If you don't want the stuff around the thumbnail then you have 2 options:
1. restore the orginal view_albums.php That will remove all stuff above and below the thumb.
2. Edit the /html_wrap/inline_moviethumb.frame.default and call it inline_moviethumb.frame: remove the parts you don't need. Post back if you have trouble with the editing. It should be easy to follow.
Different skins and colors will require the editing of the CSS for your text. If the icons are not the right color you will have to replace them in the /images/icons directory.
I am not a document writer and have asked for assistance in this but http://langleycom.com/ipw-web/gallery/MovieMod_Docs/notes (and the two oither captures) should help some. Different skins (font sizes padding etc) will cause the spacing to change. You have two choices:
a: restore the orginal view_albums.php That will remove all stuff above and below the thumb.
b: edit the inline_moviethumb.frame.default and call it inline_moviethumb chaning the padding for the different icon settings.
Stupid question, but I assume to upload movies to Gallery, I do it the same way as I do for pics right? Either through Gallery or the applet?
Yes same as a photo. If the movie is too big (you get a error) then ftp thto the server and use the URL method for adding a movie.
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Sat, 2005-04-30 03:57
kunald wrote:
Dave, I restored the older view_album file and it's still showing the stuff :-? I'm not sure why, but even if I delete it and then restore it it's all still there.
Restore the original view_album.php and remove inline_moviethumb.frame.default or edit it to your liking.
kunald wrote:
And I changed the scaling factor. I want the maximum size of a movie to be 550 wide. It's supposed to resize by 65%, but is there a way to just have it resize to 550 if it's over that?
The code is commented
// make movie smaller if bigger than 600 wide shrink the movie by 65%
// set the 2 values below to your situation
$video_width_resized = 600;
$video_shrink = 0.65;
so you want the item to be resized to 550 if it is over 550? What do you want done with the height? Do you want it so scale as well?
More expanation is in order.
Joined: 2003-11-04
Posts: 20
Posted: Sat, 2005-04-30 14:28
floridave wrote:
If you don't want the stuff around the thumbnail then you have 2 options:
1. restore the orginal view_albums.php That will remove all stuff above and below the thumb.
2. Edit the /html_wrap/inline_moviethumb.frame.default and call it inline_moviethumb.frame: remove the parts you don't need. Post back if you have trouble with the editing. It should be easy to follow.
Different skins and colors will require the editing of the CSS for your text. If the icons are not the right color you will have to replace them in the /images/icons directory.
I am not a document writer and have asked for assistance in this but http://langleycom.com/ipw-web/gallery/MovieMod_Docs/notes (and the two oither captures) should help some. Different skins (font sizes padding etc) will cause the spacing to change. You have two choices:
a: restore the orginal view_albums.php That will remove all stuff above and below the thumb.
b: edit the inline_moviethumb.frame.default and call it inline_moviethumb chaning the padding for the different icon settings.
I have edited (option 2) the inline_moviethumb.php file successfully to remove the text above and below the thumb -- how can I get the movie thumb to be centered in line (vertically) with the other photo thumbs? It appears very high compared to the other thumbs.
Joined: 2005-01-15
Posts: 114
Posted: Tue, 2005-05-03 01:12
Will this work for multi user based gallerys? Will each person be able to upload videos and have the option to view in the broswer?
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Tue, 2005-05-03 03:44
yes. If the user does not have a compatible player then they will see a link to the movie and the option to download the item.
Add different "movie" support for gallery to recognize:
Open up the file util.php in your main Gallery directory, and find the line that says:
Sorry to bump, but there won't be any problems with the mod or gallery if I update to the newer versions, right? I just think the mod is great and I'd rather not have to go through getting rid of it and waiting for a new version or what not if I upgrade the gallery.
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Wed, 2005-08-10 03:52
It will work up to version 1.5. I am waiting for the final version of 1.5.1 before updating the code. It is all very similar and not much changes.
If you upgrade you will have to reinstall the mod. or atlease merge the changes.
Joined: 2005-08-13
Posts: 17
Posted: Fri, 2005-08-19 00:35
Ok, I'll move my questions here.
I downgraded to 1.5 and everything worked like a charm.
