Error when uploading files using publishxp :: SOLVED


Joined: 2011-04-21
Posts: 5
Posted: Fri, 2011-05-13 22:10
I'm having a strange behaviour when uploading files to Gallery 2.3 with WinXP publishing service:
It seeems to fail if the file is bigger than 2mbyte.
In fact, when i try to upload a this set of photos,

306.831 DSC_9224.JPG
1.364.262 DSC_9227.JPG
2.677.162 DSC_9214.JPG
3.797.364 DSC_9186.JPG
4.798.028 DSC_9174.JPG

I always get an error but 1st and 2nd photos (<2mb) are uploaded well on my Gallery.

Instead, if I check the RESIZE PICTURE Question in the wizard, i get no errors and upload finish OK but I have only the resized pictures on Gallery..

There's no size limit set in the Gallery config.
Please help me.

It was a php.ini problem... Sorry..

; Maximum size of POST data that PHP will accept.
post_max_size = 8M
