Server contacted but Gallerynot found


Joined: 2002-06-05
Posts: 81
Posted: Fri, 2002-11-29 08:24

I have recently upgraded to Gallery 1.3.2 and Gallery Remote 1.0

I have been able to get Gallery 1.3.2 to upload images (after I renamed pnmtojpeg in the netpbm).

However, I was unable to upload using Gallery Remote.

I can "log in" to the gallery and select the album I want to use. When I attempt to upload the images I get this error message:

Error: Server contacted, but Gallery not found at this URL

There was no error entry in the server error.log.

I uninstalled Gallery Remote and reinstalled Gallery Remote. That appears to have fixed the problem.


Joined: 2002-12-06
Posts: 61
Posted: Mon, 2002-12-09 15:17

I have the same problem. Has this issue been resolved? A solution would be appreciated.



Joined: 2002-09-03
Posts: 37
Posted: Mon, 2002-12-09 18:20

To anticipate paour's most likely first question: Could you post Gallery Remote's error log? The readme describes how to configure GR to make a log and tells you where to delete your password. He liekly would also like to know what OS you are running GR on.



Joined: 2003-01-03
Posts: 2
Posted: Fri, 2003-01-03 03:23

I recently upgraded to Gallery 1.3.3 and Gallery Remote 1.0. I'm having the same problem as these other folks. Below is a copy of two sections of my Gallery Remote log file.
1041563617469|INFO |GalComm2 |Error: Server contacted, but Gallery not found at this URL (
1041563632020|INFO |MainFrame |Command selected Upload
1041563632020|INFO |MainFrame |uploadPictures starting
1041563641794|ERROR|GalComm2 | Server contacted, but Gallery not found at this URL (
1041563641794|ERROR|GalComm2 | Server contacted, but Gallery not found at this URL (
at Source)

1041563641794|INFO |GalComm2 |Error: Server contacted, but Gallery not found at this URL (
1041563681301|INFO | |Shutting log down
Nothing in my router configuration or server configuration has changed - only the Gallery code and Gallery Remote code.

Another point of interest is that if I click on the "Ok" button in the error box that pops up to tell me that no Gallery is found, the image is still sent. I kept hitting "Upload Albums" and eventually all my images were posted. The popup notification that "no Gallery is found" is really annoying though.

Thanks for any help! :???:


Joined: 2003-01-13
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2003-01-13 23:12

I'm having this same problem too. i recently upgraded to the latest release 1.3.3 and i cant log in via remote from two separate machines.. one's a win 2k machine on a dialup connection, the other is my 98 machine at work.. neither connection are firewalled. any suggestions?

the last few lines of my error log are the same as the one just posted..

if i hit ok, it will show me what albums i have in my gallery, and i can upload images and create new galeries, however i have to do the same steps - keep hitting the "ok" button on the error message then "upload albums" again and this gets annoying

any suggestions? is this a bug?


Joined: 2003-01-16
Posts: 5
Posted: Thu, 2003-01-16 15:38

i have this problem, too!

first, i think it was a problem caused by the java VM!

i installed the Microsoft VM and the SUN machine.
but nothing happends!

the same problem!
Server contacted but Gallery not found!

whats wrong? a bug?


Joined: 2002-09-28
Posts: 14
Posted: Fri, 2003-01-17 00:55

I upgraded from 1.3.2 to 1.3.3 and I am having this problem as well. I uninstalled and reinstalled the full verion of the remote and there was no change. Beloow is my log info.

<!-- BBCode Start --><TABLE BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER WIDTH=85%><TR><TD><font class="pn-sub">Code:</font><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD><FONT class="pn-sub"><PRE>1042763991083|INFO |GalComm2 |Error: Server contacted, but Gallery not found at this URL (
1042764045842|INFO |MainFrame |Command selected Upload
1042764045842|INFO |MainFrame |uploadPictures starting
1042764047304|ERROR|GalComm2 | Server contacted, but Gallery not found at this URL (
1042764047304|ERROR|GalComm2 | Server contacted, but Gallery not found at this URL (
at Source)

1042764047304|INFO |GalComm2 |Error: Server contacted, but Gallery not found at this URL (</TD></TR></TABLE><!-- BBCode End -->

Any help? :???: :sad:


Joined: 2003-01-18
Posts: 4
Posted: Sun, 2003-01-19 05:34

i had the same problem as mentioned above when running the cvs of gallery.. i updated and tried all sorts of things.

i re-installed the latest gallery and it all started working.. couldnt see any differences.. so i recommend trying to reinstall the gallery app.


