3.0.7 And a SSL Possible bug? Or?
Joined: 2013-05-08
Posts: 18 |
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How is it going! I just did the 3.0.7 update install last night and it looked fine...www.pirateshiptattoo.com Also this domain name is under a parent hosted Main account in a teared/dropdown system. The main Hosted/domain Just got its SSL sometime in between 2:30am *est. to 11:00am *est. And my site is now Broken-ish... It dose not look right and I can no longer login? The look and feel is gone! My hosting says something That a script is broken? And it was due to The update Of gallery.So i did a few rollbacks and even some re-installs... Nothing is working! I think it has something to do with the SSL! http://pirateshiptattoo.com What do u think? and can anyone here help me fix it??? *est =Eastern Standard Time Zone. BTW I love the Gallery 3.0.6! Have coppermine as a placeholder right now |
Posts: 814
Do you have any rewrite rules in your .htaccess? If so, paste them up here
Posts: 27300
Looks to me like you configured the G3 install on a different server:
<img width="107" height="48" src="/piratesshiptattoo/lib/images/logo.png" alt="Gallery logo: Your photos on your web site">
where is the piratesshiptattoo coming from?
the logo is http://pirateshiptattoo.com/lib/images/logo.png
If it worked before and you host did something and it does not work now then...... seems like a host issue to me.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 18
No that is a clean install I pulled one from This site, and one from Godaddy's one click 3rd party apps
Posts: 18
Godaddy hosting... its weird coppermine installs just fine and runs, as well as 4images??? what makes this even weirder is i have gallery on saleyourart.com and it seems fine???? all my work is gone now...
have to re do it all!!! if i can fix this problem???
I also put Gallery3 back on last night so you guys here could see it.
Posts: 18
This is what we came up with since i lost everything anyways i deleted everything in the folder, uninstalled the app, deleted the folder itself then unhosted Pirateshiptattoo.com... i am re hosting it right now! And will try the app again Clean??? If this works we have a answer and if not i am still open to ideas!
Posts: 18
did not work... also tried renaming .htaccess... tried renaming php.ini... its been in root and sub. anyone??? The install/update must be corrupt! its starting to sound like that spam attack on the gallery forum here was something more!?! we found some oddities in the Gallery app things that look out of place, from where i am sitting it looks like your software has been hacked but it did not affect all installs or updates just the down load from your site, sourceforge, and updates done after or during the attack on ur site here! your thoughts??? i am going to try one last thing... i am going to try and in stall gallery in another site to see if the install is compromised, as i still have 1 gallery site up, 1 not working-but coppermine installs/works fine for what it is
and have others sites i can test installs will let u know what i find and give links... This one is working and was updated before the attack on the gallery website: http://saleyourart.com/ART/ "sub"
your software is compermised and or crorrupt... i hope this dose help u fix it i have one other domaine name i can host as well for test runs as the others that are not working will be comming down as i will have no choise but to use coppermine/or the like!
but for now i will leave them for as long as i can...
This one is broken and where the problem is: http://pirateshiptattoo.com/gallery/ "sub"
The test site to install Gallery3 is: (will be back in a min. to up date with a link as soon as the install finishes). It's in your software, This is a new site! with a new install and nothing has ever been installed here be for gallery! http://restrantjoblistings.com/ "root" not good news!
Posts: 814
What 'attack on the gallery site' are you talking about???
What 'things that look out of place' are you talking about???
Ensure that you are not copying anything over once you install your gallery. It really sounds like you're copying over the .htaccess and overwriting the default settings. (Or, you're editing it, as seen below)
(This is evident by the /pirateshiptattoo/gallery basedir)
It looks like set it up to remove the index.php, but got the RewriteBase wrong - it should be just /gallery/ and it looks like you have it set to /pirateshiptattoo/gallery
We'll be glad to try and help you, but your host was the one that made the changes, and that's what caused the problem to begin with. Please don't jump to conclusions...
Posts: 814
also, the restrantjoblistings .htaccess has this wrong too... where you just have /restrantjoblistings/
Posts: 18
folders man! "sub" - "root" is just a folder. was giving descriptions/ details, my man! and the attack that happened to The Gallery website per the emails back in and forth from me and the gallery team... and u are who? that u are not in the loop? ty for your help but this is much bigger. .htaccess has not been changed on any of the installs u see here!... it came with the g3 install. and if it was that easy in other installs when i changed .htaccess or renamed it, that would have fixed it but it did not. see anything else? willing to try it as u see i have tried everything else i can think of... slow down and read my post!!! and u will understand it better, as it is very clear what i did and my donation to this problem!!! 3 sites are sitting static one working in a "sub", two broken "1root" & "1sub" ... just read the above post slowly and all of them...
also click the links to my sites and it will become clear to u...
Posts: 18
the thing out of place.. download g3 unzip it and look at the files. if u cant read them u will have to do a install and see for yourself and go open the files it self. I am not a Gallery admin/writer or team member. but from what I know of Gallery, joomla, webid, coppermind, etc... it in the g3 install & security flaws. which is why they just released 3.0.7 in a attempt to fix some of this. how do u not know this it is posted everywhere! the problem is also in the download/update/ and even new installs.???? I just hosted a new account Restrantjoblistings.com with a first time install of g3. How else do u explain this? hacked software??? I also have one more name never hosted, for clean testing. as i explained above. but it is only for a limited time... i would like to help fix this, i liked! Gallery! and put a lot of work into it... It could be awesome with more features put in it... but first things first we have to fix it or move on time is key here!
