Photo Gallery comparison
Joined: 2002-09-17
Posts: 27 |
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Recently I am searching a php photo gallery package to keep my travel photos. I found several ones in the community and would like to share with others. I also want future Gallery 2.x can offer some of the nice features embedded in other php packages. The following php packages has its own good points and it depends on your needs which one is fit for you. 1. gallery - needless to say it is one of the most famous php gallery package and many php developers plan to have integration with another popular forum package - phpbb. It has lots of features but current version is not database driven. From my view, it is one of the best in the community and I hope future 2.x provide more features. sample site: 2. Exhitbit - it is a php, mysql based photo gallery package which is created by a famous Canon G1 photographer - Pekka. The package performance is very very fast. Also it has very many exceptional features and the design is quite different from other similar gallery packages e.g. multi-view thumbnails, detailed photo view which offer very detailed information of a photo. I think the package is designed from a professional photographer's angle. Besides his photo taken by Canon G1 or D30 is excellent. Sample site: 3. 4images - a php, mysql based gallery package which provide lots of features e.g. user access control, random photos, e-card, multi-level folders, auto image detector, resizer, thumbnails, etc. However the performance is slow sample site: 4. myalbum - php, mysql based gallery package which is integrated with another popular CMS - Xoops. If you are Xoops users, it may be best fit for you. Current version is 1.0 but I think more features will be added later. sample site: 5. photo index - also php, mysql based and it can automatically loads lots of photographs at once. It is also integrated with phpnuke CMS. It is simple but it can extract EXIF data from photo automatically and maintained in backend database sample site: |
Posts: 4
Why do you say the performance of 4images is low? I've recently discovered it and I've found it to be great--I'm not disputing you, maybe it is, I'd just like more information so I don't implement it and find it won't work out.
As a side note, I'm also a very happy Gallery user and I have no intentions of ditching it for 4images--they are separate projects with separate needs. :cool:
Posts: 2
This was a bad forum to have this discussion but....
I too just recently stumbled onto 4images and find it to be a very useful application.
Its especially nice for people who like and are familar with using control panel configuration. (You know the ones who can never find the " Full Web Path".)
Anyway I've set it up for a couple folks who just love it. Though I can't say its #1 for me either. But it's earned a place in my bag of tools. Might even go so far as to make a theme or 2 for it when I get the time...
Of course free only for non-commercial use implies it best be very good if they expect many commercial users. And honestly I don't know if it quite makes the bar there.
Posts: 21
I've only been searching for an online gallery for the last month or so.
I've come across lots of galleries, <!-- BBCode Start --><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">subMedia</A><!-- BBCode End --> looks great but it's not available, <!-- BBCode Start --><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank">4images</A><!-- BBCode End --> is pretty good but you can only upload 1 photo at a time through the web interface.
I'm waiting for Gallery 2, from what has been said it's going to hopefully be a killer gallery. Configurability, modularity - I can't wait. Bharat seems to be making a good effort to produce good, lean, clean, modular code.
Posts: 2
Not true you can upload up to 10 images through the control panel.
Yep we are all in this camp.
Posts: 4
I had some spare time last night and i installed all these galleries and tested them.
Like anything they all have their good points and their bad points. I'd say my favourite was 4images. There is a plugin that allows you to batch import files. the link is posted in the 4images forum.
For now I'll stick with gallery. I've been using it since version 1.0 was in beta, and i figure why change.
Thanks for the links though hk. I was not aware of any of those galleries
Posts: 7994
Thanks for the excellent rundown, hk_traveller. I've been keeping an eye on most of those products as I do G2 work.
Currently I'm pretty confident that with the module, theme and layout architecture in G2, we should be able to reproduce the exact look and feel of each of those products if we choose to.
I recently did some load testing on my server with 100,000 photos and found that with some very minor optimizations, Gallery performance was roughly the same as it was with 10 photos.
