is the logo in the upper-left corner configurable? I'd like to change it from its current gallery2 logo to something of my own design. - Are there any blog capabilities with this new version? I'd like to be able to at least create some descriptive text above the listing of albums. - I've created an album and populated it with pictures, but it doesn't appear correct. Any time I create another album, it creates it below the first one. How can I create another top-level album? - I think I screwed up the permalinks. I've read the FAQ, and permalinks and mod_rewrite are enabled, but how do I find out what the permalink link is for a particular album? I'd like to create a link that links to an album of my choosing. How can I do this? Thanks, |
Posts: 16504
For the logo:
Try checking Google for an answer:
Google is your friend
Blog, no. You can integrate it with a lot of software:
Go back to the top level album and click Add Album
Read the docs (there's a big link in the upper-right corner of every page on this site) and search first please
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Yes, I realize that, but there were far too many results and misinformation (dating back several years), and no clear reference to it from the main documentation page that I could find. Actually, I was expecting to find a reference to it in the "site admin" web page, and a place where I could upload a new logo and/or remove it, and adjust its size.
As I mentioned, when I do that, it creates it within the only other existing album that I have created. How can I avoid this?
Is it the case that there is one top-level album, and ALL other albums are below that?
I also followed these directions and they are unclear to me. What does %filename% expand to? Is there not a page that simply prints what the expanded permalink is for each album or picture?
As I mentioned, I'd like to have as a link. How can I do this?
I can appreciate that you don't think I did any reading, but I've yet to find a complete reference to answer my questions. Please advise.
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I should have also mentioned that also doesn't work, as per the permalink doc reference.
Posts: 16504
The 2nd result will get you here in 3 clicks (counting the link I provided):
Some themes do have an option to change that, most do not.
Yes, if your site for your gallery is that's the "main page" or "top level album" there can only be one. ALL albums are sub-albums of that page. You can either add photos or albums to that page, which is why we still call it an album. Just go to your main Gallery page and click Add Album. If you want to talk semantics, then don't call that main page an "album" and refer to all the albums you see there your "top level albums"
About permalinks, you should still try to have a unique character in there, like Not having that "identifier" in there can cause conflicts.
Have you done that?
Have you done that?
There's that option too.
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Ah, but knowing which three clicks is the key
Nevertheless, I've figured it out, thanks.
Am I missing something? I only see about eight or so themes. Are there many more?
Yes, I've done all of those things. I assume it's on, because the green check says so, but I sure can't find it. I know have five albums. How do I find out what their automatic permalink names are? doesn't do it.
Posts: 16504
Those themes you see are what ship with G2, there are more available here: (scroll down for the G2 section)
Some of the 3rd party (user contributed) themes are dead, not updated etc. Others work just fine with G2. Also see Site Admin > Plugins > Get More Plugins (tab) and you can download some themes through that interface as well.
Can you PM me (click Write to author) a link and login credentials (with admin privileges) to your site?
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Yes, i've viewed all of those references. it seems matrix is the most popular and best theme. I'm not sure if this is a theme issue or not, but i would sure like to be able to click on a picture to go to the next one, in the same way as this is done with facebook, rather than having to click the >> or "next" link. Is this possible?
Thanks so much! Message sent. Sorry for the delay; had some problems with the port forwarding on the server (just set it up yesterday). I think I've made some progress since my last message, but still can't get permalinks to work properly, I think.
Thanks again,
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I don't know about best or most popular, but most widely used, yep. It's the default theme and when you get right down to it, few people actually change defaults...
For clicking on the photo to get to the next photo it a theme issue, try the Siriux theme. Matrix doesn't have that functionality. To put it into Matrix isn't that hard, but isn't that easy either.
I'm checking my PM now and will get back to you on the permalinks.
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ok I see where the confusion is. Since it appears you don't have or can't use mod_rewrite on your server you're using PHP path info. Your URL's need to be like this: for example
If you want to get main.php out of the URL you need to figure out what's wrong with the server and why Gallery can't either use or detect mod_rewrite. I noticed when checking those settings, that it took a long time for Gallery to do that so there's something happening on your server. A link to phpinfo might help figure out what's wrong.
FAQ: How do I create a phpinfo page?
To move your Gallery to the root of your site instead of under /gallery2 follow this:
FAQ: How can I move my gallery installation from one folder to another?
Although, if you have other stuff installed there or other pages you'll most likely run into conflicts or making it very difficult to separate in the future.
I don't know what you mean by " I'd also like to share the album directory on the filesystem with another virtual web site. "
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Posts: 47
Okay, checked, and mod_rewrite is loaded, as I suspected. I'm using a default Fedora 14 install. How can I enable additional debugging to troubleshoot this?