Added this mod, and I get the following error when I click on a pic in my gallery. (I only have 1 at this point. It's a test gallery)
Error: Requested index [0] out of bounds [1]
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /hsphere/local/home/*****/gallery.3dcentral.net/classes/Album.php on line 1405
Any ideas?
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Fri, 2005-08-19 03:00
perhaps you did not overwrite all the files? delete view_photo.php and try again?
Joined: 2005-08-13
Posts: 17
Posted: Fri, 2005-08-19 10:25
I've got it working now. I deleted the view_photo.php and put the original back up. Everything is working like it's supposed to now. Thanks.
OK.. I uploaded the original view_album.php and all seems to be working fine.
Any ETA on a updated ffmpeg package Dave?
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Sun, 2005-09-25 17:49
RooMeat wrote:
Hi Dave.
Have just done the upgrade to the new version and am now getting errors when trying to view a movie.
Warning: includehtmlwrap(/home/httpd/vhosts/ozstuntbikes.com/httpdocs/modules/gallery/html_wrap/inline_Embedmoviethumb.frame.default): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/httpd/vhosts/ozstuntbikes.com/httpdocs/modules/gallery/util.php on line 1115
Warning: includehtmlwrap(): Failed opening '/home/httpd/vhosts/ozstuntbikes.com/httpdocs/modules/gallery/html_wrap/inline_Embedmoviethumb.frame.default' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/pear') in /home/httpd/vhosts/ozstuntbikes.com/httpdocs/modules/gallery/util.php on line 1115
Give me a day or 3 for the ffmpeg (with time) mod for 1.5.1.
Joined: 2003-08-20
Posts: 19
Posted: Sun, 2005-09-25 21:08
Works a treat now Dave.
Joined: 2002-10-23
Posts: 3
Posted: Mon, 2006-01-30 18:41
Love it floridave! will it work with 1.5.2 as well?
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Mon, 2006-01-30 19:44
Angelus wrote:
Love it floridave! will it work with 1.5.2 as well?
Don't know never tested yet. I bet it won't as Tim_j has done a lot of changes.
Joined: 2002-10-23
Posts: 3
Posted: Mon, 2006-02-13 17:42
hm nope.. didnt work. It would be greatly appreciated if someone made a update for 1.5.2
Joined: 2003-08-16
Posts: 58
Posted: Wed, 2006-05-31 03:45
Is there any update for this module yet to make it 1.5.3 compatible?
Joined: 2002-10-04
Posts: 7
Posted: Wed, 2006-10-25 14:49
Hi floridave,
Sounds like you've put in a lot of work in creating the "embedded movie mod". I was looking for a way for Gallery 1.x to support FLV files so your mod sounds like the answer... but I'm currently running Gallery 1.4.4 and your latest mod is for 1.5.1 and the current available is 1.5.4! Any suggestions for me to be able to run a version of Gallery that supports FLV? I looked and 1.5.1 is not available for download anymore. Ideally, I'd also want to support MP3 audio files as well.
Well, thanks for all your efforts thus far and thanks in advance for any feedback!!
And have a nice day!
Joined: 2006-12-19
Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 2006-12-19 10:13
Hello! Found lots of entertaining posts at this website. Read most of the archive. Thank for your work!
Posts: 27300
If you don't want the stuff around the thumbnail then you have 2 options:
1. restore the orginal view_albums.php That will remove all stuff above and below the thumb.
2. Edit the /html_wrap/inline_moviethumb.frame.default and call it inline_moviethumb.frame: remove the parts you don't need. Post back if you have trouble with the editing. It should be easy to follow.
Different skins and colors will require the editing of the CSS for your text. If the icons are not the right color you will have to replace them in the /images/icons directory.
I am not a document writer and have asked for assistance in this but http://langleycom.com/ipw-web/gallery/MovieMod_Docs/notes (and the two oither captures) should help some. Different skins (font sizes padding etc) will cause the spacing to change. You have two choices:
a: restore the orginal view_albums.php That will remove all stuff above and below the thumb.
b: edit the inline_moviethumb.frame.default and call it inline_moviethumb chaning the padding for the different icon settings.