Joined: 2003-01-16
Posts: 5
Posted: Sun, 2003-01-19 15:55

try in php.ini

upload_max_filesize = 4M

and edit in php.conf


now, my gallery remote workz!




Joined: 2003-01-25
Posts: 11
Posted: Sat, 2003-02-01 00:29

Yeah mine worked before, then I updated to Gallery Beta 11 and then all of a sudden it no longer works! I have already updated my php.ini file to 4M, but I can't find a php.conf file anywhere.

paour's picture

Joined: 2002-08-14
Posts: 1479
Posted: Sun, 2003-02-02 13:25

For the log to be truly useful, you have to activate detailed logging (explained in the ReadMe). Then, the server response will be printed to the log, and we can figure out what's going on.

brettnem's picture

Joined: 2003-02-05
Posts: 31
Posted: Mon, 2003-02-10 18:33

We discovered that the image problem I was having was due to a getimagesize bug in PHP 4.0.5. I've since upgraded to Apache 1.3.27 and PHP 4.3.0. The gallery web interface seems to be working very nicely now (and accepting my "broken" images). However now I get the "server contacted but gallery not found" error WHEN I TRY TO LOGIN.. Here's my log..

1044901933173|INFO |SysProps |awt.toolkit= ||
1044901933173|INFO |SysProps |file.encoding= |Cp1252|
1044901933173|INFO |SysProps |file.encoding.pkg= ||
1044901933173|INFO |SysProps |file.separator= ||
1044901933173|INFO |SysProps |java.awt.graphicsenv= |sun.awt.Win32GraphicsEnvironment|
1044901933173|INFO |SysProps |java.awt.printerjob= ||
1044901933173|INFO |SysProps |java.class.path= |C:Program FilesGallery RemoteGalleryRemote.jar;C:Program FilesGallery Remotelax.jar;c:program filesjavaj2re1.4.1_01libjaws.jar;c:program filesjavaj2re1.4.1_01libjce.jar;c:program filesjavaj2re1.4.1_01libjsse.jar;c:program filesjavaj2re1.4.1_01librt.jar;c:program filesjavaj2re1.4.1_01libsunrsasign.jar;|
1044901933173|INFO |SysProps |java.class.version= |48.0|
1044901933173|INFO |SysProps |java.endorsed.dirs= |c:program filesjavaj2re1.4.1_01libendorsed|
1044901933173|INFO |SysProps |java.ext.dirs= |c:program filesjavaj2re1.4.1_01libext|
1044901933173|INFO |SysProps |java.home= |c:program filesjavaj2re1.4.1_01|
1044901933173|INFO |SysProps | |C:DOCUME~1nemeroffLOCALS~1Temp|
1044901933173|INFO |SysProps |java.library.path= |C:Program FilesGallery Remote;.;C:WINNTSystem32;C:WINNT;C:Perlbin;C:WINNTsystem32;C:WINNT;C:WINNTSystem32Wbem|
1044901933173|INFO |SysProps | |Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition|
1044901933173|INFO |SysProps |java.runtime.version= |1.4.1_01-b01|
1044901933173|INFO |SysProps | |Java Platform API Specification|
1044901933173|INFO |SysProps |java.specification.vendor= |Sun Microsystems Inc.|
1044901933173|INFO |SysProps |java.specification.version= |1.4|
1044901933173|INFO |SysProps |java.util.prefs.PreferencesFactory= |java.util.prefs.WindowsPreferencesFactory|
1044901933173|INFO |SysProps |java.vendor= |Sun Microsystems Inc.|
1044901933173|INFO |SysProps |java.vendor.url= ||
1044901933173|INFO |SysProps |java.vendor.url.bug= ||
1044901933173|INFO |SysProps |java.version= |1.4.1_01|
1044901933173|INFO |SysProps | |mixed mode|
1044901933173|INFO |SysProps | |Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM|
1044901933173|INFO |SysProps | |Java Virtual Machine Specification|
1044901933173|INFO |SysProps |java.vm.specification.vendor= |Sun Microsystems Inc.|
1044901933173|INFO |SysProps |java.vm.specification.version= |1.0|
1044901933173|INFO |SysProps |java.vm.vendor= |Sun Microsystems Inc.|
1044901933173|INFO |SysProps |java.vm.version= |1.4.1_01-b01|
1044901933173|INFO |SysProps | |Gallery Remote.exe|
1044901933173|INFO |SysProps |lax.class.path= |GalleryRemote.jar;lax.jar|
1044901933173|INFO |SysProps |lax.command.line.args= |$CMD_LINE_ARGUMENTS$|
1044901933173|INFO |SysProps |lax.dir= |C:Program FilesGallery Remote|
1044901933183|INFO |SysProps | |C:Program FilesGallery RemoteGallery Remote.exe|
1044901933183|INFO |SysProps |lax.main.class= ||
1044901933183|INFO |SysProps |lax.main.method= |main|
1044901933183|INFO |SysProps | |C:Program FilesJavaj2re1.4.1_01binjava.exe|
1044901933183|INFO |SysProps | |C:Documents and SettingsAll Users|
1044901933183|INFO |SysProps | |C:Documents and SettingsnemeroffApplication Data|
1044901933183|INFO |SysProps | |C:Program FilesCommon Files|
1044901933183|INFO |SysProps | |DELL-4TGDW01|
1044901933183|INFO |SysProps | |C:WINNTsystem32cmd.exe|
1044901933183|INFO |SysProps | |H:|
1044901933183|INFO |SysProps | ||
1044901933183|INFO |SysProps | |\pdcusersnemeroff|
1044901933183|INFO |SysProps | |\PDC|
1044901933183|INFO |SysProps | |1|
1044901933183|INFO |SysProps | |Windows_NT|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |C:WINNTsystem32os2dll;|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |C:Perlbin;C:WINNTsystem32;C:WINNT;C:WINNTSystem32Wbem|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |.COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |x86|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |x86 Family 6 Model 8 Stepping 10, GenuineIntel|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |6|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |080a|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |C:Program Files|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |C:|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |C:WINNT|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |C:DOCUME~1nemeroffLOCALS~1Temp|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |C:DOCUME~1nemeroffLOCALS~1Temp|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |CLARENDON|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |nemeroff|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |C:Documents and Settingsnemeroff|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |C:WINNT|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |C:Documents and SettingsAll Users|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |C:Documents and SettingsnemeroffApplication Data|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |C:Program FilesCommon Files|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |DELL-4TGDW01|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |C:WINNTsystem32cmd.exe|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |C:Documents and SettingsAll Users|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |C:Documents and SettingsnemeroffApplication Data|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |DELL-4TGDW01|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |C:WINNTsystem32cmd.exe|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |C:Program FilesCommon Files|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |H:|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | ||