This is a good discussion. Don't be shy about talking about what features you like in the competing products, since it's one of the goals of G2 to reproduce all the functionality that they have. :smile:
Posts: 21
bharat, and that is exactly the reason we are all waiting with baited breath for your Gallery 2. We know it's worth waiting for! :smile:
Posts: 172
I tried 4images and I find it amazing and it has cool features
But what I find lack for 4images:
1) users cant create own folders to upload photos, only what admin creates them
2) it doesnt do normal pic viewing then want see full picture just like gallery meaning I ve to do auto resizing all the time, meaning more work
What I see Gallery doesnt have this:
1) it uses mySQL, gallery doesnt
2) download or download a zip for the picture itself
3) eCard feature
4) Rating feature
5) Top images
6) New images
7) backup database on the fly
:cool: Template manager
HMM will G2 has these? :grin:
Posts: 7994
Yep, G2 will (eventually) provide all that functionality.
Ratings, eCard, Top Images, New Images, download-photo-as-zip, download-album-as-zip will be available as module plugins (same as photo printing, slideshow, comments and other bolt-on features).
Backup databases on the fly will be an administrative plugin. This should be pretty easy also.
I'm not sure what "template manager" is, though. Can you elaborate?
Posts: 172
Template Manager allows admin to edit the template of layout for gallery on the fly inside the admin, 4images has that feature, it makes my life easier.
Posts: 27
Thanks for your message and you are so open minded (and also confident 8>) to compare your package with others. I am really want to use Gallery v2 later in my photo gallery. I was a Gallery user before but I face to performance problem when I loads more than 20000 photos. I think it is the problem due to file based database to keep track of all details.
Hope to see the launch of Gallery 2 soon.
Posts: 27
The template manager of 4images is not quite good although I found some pretty good 4images templates in Internet.
Another good template manager is the phpbb's one. However it seems the development is slow down and the long waiting release phpbb 2.2 is not yet finalized.
Here is my personal wish list for Gallery 2:
- again a good template manager to manage and create new skin easily
- good multi-language support (yes I am a Chinese)
- plug-in type integration with other popular CMS e.g. phpbb, xoops, postnuke, etc
- good performance (4images is slow in my web site although I know that many others don't have this issue. I sent message to the developer but it seems it is due to unknown reason)
- good photo upload system (create new image in batch, automatic thumbsnail generation, security control in user upload, ...)
- easy to link photo in other web page in URL fomrat (i.e. to display a photo inside a html file by referring to an URL. 4images cannot do that)
- good security system (manage private/shared/public albums with user groups structure setup. So far I cannot find any php package can do that but some commercial site can e.g.,, ...)
I understand some features may not include in Gallery 2 and maybe I need to wait for version 3
Posts: 172
Geesh, your site loads very very SLOW, maybe it becuase your host is a slow .... Is it running off a dedicated server?
Posts: 19
One of the nicest galleries I've seen running on the web is PhotoPost
While I don't have admin experience with it, as a user it appears to do just about everything you could ever want. Check out to see how they're using it...impressive. Unfortunately, it's a commercial program with a fairly expensive ($150??) fee which must be renewed annually I think. But if you're looking for the ultimate gallery package, that might be worth it. This is what I'd like to see Gallery strive to be :wink:
Posts: 27
No, my host is not very slow. The discussion forum run on the same machine is really fast. You may try it
I think the problem is due to the 4images package but the reason is not yet identified.
Posts: 27
Yes, I know that package. However it is not a open source php package under GPL.
Posts: 7994
I think that G2 can do everything PhotoPost can do, and more. I'm not yet sure if it makes sense to have a forum mod for Gallery, or to make Gallery a mod of a specific forum. But either way, it'll be possible to integrate the two tightly. However, this probably won't happen until G2.1
Posts: 27
Apart from comparing php based gallery package, recently I also compared some online photo gallery services providers.
Based on my initial trial on 5 online photo gallery services providers,,,,, I summarized the comparison result as follows:
The trial is based on my limited understandings of the services provided. Please comment if there are some typos or mistakes.
