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Hello all,
I tried but couldn't install the french pack.
I've downloaded the fr_FR-pack-1.4.1-u1.tar.gz file and uncompressed it. I got a fr_FR-pack-1.4.1-u1 file (wich is a text file with the translated messages).
In the locale/ directory, i created a new directory named fr_FR and put the file into this new directory. In this directory, i created a subdirectory named 'flagimage ' with a fr_FR.gif file (french flag).
Then, i entered the setup mode, but not additional language pack is detected.
It seems that i've not understood the procedure to install such a language pack... Can anybody send me some help ?
Thanks for your help
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Papeete - Tahiti
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Posts: 8194
Moving to correct forum.
Posts: 13451
probably in conjunction with FAQ Gallery:c.25
Posts: 6818
Hi regisp,
if you unpack the language pack you should get a fr_FR folder with this content:
| |-- fr_FR-gallery_config.mo
| `-- fr_FR-gallery_core.mo
|-- flagimage
| `-- fr_FR.gif
|-- fr_FR-Changelog
|-- fr_FR-gallery_config.po
|-- fr_FR-gallery_core.po
`-- fr_FR-nls.php
just copy this fr_FR folder in the gallery locale folder, done.
Nothing more.
Posts: 7
That is not at all what i got when unpacking the language pack.
I only get one file named fr_FR-pack-1.4.1-u1
Sounds like a bad download...
I'll try to find an other french language pack, download it and get the proper directory with the proper files... ;o)
Many thanks for your help
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Papeete - Tahiti
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Posts: 13451
regisp, did you see FAQ Gallery:c.25 ??
Posts: 7
Hello h0bbel,
Yes, I've read the C25 Faq. After expanding the .gz file first downloaded, i got a file containing text. That was the only file I got.
Can't understand why.
This morning (it's 8:30 am here), i re-downloaded the french package, expanded it, got a tar file wich was expanded too. I finaly got the expected directory with proper files.
I spent just a few second to install it into the 'locale' directory ! Great ! It works !
Many thanks to all for your help despite of my bad english ;o))
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Papeete - Tahiti
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Posts: 13451
regisp, great! Glad you got it sorted!![:)](http://galleryproject.org/files/smiley/smile.gif)