[SOLVED] Troubles after Update vom 3.01 to 3.09 homepage does not show the gallerys only mixed up text [solved, theme update +
Joined: 2011-01-25
Posts: 35 |
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Hi everybody, everytime I activate the new installation path (by renaming = > Rename the new folder to the name you had for your old folder (e.g. from "gallery3_new" to "gallery3") ) it ends up in an ugly not working installation. Thank god it seems working again after giving the folders the original names. What to do? Pictures from 301 and 309 as attachment. Thank you in advance for your help!
Posts: 35
I am using the theme dark canvas with small changes as I wanted it ... unfortunately even clean canvas (mother and newer version from dark canvas) seems to have similar problems .. looks a little better but is also wrong
*** http://www.kramann.net
Posts: 27300
Looks to me like you need to update the theme as well.
then choose the dark option on the theme options.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 35
Hi Dave,
thanks for your fast answer. It looks a little bit better with clean canvas -- but there are no pictures (gallery thumbs are missing and the header is a little bit so small)
EDIT: Now I changed 3.01 also to clean canvas. Its obvious now, that that version loads all the gallery-thumbs and that the header is a little bit to small (see webpage URL or second image enclosed)
Best Regards,
*** http://www.kramann.net
Posts: 27300
That would require some CSS adjustments. I don't use the theme or the graphic you use so a URL (in a PM is fine) to use FireFox and the Dev tool to see what to adjust too.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 35
That would be a nice first step -- even though that the gallery thumbs are not shown with gallery 3.09 is the much bigger problem.
Whitch URL do you mean? The one in my signature shows the Problem with the small header.
I would like to learn something by that -- so which dev tool do you mean?
Have you also an idea for the gallery thumb problem (not to be seen on my webpage right now but I could change to 3.09 so that that problem appears (even though its really ugly then).
thank you very much in advance!
EDIT: By the way ... is it possible that I dont need the top menu for normal users? Shows only "Homepage" directly next to the logo which nobody needs ?! Of course that menu makes more sense when I am logged in.
*** http://www.kramann.net
Posts: 27300
No thumbs or just overlapped? Is the current URL in you signature 3.01?
Menu height/padding:
to the css of the theme you are using. Adjust the 60 as needed.
Menu hide:
or use some css:
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 27300
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 35
Yes it currently is 3.01 running because with 3.09 (by renaming the path I could change to 3.09 fast if you are online and want to take a look ... but you also could look at the JPGs I attached above .. and a new one enclosed here) there are NO gallery thmumbs (at last for the pictures there are thumbs but not for galleries).
Your module works like a charme (home button deactivation) but I dont know in which css file I should look for the height change ... there are a lot of CSS files in the theme path.
There is (found in: \themes\clean_canvas\css\screen_layout_base.css:
Do you mean that? Should I change the 0 to anything which would look nice?
*** http://www.kramann.net
Posts: 27300
If the album highlights are missing bu the thumbs in the album show then I would suspect some .htaccess issue with .album.jpg images.
Compare the 2 .htaccess files from the 3.01 to 3.09. I suspect some rule that prevents it from showing.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 35
both VAR Folders should be the same ... the 309 is a copy from gallery3.
The .htacess file \gallery3\var\albums and \gallery309\var\albums seem to be identical:
But the ".album.jpg" files seem to be broken. I can't open the downloaded ones (which is true for the original VAR (from 3.01 installation) but also for the VAR from 3.09 (even though with 3.01 it is working ??) The web development tool (at this time 3.09 is online) says:
http://www.kramann.net/var/thumbs/Reisen-Travelling/.album.jpg?m=1398066360 says "the pic can not be shown because it is broken" (or something like that)
Found a difference for the VAR Folder the read/write allowances .. the old folder had 777 ... now I changed the new one also to 777 and it seems to work.
Now it is 3.09 running and so far it seems to work. Thank you very much for you help - would not have found it without your advise.
So this thread could be closed. Should I make a new one for some little tweaks I would love to have (like watermarks only for the pictures, not for the thumbs, no owner information under every thumb, that little more hight for the header and such things)?
*** http://www.kramann.net
Posts: 27300
works for me. I see a thumb.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 27300
Glad you got it sorted.
Please start a new thread with your other questions.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team