Apache 2 on Linux
PHP Version 4.3.2
G2 was downloaded today here.
Everything was in the green :D in all of the 10 steps except
"Warning: Your PHP is configured to limit the memory to 8Mb (memory_limit parameter in php.ini). You should rise this limit to at least 16Mb for proper Gallery operation"
I dont think this would be a problem, it allowed me to continue and fisish the rest of the steps, but when I clicked on finished and goto gallery, main.php or index.php, I recive an internal 500 server error, The page cannot be displayed? This sounds like a permissions issue? Any help would be greatly appreciated. - Jason
Posts: 3236
Take a look at your error_log, a 500 error is usually a problem executing something or perhaps writing something. Definatly check permissions too.
Posts: 8601
turn on immediate debug mode in config.php and see if that gives any message. also check apache log.
Posts: 4
My error logs read:
Premature end of script headers: php-script
Posts: 4
Posts: 4
This problem may not be fixable on my end, I did some reasearch on this topic and noticed alot of people with the same profile as I do, a Ensim virtual host machine....
Another example of PHP error:
[Sat Jul 03 23:59:47 2004] [error] [client 69.169.xxx.xxx] Premature end of script headers: php-script, referer: »www.computersoc.com/squirrelmail/src/l..
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Joined: 25 Feb 2004
Posts: 6
Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 8:50 am Post subject:
Below is what i got back from my ISP. I would be curious to know how many boards with this problem are using Ensim.
Which error log are you looking through for the errors
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Internal Server Error
Unfortunately this problem exits on the Ensim virtual host machines and our administrators are working at this issue to fix it as soon as possible.
Best Regard
Posts: 7994
Looks like they've got PHP running as a CGI binary and their PHP binary is crashing. There's not a lot you can do about it until they fix it