I'm attempting to integrate invisionboard 1.3 and gallery 1.4.2 using the gallery imbed at http://mods.ibplanet.com/db/?mod=354
It was designed for gallery 1.3.1 and IBF 1.1, and to use API 3.0b, (I'm using API 4.0 http://mods.ibplanet.com/db/?mod=417)
I've run into several problems others have, and I have overcome some with the help of a friend, but we've got more we can't figure out. First is the error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: settableprefix() in /blah/blah/blah/gallery/init.php on line 307
which required changing this:
to this
that problem fixed.
Then we got another error:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class info in /blah/blah/blah/forums/main.php
which is an api 4.0 file. It appears they used the same class name in API 4.0 as this hack use (info), so we renamed the info class to API_info in the main.php file.
So on to the next error:
Parse error: parse error in /blah/blah blah/member_gallery/html_wrap/wrapper.header.default on line 12
So we change:
case "invisionboard":
") {
Now THAT problem was fixed.
Next problem:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class func in /blah/blah/blah/forums/sources/functions.php on line 29
Looked at line 29, its part of the way invisionboard works so it doesn't look to be the problem. So I looked in init.php, and find:
$std = new FUNC;
$print = new display();
$sess = new session();
I believe this is where the problem lay, but I don't know what to change.
I believe we're close but I don't know what to do next.
Posts: 27
Any look on this? I’m also interested in this.
Or, is it waiting for invision 2.0.
Posts: 1
Would it be that hard to modify the existing phpBB User.php and UserDB.php files to work for IPB? Or is there more to do?
Posts: 13
seahorsesws - Are you still working on this?
I'ld be willing to try to dig into it some -
my knowledge of PHP is a bit limited at the moment,
but this may be an oportunity to learn.
Posts: 15
I will pay money to get this mod completed! I am VERY close to dumping Gallery for the gallery software that Invision Power has that's already integrated into IPB. I am offering $50US via paypal to whomever gets this to work with IVP 1.3 and Gallery 1.4.3.
Posts: 15
No takers?
Posts: 13
Hi everyone,
i'm working on this mod to make it work w/ the latest release of IB
I've already succeed in overcoming all error returned by PHP and now i'm working on the graphic integration because it looks very ugly now.
I'll hope i can publish a release of my mod within the next 2/3 days.
Posts: 15
Good timing. I just got Coppermine installed and running beautifully on my test forum, but if you can get the same or similar functionality out of Gallery, I would be very interested. (see post above...
I look forward to the mod!
Posts: 7
This is great! We gave up on integrating gallery, but I still would prefer it. I can't wait until this is done!
Posts: 2
This is the best news I have heard in the last day. You have no idea how happy this is going to make me.
Posts: 13
the skin integration is finished
and i've juste overcame a small problem with users permissions.
I'm going to make this make easy to install and release it soon
Posts: 71
this is great news! keep up the good work!
Posts: 13
Hi everyone,
you can download my mod here : http://ouranos.intranet-bosser.net/files/ibf-gallery_v1.1.zip
Mirror : http://www.cyberatom.com/tmp/ibf-gallery_v1.1.zip
It works perfectly with easyphp but I encounter a little problem with session
on my website.
Tell me if you have any problems and I will upgrade this mod.
If you want to make donation (rpr :wink
my paypal account is
Posts: 7
Waiting with bated breath.
Posts: 13
If the server is down retry later because i've got a dns problem
Posts: 7
too funny. I must have been typing as you posted. I guess I have good timing. I'll give it a try and let you know how it goes.
Posts: 7
Or I'll try when the DNS is working.
if you get this, and don't mind mailing it to me, I'll put it online and post a link until your site is working.
Posts: 13
the site is working now ;)
Posts: 13
i've added a mirror site ;)
Posts: 7
Posts: 7
Okay, I don't know what the problem is with that last post, I tried editing a post and it made a new one. Okay..
But, the gallery install worked!
A few minor problems I ran into though...
first, anyone who attempted the earlier version of the hack will get an error when running the db_hack.php file. I just removed the g_gallery_moderate and g_gallery_createalbum fields because I didn't know if they were the same as the old hack.
Next problem... in the first modification of the init.php, right after the hack prevention, its missing the <?php ?> around it. Took me more time than I'd like to admit to figure out why it was putting the code as text at the top of the gallery.
I think thats it. It seems to be working well - Although I need to play some more. But I wanted to report my findings asap.
Posts: 2
Ok I have followed the directions and I am still receiving the following errors
Any ideas?
Posts: 13
It's the same file as the old hack, I've only copied it
Oops sorry
I think you didn't install correctly ibf
Posts: 13
i've installed the mod on this website
But as you can see there is a problem with sessions.
If it works well on your website can you send me the link to put it as example.
