Just a little heads up for everyone's information. I know this doesn't deal directly with Gallery Remote but this seems to be the best fitting forum fo the topic (besides, jmullan in #gallery told me to :P )
Anyway, after much cursing and yelling at JHEAD to get it to display EXIF data on my server, I discovered that it actually worked but my pictures were missing EXIF data! That is, except for the ones I uploaded recently as test files. Turns out I uploaded the first ones with the add-in for the Windows XP picture sharing thingmy and just uploaded the later ones with Gallery itself.
Well, guess what? The stupid wizard strips EXIF data from your pictures if you tell it to do *anything* to them (resize, crop, rotate, etc) while they're being uploaded!
Now I get to delete a couple entire albums and reupload them, and re enter all my comments, just so I can have the EXIF data I wanted in the first stinking place.
I'll be using Gallery Remote from now on 
Posts: 1479
Hehe, thanks for the feedback!