Hi all-
before moving to beta we'd like to ensure G2 has the framework in place to support right-to-left languages.. to that end, is there someone out there who speaks english and hebrew who can do some translations and testing for us? thanks!
Hmm. Interesting. This could also be a thorny problem for new devs, we should make it clear how to do RTL and other internationalization in whatever dev docs we provide for aspiring module/layout/theme devs.
And don't forget, hebrew isn't the only RTL language, there's Arabic too.
yes, help from anyone who knows arabic would be great too!
Just noting one thing about RTL here in case anyone notices it in G2:
right now if you are logged in and select hebrew for your language you'll find (with moz17/w2k at least) some of the links in the pathbar (site admin / your account) aren't clickable... i did a quick check and found that mozilla has some trouble with inline lists + links + RTL... but only when the text is ascii.. if we get those strings translated into hebrew characters then it should work ok.
Joined: 2004-04-20
Posts: 23
Posted: Fri, 2004-12-17 08:40
I would love to help you with the RTL & hebrew translation.
I've just installed G2 for testing on my site (http://www.hwzone.co.il/gallery2), and I'm corrently importing my 150+ albums (2,000+ photos) G1.
I'm a little short on free time for the next couple of months, though I believe I'll be able to help nevertheless.
feel free to contact me by email:
or by ICQ: 82414956
Omri Amos,
Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Fri, 2004-12-17 17:43
Enc0der, great!
To start with please take a look at docs/LOCALIZING and make a start at translating the core module.. you don't need to translate everything, but it would be good to cover many of the strings used in the album/item layout views (things like Login/Logout/Site Admin/Your Account/add items/Advanced Search/etc....) If you have any questions just ask here or in #gallery irc and we'll be happy to help.
Once you have some translated text, take a look at your G2 and give us feedback on how it can work better in RTL!
Joined: 2004-04-20
Posts: 23
Posted: Fri, 2004-12-17 18:08
I guess I'd better install my RedHat 9, working on it under winxp sounds like hell..
I already have G2 installed on my webserver (linux), but I need to work on the translation locally, so I need linux to get the "source text files"...
Joined: 2004-04-20
Posts: 23
Posted: Sat, 2004-12-18 14:45
ok, everything is installed and ready...
I have all the po files, now I need to translate them.
I do, however, prefer to save as as ISO-8859-8-I, and not UTF-8.
The reason is that almost (?) all of the hebrew sites in Israel (and mine as well) uses this charset, and if I'll use UTF-8 for Gallery2 I won't be able to insert G2 correctly to my template.
Converting all my site to UTF-8 is basically impossible.
Of course I have no problem to make 2 versions for each charset (I use SuperEdi for windows and have an option to choose the unicode on save), but how should I name the files ? (I'm currently using "he_IL.po")
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 328
Posted: Sat, 2004-12-18 16:29
Enc0der, g2 translations are completely UTF-8 only, this currently is mandatory for translations. Out output however is always generated as html-entities (&#xxx;), so you can embed this into any site (the browser should render the entities correctly regardless of the site's charset). Not 100% sure about our submition forms (if the user-input is also UTF-8 if embeded into another charset-site), but I guess this should work correctly too.
Let us know if you have any trouble embeding it into your site, even having UTF-8 translations!
As of the naming, we have he_IL in our GalleryTranslator.class as the language code for Hebrew.
Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Sat, 2004-12-18 22:00
Enc0der, G2 uses UTF-8 because it allows us to mix different languages on the same page. This means that somebody can comment on your site in Japanese, even though they're viewing the site in Hebrew. You can't do that with the ISO character sets because they have limited code pages.
You can create the translation in either ISO-8859-8-I or UTF-8. If it's in ISO-8859-8-I we can recode it to UTF-8 for our purposes, but right now we are pretty much locked into using UTF-8 ...
Joined: 2002-07-28
Posts: 974
Posted: Sat, 2004-12-18 22:04
None of our locales include any charset information in their naming because we are mandating UTF-8. However the G1 naming convention would go as follows:
Perhaps we need to modify the makefile system to generate the charset information in the naming, as well.