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |\pdcusersnemeroff|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |\PDC|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |1|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |Windows_NT|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |C:WINNTsystem32os2dll;|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |.COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |x86|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |x86 Family 6 Model 8 Stepping 10, GenuineIntel|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |6|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |080a|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |C:Perlbin;C:WINNTsystem32;C:WINNT;C:WINNTSystem32Wbem|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |C:Program Files|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |C:|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |C:WINNT|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |C:DOCUME~1nemeroffLOCALS~1Temp|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |C:DOCUME~1nemeroffLOCALS~1Temp|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |CLARENDON|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |nemeroff|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |C:Documents and Settingsnemeroff|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |C:WINNT|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |H:|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | ||
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |\pdcusersnemeroff|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |\PDC|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |1|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |Windows_NT|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |C:WINNTsystem32os2dll;|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |C:Perlbin;C:WINNTsystem32;C:WINNT;C:WINNTSystem32Wbem|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |.COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |x86|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |x86 Family 6 Model 8 Stepping 10, GenuineIntel|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |6|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |080a|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |C:Program Files|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |C:|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |C:WINNT|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |C:DOCUME~1nemeroffLOCALS~1Temp|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |C:DOCUME~1nemeroffLOCALS~1Temp|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |CLARENDON|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |nemeroff|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |C:Documents and Settingsnemeroff|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |C:WINNT|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |com.zerog.lax.LAX|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |main|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |J2|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |2750|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |false|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps |lax.root.install.dir= |C:Program FilesGallery Remote|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps |lax.stderr.redirect= ||
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps |lax.stdin.redirect= ||
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps |lax.stdout.redirect= ||
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps |lax.user.dir= |.|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps |lax.version= |5.0|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps |line.separator= |
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps |os.arch= |x86|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |Windows 2000|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps |os.version= |5.0|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps |path.separator= |;|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |32|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps |sun.boot.class.path= |c:program filesjavaj2re1.4.1_01librt.jar;c:program filesjavaj2re1.4.1_01libi18n.jar;c:program filesjavaj2re1.4.1_01libsunrsasign.jar;c:program filesjavaj2re1.4.1_01libjsse.jar;c:program filesjavaj2re1.4.1_01libjce.jar;c:program filesjavaj2re1.4.1_01libcharsets.jar;c:program filesjavaj2re1.4.1_01classes|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps |sun.boot.library.path= |c:program filesjavaj2re1.4.1_01bin|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps |sun.cpu.endian= |little|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps |sun.cpu.isalist= |pentium i486 i386|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |UnicodeLittle|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps |sun.java2d.fontpath= ||
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps |sun.os.patch.level= |Service Pack 3|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |US|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps |user.dir= |C:Program FilesGallery Remote|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps |user.home= |C:Documents and Settingsnemeroff|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps |user.language= |en|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps | |nemeroff|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps |user.timezone= |America/New_York|
1044901933203|INFO |SysProps |user.variant= ||
1044901933854|INFO |MainFrame |loaded saved URL: (brettnem/******)
1044901933914|INFO |ImageUtils|tmpDir: C:DOCUME~1nemeroffLOCALS~1Tempthumbs
1044901933924|INFO |ImageUtils|useIM: true
1044901933924|INFO |ImageUtils|imPath: imagemagick/win32/convert.exe
1044901942076|INFO |MainFrame |Command selected Fetch
1044901942547|INFO |MainFrame |fetchAlbums starting
1044901942587|INFO |GalComm2 |Logging in to
1044901942927|ERROR|GalComm2 | Server contacted, but Gallery not found at this URL (
1044901942927|ERROR|GalComm2 | Server contacted, but Gallery not found at this URL (
at Source)