Posts: 18
pirateshiptattoo i have till 11:am est. Fri. to do something with gallery or move on with that one site to something else (ie; to coppermine that does "work"...) i don't want to as i will have had a week in that site and 2 days here and there trying to fix the g3 install on pirateshiptattoo...
Posts: 814
3.0.7 fresh install works fine for me, no problems.
Posts: 814
I'll try another attempt to help you: Can you post the .htaccess you have for pirateshiptattoo in here?
I can tell you have some issues with it, because the links are all pointing to the wrong place:
The part in bold is what is causing your issues. If this install is in a sub directory with an .htaccess in the root, then that could be causing the rewrites as well. If it's in a root directory then, it's the .htaccess in that dir.
Posts: 814
if you have shell access to the site, and would like me to help you fix it, let me know via PM
Posts: 18
# Set some reasonable defaults for PHP. Most of these cannot be set
# inside the script itself. For hosts that don't have .htaccess
# support but do support per-dir php.ini files, these settings are
# mirrored in php.ini
<IfModule mod_php5.c>
php_flag short_open_tag On
php_flag magic_quotes_gpc Off
php_flag magic_quotes_sybase Off
php_flag magic_quotes_runtime Off
php_flag register_globals Off
php_flag session.auto_start Off
php_flag suhosin.session.encrypt Off
php_value upload_max_filesize 20M
php_value post_max_size 100M
# Try to disable the parts of mod_security that interfere with the Flash uploader
<IfModule mod_security.c>
SecFilterEngine Off
SecFilterScanPOST Off
# Increase security by uncommenting this block. It keeps browsers
# from seeing support files that they shouldn't have access to. We
# comment this out because Apache2 requires some minor configuration
# in order for you to use it. You must specify "AllowOverride Limit"
# in your Apache2 config file before you uncomment this block or
# you'll get an "Internal Server Error".
# <FilesMatch "(\.(class|fla|gitignore|inc|ini|sql|txt)|(README|LICENSE|.build_number))$">
# Order deny,allow
# Deny from all
# </FilesMatch>
# <FilesMatch "robots.txt">
# Order allow,deny
# Allow from all
# </FilesMatch>
# Improve performance by uncommenting this block. It tells the
# browser that your images don't change very often so it won't keep
# asking for them. If you get an error after uncommenting this, make
# sure you specify "AuthConfig Indexes" in your Apache config file.
# <IfModule mod_expires.c>
# ExpiresActive On
# # Cache all files for a month after access (A).
# ExpiresDefault A2678400
# # Do not cache dynamically generated pages.
# ExpiresByType text/html A1
# </IfModule>
# You can use the mod_rewrite Apache module to get rid of the
# "index.php" from your Gallery 3 urls. Uncomment the block below
# inside the <IfModule> ... </IfModule> lines and then edit the
# RewriteBase line to match your Gallery 3 URL.
# Here are some RewriteBase values:
# Gallery 3 URL RewriteBase line
# ============= ====================
# http://example.com/gallery3 RewriteBase /gallery3
# http://example.com/~bob/photos RewriteBase /~bob/photos
# http://gallery3.example.com/ RewriteBase /
# Then just use your Gallery 3 without the index.php in the url.
# NOTE: future upgrades of Gallery 3 will overwrite this file! If you
# want these changes to be persistent, talk to your system admin about
# putting this block into your Apache config files.
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /gallery/
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?kohana_uri=$1 [QSA,PT,L]
RewriteRule ^$ index.php?kohana_uri=$1 [QSA,PT,L]
RewriteRule ^index.php/(.*) $1 [QSA,R,L]
Posts: 814
Based on what you posted, there has got to be another rewrite rule above that directory somewhere, or apache global rewrite somewhere... (or a symlink maybe)
The file you're showing doesn't reflect the behavior of the site.
I've sent you a PM.
Posts: 18
I Still have a broken site Any help... Anyone??/
Posts: 27300
If the one click install does not work then I suggest working with your host as we don't have a one-click installer.
In general I have never seen a one-click installer work right anyway, so I suggest a manual install and:
If that does not work and you are unwilling to give login info to jnash as was requested, then perhaps another software solution is better for you/your host.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 18
I gave him what was required for him to gain access. or do u all want php admin?
Posts: 18
We changed my account as I believe it to have been corrupt since day one, I am on the same server tho.
but everything is looking better and works better so far...
Where was it u were requesting access Hosting? Php? cause some areas require less "forms" Than others. Btw way I know what can be done in a forum attract, I had a forum exploited and threw a file upload and execute once nearly bringing the house down and knocking sites of line. So I don't take Forum Attacks lightly. I also have had massive groups Attacks like set on one goal, Mission or Purpose! Sound craze? It happens! so I have learned...The hard way. And no worries we all Get Busy... that is why I asked floridave and anyone else that had 2 cents, while I was waiting for your reply. Also the SSL removal did not do jack. Ty for all of your time for now... Hopefully I can Help in the Future Somewhere? I have a few cards with some change on them, does not amount to much a few Dollars to start. As I do like Gallery3 and support it... Will start burning the cards up over the next few days. Ty again