Be aware that a version of g2 that does not use UTF-8 will probably have a bunch of negative side-effects. If there is really a call for it we can probably refactor, but it would complicate our development and hinder our attempts to make a global application. Supporting ISO-8859-1-I could mean supporting as many as eight chinese character sets, or even five hebrew character sets. The thing is that they don't play nicely with eachother.
I could rant about this for days, but the long and the short of it is that supporting other character sets will complicate development and probably make G2 less globally accessible.
Joined: 2004-04-20
Posts: 23
Posted: Sun, 2004-12-19 06:58
as I said before, the only problem I have with UTF-8 is that it can't read my ISO-8859-8-I hebrew site-templates, and ISO have no problem in combining hebrew and english, which is enough for me...
anyway, I was just wondering,
what is the difference between:
"There is nothing to view for this item" and "This album is empty" ?
where do I get to see the first message? because it seems like they both have the same meaning = same translation...
same quesion for "Comment changed successfully" vs. "Comment modified successfully"...
"There is nothing to view for this item" -- rarely seen.. this occurs on a single item/photo where you have view permission but no permission to view either resizes or the full size image.. (so you can see the thumbnail, but if you click on it you'll see this message)
The comment ones do seem equivalent.
Status: great! when core is done please submit what you have so we can try it out.. thanks!
only problem - line 1,960 (core/po):
msgid "i"
msgstr ""
what's that mean ?
Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Sat, 2005-01-08 19:59
The "i" and "B" strings are used in the BBCode markup buttons (templates/MarkupBar.tpl) that you can see when you do "Edit item". They're short for italics and Bold in English.
I've imported 10 albums from my G1 (please note this thread: link)
Now we should work on the align-to-right stuff...
As you can see, in my template I embbed G2 into a table with dir="rtl", so that basically solved most of the align-to-right stuff.
there are some other things to fix, like the pages-navigation links (next>last should be align to left).
I COULD change the template files and make the necessary changes, but I believe there's some trick to make it global for all langauges...
I mean, it should have something like:
Am I right ? (that's, of course, only the principle...)
The question is, how to actually implement that...
btw, any suggestions on how to solve the non-utf8 [iso-8859-8-I] charset template problem?
Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Sun, 2005-01-09 19:39
great, thanks! please submit the localization as described in docs/LOCALIZING
are you running a recent nightly snapshot or are you using alpha 4?
try a recent snapshot, as it already will set rtl direction for hebrew.
Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Wed, 2005-01-26 04:08
Enc0der, any update? It would be really great if you can submit what you have so far.. thanks!!
Joined: 2004-04-20
Posts: 23
Posted: Fri, 2005-01-28 19:59
(told you I'm a little short on time.. should be fine within a week, though)
I didn't upload the translation for 3 reasons:
1. stupid winzip don't allow me to add files with the same file names (to different directories)...
2. it appears like it's not complete (?) yet, as I still see some english texts "here and there"...
3. even the latest CVS didn't automatically change the right-to-left stuff, so it's not "tested" yet...
Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Fri, 2005-01-28 20:46
#1 you'll need to solve
#2 we don't care!
#3 we can help better if we have even a partial translation to look at!
if you still have trouble with winzip please just post the po file for core module here....
Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Sun, 2005-02-20 20:38
oy, have we mentioned lately how much we'd love to get any bit of hebrew translation? incomplete, incorrect, inaccurate, we don't care! thanks.
Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Tue, 2005-02-22 00:45
Man. Enc0der totally has it working on his website. See the link above. It looks sweet!
Would it be rude for us to go and grab one of the .po files from his install?
Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Tue, 2005-02-22 02:54
no, but I can't seem to find the po file for core..
Joined: 2004-04-20
Posts: 23
Posted: Fri, 2005-02-25 10:06
there it is...
Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Fri, 2005-02-25 16:53
yay, Enc0der!! thanks.
Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Mon, 2005-02-28 16:37
<sigh> spoke too soon. Enc0der, please post the *.po files!
1. the 'date' and 'size' info (on the top, next to the title) should be align to left.
2. the links for first/last should switch places..
can you direct me to the correct css settings I should use to fix that? coz i'm pretty confused right now with the annoying layout.css.php file...
Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Tue, 2005-03-15 15:47
i'm in the process of refactoring all the css right now.. post again in a week or two and we can look into this change once the css is updated. thanks.
1. prev/next/first/last links are all messed up - next and last should be aligned to LEFT, and prev/first to RIGHT. also, they need to be translated...
2. Date/Owner/Size/Views are not translated.
3. "Page:" is not translated either. page-links are un-clickable.
Any help or direction on what to do next would be great.. thanks.
Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Sat, 2005-08-06 02:59
um, Step 1: submit an updated translation.
i'll take a look at the other items when i get a chance.
Joined: 2004-04-20
Posts: 23
Posted: Sun, 2005-08-07 20:28
here is the he_IL.po file of "/modules/core/po" (for Gallery2 RC1), mostly translated (all the importent stuff).
Please download, compile, and embed into the gallery2 files..
Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Sun, 2005-08-07 23:07
committed the language update, thanks!
i also added class="rtl" on the main gallery div when a right-to-left language is in use.. this will allow us to add CSS that is specific for rtl..
Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Wed, 2005-08-10 00:40
Enc0der, do you ever use mozilla or firefox? When I switch to hebrew I find many icons overlapping text.. it appears moz/ff won't put padding around hebrew or right-to-left content.. our icons use padding for positioning. Just curious if you are aware of this bug or know any workarounds.. thanks.
Edit: actually, I see a few overlapping icons in IE too. Still investigating.
Joined: 2004-01-04
Posts: 8601
Posted: Fri, 2005-08-12 23:21
Ok, just committed CSS updates for navigator in right-to-left language. Get tomorrow's nightly snapshot or wait for RC-2 to try it out.
Posts: 8601
Posts: 113
Hmm. Interesting. This could also be a thorny problem for new devs, we should make it clear how to do RTL and other internationalization in whatever dev docs we provide for aspiring module/layout/theme devs.
And don't forget, hebrew isn't the only RTL language, there's Arabic too.
Here's a good HTML/UI resource for RTL: http://www.i18nguy.com/markup/right-to-left.html
Posts: 8601
yes, help from anyone who knows arabic would be great too!
Just noting one thing about RTL here in case anyone notices it in G2:
right now if you are logged in and select hebrew for your language you'll find (with moz17/w2k at least) some of the links in the pathbar (site admin / your account) aren't clickable... i did a quick check and found that mozilla has some trouble with inline lists + links + RTL... but only when the text is ascii.. if we get those strings translated into hebrew characters then it should work ok.
Posts: 23
I would love to help you with the RTL & hebrew translation.
I've just installed G2 for testing on my site (http://www.hwzone.co.il/gallery2), and I'm corrently importing my 150+ albums (2,000+ photos) G1.
I'm a little short on free time for the next couple of months, though I believe I'll be able to help nevertheless.
feel free to contact me by email:
or by ICQ: 82414956
Omri Amos,
Posts: 8601
Enc0der, great!
To start with please take a look at docs/LOCALIZING and make a start at translating the core module.. you don't need to translate everything, but it would be good to cover many of the strings used in the album/item layout views (things like Login/Logout/Site Admin/Your Account/add items/Advanced Search/etc....) If you have any questions just ask here or in #gallery irc and we'll be happy to help.
Once you have some translated text, take a look at your G2 and give us feedback on how it can work better in RTL!
Posts: 23
I guess I'd better install my RedHat 9, working on it under winxp sounds like hell..
I'll do it tomorrow morning...
Posts: 113
Well, you *can* do it on Windows. See http://www.rabinovich.org/gallery2/docs/
Posts: 23
I already have G2 installed on my webserver (linux), but I need to work on the translation locally, so I need linux to get the "source text files"...