1044901942927|INFO |GalComm2 |Error: Server contacted, but Gallery not found at this URL (
1044901950418|INFO |MainFrame |Shutting log down

Any help would be very much appreciated!!

brettnem's picture

Joined: 2003-02-05
Posts: 31
Posted: Mon, 2003-02-10 19:30

** Wow over 400 views of this thread. Are lots of people having this problem?

Here's an update.. I downgraded to PHP 4.2.2 since it's the latest "supported" version as indicated on the Gallery Requirements page.. now I can login just fine.. when I try to upload, I get the gallery not found error after each image is sent (larger files take longer to error out, and the images ARE appearing the in gallery!). So this seems closer.. how do we get rid of that annoying error message so I can send a bunch of pics at once?

FYI: Apache 1.3.27
PHP: 4.2.2 (compiled into apache)
Gallery: 1.3.3
GR: Latest CVS build

Here's my Latest log...
1044905177508|INFO |SysProps |awt.toolkit= ||
1044905177508|INFO |SysProps |file.encoding= |Cp1252|
1044905177508|INFO |SysProps |file.encoding.pkg= ||
1044905177508|INFO |SysProps |file.separator= ||
1044905177508|INFO |SysProps |java.awt.graphicsenv= |sun.awt.Win32GraphicsEnvironment|
1044905177508|INFO |SysProps |java.awt.printerjob= ||
1044905177508|INFO |SysProps |java.class.path= |C:Program FilesGallery RemoteGalleryRemote.jar;C:Program FilesGallery Remotelax.jar;c:program filesjavaj2re1.4.1_01libjaws.jar;c:program filesjavaj2re1.4.1_01libjce.jar;c:program filesjavaj2re1.4.1_01libjsse.jar;c:program filesjavaj2re1.4.1_01librt.jar;c:program filesjavaj2re1.4.1_01libsunrsasign.jar;|
1044905177508|INFO |SysProps |java.class.version= |48.0|
1044905177508|INFO |SysProps |java.endorsed.dirs= |c:program filesjavaj2re1.4.1_01libendorsed|
1044905177508|INFO |SysProps |java.ext.dirs= |c:program filesjavaj2re1.4.1_01libext|
1044905177508|INFO |SysProps |java.home= |c:program filesjavaj2re1.4.1_01|
1044905177508|INFO |SysProps | |C:DOCUME~1nemeroffLOCALS~1Temp|
1044905177508|INFO |SysProps |java.library.path= |C:Program FilesGallery Remote;.;C:WINNTSystem32;C:WINNT;C:Perlbin;C:WINNTsystem32;C:WINNT;C:WINNTSystem32Wbem|
1044905177508|INFO |SysProps | |Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition|
1044905177508|INFO |SysProps |java.runtime.version= |1.4.1_01-b01|
1044905177508|INFO |SysProps | |Java Platform API Specification|
1044905177508|INFO |SysProps |java.specification.vendor= |Sun Microsystems Inc.|
1044905177508|INFO |SysProps |java.specification.version= |1.4|
1044905177508|INFO |SysProps |java.util.prefs.PreferencesFactory= |java.util.prefs.WindowsPreferencesFactory|
1044905177508|INFO |SysProps |java.vendor= |Sun Microsystems Inc.|
1044905177508|INFO |SysProps |java.vendor.url= ||
1044905177508|INFO |SysProps |java.vendor.url.bug= ||
1044905177508|INFO |SysProps |java.version= |1.4.1_01|
1044905177508|INFO |SysProps | |mixed mode|
1044905177508|INFO |SysProps | |Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM|
1044905177508|INFO |SysProps | |Java Virtual Machine Specification|
1044905177508|INFO |SysProps |java.vm.specification.vendor= |Sun Microsystems Inc.|
1044905177508|INFO |SysProps |java.vm.specification.version= |1.0|
1044905177518|INFO |SysProps |java.vm.vendor= |Sun Microsystems Inc.|
1044905177518|INFO |SysProps |java.vm.version= |1.4.1_01-b01|
1044905177518|INFO |SysProps | |Gallery Remote.exe|
1044905177518|INFO |SysProps |lax.class.path= |GalleryRemote.jar;lax.jar|
1044905177518|INFO |SysProps |lax.command.line.args= |$CMD_LINE_ARGUMENTS$|
1044905177518|INFO |SysProps |lax.dir= |C:Program FilesGallery Remote|
1044905177518|INFO |SysProps | |C:Program FilesGallery RemoteGallery Remote.exe|
1044905177518|INFO |SysProps |lax.main.class= ||
1044905177518|INFO |SysProps |lax.main.method= |main|
1044905177518|INFO |SysProps | |C:Program FilesJavaj2re1.4.1_01binjava.exe|
1044905177518|INFO |SysProps | |C:Documents and SettingsAll Users|
1044905177518|INFO |SysProps | |C:Documents and SettingsnemeroffApplication Data|
1044905177518|INFO |SysProps | |C:Program FilesCommon Files|
1044905177518|INFO |SysProps | |DELL-4TGDW01|
1044905177518|INFO |SysProps | |C:WINNTsystem32cmd.exe|
1044905177518|INFO |SysProps | |H:|
1044905177518|INFO |SysProps | ||
1044905177518|INFO |SysProps | |\pdcusersnemeroff|
1044905177518|INFO |SysProps | |\PDC|
1044905177518|INFO |SysProps | |1|
1044905177518|INFO |SysProps | |Windows_NT|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |C:WINNTsystem32os2dll;|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |C:Perlbin;C:WINNTsystem32;C:WINNT;C:WINNTSystem32Wbem|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |.COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |x86|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |x86 Family 6 Model 8 Stepping 10, GenuineIntel|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |6|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |080a|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |C:Program Files|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |C:|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |C:WINNT|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |C:DOCUME~1nemeroffLOCALS~1Temp|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |C:DOCUME~1nemeroffLOCALS~1Temp|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |CLARENDON|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |nemeroff|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |C:Documents and Settingsnemeroff|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |C:WINNT|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |C:Documents and SettingsAll Users|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |C:Documents and SettingsnemeroffApplication Data|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |C:Program FilesCommon Files|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |DELL-4TGDW01|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |C:WINNTsystem32cmd.exe|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |C:Documents and SettingsAll Users|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |C:Documents and SettingsnemeroffApplication Data|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |DELL-4TGDW01|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |C:WINNTsystem32cmd.exe|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |C:Program FilesCommon Files|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |H:|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | ||
