Update: As mentioned in a post below, the web host will not allow 777 permissions.
I've googled, I've checked the codex, but before I attempt what I'm about to do, I'd like to get some second opinions.
I don't have much information on the settings below like I normally would, because this isn't my site that's having the problems, but my aunt and uncle's. Pretty much I make sure it keeps running, and they get to add pictures for their business. ..And sometimes I get cookies for payment! But anyway...
Site was working just fine, and then the site was taken over by the update process. I got errors that the permissions for the gdata file weren't 777, so I went about making sure they were. When some refused to change permissions, I had to contact their web host. After a day they finally proclaimed it was fixed and all 777 again, but I was still getting the same error.
I was thinking, what I could do, is backup the site and the database, wipe the site clean, and install Gallery3, and then use the import feature. And if there's any errors, chances are files are corrupt. What do you all think?
Gallery version (not just "2"): the version directly before before 2.3
PHP version (e.g. 5.1.6):
PHPInfo Link (see FAQ):
Webserver (e.g. Apache 1.3.33):
Database (e.g. MySql 5.0.32):
Activated toolkits (e.g. NetPbm, GD):
Operating system (e.g. Linux):
Browser (e.g. Firefox 2.0): Chrome 20.0.1132.57
NOT a "Twilight" fan... Just a fan of sunsets. 
Posts: 27300
That means that the g2data/versions.dat file is either missing, can't be read or has been changed.
Does that file exist?
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 130
The g2data versions.dat file is there, and all it says is:
NOT a "Twilight" fan... Just a fan of sunsets.
Posts: 130
I thought everything in g2data was permissions 777, and when some files refused to switch over, I had contacted my aunt and uncle's web host. They said they fixed it, but I was still getting the error in the update process. Now I'm not sure if I can even have gallery installed anymore, after what they wrote me today:
Can Gallery even function with g2data as 755? I looked really hard to make sure each one was 777, but either a file is corrupt, I'm guessing, or there's still one in the folder with wrong permissions that I overlooked.
I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place because I've been out of the web design business for quite a while, and I haven't had problems with my relatives' site until now. I'm not getting paid (I might get cookies, though!) but I do this free, since they're family. My uncle has some names he'd like to give the site to this coming week and with the site down, he has to delay his plans.
To be honest, I'm not a big fan of their web host, at least compared to the one I use, but they don't have the technical know-how to switch.
NOT a "Twilight" fan... Just a fan of sunsets.
Posts: 27300
As long as the user that the site runs* as can read and write to the g2data directory and all the files in it, it should be fine.
All hosts are a bit different.
*user that the site runs: in some cases it is the user of the site. In others it is the user of the webserver or WWW or some other user that the webserver/php runs.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 130
It's just the owner of the site that uses the gallery, but he logs in and uses it just as any other user might. How do I get past the complaint of the permissions of the upgrader, any idea?
Only I'm also getting these errors in the upgrader's system check, at the very top:
I'd read that it could be something to do with the manifest files but I don't know exactly what that means, or what I should upload to replace it. And if I do replace files, I'd have to download the gallery version before 2.3 to do it with, right?
NOT a "Twilight" fan... Just a fan of sunsets.
Posts: 27300
You need to upload all the files again and
FAQ: How can I make sure that my installation files are all intact?
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 130
I uploaded the right files that it said were missing, but I'm wondering if it's from an updated x_treme template, because now it just says they're modified files. Oddly enough, the only one remaining now for missing files is "R," whatever that is. No URL or other information, just "R." And still the errors above. If I re-upload all the Gallery files, do I do it from the newest 2.3 that I haven't upgraded to yet, or the version that the gallery actually is (the version before 2.3)?
NOT a "Twilight" fan... Just a fan of sunsets.
Posts: 27300
So the only files it said that where missing or modified where related to the x-Treme theme and this mysterious R file?
You could just upload files from 2.3 as that what it seems to be from the versions.dat file.
Perhaps some other community member has a idea.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 130
I uploaded Gallery 2.3 to the web site, and I'm still getting the same errors. Would it possibly be g2data related..?
NOT a "Twilight" fan... Just a fan of sunsets.
Posts: 130
Re-uploaded the downloaded gallery's contents via ftp, and still seeing:
NOT a "Twilight" fan... Just a fan of sunsets.
Posts: 1642
Might be a symptom of something else but those are "E_Notice" warnings and these are supposed to be switched off on production servers anyway.
Ask you host why they have PHP E_Notice warnings on a production server and tell them to switch these off ... or consider looking for a new host.