Selecting "Edit Item" generates
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryUtilities.class at line 557
* in modules/core/classes/GalleryView.class at line 107
* in main.php at line 140
* in main.php at line 28
Am I just dense and didn't find the forum comment that its not implemented yet?
Keep up the good work.
Posts: 7994
Yep, this isn't implemented yet. I do mention this briefly at the bottom of the README, but it's ok to call it out here, since I do want to hear about any issues that you are having.
I'll hopefully get this piece of the framework going by the weekend.
Posts: 79
I was afraid you'ld say something like "at the bottom of the README" ... :>)
Another thing I noticed was the "sluggishnes" of G2. Granted that I run it on a 300+MHz Pentium or something, but it seems very slow. I noticed with my own web-site that the extended use of classes and subclasses tacks on a performance penalty ....
What are your observations?
Posts: 7994
I haven't done any optimization of G2 yet. I want to get as clean an object model as possible before I screw it all up to make it go faster :smile: Right now I'm seeing relatively reasonable response times (< 1 second) for all pages, including when I loaded 100K photos into the system. That's on my dual 600Mhz FreeBSD box.
Once we get all the core functionality in, I'll do an optimization pass and take care of any hot spots in the current process. But if you're looking through the code and notice anything really obvious, let me know. My guess from the profiling is that the class model is adding a small amount of overhead (~0.15 per page load) but the bulk of the time is spent manipulating data and getting it in the right format for the templating system (see the complexity of