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |\pdcusersnemeroff|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |\PDC|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |1|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |Windows_NT|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |C:WINNTsystem32os2dll;|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |.COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |x86|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |x86 Family 6 Model 8 Stepping 10, GenuineIntel|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |6|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |080a|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |C:Perlbin;C:WINNTsystem32;C:WINNT;C:WINNTSystem32Wbem|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |C:Program Files|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |C:|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |C:WINNT|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |C:DOCUME~1nemeroffLOCALS~1Temp|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |C:DOCUME~1nemeroffLOCALS~1Temp|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |CLARENDON|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |nemeroff|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |C:Documents and Settingsnemeroff|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |C:WINNT|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |H:|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | ||
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |\pdcusersnemeroff|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |\PDC|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |1|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |Windows_NT|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |C:WINNTsystem32os2dll;|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |C:Perlbin;C:WINNTsystem32;C:WINNT;C:WINNTSystem32Wbem|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |.COM;.EXE;.BAT;.CMD;.VBS;.VBE;.JS;.JSE;.WSF;.WSH|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |x86|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |x86 Family 6 Model 8 Stepping 10, GenuineIntel|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |6|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |080a|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |C:Program Files|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |C:|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |C:WINNT|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |C:DOCUME~1nemeroffLOCALS~1Temp|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |C:DOCUME~1nemeroffLOCALS~1Temp|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |CLARENDON|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |nemeroff|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |C:Documents and Settingsnemeroff|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |C:WINNT|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |com.zerog.lax.LAX|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |main|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |J2|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |2750|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |false|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps |lax.root.install.dir= |C:Program FilesGallery Remote|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps |lax.stderr.redirect= ||
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps |lax.stdin.redirect= ||
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps |lax.stdout.redirect= ||
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps |lax.user.dir= |.|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps |lax.version= |5.0|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps |line.separator= |
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps |os.arch= |x86|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |Windows 2000|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps |os.version= |5.0|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps |path.separator= |;|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |32|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps |sun.boot.class.path= |c:program filesjavaj2re1.4.1_01librt.jar;c:program filesjavaj2re1.4.1_01libi18n.jar;c:program filesjavaj2re1.4.1_01libsunrsasign.jar;c:program filesjavaj2re1.4.1_01libjsse.jar;c:program filesjavaj2re1.4.1_01libjce.jar;c:program filesjavaj2re1.4.1_01libcharsets.jar;c:program filesjavaj2re1.4.1_01classes|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps |sun.boot.library.path= |c:program filesjavaj2re1.4.1_01bin|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps |sun.cpu.endian= |little|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps |sun.cpu.isalist= |pentium i486 i386|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |UnicodeLittle|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps |sun.java2d.fontpath= ||
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps |sun.os.patch.level= |Service Pack 3|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |US|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps |user.dir= |C:Program FilesGallery Remote|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps |user.home= |C:Documents and Settingsnemeroff|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps |user.language= |en|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps | |nemeroff|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps |user.timezone= |America/New_York|
1044905177538|INFO |SysProps |user.variant= ||
1044905178089|INFO |MainFrame |loaded saved URL: (brettnem/******)
1044905178139|INFO |ImageUtils|tmpDir: C:DOCUME~1nemeroffLOCALS~1Tempthumbs
1044905178139|INFO |ImageUtils|useIM: true
1044905178139|INFO |ImageUtils|imPath: imagemagick/win32/convert.exe
1044905180382|INFO |MainFrame |Command selected Fetch
1044905180853|INFO |MainFrame |fetchAlbums starting
1044905180893|INFO |GalComm2 |Logging in to
1044905181214|INFO |GalComm2 |Logged in
1044905181724|INFO |GalComm2 |Fetched albums
1044905181734|INFO |MainFrame |Command selected Album
1044905185750|INFO |MainFrame |Command selected Browse
1044905190307|INFO |MainFrame |Command selected Upload
1044905190307|INFO |MainFrame |uploadPictures starting
1044905198779|ERROR|GalComm2 | Server contacted, but Gallery not found at this URL (
1044905198779|ERROR|GalComm2 | Server contacted, but Gallery not found at this URL (
at Source)