I excluded some other service providers which focus more on order printing e.g., etc. It does not mean that their services not OK but just not my main purpose. Also I did not compare some free services e.g., etc which I think is unfair to compare with fee-based services providers.
Posts: 1
this isn't true either.
You can ftp as many photos as you want, then tell 4images to "find new photos", and it does. I've uploaded over 100 at once.
I love 4images, but I've recently changed to Gallery solely because of the iPhoto plugin. Multiple-image uploads, one click
Posts: 27
Hi Bharat,
If you have time you may take a look of the web site I think they customized the gallery package quite a lot and added many features in (except one of the most important feature I think - keyword search).
By the way, do you think when gallery v2 can be available?
Posts: 7994
hk_traveller, thanks for the great photo service comparison. I've got that bookmarked and will use it as an indicator of what features we should put into G2. is also pretty cool. I like to see how people have embedded Gallery into their websites and the ways that they have customized it to make it effective. That's also bookmarked now.
G2 is coming along nicely. You should download and install a copy of it and play with it to get an idea of how it works and what you can do with it! I am still not projecting a release date, but you can get an idea of how far along it is for yourself by using it. Now that the migration code is at least semi-functional, it's easy to populate your G2 with a couple of thousand images from your G1 and see how it works.
Posts: 27
Hi all,
I just updated the comparison table to reflect some latest changes in services. I also added for comparison.
One new feature of is the drag and drop uploader tool to allow users to handle upload more effectively. I am not sure whether G2 also plan to have such feature or not.
Again one of the most important feature - keyword search is still missing.
Posts: 32509
why has no1 mentioned ?
i guess it's currently the number 1 challenger of gallery.
biggest plus for a lot of people is: coppermine doesn't require Safe_Mode Off. And then again, it's open source too, meta data in a DB, getting more and more features.
if i didn't knew G2's wonderful framework and that it's coming next year, i'd probably have moved to coppermine.
Posts: 27
Yes, coppermine is a very good php based gallery package and should be included.
However there are 2 comparisons, one is compare php based gallery package for setup personal gallery site, the other is the fee-based online photo services provider.
For php based gallery, maybe I will setup another comparison table for that purpose.
Posts: 32509
seems to be a very nice lightweight gallery. doesn't need db or files to store information. but it knows a mode in which it uses files to store information and a db layer is planned.
Posts: 5
coppermine doesnt allow users to create albums (only admins). That's why I, and a lot of people, can't use it for their purposes.
Posts: 5
Is PhotoIndex only a phpnuke module? Or can it be standalone?
Posts: 378
Some time ago, Coppermine users has a lenghty discussion about features of different Web galleries !
Have a look at that :
I just discovered that hk_traveller was posting in this forum ! Many of us are interested in all of those products !
Posts: 7994
The comparison on the coppermine site doesn't include the full Gallery feature set (it's off of Gallery 1.4) so there are a few features missing:
* Custom fields
* Integration with Mambo, Geeklog, Xoops
* Gallery Remote
* Printing (Shutterfly, Fotokasten, EZPrints, PhotoAccess)
* Localization
* Full screen slideshow
* RSS feed
I'm sure that it's a little bit out of date and that all the other competitors also have new features that aren't on the list. But it's a good starting point for the comparison!
Posts: 100
Posts: 32509
Posts: 100
valiant, yes that's called a hyperlink :x I wasted about 2 months on that site
I was just wondering why it wasnt included in the comparison list, since it seems that it's the closest competition to Gallery.
Posts: 32509
d3vlabs, why it wasn't mentioned?
this forum topic is older than coppermine, it's as simple as that
and if you'd have read page 2 of the thread, you could have noticed that coppermine was mentioned, and linked to. with a "hyperlink". :lol:
Posts: 100
page 2 er, i didnt even get to middle page 1. but year coppermine 1.4 should be interesting. played with alpha for about a week.
Posts: 32509
bharat answers pms, and you can reach him in irc #gallery.
