Hi all,
I have read the forums. . .over and over. . .and can't find any mention of my specific problem. . .so was wondering if you guys have any advice. . .
Need to move servers for my gallery2 installation.
I've read the faq on moving from one server to another, thats fine.
I had url rewrite on the existing gallery2. I know I need to disable this before moving, which is fine - but the problem is, I have 100's of pics that are embedded on other websites (using the 'show urls' to display bbcode under the pictures, which was then pasted into forums etc).
On external sites which have the pictures embedded using bbcode the existing gallery provided, the picture urls are obviously different to the actual location because of the url rewrite. . migrating the gallery, then setting up the url rewrite again will not recreate the same urls the previous install had, will it? is there any way around this?
Any assistance greatly appreciated, a countdown to looking very stupid has started for me 
Posts: 16504
You're thinking a bit too hard about this, just follow the FAQ, the URLs won't change
For example:
In January I have my site www.example.com hosted at a crappy host and in March I decide to move to a killer host, www.example.com is going to be the same at both hosts. It doesn't matter where they are stored on the disk.
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Posts: 2
thanks for your reply,
You're right. . was thinking too hard about it.
I had weird issues from the start of following the upgrade procedure. Uploaded the new files on top of the existing ones. . . completely broke gallery. Loads of php errors etc. restored from the backup I took - data and sql . . .still broken, in a different way. Couldn't work out why, made absolutely no sense at all. Then when I did get it working, transferred it and reenabled the url rewrite, the urls were all wrong and it made no sense :p
restored from an older backup, then followed the procedure as normal again. . . .everything worked perfectly from start to finish - corrupt backup I guess. . what are the chances. . .
All sorted now though, thanks.