Posts: 23
ok, everything is installed and ready...
I have all the po files, now I need to translate them.
I do, however, prefer to save as as ISO-8859-8-I, and not UTF-8.
The reason is that almost (?) all of the hebrew sites in Israel (and mine as well) uses this charset, and if I'll use UTF-8 for Gallery2 I won't be able to insert G2 correctly to my template.
Converting all my site to UTF-8 is basically impossible.
Of course I have no problem to make 2 versions for each charset (I use SuperEdi for windows and have an option to choose the unicode on save), but how should I name the files ? (I'm currently using "he_IL.po")
Posts: 328
Enc0der, g2 translations are completely UTF-8 only, this currently is mandatory for translations. Out output however is always generated as html-entities (&#xxx;), so you can embed this into any site (the browser should render the entities correctly regardless of the site's charset). Not 100% sure about our submition forms (if the user-input is also UTF-8 if embeded into another charset-site), but I guess this should work correctly too.
Let us know if you have any trouble embeding it into your site, even having UTF-8 translations!
As of the naming, we have he_IL in our GalleryTranslator.class as the language code for Hebrew.
Posts: 7994
Enc0der, G2 uses UTF-8 because it allows us to mix different languages on the same page. This means that somebody can comment on your site in Japanese, even though they're viewing the site in Hebrew. You can't do that with the ISO character sets because they have limited code pages.
You can create the translation in either ISO-8859-8-I or UTF-8. If it's in ISO-8859-8-I we can recode it to UTF-8 for our purposes, but right now we are pretty much locked into using UTF-8 ...
Posts: 974
None of our locales include any charset information in their naming because we are mandating UTF-8. However the G1 naming convention would go as follows:
Perhaps we need to modify the makefile system to generate the charset information in the naming, as well.
Be aware that a version of g2 that does not use UTF-8 will probably have a bunch of negative side-effects. If there is really a call for it we can probably refactor, but it would complicate our development and hinder our attempts to make a global application. Supporting ISO-8859-1-I could mean supporting as many as eight chinese character sets, or even five hebrew character sets. The thing is that they don't play nicely with eachother.
I could rant about this for days, but the long and the short of it is that supporting other character sets will complicate development and probably make G2 less globally accessible.
Posts: 23
as I said before, the only problem I have with UTF-8 is that it can't read my ISO-8859-8-I hebrew site-templates, and ISO have no problem in combining hebrew and english, which is enough for me...
anyway, I was just wondering,
what is the difference between:
"There is nothing to view for this item" and "This album is empty" ?
where do I get to see the first message? because it seems like they both have the same meaning = same translation...
same quesion for "Comment changed successfully" vs. "Comment modified successfully"...
Posts: 23
Current STATUS:
/layouts/matrix/po <-- 100% Done.
/modules/comment/po <-- 100% Done.
/modules/netpbm/po <-- 100% Done.
/modules/core/po <-- 60% Done.
Posts: 8601
"There is nothing to view for this item" -- rarely seen.. this occurs on a single item/photo where you have view permission but no permission to view either resizes or the full size image.. (so you can see the thumbnail, but if you click on it you'll see this message)
The comment ones do seem equivalent.
Status: great! when core is done please submit what you have so we can try it out.. thanks!
Posts: 23
Current STATUS:
/layouts/matrix/po <-- 100% Done.
/modules/comment/po <-- 100% Done.
/modules/netpbm/po <-- 100% Done.
/modules/core/po <-- 99.999% Done.
only problem - line 1,960 (core/po):
msgid "i"
msgstr ""
what's that mean ?
Posts: 7994
The "i" and "B" strings are used in the BBCode markup buttons (templates/MarkupBar.tpl) that you can see when you do "Edit item". They're short for italics and Bold in English.
Posts: 23
ok, it's done..
I've imported 10 albums from my G1 (please note this thread: link)
Now we should work on the align-to-right stuff...