Posts: 151
You can preview Coppermine at I am currently using it for my board (, but that's only because I was in a hurry to add a gallery and didn't realize that Coppermine didn't have everything that Gallery does (even Gallery 1.4 has more features than Coppermine). Of course, that's why I'm currently working on integrating Gallery 2 with SMF
Posts: 1
Well Obviously hk_traveller giving a good advertising for Gallery. His remarks and opinions are not objective and based on global assumptions. I work with adobe photoshop and Paintshoppro. I got know 1000 of people in painting and Desktop publishing who upload download tons picture in a day. Their first choice is 4images beside coppermine and they never got any problem with 4images performance. I am not saying Gallery or other products are bad i am just critisizing they way he compare them.
Every Gallery has its advanatges and disadvantages under different user. 4images is one of best Gallery i have ever expierenced beside Coppermine. There is no Gallery is extremly so popular then 4images under PaintShopPro and adopbe Photoshop. None of a Gallery offers so much options for user and for admin.
I might sound harsh but i don't like when someone statments are just for advertising for his own purposes and far away from truth. Here are some links that might open hk_traveller eyes to see thing objectivly. from these sites you can find out the links to other sites using 4images.
and tons of other sites those no need any comments. Thank you
Posts: 46
This gallery: has tags and virtual albums like flickr.
1) Tags have different sizes depending on the number of pictures using this tags and
2) the virtual album you are currently in is shown correctly in the breadcrumb and
3) also the previous/next pic buttons works correctly in the virtual albums.
Posts: 7
Just found another photo gallery call yappa-ng , haven try it yet , from overview , look through demo and feature. I feel is a not bad kind of photo album. And the important is FREE to use.
Just wondering anyone use it before ? please give some comment about it.
please check it out.
Posts: 7
Had try the yappa-ng, is not a community photo album , only for personal use. All the features what i looking for is there but too bad cant register any new user.
Posts: 1153
if you're not using Gallery 2 - you're missing out ALOT. no OSS gallery script comes close. no, not one.
Posts: 46
Sure, but the tags of phpwebgallery should be part of gallery2, too. So vote for this feature and have a look at this thread.
Posts: 2
I'am the author of a new gallery system called Clepsydra
The biggest difference is that everything is stored in database (even the pictures content),
and it let's you describe your pictures and then search for them (all the pictures of john or tagged with a keyword) or view a map of your pictures. It's less mature than Gallery and has probably far less features but i think it's just a different way. It's more about defining
your pictures (takes probaby more time than gallery), than creating pictures albums.
I don't really have any feedback about it so if you have some time to tell me what you think about it, or even try it i will be really happy.
Do you know if there are some directories of photo gallery software i can register my project to to ge more visibility ?
Here is a copy of the features :
# Create document bases that will contains documents and all related entities and are isolated from each other
# Import documents one at a time, or by uploading a zip file containing documents.
# Describe your documents by name, description (rich text), significance, keywords, event, location, authors, people (that are appearing on a picture for example), date.
# Automatic detection of mime type to guess if it's a photo or a video document for example
# For photos thumbnail creation, rotation and automatic date detection for pictures that contains EXIF data
# Creation of locations, events, persons and arbitrary keywords that will be assigned to documents
# Search of documents using all the defined attributes, for example all picture of renée and that were taken in the caucasian area, searches can be saved to create "virtual collections" of pictures. That is to say you can save a search for all the pictures of a new family baby and then have a dynamic collection of this pictures that will reflect the pictures of that baby after you saved your search, then you can see a slide show of this pictures for example.
# User management and permissions, users are people that can connect to the application, they can have different permissions on each document base : viewer, contributor, administrator, and they can choose the language they want the application to be localized in.
# Configurable e-mail notification support to be warned when new pictures are added to a base, and when an error occurs
# E-mail support to send documents by this media
# Printing support to send pictures to printing services (really early stage for that feature, not usable yet)
# Map support to see your documents on a map, by defining a tree of geolocalized locations, so you can see a satellite map of the locations from one of your trip and the pictures located there
# Slide show
# Localization is supported (for now french, english and partially italian)
# From a technical point of view clepsydra is following the MVC principles, so one can use the data API without the web interface, to automate tasks, or build a new user interface on top of the api. Unit tests are used to test the API so they're examples of how to use it. For now just one content transformer (image rotation) is implemented, but it's a matter of implementing an interface to add a new one.
