Do you have a link album feature planned that would work simliar to the link image one.
I have a large number of albums that can be cross categorized, and it would be a lot better space wise, and time wise to be able to simply upload the album once, then link it to any other albums it should go.
Posts: 154
wow I am no longer a journeyman
I am now adept, although I think my wife would argue that one.
Posts: 8601
bharat has mentioned before that this is tricky to implement.
an easier, but maybe not as useful, solution would be to make a different kind of "link" entity.. it could literally just be a link to another item in the gallery. the thumbnail would be the same as that item.
is this sufficient? the main thing I can think of is when you enter the album you'll suddenly have the breadcrumb path change to the path to the real album..
Posts: 32509
IMO a better solution would be the relational view (view by category).
store items/albums hierarchically and assign to each album/item relational categories.
then you have the choice (UI) to view the gallery by categories (or a category tree) or by the hierarchical structure which represents how the files are stored.
Posts: 154
I am not a coder by any means but wouldn't it be the same code as the image link? Mindless, your solution would be fine, I think, but i think it may get confusing to people to navigate back up and find themselves in a totally diffrent album.
I hope this is something you guys could do. It would save a lot time uploading and space.
A linked album wold make sense when I have two albums one for family, and one for travel. Now I could load my family vacation to one album and link it from the other.
Thanks for taking time to answer all of my questions as of late.
Posts: 8601
valiant, while that sounds like a useful feature I don't think it solves the same user story.
jamzyamz, a linked item is implemented as a totally separate item (original and link can have different title, etc) that just share the same data/image file. What I have just described doesn't make sense for an album, as it has no data/image file to share.. I guess a linked album wants to share its list of children.
bharat, maybe we need to refactor core a bit so that container items have a method to retrieve their own list of children, rather than code always going directly to the GalleryCoreApi that queries ChildItem table. Then a LinkedAlbumItem could call the GalleryCoreApi to get the children for the album it is linked to. This would also allow a CategoryAlbum to query a different category/subcategory table, for the feature valiant mentioned.
Posts: 32
Reading this thread has answered a question I had (see post on categories). I think Valients suggestion would solve the users problem.
Its actually a problem I've had for 3 years now and the few photo tools out there that have it are sadly inadequet for use (that of cross linking albums). Gallery didnt't make the top 10 of my list initially because I couldn't see a categorization system (and I looked at 100+ tools)
Now onto what the user was asking for. He has an album that he wants in multiple places. If instead of having albums as children of albums (which is a fine method). Also or instead of, allow albums to be added as children of a category list. see or for simple examples of this. Now neither of these allows multiuple attachments, but I think thats an important feature for anyone who takes more then a couple hundred pics a year. (I personally take 1-2,000 pics a year).
Now if you want I am weak on php, but very strong on category concepts and database related stuff (been doing category, etc. for 8+ years and db for 15+ years)., I will help design and work with you to make such a feature work (also I have not looked at the gallery code at all so thats another limiting factor).
The nice thing about allowing both methods is that it gives more flexibility to the user in going through albums.
I do have another suggestion but I will add it as a new post.
Posts: 7994
The short answer is that we're probably going to do this, but it's not a high priority. It's pretty clear to me that while this is nice to have, 80% (at least) of our user base gets along just fine without it. We know this to be true because there are no categories in Gallery 1.x and it seems to be pretty popular.
Read on for the long answer.
The concept of categories is really an aspect of an image database, as opposed to a photo album. Gallery models the most common use model that people have, which is to have browseable albums containing images. In this model, albums and sub-albums are similar to categores and sub-categories. The browsing model is very linear and simple, just like looking at folders full of images on your hard drive. The goal of our UI is to allow the album owner to present the images to the end user in a specific way and walk them through the experience. We don't allow the user to view dynamic slices of the data, as you might see in an image database, so what you click is what you get.
Adding categories makes things more complex. Let's supposed we add a CategoryAlbum that lets you create a dynamic view of all the images in a specific category. This is a fundamental shift in the way that Gallery works. It's harder to control the experience of these albums because they are very dynamic. How will we sort and organize and theme them? I'm not saying that these questions can't be answered, but I'm trying to underscore the fact that this is a different vision for the product.
Having said all that, I'm pretty sure that we're going to add a categories flag to all items at some point in the near future. It's an easy addition and it doesn't necessarily have to impact anything we're doing now. If we use a couple of bit flags, we can allow you to put an item into up to 32 different categories each with 32 subcategories which ought to satisfy just about everybody. However, the mechanics of how we actually render virtual albums these categories and sub-categories in a manner which lets the gallery owner control the experience is unclear to me.
