Joined: 2012-05-17
Posts: 62 |
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hi, I have an album that i would like to use where people can upload images to this album but can not view it if that makes sense. I want to use this album a a screening process so we have more control over what is posted in our gallery. so i woudl iek [people to be able to upload to this gallery but not able to surf around as the images have not been approved if they are in this album. Once the images are approved, I will move the images to the proper album.. How do we do this? dave Gallery URL = |
Posts: 8339
I actually may have a solution for this.
For a gallery I setup for a client, they wanted visitors to be able to donate images if they had images from the same events.
So the security for allowing anonymous uploads is a huge no-no, but I have found a way.
Visitors that want to donate images can use a custom form to upload an archive(.zip) of images and they also have to leave their name, email addy and a small message.
This archive is uploaded to a web-safe directory, and you get an email when this happens, something like:
"This person whose email is... has uploaded an archive, if you know this person click here to process this archive else click here to delete it"
When you process the archive it is automatically unzipped and the contents are added to an album with the same name as the archive, but the album is hidden until you the admin unhide it.
Posts: 62
I am not concerned about anonymous uploads as anyone who uploads will need
to register...then and only then can they upload..... will that work too?
if so how do I do it?
Posts: 1
I am also intrested in this. I would love to take in pictures from people to use but I do want to be able to "screen" them first. I dont want to end up with several random images. Would love if you could share how you did this suprsidr or if Dave found a way...
Posts: 62
Hi Jpman,
I am basically looking for a way to have 1 gallery folder where people can upload only, then we can screen and put the images in the proper galleries... in our case... those may be concert pics band member pics etc.
if you find anything let me know
Posts: 8339
try this:
create a new album
remove permission "Everybody core.viewAllVersions"
add permission "Registered User core.addSubItem"
So there will be no view permissions, but there is add item permissions.
And you can have a link somewhere for registered users
<a href="/gallery2/main.php?g2_view=core.ItemAdmin&g2_subView=core.ItemAdd&g2_itemId=xxx">Upload photos</a>
where xxx is the actual album id
All New jQuery Minislideshow for G2/G3
Posts: 62
I did this... Please see screen shot attachment of gallery permissions.
I signed up as a member but I was unable to see the gallery where i would be able to upload photos.... Can it be a user permission issue instead of a gallery permission issue? I amhave looking around but just dont know what to do.
Posts: 8339
isn't that what you asked for?
can this registered user add items by following a direct link to the add items page?
where xxx is the album id
All New jQuery Minislideshow for G2/G3
Posts: 62
I dont know how to add a link to pint to that page.. I mean I know HTML but how do i add a link on G2 page? What i really want once this issue is resoved is to put teh gallery on OUR page so it blends in... this is the entire and ONLY reason i switched over from G3 as it was not able to be done in G3... When the gallery page is up and looks like G2 and not our page, our visitors can not see the rest of ourt site and must back out untill they can get to our home page again... We want this gallery to be inside our pages so our customers never lose site of what we have to offer..including this gallery...
So i guess first can you help me with the link I need to direct customers to the upload gallery?... then I woudl need help putting this gallery into our site..
Posts: 8339
You can use regular html or in smarty:
but I cannot advise further without knowing where on your page you want it.
As for embedding, I have many tools for G2 including a simple form.
All New jQuery Minislideshow for G2/G3
Posts: 62
there is no point in adding the HTML to this page when this page is going to be moved any way to a different page on my site with my custom look and my links and I dont know how to do that. this is the only REASON I changed to G2... i was using G3 and you were helping me with that but said what I wanted could nto be done in G3 and I needed to switch to G2... i did but dont know how to do this...
Posts: 8339
So what page do you want gallery embedded into - or show me a page you want gallery to look like.
All New jQuery Minislideshow for G2/G3
Posts: 8339
All New jQuery Minislideshow for G2/G3
Posts: 62
this looks great but i am also interested in the galleries being shown not just the images..... Can the galleries be shown then click on the gallery and then look at all the photos in the specific gallery?
Posts: 8339
I chose a specific album, but you can choose any album you want - even root.
This gives you the ability to have multiple access points to your gallery and each one could look different if you wanted.
All New jQuery Minislideshow for G2/G3
Posts: 62
OK great!
but how do i do this with my galleries? the images there are your images and not my gallieres... can you show me how to insert my galleries?
thank you so much!
Posts: 8339
rename and place the attached file to
All New jQuery Minislideshow for G2/G3
Posts: 62
you posted on august 8th, 2012 above a link to post images for admin review....
I changed it to fit my site and album name but it is not working... I think I may have the wrong album name but i dont know where to find the correct album name.. Can you help? i entered the album name as "upload"
thank you so much
Posts: 8339
the id would never be "upload"
gallery uses numeric ids for every item
All New jQuery Minislideshow for G2/G3
Posts: 62
where can i find this ID please?
thank you
Posts: 8339
when you visit every item in gallery, you see the link & g2_itemId revealed in the address bar
All New jQuery Minislideshow for G2/G3
Posts: 62
I must have mis understood....sorry. attached you will see how I CAME UP WITH THE id... WHICH i Believe to be "29".. you can see this is in fact the gallery I want members to upload to and then we will filter the images to the appropriate gallery
the link is going to the URL below but it comes up dead...
Posts: 8339
you of all people should know your gallery is not at
All New jQuery Minislideshow for G2/G3
Posts: 62
oopss honest mistake... is there a way to limit the upload picture page so the nav buttons do not run of the right side of the page?
look here and see what I mean.... I also included a screen shot
Posts: 8339
uninstall some of those upload modules, I'd just give them the built-in from browser method.
All New jQuery Minislideshow for G2/G3
Posts: 62
thanks!!!! worked great...... one more thing on this topic .. how can i neaten up the borders for this? is some place in the PHP that i can redefine these fields so they fit a little neater? if so which file please and general location
see attached please
Posts: 8339
Honestly your site is too narrow for 3 columns in the gallery page, I'd lose the 3rd column.
All New jQuery Minislideshow for G2/G3
Posts: 62
Ok thanks.. I will start a new thread about security issues as that seems to be my next problem...
thanks for all your help... I hope you can help me again as you have been great and patient
Posts: 1
I would also like to have something like this. But can I set it up on mac OS X, or it doesn't matter which operating system I use, since everything will be uploaded on the server through FTP? Tnanks.
Posts: 1
i would like to use this gallery to upload few of my images sorted by folders based on categories.what is the procedure for that, do i need to register first.please let me know