Security Violation The action you attempted is not permitted. Back to the Gallery
Joined: 2012-05-17
Posts: 62 |
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I see this topd posted but did nto see an answer that would work for us. when a non admin account is logged in they can not click a link ( ) and upload their image..... the get the message ............... Security Violation The action you attempted is not permitted. Back to the Gallery ( hyper linked) any suggestions? Error Detail - in modules/core/classes/GalleryController.class at line 239 (GalleryCoreApi::error) System Information thanks dave |
Posts: 8339
in photos.php look for this line:
oops, looks like I did not include them in your file.
around line 64 above $g2data = GalleryEmbed::handleRequest();
All New jQuery Minislideshow for G2/G3
Posts: 62
Ok so we are even now
as I gave you the wrong location of my own file in the other thread
all is good here....
I added those line of code you gave me..... but still the same.... I am not well versed in PHP ( yet) can you give me more of an understanding what you mean when you say "uncomment the following lines"
i obviously did something wrong... I mean if i am supposed to tell the browser to ignore these lines wouldn't that be the same as not having them in there in the first place?
Posts: 8339
is already uncommented
All New jQuery Minislideshow for G2/G3
Posts: 62
OK thanks... but i still have the same issue... see attached
Posts: 62
thanks for taking the time to sing up to see what is happening...
Posts: 8339
try playing w/ the permissions a bit. I'm wondering if you need at least some view privis to even interact w/ that album.
and make sure 29 is the correct ID. Its pretty low a number. When you edit the album, or visit the album the ID will be in the url.
All New jQuery Minislideshow for G2/G3
Posts: 62
There is no permission that says "upload new photo" or anythign like that... is there a webpage that defines what each of these permissions are so i know what each one does... the ones that say "print" i figured out
...but some of the others ones i just dont know what they mean
Posts: 8339
core.add sub-item
but there may be need to have at least basic view privis to be able to add. in which case we'd need to do something a little different.
You're trying something I've never done/cared to do
All New jQuery Minislideshow for G2/G3
Posts: 62
this is the URL to the gallery.
29 seems to be the number...
I had a picture post years ago... PORNO spammers put up images and ruined my dog clothes website.... I used the gallery for a cute dog contest... it was fun until XXX images showed up... I want to make sure I avoid that this time.... and if i get h it by spammers, that those adult images are hidden... hope we can do it.... sorry for the trouble
So how do i do something different? or do the members have to be able to view the images in the gallery?
Posts: 8339
I know
I'm thinking a dedicated upload page, or maybe like I described in the beginning of the other thread, or hopefully something simpler.
All New jQuery Minislideshow for G2/G3
Posts: 62
Where can i find this dedicated upload page in the admin section?
Posts: 8339
try linking to this file instead
rename it to mcrmy-uploads.php and upload it next to photos.php
and test it.
All New jQuery Minislideshow for G2/G3
Posts: 62
Add items button does not seem to work... it is coded as follows
<input type="submit" value="Add Items" name="g2_form[action][addFromBrowser]" class="inputTypeSubmit">
The webcam option is gone on this new page... or will that not work on this page? it is on the other page located at
not sure where the error is..
everything else looks great!!!
Posts: 8339
You really want users to be able to add from webcam?
All New jQuery Minislideshow for G2/G3
Posts: 62
not sure... thought it may be fun for them.... I could always un-check that option from the admin section to stop those types of photos..right... thought I may try it since it was offered in the software..... but why was it not in the page you set up? I mean I have that option selected in the admin section
Posts: 8339
You want to give them minimal options, which is why I created a barebones page
I just updated it, rename it to uploads.php and upload it next to photos.php
and test it.
All New jQuery Minislideshow for G2/G3
Posts: 62
no file arttached
Posts: 62
images dont upload but seem to try to do so........Thank you
Posts: 8339
Ok, I think I have it now.
rename it to uploads.php and upload it next to photos.php
and test it.
then we can hide the album so the general public cannot see it.
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