As to the actual implementations: mindless, originally I had the fetchChildIds() method inside GalleryAlbumItem, but I moved it out because I found that typically I would be calling it statically with an id, as opposed to loading the album then calling its method. But I can see your point -- it probably does make sense to do it the other way if we're going to change what it means to be a "child" in this case.
Looks like there are only a few methods that would have to change:
Posts: 32
I should have read this first
I will especially have to find time then to more fully evaluate G2.
Posts: 8601
bharat, good summary, thanks.
I threw together some code to "link" to another album, in case anyone wants to experiment with that approach. Unzip in the modules dir, install/activate the module, go to add-items in the album where you want the link created and you'll find an Album Link tab. The interface is rough in this quickly written code.. you have to enter the ID of the album you want to link to (so I guess you should visit that one and find it's id first). It will be displayed in the album like it's a photo, but when you click on it then you'll jump to the linked album.
Edit: new version has select box listing all albums; don't need to type id
Posts: 154
I will certainly try this out. Just so you know the original questions was not for categories. Just a way to save time, and space by linking albums like images can be.
My example where I have two albums one for families, and one for travel.
I have a trip I took with my family. Rather than upload the album twice (once to family, and once to travel. I could just upload it to one and link it in the other.
I would be very surprised if I were the only one to use this feature
In any case I am really loving the flexabilities that G2 provides, keep up the great work. A side note is there a way to donate other than paypal? I can't use them but would like to contribute.
Posts: 154
The link thing worked pretty well, it's along the lines of what I was looking for, but the whole perceived navigation gets whacky. I think people would be confused, suddenly finding themselves in another album, (if they start "breadcrumbin" out) Definetly on the right track.
Again I think is an important and needed feature for the space saving/ time saving it would provide to users of gallery.
Perhaps a more robust link images fumction would be easier. to where you could select link entire album (all images within album) to another album, essentially doing the same thing as what I am looking for. I would still need to create the album to "hold" the links but I wouldn't mind that.
Would this be a more viable option?
Thanks for taking time the time to read my rants
Posts: 7994
That's not so hard to do right now. Create the new album, then find an image in the source album and select "create link" and it gives you the interface to select as many images as you want to link. The only thing missing is a "select all images in this album" checkbox.
Posts: 33
the problem with this approach is that if the content of the album changes (new pictures..), new links won't be created..
And it doesn't allow to do as many things, like the ability to group albums refering to the same subject (e.g. sport)...
Posts: 154
hmmmm Sam you are absolutley right, also when I tested this ealier it took quite a while to click each individual image. A select all would be better here.
Didn't think about the update of an album that's linked this way. You would have to update eack one, that could be time consuming.
Also any other way to donate? I asked above but didn't get a response. I don't use paypal but want to contribute, is ther any other way to donate?
Posts: 154
I tried it earlier after I posted, it's a bit clunky and for some reason doesn't add or name image links as expected so trying to sort them is a no go.
A select all check box would be key, but as mentioned in a newer post, what of updates to one album? they would have to be manually updated to everywhere else.
link album would still be the best feature, rather than work arounds using existing features. I undestand something like this would take time.
Like I say though I really feel this is one feature everyone would use, even if they don't know they want it yet
Especially people with tons of albums, or organization nuts like moi 
Posts: 8601
one thing you said got me thinking.. there are many interpretations of "link".. examples:
1) "hard" link.. when anything (other than location) changes in one, it changes in all linked items as well. For linked images this means image manipulations (rotate, resize, etc) or metadata (title, description, etc) changes are reflected in all linked items. For linked albums this would mean the metadata and list of children are the same in all linked albums.
2) "data" link (what we have now).. only original source image is linked; all derivatives and metadata are separate (though copied into new item when link is created). this mechanism doesn't make much sense for albums.
3) "soft" link.. link item store no real data, but is able to forward to the "real" item or album (like what I did in my sample albumlink module)
Maybe there are even more options..
Posts: 154
hard link is what I am looking for albums... I think. I am thinking link as in symlink or shortcut type link. For instance I had a site generator and I would place all the images in one location, when it needed to build a site it would just simlink all the images, I was hoping the same thing could work for gallery.
My site creator symlink thing saved me a lot of time, and space on the disk.
When I saw the link image feature, I thought that could be it. I didn't realize all that went into a g2 page? in regular html I could just copy the thumb, and link, paste it into my page, and call it a day
maybe change some of the links around so they made sense, but it would work.
I don't know coding but it seems like it could be just as easy as all the data is already there in the DB.
