Hello everybody!
I got a little problem with my generated thumbnails.
I am using the API to get the ID by Path method (php method: GalleryCoreApi::fetchItemIdByPath(xyz.jpg") ).
Once I got the ID of the picture, I juste call the picture with my gallery server path (which looks like: www.myserver.com/gallery2/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=xyzID).
Already here, I don't know if I'm taking a good path to do that.. Anyways, it works.
But now, I want to have 5 sizes of thumbnails (the biggest one is 500x500 criteria). So the picture IDs are incremental, for example:
- original picture ID = 450
- then the first thumbnail ID would be = 451
- the second 452
- third 453
- fourth 454
- fifth 455
- the next ID (456) wouldn't be the same picture as requested, because it generated 5 thumbnails. But that is okey.
But now, if I add a new image, which size is lesser than 500 pixels, the thumbnail will not be generated. So, the *rule* with incrementing ID's to get the next thumbnail size won't work; because the picture will change (thumbnail not generated, because original picture to small).
So there would be several solutions:
- forcing to enlarge the picture, that it has minimum 500x500 pixels
- forcing to create thumbnails, even if it doesn't have the good size
- method from api which tells me if a pictureID is the same picture as another pictureID
- method from api which gives me all IDs of a picture
- ...
or maybe I'm totally wrong, but it would be very helpfull if someone knows something about that 
Thank you very much,
Posts: 8339
I'd use mediaBlock w/ g2_maxImageWidth and g2_maxImageHeight parameters.
FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with The E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2
Posts: 12
Hey! Thank you for the fast reply! I tried it, and it looks like something I could use
I tested the parameters, and now I've got a few questions. I used "@readfile("http://localhost:8080/PhotoGalleries/gallery2/mediaBlock.php?g2_itemId=349&g2_maxImageHeight=50&g2_maxImageWidth=50");"
- I observed that the minimum value of the sizes is 100 (is it possible to go under 100?) and the maximum is 500 (after that it shows the original file).
- I would like to have NO link on the image (when i click on the picture, it redirects me to the gallery album). Is it possible to avoid that?
- Is it possible to remove the border (the shadows) on the picture? I need a clean picture
Sorry if those questions are newby ones!
Thank you,
Posts: 12
OH.. okey... I took a break, and now I just found the 2 options for the shadow and the link... *hum hum* (&noLink=1&noShadow=1), sorry.
There is still the question about the minimum size that is fixed to 100
but anyways, I'll use that library
Posts: 8339
mediaBlock finds the closest match to the size parameters you specify.
But you can also further tweak the size with &useMicro=value where the value is the largest size being displayed. This currently only works with thumbs but could easily be extended to work with resizes.
FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with The E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2
Posts: 12
Aaahh okay! So it still uses the thumbnail sizes, didn't got that. So that's perfect!
Last more thing (after that I won't annoy you anymore)
The "return" value automatically comes in a table. I have several different picture request (in a foreach), so the page shows a lot of tables. Is it possible to get ride of it? Didn't find any options (and I looked twice this time).
Or do I have to use css to hide it? (My knowledge is very limited in css, I don't even know if that's possible.. and it's better to have a clean code
Thanks a lot!
Posts: 8339
it only presents thumbs if useThumb=1 is set, but the thumbs are considered in the maxImage size query - all sizes are.
Each image is surrounded by an imageframe table for drop shadow or other frame.
For one client I created a CSS3 version using box-shadow which does not use the table, but the shadow does not display properly in IE < 9
I could make this version available this weekend.
FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with The E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2
Posts: 12
Mmhh, the thing is that at the end I only need one picture at time, without any styles or tables.. really only the picture. (or the ID of the picture/thumb).
But at least, I think I'll remove the table with javascript after each page is loaded. It's a workaround, but I hope it'll do it.
I don't want to make you work more for me! :D
Again, thank you for your assistance.