As you can see, in my template I embbed G2 into a table with dir="rtl", so that basically solved most of the align-to-right stuff.
there are some other things to fix, like the pages-navigation links (next>last should be align to left).
I COULD change the template files and make the necessary changes, but I believe there's some trick to make it global for all langauges...
I mean, it should have something like:
Am I right ? (that's, of course, only the principle...)
The question is, how to actually implement that...
btw, any suggestions on how to solve the non-utf8 [iso-8859-8-I] charset template problem?
Posts: 8601
great, thanks! please submit the localization as described in docs/LOCALIZING
are you running a recent nightly snapshot or are you using alpha 4?
try a recent snapshot, as it already will set rtl direction for hebrew.
Posts: 8601
Enc0der, any update? It would be really great if you can submit what you have so far.. thanks!!
Posts: 23
(told you I'm a little short on time.. should be fine within a week, though)
I didn't upload the translation for 3 reasons:
1. stupid winzip don't allow me to add files with the same file names (to different directories)...
2. it appears like it's not complete (?) yet, as I still see some english texts "here and there"...
3. even the latest CVS didn't automatically change the right-to-left stuff, so it's not "tested" yet...
Posts: 8601
#1 you'll need to solve
#2 we don't care!
#3 we can help better if we have even a partial translation to look at!
if you still have trouble with winzip please just post the po file for core module here....
Posts: 8601
oy, have we mentioned lately how much we'd love to get any bit of hebrew translation? incomplete, incorrect, inaccurate, we don't care! thanks.
Posts: 7994
Man. Enc0der totally has it working on his website. See the link above. It looks sweet!
Would it be rude for us to go and grab one of the .po files from his install?![:-)](http://galleryproject.org/files/smiley/smile.gif)
Posts: 8601
no, but I can't seem to find the po file for core..
Posts: 23
there it is...
Posts: 8601
yay, Enc0der!! thanks.
Posts: 8601
<sigh> spoke too soon.
Enc0der, please post the *.po files!
Posts: 23
not the stupid winzip all over again... :/
Posts: 8601
got it, thanks!
Posts: 23
please take a look at these things:
I'm using the Matrix layout (that I've modified a bit), if that matters..
1. the 'date' and 'size' info (on the top, next to the title) should be align to left.
2. the links for first/last should switch places..
can you direct me to the correct css settings I should use to fix that? coz i'm pretty confused right now with the annoying layout.css.php file...
Posts: 8601
i'm in the process of refactoring all the css right now.. post again in a week or two and we can look into this change once the css is updated. thanks.
Posts: 23
Posts: 8601
the css changes are complete.. if you're running the latest code i can answer questions about where to make css changes..
Posts: 23
1. prev/next/first/last links are all messed up - next and last should be aligned to LEFT, and prev/first to RIGHT. also, they need to be translated...
2. Date/Owner/Size/Views are not translated.
3. "Page:" is not translated either. page-links are un-clickable.
Any help or direction on what to do next would be great.. thanks.
Posts: 8601
um, Step 1: submit an updated translation.
i'll take a look at the other items when i get a chance.
Posts: 23
here is the he_IL.po file of "/modules/core/po" (for Gallery2 RC1), mostly translated (all the importent stuff).
Please download, compile, and embed into the gallery2 files..
Posts: 8601
committed the language update, thanks!
i also added class="rtl" on the main gallery div when a right-to-left language is in use.. this will allow us to add CSS that is specific for rtl..
Posts: 8601
Enc0der, do you ever use mozilla or firefox? When I switch to hebrew I find many icons overlapping text.. it appears moz/ff won't put padding around hebrew or right-to-left content.. our icons use padding for positioning. Just curious if you are aware of this bug or know any workarounds.. thanks.
Edit: actually, I see a few overlapping icons in IE too. Still investigating.
Posts: 8601
Ok, just committed CSS updates for navigator in right-to-left language. Get tomorrow's nightly snapshot or wait for RC-2 to try it out.