1044905198779|INFO |GalComm2 |Error: Server contacted, but Gallery not found at this URL (
1044905202134|INFO |MainFrame |Shutting log down

Can you Help??


Joined: 2003-03-03
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2003-03-03 16:54

I am getting the same error as brentman... I can connect and upload fine.. But when the upload finishes I get the same error message, but when I check my gallery it has uploaded everything fine... So this means I can only upload one file at a time.. Could you let me know if there is anything I can do to solve this problem?


Joined: 2003-03-19
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2003-03-19 20:05
I can "log in" to the gallery and select the album I want to use. When I attempt to upload the images I get this error message:

Error: Server contacted, but Gallery not found at this URL


I had this problem on three separate machines I was building at the same time (Windows 2000 Server, and Windows XP Professional).

BTW, I tried all the tricks in this topic to no avail.

I simply downloaded the JVM Win32version of the GalleryRemote and let it install the JVM for this application, versus picking one of the 3 flavors I already had installed. I have re-installed over the top on every one of my broken WIN32 machines and they all work now.

Gallery version v1.3.3
Gallery remote v1.0 with the JVM (win32)
Apache 1.3.27 and Apache 2.0.44 (win32 on win2k server and winxp pro)
PHP 4.3.2

Hope this helps someone else.

Ferries's picture

Joined: 2002-10-02
Posts: 110
Posted: Wed, 2003-03-19 23:07


which gallery version?? which remote version?

greetings Ferries


Joined: 2002-11-28
Posts: 36
Posted: Sun, 2003-04-20 02:03

Sorry to drag up an old topic, but I am having this problem using GR 1.0 (with the included VM) and Gallery 1.3.3. I am not using any beta or CVS versions. I have searched these boards thouroughly and can't seem to find an answer. Here is the section of my log that I think is pertinent:

1050802316061|ERROR|GalComm2 | Server contacted, but Gallery not found at this URL (
1050802316077|ERROR|GalComm2 | Server contacted, but Gallery not found at this URL (
at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.AbstractButton$ForwardActionEvents.actionPerformed(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonListener.mouseReleased(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Component.processEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Container.processEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForHierarchy(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at java.awt.Component.setVisible(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.AbstractButton$ForwardActionEvents.actionPerformed(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonListener.mouseReleased(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Component.processEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Container.processEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForHierarchy(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
at Source)

All help is much appreciated!


Joined: 2003-04-25
Posts: 4
Posted: Fri, 2003-04-25 21:11