Hmm.. I just found an .htaccess file in the gallery2 directory with a comment about RewriteBase. It looks like you also viewed files in this directory on my system. Does this have anything to do with it? I've uncommented it and specified the path to the installation:
RewriteBase /usr/share/gallery2/modules/rewrite/data/mod_rewrite/custom/
You can use if you have time to check it out.
Thanks! Should have known it would be that easy.
There won't ever be a need to. This is a new server migrated from an old one for this specific purpose.
I mean that I'd like to have and virtual hosts to reference the same gallery2 albums on the filesystem, so they can share some pictures while others would be independent of each other to avoid much duplication. I assume this would require separate mysql databases, tables, and content?
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AH, Try uninstalling G2 from Fedora's app system. Then download it from this site and manually install it into your site. I think maybe that's why the rewrite checks might not be working.
If you don't want both galleries to be exactly the same, you'll need at the very least, separate tables and content (g2data) you can't share files (photos, etc) across multiple gallery installs
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Do you have any more info as to why the fedora rpm wouldn't work? I'd really rather not install from source, considering there are more than a dozen RPMs that are always maintained and updated. If I remove the G2 RPMs, I'd install G3 from source anyway, no?
Okay, doesn't sound like it's worth it to try and share content.
Posts: 47
Hi all,
I'm really having a problem with mod_rewrite and gallery2 on Fedora 14. Does anyone know of any known issues with FC14 and gallery2 that might help? Is there another place that I should post my message for more directed help?
Posts: 16504
Try it from source, downloaded from this site. G2 is very unlikely see another release, I've seen problem after problem with the distro's repos package of G2 and even if we do release another version of G2, the distros seem to lag months (or longer) behind, even for a security release....
Nobody on our team maintains or tests the packages for the distros
You already have a working webserver, just download G2 unpack it into a web accessible directory and install it. That way we can rule out any odd setup done by the Fedora package(s). The serious performance problem I saw on your site when G2 was testing to see if mod_rewrite would work leads me to believe there's something not setup quite right or G2 isn't able to do something it's trying to do for the test.
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I assumed that G2 was the latest and G3 was still experimental, since there were no distro packages for G3. I also now see that the G2 package is from July.
Perhaps I would be better off just installing G3 from source and recreating the albums?
Is the xtreme theme supported in G3?
Posts: 1642
You are overcomplicating the whole thing. There is no such thing as installing from source when it comes to php applications such as Gallery.
Such applications are just a bunch of php files on your server. They can either be put there by a script such as a package manager (generally a bad idea as has been explained to you) or by yourself (the best option).
This is not the same thing as installing MySQL for instance where you will be best served using a package manager rather than compiling it from source yourself.
So just go to the download page here, download whichever of G2 or G3 you want, upload the files to your web space, navigate to the location with your web browser, follow the installation steps you will see and that is it.
Nothing developed for G2 works in G3. While I can understand the confusion due to the naming style used, the two applications are totally different applications. There is no inter operability between them. This is why people don't "upgrade" from G2 to G3 as the naming might suggest but they "migrate" from one to another.
It is just like looking at a theme or module written for Coppermine or Zenphoto. They would not work with Gallery2. So consider Gallery3 to be like Zenphoto or Coppermine. Absolutely no relationship between them and Gallery2 except that in this case they happened to have been developed by the same persons and their names are similar.
Posts: 16504
Thanks Dayo! I couldn't have said it better.
In regards to G2 or G3; G2 and G3 are essentially 2 completely different software packages. G3 is a complete rewrite and nothing from G2 is compatible. Any functionality, themes, etc need to be rewritten from scratch for G3. G3 is structurally different than G2 and may be able to do somethings easier, better, faster than G2 but it may be the other way around for some feature sets too.
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Yes, I do understand that, but revision control between versions is easier with package management, as well as removing or adding components into the php file tree, for example. It also helps to better manage external dependencies, such as adding ffmpeg, webdav, etc, and making sure compatible versions are used, where the php application may not provide that dependency checking ability.
What I was really trying to ask is, is there the availability of as many themes, modules, etc, for G3 as there is (was?) for G2?
I really liked the xtreme theme with G2, due to the ability to have a column of text with a single image down the left side, while also having two or three columns of albums on the right. So far with G3 I have not found this.
Also with G3, for some reason, I'm having a problem with the greydragon_w theme and adding photos. After clicking "Select photos" in the pop-up, the pop-up disappears and doesn't prompt me to actually add the photos. This is a new install, and it only does it with that theme, not any of the default themes.
G3 does appear to be quite different, and much simpler interface than G2.
Thanks so much for your help.
Best regards,