lost albums
Joined: 2012-08-12
Posts: 28 |
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I have a problem in that my web host moved my web site to another server, but my albums were not moved in the process. I can still see the thumbnails, but not the big images. All my images were moved to the new server, but the links to the images are missing. Does anyone know how I can restore these images? My album folder is empty although the thumbnails show up in my browser. I can add an album that is a duplicate of an existing album that shows up in my browser. My web site is www.mempics.com/MP-Photos/main.php. Can anyone tell me how to fix this? Thank you, Gallery URL = http://www.mempics.com/MP-Photos/main.php |
Posts: 1642
Your site link returns a 404 Not Found message
Posts: 28
Try this: http://www.mempics.com/MP-Photos/main.php
The link that shows the gallery url works
Posts: 28
Is anyone going to be able to help me get this problem fixed? As you can see in the attachment the only album I have is the one I created that is a duplicate of an existing album that shows up in my browser, but not in my file system. All my photos I have were transferred when they moved my web site, but the links that were in my albums or not. The thumbnails of the images shows up, but the big image does not. I would really appreciate any help or suggestions that you might be able to give me.
Posts: 8339
follow the direction for movin gfrom one server to another. Your host has done some of this but apparently not all.
FAQ: How can I move my Gallery installation from one server to another?
All New jQuery Minislideshow for G2/G3
Posts: 28
Maybe I should rephrase my question. My web hosting company has moved my web site and after the move I complained about the missing albums. My hosting company looked for back ups and cannot find any so they say the files are all gone. The question I have is I can still see the thumbnails in my browser, but cannot link to the big images. My ftp client shows no album even though I see them in my browser. My question is where are all these thumbnails that I am seeing? Is there some way to see them using my ftp client? If I can find them in my ftp client then maybe I can correct the links since all the images are on my web site.
Posts: 8339
gallery builds thumbnails and resizes from the original image upon upload or first view. They are stored in .dat files in g2data/cache/derivative/
The originals would be in g2data/albums - gallery will look for them in their original album in the original filename.
We cannot help you restore the originals. You may be able to save some of the larger resizes from the dat files.
All New jQuery Minislideshow for G2/G3
Posts: 8339
if all the original full sized images are in the correct place, you should be able to build resizes/thumbs from gallery admin.
All New jQuery Minislideshow for G2/G3
Posts: 1642
Unfortunately, your host appears not to have copied the full sized across.
Since they say they have no backups, I am afraid the files are gone for good and the gallery is basically a lost cause.
The host has failed you in two ways:
1. Not moving stuff across properly. That is pure incompetence.
2. Not backing up before carrying out major procedures on their servers. That (to me) is criminal negligence.
However, this is what you get from cheap, fly by night outfits.
Sorry, but I think the gallery is gone for good.
Posts: 28
All the full size images were transferred to the new server. It was just the albums with the links to the images that were not transferred. I can recreate all the albums, but that is over 2 years worth of photos and it would take forever to get them all up again. However, I have a backup from 4 months ago that would shorten the work quite a bit, but I don't know how to run that and the info in the gallery help section seems like it is saying I have to use the backup as a reinstall of the gallery software. My host says they will install it for me if I provide them the file as a sql file, which it isn't since gallery saves the backup as a xml file.
Any suggestions on where to go from here?
Posts: 8339
if the images are in their original g2data/albums location, then that is where gallery should already be looking.
Make sure all paths and urls are correct in gallery2/config.php
All New jQuery Minislideshow for G2/G3
Posts: 1642
What Sup said above.
Also, mind that you should not be mucking about in the g2data folder. Dont create or delete anything there.
It may be that the server permissions are different as in the server users may be different.
Try making g2data permissions as 777, run the install script and point to g2data and your database.