Again dragging this topic up... but I have seen that a lot of people have this problem but no solution has been posted! I am running gallery 1.3.3 with gallery remote 1.0. The gallery is on my linux webserver. Remote is on my Windows NT machine. I also have this problem. I have uninstalled and reinstalled Remote, etc, nothing seems to help.

I can log in and see my gallery and my albums. When I try to upload, it will successfully put up one picture at a time, but after each one it says: "Error: Server contacted but Gallery not found at this URL ("

The last part of my detailed error log says:
1051303524348|INFO |MainFrame |Command selected Upload
1051303524348|INFO |MainFrame |uploadPictures starting
1051303524348|TRACE|GalComm2 |Still logged in to
1051303524348|TRACE|GalComm2 |add-item parameters: [HTTPClient.NVPair[name=cmd,value=add-item], HTTPClient.NVPair[name=protocol_version,value=2.1], HTTPClient.NVPair[name=set_albumName,value=2003mardigras], HTTPClient.NVPair[name=caption,value=barH_0014.jpg]]
1051303524408|TRACE|GalComm2 |Url: /gallery/gallery_remote2.php
1051303528744|TRACE|GalComm2 |<p><b>Executing:<ul>/home/brindle/bin/netpbm/jpegtopnm /home/brindle/public_html/albums/2003mardigras/barH_0014_001.jpg | /home/brindle/bin/netpbm/pnmscale -xysize 150 150 | /home/brindle/bin/netpbm/ppmtojpeg --quality=95 > /home/brindle/public_html/albums/2003mardigras/barH_0014_001.thumb.jpg</ul></b><br> Results: <pre><b>none</b></pre><br> Error messages: <pre>jpegtopnm: WRITING PPM FILE
pnmscale: Scaling by 0.117188 horizontally to 150 columns.
pnmscale: Scaling by 0.117708 vertically to 113 rows.
pnmscale: 0.000000 of right column stretched due to arithmetic imprecision
pnmscale: 0.000008 of bottom row stretched due to arithmetic imprecision
</pre><br> Status: 0 (expected 0)<p><b>Executing:<ul>/home/brindle/bin/jhead /tmp/gallerySa82o6</ul></b><br> Results: <pre>File name : /tmp/gallerySa82o6
File size : 163171 bytes
File date : 2003:04:25 21:43:31
Resolution : 1280 x 960
Jpeg process : Baseline
Comment : Intel(R) JPEG Library, version 1,5,4,36?
</pre><br> Error messages: <pre></pre><br> Status: 0 (expected 0)IN UTIL ITEMCAPTUREDATE = 2003<br><p><b>Executing:<ul>/home/brindle/bin/netpbm/jpegtopnm /home/brindle/public_html/albums/2003mardigras/barH_0014_001.jpg | /home/brindle/bin/netpbm/pnmscale -xysize 640 640 | /home/brindle/bin/netpbm/ppmtojpeg --quality=95 > /home/brindle/public_html/albums/2003mardigras/barH_0014_001.sized.jpg</ul></b><br> Results: <pre><b>none</b></pre><br> Error messages: <pre>jpegtopnm: WRITING PPM FILE
pnmscale: Scaling by 0.500000 horizontally to 640 columns.
pnmscale: Scaling by 0.500000 vertically to 480 rows.
pnmscale: 0.000000 of right column stretched due to arithmetic imprecision
</pre><br> Status: 0 (expected 0)#__GR2PROTO__
status_text=Add photo successful.
1051303528744|ERROR|GalComm2 | Server contacted, but Gallery not found at this URL (
1051303528744|ERROR|GalComm2 | Server contacted, but Gallery not found at this URL (
at Source)

1051303528744|INFO |GalComm2 |Error: Server contacted, but Gallery not found at this URL (
1051303531748|TRACE|Album |Firing ListDataEvent=javax.swing.event.ListDataEvent[type=2,index0=0,index1=0]

Any help at all would be appreciated. This really has me stumped.

drbohner's picture

Joined: 2002-11-22
Posts: 16
Posted: Wed, 2003-05-07 04:17

Those that are having this issue, please set your logging to a 3. Doing so will place the server's responses in the log.