# Everything is stored in the database even the content of the documents so it's pretty simple to save and restore an instance of the application, and data integrity can be better checked.
Posts: 3236
I don't know how willing you are to join another team, but I bet the gallery team would welcome more developers creating great modules for G2. It sounds like your picture system could be quite cool, but I also have to say I think a lot of the features could be implemented as modules for G2. Some of them already are!
Sounds like you have a similiar mentality too, since G2 is *FULL* of unit tests to help make sure changes don't accidentally break anything. It makes for the hands down *most* stable svn or cvs application I have *ever* used.
Anyway, I do have *one* comment. I disagree with storing images *in* the database for a couple of fairly big reasons. First and foremost, databases are great for searching and storing readable information. This makes them great for meta data, but pretty crappy for binary data. There is no compelling reason to *store* binary data in a db. You say it makes backups easier... but that gets into my next point. My G2 has 10,000+ images and takes up 10G of space. The metadata in my DB is only 10-20mb. So my db backups are lightening fast. Imagine if my db dump was *10G* uncompressed and... it'd be 10G-30M compressed since most of the data in it is binary. Asside from the size, file systems were designed to store files. They are optomized for it and it is their main goal. Databases weren't, so they aren't so great at it.
Not to bust your balls or anything
Do you have a demo setup anywhere? Have you setup your project with freshmeat?
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Posts: 3
This was a pretty discussion.
to hk_traveller : there are many projects like gallery. different people=different needs. I tested all the galleries you wrote about, I tested also other galleries and gallery2 was my winner. The reason for me is speed and many modules and options. You probably tested the speed of some other projects with a few galleries. I have galleries with more than 2 milions of objects (images,photos,documents,sounds,..). The speed is great. The traffic is also great.
Any other project couldn`t deal with this large different objects... Gallery2 is very universal. I personally use it also for my family photos (about 5000 photos, some videos from camera).
Posts: 3
nice project. everything is stored in the database. but: I have about 2milions objects to store... it is about 2TB of data. would you really all off the objects store in the database?
Posts: 2
You're right, when i started to develop the map support for clepsydra there was no module for that on gallery no there is one.
I decided to not join an existing project (even a great one like gallery) because i wanted an application that let's me describe my pictures and then be able to see them. But the more important is the definition. That is to say in clepsydra when you define a location with geographic coordinates and you associate pictures to it, then if you change the coordinates all your pictures move with it, it's not tag with same coordinates in each picture. I think clepsydra is not exactly on the same segment has gallery (even if it's not so far). And for printing support (not complete in clepsydra) i took the idea from gallery. The invitation
to join the gallery team is nice but i'am not a php developer and i still believe it's not exactly the same way, and that some day i'll have two or three users of clepsydra and maybe even a co-developer.
It's ok, it's a design choice, i think you're arguments are pretty good, i hesitated a lot for this choice, but when i saw that it can work, and that it allowed me to be more homogeneous regarding the data access i choose the full database method, but it's an endless debate. But it's true that for tera bytes of pictures it's probably not the good way to go, but it's probably not the good application neither.
I have no demo, but it's a matter of minutes to install the application for a test (no database needed, just java and the application). You can see instructions at
The freshmeat page is at
edit by valiant: added quote tags around quoted text. it was pretty confusing without.
Posts: 1
I think there's another gallery in the market which is open source and doesnt require MYSQL Database: SimPHP Gallery.
I think there are planned a lot of hacks for it, in my opinion is very clean, simple yet with a lot of interesting features.
The home site is , dont really know if it can be compared with the ones in hk_traveller's list because of the fact that it doesnt works with MYSQL.
It is a very recent gallery project, we shall wait to see what future holds for it