Honestly, the gallery remote may end up with my complete abandonment of gallery. We dont offer ftp accounts on the box so that's out. If I use the one locally, I'm stuck with crashes and repeated uploads. If I chose upload pictures and then applet, it's amazingly difficult to upload more than a few images. Not to mention the ap behaves weirdly to keypresses and will happily upload a giant directory if you accidentally type in the name of one to get to it like you would in explorer(windows explorer not internet explorer). If I choose applet(big), I'm again subjected to crashes, things like spending 30 minutes commenting pictures only to have an error like, "cannot upload" or some pop up grabbing the focus of the smaller window and killing the ap and all my comments. For each comment on my entire gallery, I probably avg two-three failures. PLEASE work on somthing to upload pictures other than gallery remote and PLEASE ditch java! I wish I had access to a mac and iphoto so I could use that plugin but I dont.. 
Posts: 1479
What's great about Open Source is that if you don't like what's there, you can build your own. You don't like GR: don't use it and write that plugin, we'll all be happy.
On the other hand, being rude of developers of free software will get you nothing.
Posts: 9
I'm sorry, you'll have to show me where I was being rude.
Why is it that if I give an honest critique about a piece of software that's failing to provide me with good, robust performance that I'm being rude?
I also like the bold statement that if you don't like something you should simply go out and create your own. Why on earth would anybody even be here using gallery at all? we can all just go out and build our own! Hey, pot hole in your street? don't report it, just build your own flying car and forget about it.
Thanks for your quick and useless reply, what's wrong with open source is people responding to criticism with replies like yours. Oh and after-the-fact documentation ;)
Posts: 9
So what prompted me to write this in the first place was the loss of another hundred or so comments due to somthing that is partially my mistake, and I THINK, partially bad design, I clicked on a link and it opened it up into the child window that spawns the gallery ap which of course kills the java ap with no warning. I'll go 50-50 on that one.
So after spending another 30 minutes painstaking-ly recommenting, I click upload and am confronted with "upload error: user cannot add to album" This happens probably 1 in 5 times I attempt this. I've yet to find a way to get around this other than closing the ap and restarting it. I'm logged in, I have perms on that gallery etc.
I perhaps should have added to my first post that I *do* appriciate the work ANY developer does, it's a lot of work and it's mostly thankless, I genuienly do appriciate it. However, nothing I said in my first post was untrue. The remote is failing, at least for me, to provide what is sorely missing in gallery, and that's a good robust (secure would be nice too) way to upload and comment pictures.
I haven't folled the development of GR, so I dont know where you've been but perhaps it's time to fork and try somthing new. I personally find java annoying and unreliable, maybe a c++/c app for windows would be better. But please take away from this that GR has many issues that hinder peoples(I'm not the only one, I know, I've talked to many people about this) enjoyment of this suite of software.