The above log posts - don't appear to have been set high enough.


paour's picture

Joined: 2002-08-14
Posts: 1479
Posted: Wed, 2003-05-07 07:04

From jpottle's trace, what I can see is that the response sent by Gallery when the upload is performed contains a lot of Gallery trace information. This is probably the 'debugging' mode.

This verbosity means that Gallery Remote can't parse the response, and concludes the upload has failed. I'll try to fix this on the GR side, but for now I think turning debugging off should help.

paour's picture

Joined: 2002-08-14
Posts: 1479
Posted: Wed, 2003-05-07 07:23

OK, I have verified that this was indeed the error jpottle was seeing, and that the work-around was correct.

I have also fixed this behaviour in the next beta of GR 1.0.1.


Joined: 2003-06-17
Posts: 5
Posted: Mon, 2003-06-23 19:12

One of the problems I've discoverd that gives this error message is due to exeeding the max_execution_time set in php.ini. I had it set to 30 (sec) with over 700 albums when I got the error. I've increased the time to 90 sec and the error goes away. I discovered this in the GR log whith logging level set at 3.


Joined: 2003-07-30
Posts: 18
Posted: Wed, 2003-07-30 05:17

unlike some of the "luckier" folks, I get this error, and the images don't make it to the server. I just upgraded to 1.1b14, but had the problem with 1.1b13 as well.

there are no server-side error messages. the stats on my setup:

Gallery Remote 1.1b14, running on MacOSX 10.2.6, JVM 1.4.1_01.

Gallery 1.3.4-pl1, running on YellowDog Linux, kernel 2.4.19.

attached is the log file from loading GR, logging in, adding a photo, and trying to upload it.


paour's picture

Joined: 2002-08-14
Posts: 1479
Posted: Wed, 2003-07-30 07:37

Thanks for the detailed log (be aware that your username and password appear in the file).

So, I know what happens, but I don't know why. Any PHP gurus watching this: help!

When the image is submitted, for some reason, the cmd=add-item POST parameter doesn't get to the server. There might be several reasons why this happens:
- PHP might not accept the whole request because of memory quota
- a reverse-proxy somewhere might decide the payload is too big and dump it
- any other theories?

In any case, I've tried logging on from my machine and the same thing happens, so it's definitely something on the server. And the error message is of course inaccurate, because the URL is correct, and the PHP page does execute, but only so far, because critical POST variables are missing. Non-upload commands work fine.


Joined: 2003-07-30
Posts: 18
Posted: Wed, 2003-07-30 16:48
paour wrote:
Thanks for the detailed log (be aware that your username and password appear in the file).

So, I know what happens, but I don't know why. Any PHP gurus watching this: help!

When the image is submitted, for some reason, the cmd=add-item POST parameter doesn't get to the server. There might be several reasons why this happens:
- PHP might not accept the whole request because of memory quota
- a reverse-proxy somewhere might decide the payload is too big and dump it
- any other theories?

In any case, I've tried logging on from my machine and the same thing happens, so it's definitely something on the server. And the error message is of course inaccurate, because the URL is correct, and the PHP page does execute, but only so far, because critical POST variables are missing. Non-upload commands work fine.

Thank you so much for your fast response!

(I've gone and removed the attached log)

your post caused me to go look at my php.ini file on the server, and among other things, http uploads was turned off. I changed that and some other things to match the php.ini file that I had been using on my old system, and it seems to work. I've got some other issues, but I'll look for or create a different thread for them :)


Joined: 2003-03-08
Posts: 16
Posted: Fri, 2003-08-29 04:13

Where is the file php.ini found????

paour's picture

Joined: 2002-08-14
Posts: 1479
Posted: Fri, 2003-08-29 08:49

It depends on your OS, your PHP setup, etc. Most OS'es has a find function, which you should be able to use to locate that file.

alindeman's picture

Joined: 2002-10-06
Posts: 8194
Posted: Fri, 2003-08-29 11:36

Or if you do a


PHP will tell you (in the first table) where php.ini is located.