Posts: 27300
Also you might want to look for the "scalling factor" you have "This flash file has been resized to fit screen" look at this post:
Posts: 27300
Yes same as a photo. If the movie is too big (you get a error) then ftp thto the server and use the URL method for adding a movie.
Posts: 27300
Restore the original view_album.php and remove inline_moviethumb.frame.default or edit it to your liking.
The code is commented
so you want the item to be resized to 550 if it is over 550? What do you want done with the height? Do you want it so scale as well?
More expanation is in order.
Posts: 20
I have edited (option 2) the inline_moviethumb.php file successfully to remove the text above and below the thumb -- how can I get the movie thumb to be centered in line (vertically) with the other photo thumbs? It appears very high compared to the other thumbs.
Posts: 114
Will this work for multi user based gallerys? Will each person be able to upload videos and have the option to view in the broswer?
Posts: 27300
yes. If the user does not have a compatible player then they will see a link to the movie and the option to download the item.
Add different "movie" support for gallery to recognize:
Open up the file util.php in your main Gallery directory, and find the line that says:
Change it to read:
You can add any more file extensions that you would like to support on your site. Just use the same format '.*', for each of them.
Posts: 1
the icons are seen through the tekst in FireFox. Internet Explorer and Opera show them correctly
any idea what to change?
Posts: 27300
you need to adjust the cell padding http://langleycom.com/ipw-web/gallery/MovieMod_Docs/notes?full=1
I have asked for some help writing the docs but nobody has lent a hand.
Posts: 14
Sorry to bump, but there won't be any problems with the mod or gallery if I update to the newer versions, right? I just think the mod is great and I'd rather not have to go through getting rid of it and waiting for a new version or what not if I upgrade the gallery.
Posts: 27300
It will work up to version 1.5. I am waiting for the final version of 1.5.1 before updating the code. It is all very similar and not much changes.
If you upgrade you will have to reinstall the mod. or atlease merge the changes.
Posts: 17
Ok, I'll move my questions here.
I downgraded to 1.5 and everything worked like a charm.
Added this mod, and I get the following error when I click on a pic in my gallery. (I only have 1 at this point. It's a test gallery)
Any ideas?
Posts: 27300
perhaps you did not overwrite all the files? delete view_photo.php and try again?
Posts: 17
I've got it working now. I deleted the view_photo.php and put the original back up. Everything is working like it's supposed to now. Thanks.
Posts: 27300
Update for 1.5.1: http://langleycom.com/gallery_download/ and look for 1.5.1movie_mod.zip
I only had to change the view_photo.php and view_album.php files. If you don't like the changes to the album view you don't need that file.
Gallery Frames / Mods || G1 Test Gallery
Posts: 19
OK.. I uploaded the original view_album.php and all seems to be working fine.
Any ETA on a updated ffmpeg package Dave?
Posts: 27300
I updated the .zip file. I forgot to add that file. Update for 1.5.1: http://langleycom.com/gallery_download/ and look for 1.5.1movie_mod.zip
Give me a day or 3 for the ffmpeg (with time) mod for 1.5.1.
Posts: 19
Works a treat now Dave.
Posts: 3
Love it floridave! will it work with 1.5.2 as well?
Posts: 27300
Don't know never tested yet. I bet it won't as Tim_j has done a lot of changes.
Posts: 3
hm nope.. didnt work. It would be greatly appreciated if someone made a update for 1.5.2
Posts: 58
Is there any update for this module yet to make it 1.5.3 compatible?
Posts: 7
Hi floridave,
Sounds like you've put in a lot of work in creating the "embedded movie mod". I was looking for a way for Gallery 1.x to support FLV files so your mod sounds like the answer... but I'm currently running Gallery 1.4.4 and your latest mod is for 1.5.1 and the current available is 1.5.4! Any suggestions for me to be able to run a version of Gallery that supports FLV? I looked and 1.5.1 is not available for download anymore.
Ideally, I'd also want to support MP3 audio files as well.
Well, thanks for all your efforts thus far and thanks in advance for any feedback!!
And have a nice day!![:-)](http://galleryproject.org/files/smiley/smile.gif)
Posts: 2
Hello! Found lots of entertaining posts at this website. Read most of the archive. Thank for your work!
Posts: 2
Best of luck, thumbs up!