Posts: 17
I followed your directions and hit the exact same 'session' problem you are having on your site. I took a peek at it and it is a trivial fix. Go look in init.php, you have an extra blank line is my guess.
Now, just need to get skin support going. ;)
Great mod, thanks much for it!
Posts: 13
Yes it was a problem with session.save_path, fixed yesterday
Perhaps, the next version ;)
Posts: 15
I will install it ASAP and let you know how it goes. I assume you would help fix any issues that may arise from 1.4.3 Final being released?
And if it does what I need, I will be sending you the money.
Posts: 13
Yes but holliday are finished and i'll be busy next week so you'll have to wair ;)
Posts: 27
Thanks for your work on this, most appreciate.
Posts: 1
Your Server ist permanently down :cry:
Please send me the file per email to
Thank you very much!
Posts: 13
No the server is working
but if you want you can try the mirror
Posts: 5
Any news on the integration with the latest IPB, such as a success story?
I`m waiting to install a fresh copy of IPB onto my database, but would ideally love to get gallery onboard too.
Posts: 25
I have this all running on my IBP 1.3.1final fine.
Works a charm - no issues here.
Next development def has to be further skinning support - I had to hack mine up a bit to get it to work but on a vanilla IPB install it should work fine 'out of the box'
Posts: 5
That looks superb. Would you care to share where the mods are, and what I need to install make this work.
I`m not really bothered about integrating the gallery software, having it as a standalone would be fine, I just want to share the same member base as my forum (which is IPB1.3). When members click on a gallery link in the forum they`ll be automatically signed into the gallery.
I used to have phpBB208, and had the latest gallery running alongside just great.
Posts: 13
Just follow the readme instructions ;)
I'll develop a skin integration asap but i've a lot of exam this month;
Posts: 181
Does someone have this up on a demo or board that I can test it to see how the uploading, etc works with IPB?
Posts: 106
Yes I would like to see that too
Posts: 181
Edit: Issue solved, there was some missing arguments and code from the install instructions.
Posts: 181
I've installed this Mod into my Gallery and Invision Power Board and its working. There are still some final skin issues which I'm working through. I had thought it was more of a integration similar to how Coppermine is integrated into IPB, however it is not.
This Mod gives the user the ability to share the database of the message board with the Gallery, essentially not using it at all. Its fairly nice and would be better if there are some Control Panel fixes into the IPB part, I might see about doing that myself. Overall though its a great mod and saves a lot of time and registration since they only need to be registered on the message board itself.
Posts: 106
Nice one that looks good. Can I ask if it is difficult to install?
Limited experience with gallery/php
Posts: 181
It is easy to install and modify your Invision Board to integrate the Gallery. There are two main issues. There isn't a real support for the skins of the Gallery, that is all strictly gallery modifications.
Its best if you don't have an existing Gallery. It will work with an existing gallery but you'll encounter an issue. If you have users who have albums in Gallery but not registered on message board they won't be able to get access to their galleries until they have registered on the IPB. If you have pre-existing albums as well since the member database isn't associated with the members you'll have to reset permissions for each album giving the user ownership of their albums again.
Other than that its not that bad. Give me a few days to go through the install file, add in the changes that I had to to get things to work properly and I'll rezip it back up for download with some better instructions.
Posts: 106
Thats very kind of you Thanks.
It's about time we got this going for Invision board
Posts: 181
Posts: 4
Hello everyone. I usually just lurk around but need some help with this mod. Everything went well with the install and I am not having any problems with the integration. I do have one concern though. I have created an album where I want all members to be able to upload pictures.
I have the permissions set to :
see the album: everyone
change album text : nobody
add photos: logged in
modify, delete, and create sub albums: nobody
view original, add comment, view comment: everybody
The problem I am having is that "guests" (non members) appear to be "logged in" and are able to upload photos. Anyone who visits the site is able to upload a photo, how can I correct this?
Any help would be appreciated,
Posts: 2322
Use the 'loggedin' permission, not 'everyone'.
'Everyone' is exactly what it says...
Posts: 4
For add photo, it is set to logged in and not everyone
Posts: 2
May I know if any of you guys have gallery working in your IPB 2.0?
Thanks for your attention.. do advice
Posts: 3
Can you please let me know where I can download the hack. I looked everywhere here and on your site. Thanks Shadow Wolf.
Posts: 4
I am still having a problem where guests are able to upload pictures in one album. Does anyone else have an idea for this issue?
Thanks in advance
Posts: 3
I got it all hacked but at the top of my gallery I have the ENTIRE hack that I made on int.php????
Here is the error
Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /board/gallery/init.php:46) in /board/gallery/session.php on line 60
Here is the page
Can anyone help me here? PLEASE
Thank you!
Posts: 3
anybody??? This is quite odd and I would really like to get this to work