*sigh* hopefully we can something working.
Thanks again for all your help with this.
Can someone tell me please how to donate, without using paypal. bharat? any other way to donate.
Posts: 7994
The "data link" option gives us the most flexibility because it means that you can have a completely different set of metadata per item. We can add the hard link option on top of this without too much difficulty, I think. It's not the highest priority though so it'll be a while.
Posts: 10
Quote from this thread
I think its the same concept except that works on albums instead of photos.
I personally would really like this feature.
Posts: 1
Rather than a linked album, how about a new album that automatically shares image content with a pre-existing album? This would solve the bread-crumb issue by being a real album. Sort of a link, but sort of real. Does this make any sense?
Posts: 8601
so, with the link code i posted above it changes the breadcrumb path when you jump there.. i just realized that even if we imlement a link-album entity that can load its children as the children of the linked album it would then show the correct breadcrumb path while you are viewing the album thumbnails, but when you click into any image or subalbum then it would change the breadcrumb path over to the real album where those items are located, since it bases off the primary parent path.. how would this be resolved? do we need to store the navigated path in the session to override the parent-path in this case? oy.
Posts: 7994
If we're trying to simulate unix style symlinks, then I think storing a mapping in the session is probably valid. We'll still have problems if you're sharing one session across multiple browser tabs, but it'll easily cover the 80% case...
Posts: 8601
I updated the attached way above in a previous post to be compatible with current core/module apis.
Posts: 383
I was wondering why you want to add the option using that method. what if I want to have 50 categories and a certain picture fits in 33 categories (ok, not very likely, but suppose it happens). Why not add a table for this :-? I suppose you can just add the table into the queries you do easily and then it is an unlimited nr of categories module rather then "just" 32.
But I'm just curious as to why you take this approach in this instance...
Posts: 7994
I am suggesting that we add a table. Using bit flags allows us to assign an item to multiple categories without creating multiple rows. The number of categories is arbitrary. I chose 32 because it'll probably satisfy 99% of our users. We can always make that significantly larger.
Posts: 12
Just wanted to chime in on this symlink/hard link/soft link/albumlink jazz, to show that there are user(s) out there who VERY much would like this functionality.
I just tested out this albumlink module with g2b3, and it works great, gives the functionality I was looking for- hard link, album contents, comments, etc are preserved. Yes, you do drop out of the proper context/tree, but I don't consider this to be a large issue (personally). It sounds like you guys are working on a different/more permanent way to make this work, and that's excellent.
My personal experience is this- I run 5 galleries on my server for many people, all seperate codebases. The scenario that comes up for me for needing (need is a strong word, oh well) is- if two or more of the people who I host galleries for was on the same vacation, they all desire to have the vacation photos as a subdir of their own album, not looking at one or the others.
I would like to preserve disk space, admin hassle, etc by not having disk space eaten up by each of these. I would have to imagine that many more people will find this useful once/if it hits the standard codebase/modules (obviously you guys have been thinking of this since you can "symlink" individual pictures).
Anyhow, just wanted to express that I'm quite happy with this module, g2's progress, bharat/mindless/everyone else's hard work, etc etc.
Posts: 12
Any chance of another update?
Looks like it's for v5 API, current CVS is V6.
My ghetto attempt at making it work by changing this line in
$this->setRequiredCoreApi(array(6, 0));
..will allow me to activate, but I wasn't lucky enough to have it actually work (you can add the link, but clicking on the link to the gallery brings this up):
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: canbeviewedinline() in /gallery2/modules/core/classes/GalleryLayout.class on line 1185
Posts: 8601
Attachment updated.
Posts: 16504
I get this error when trying to add an album link:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: getsize() in /usr/www/users/username/sitefiles/gallery2/modules/sizelimit/ on line 92
I've updated to the latest CVS as of 06-09-2005 6:45am
I was trying to add a sub-album to the main page. There is no debug info displayed on the page where the error is displayed.
Gallery version = 2.0-beta-3+ core 0.9.22
PHP version = 4.3.10 apache
Webserver = Apache/1.3.29
Database = mysqlt 4.0.18-log
Toolkits = ArchiveUpload, Exif, Gd, ImageMagick, NetPBM, Thumbnail, SquareThumb
Operating system = FreeBSD 4.8-STABLE FreeBSD 4.8-STABLE #0: Thu Apr i386
Browser = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.8) Gecko/20050511 Firefox/1.0.4
Posts: 8601
sounds like sizelimit module assumes you're adding only data items... this link is not a data item.
Posts: 16504
I'm not sure I follow. I go into an album, click Add Item, click Album Link (tab), select an album and finally click Add Link. I then get this error.
Am I not using this correctly? There doesn't seem to be any other way to use it.
Is there any other information I can give you for this?
I did check the file and there is no getsize function defined there. However, I did find it defined in 3 different files:
Posts: 8601
disable sizelimit module or disable it for that album and try again..
Posts: 16504
That worked. Shouldn't this feature work with or ignore that? Also, shouldn't there be a "create link" action under an album pull-down just link there's a "create link" action under individual images?
Posts: 8601
nivekiam, perhaps you mistake this module for a feature.. read through this topic and you'll find it's just an experiment..
As I mentioned above, it appears sizelimit assumes you add only GalleryDataItems.. this link is a GalleryItem but not a data item. Feel free to submit a patch for sizelimit.
The module is implemented as an add-item plugin which means it is a tab under "add items".. it could be its own action like "create link", but it isn't.
Posts: 16504
Ah, I see I thought it was a testing for a new feature. But it makes sense now with all the talk of saved searches, categorization, etc.
If I did submit a patch how would I go about doing that? How would I create the patch from existing to modified code and where would I submit it?
Posts: 8601
there's a patches section on sourceforge. attach a file there generated from: cvs diff -Nu
Posts: 16504
Thank you so much. I'll see what I can do about the sizelimit module. There are a few other things I can submit too.
Posts: 8601
probably a good idea to post in the dev forum if you submit a patch you think we might integrate.. otherwise it may sit for a while before we notice it. also put [G2] in the patch description.
Posts: 16504
Will do. Thanks.
Posts: 12
In case anyone installs a version of recent CVS (since the themes update thing) AlbumLink won't work, as expected. You also won't be able to traverse into any albums that contain an albumlink, you'll get something like:
My fix for this was to search the entire mysql db for %AlbumLink% and remove corresponding entries. this created a new problem, as there's an association somewhere in this AlbumLink with an ID # in another table (sorry, didn't write down exactly what it was). Search for this # in the db carefully and remove the corresponding entry.
Or, hope that another AlbumLink update comes available, as I am
Posts: 16504
There have been a lot of API updates since the last time albumlink worked.
You should have been able to deactivate and uninstall the albumlink module to remove all that information, including any albumlinks you've created. It's been awhile since I've had that addon installed because I've kept current with CVS and needed to remove it awhile back.
Posts: 12
This may work if you uninstall albumlink BEFORE any upgrade, but if you upgrade, albumlink is of course disabled on the modules list, and no option to install/uninstall/activate/deactivate:
So, in my case at least, the manual steps were necessary.
Posts: 8601
attachment back on first page of posts is updated.
Posts: 9
I just wanted to thank you for the albumlink. Its something I greatly needed for my website and the one thing I was hoping for G2 most of all.
I do have one question though, the linked album thumbnail seems to inherit the properties of a photo instead of an album. Is there any way I can change the code a bit to have it inherit the album properties, specifically the spiral notebook frame to diferentiate it from the other photos and have it look like the other albums?
Also I have modified my code just a bit to look for $frameType != "itemFrame" for certain things regarding albums and would like them to also apply to the album link.
Thank you.
Posts: 8601
probably change {if $child.canContainChildren} in album.tpl to
{if $child.canContainChildren || $child._className == "albumlinkitem"}
Posts: 9
Thank you for your reply. It worked great with one minor correction, albumlinkitem needs to be AlbumLinkItem
Posts: 4
I'm trying to implement this with the recent 2.0 release of gallery and can't seem to get it to work. The actual module and linking works fine, but like the previouis poster I'd like to have links appear as Album items as opposed to photo items. No matter what I do (including the afforementioned correction re: AlbumLinkItem capitallization) I can't get the changes to take effect.
Any advice?
Thanks in advance,
Posts: 8601
above that line you could put {$child._className}
this will print out some junk when it shows the page, but you'll see the _className value of each child item so you'll know what to put in the == check.
Posts: 28
I've been waiting for 2.0 to come out so I can use this feature specifically!!! I think it is a great idea, so thanks a bunch! Problem is is that the link seems to be broken... Mind uploading it again (or just send me the zip file)? Thanks!
Posts: 4
Hmm. That doesn't seem to do anything. Perhaps I'm missing something? Or maybe editing the wrong file entirely?
For clarity, I'm trying to edit the album.tpl file that cooresponds to the theme I'm using (themes/matrix/templates/album.css. This is the only file I could find that had the line you referred to in your original post.