"No Thumbnail" Link instead of an actual thumbnail
Joined: 2004-12-28
Posts: 13 |
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My new install is not actually placing a thumbnail image up. Instead it posts a link that says "no thumbnail". Can someone please check out the gallery and let me know if I forgot a setting? or need to fix something. I am turning debug mode to on. Also the naigation link is missing the "Album/main.php" before the ? Does anyone know what may be causing this? Gallery URL (optional but very useful): http://www.lymetech.com/Album/main.php |
Posts: 13451
[Moving to Gallery 2 support forum]
Posts: 8601
do you have an active graphics toolkit? (imagemagick, netpbm or gd module)
Posts: 13
I may be crazy but I am assuming that imagemagic is bundled with the package gallery-2.0-alpha-4.zip on source forge.
so whatever version of imagemagic that is included with is what I am using.
I appologize for being a novice.
Posts: 13
Well...I'm working on the install for imagemagick. I think I know now what my deal was...and duh!
Anyways i still need help with why the links are not getting parsed properly. I am not generating any erros to speak of. My gallery is sitting at lymetech.com/Album/main.php. When the navigation creates the links "back to gallery" on the left hand bar is does not insert the neccesary "/Album/main.php" Where can I edit to fix this problem? See image below
Please and thank you for the help in advance!
Posts: 13
Hmm. Well I'm taking it that i have to continue digging around these files to find out why its not parsing the navigation structure properly. Its not generating any errors from this.
Additionally. I have now got the tumbnail to post an image but its not resizing it properly. I am using NetPBM. Are there some additional settings aside from pointing it to the right directory that I need to modify to get it to work properly?
Posts: 13
Actually is this my problem? i am looking at the installed madules. I click on the thumbnail manager buttong to install and I get this error
When I installed G2 I checked everything so everything should have been installed. For some reason this one didn't.
The ffmpeg and nokia image upload also didn't install.
I could really some help here with these problems. I do apppreciate it.
Posts: 8601
thumbnail mgr doesn't work in alpha-4.. use a recent nightly snapshot.
no, there aren't any other settings for netpbm that you should need.. what is "not resizing properly" ?
baschny wrote the navigation links stuff.. perhaps he can figure out why the link isn't constructed properly. it might help if you can post a link to your phpinfo (a php file with just <?php phpinfo(); ?> in it)
Posts: 13
Its keeping it at the original size. Instead of resizing the image and placing the thumbnail in the thumbnail directory. It actually doesn't even place an image in the thumbnail directory at all.
my php info file....looking
Posts: 8601
try putting your G2 in buffered debug mode in config.php and PM me a login/passwd to your G2 with admin privileges.. i don't know what you mean by "thumbnail" directory; it looks like it is building the thumbnail but it's just a copy of the full size image.
Posts: 13
pm sent
Posts: 13
I'm back. OK. I did as you stated in the PM. Which was clear the db and start over. It actually worked!
Now I'm trying to fix the navigation problem in the image above. What happens, again, is that it forgets to place the 'Album/main.php' into the link it generates. I've been all over these php files and i can't seem to find out which one is making the bad call. I'm guessing it something to do with the $_relativeG2Path ? Am I wrong by thinking that? It also forgets to place in some buttons while doing administration.
Any help would be appreciated.
...or do I have to add a line in my php.ini file poiting to the g2 directory?
Posts: 8601
the problem is almost certainly in GallleryUrlGenerator, but not to do with _relativeG2Path, which is empty for a standalone install. again, phpinfo might help with this.
Posts: 13
here you go --> http://www.lymetech.com/Album/phpinfo.php
Posts: 13
Posts: 13
Well. i don't mean to keep posting to my own post. Could this problem have something to do with cookies? In my php.ini file?
Posts: 8601
why did you post that? we all have that file.
no, the problem is probably in GalleryUrlGenerator.class, not in cookies or php.ini
Posts: 13
I'm trying to make it easier to solve this problem. I'll yank it.
Posts: 13
ok. My eyes are spinning in my head. Lots of reading php. I understand the code a bit better now. Correct me if I'm wrong.
The navigation bar and some buttons call url information from WebHelper_Simple.class and GalleryUrlGenerator.class. I think the problem with not parsing the 'Album/main.php' in the links and buttons may be from the first and not the second.
Can anyone help me with this problem?
The install has come a long way and everything is working beautifully except for this. Users can not register yet because the button to register leads them to http://lymetech.com/?g2_fromNavId=xc387d42f again missing the Album/main.php in between the "/" and the "?"
Posts: 8601
you need to figure out if some $_SERVER var isn't what the GalleryUrlGenerator code is expecting, or if some string handling code is causing the url to be formed incorrectly. maybe add some print statements in there to figure out how it pieces together the urls.. and why some work and a few don't. good luck!
Posts: 15
Dear Expert,
I have the same problem not being able to create thumbnail. I did install NETPBM and set permission to 755. But when I run the test, it gives me FAILED messages.. Please help
Posts: 8601
theunknown, put your G2 in buffered debug mode in config.php and try the test again. Look through the debug output and find where it does exec calls on the netpbm binaries and you'll see the output.. this should give you a better idea what went wrong. Are you sure the netpbm binaries are for your os?
Posts: 15
Hi there,
Thanks for your quick response. Unfortunately I have no idea when I look at the debug output.. Can you help me look at it? PMED the info
Posts: 8601
sorry, your site just times out for me.
Posts: 15
Posts: 15
did u receive anything from me mindless? I sent you another PM
Posts: 7994
theunknown, mindless suddenly got very very busy (his wife is having a baby as I post this) so it's unlikely that he's gonna have time to help you for .. err .. the rest of his life.
Ok, maybe not that long -- but for a little while. In the meantime, if you PM me the same info I'll look into it for you.
Posts: 15
oh thanks! Message sent to you bharat
Posts: 7994
ok, theunknown, your problem is that your config.php has a bug in it. When i try to view images I get:
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /xxx/gallery/config.php:136) in /xxx/gallery/modules/core/DownloadItem.inc on line 162
This means that on line 136 of your config.php you're printing out something. Make sure that your config.php has *nothing* outside of the <?php ?> block!
Posts: 15
I think I got it fixed... Thanks a lot ADMIN!!! .... But how did you get the NETPBM installed though? What did you do to get it fixed?
Posts: 7994
I didn't do anything special. I put in the path to NetPBM that you suggested and hit "test" and everything passed except for the BMP binaries, but those aren't required so I saved the settings and activated the module.
Posts: 15
ohhhhh i did that too but didnt work.. thanks for your help mr. Admin!
Oh yeah... how do I modify the Random Image Block .. I want to have a random image block on my other page not the gallery page itself
Posts: 15
Posts: 8601
visit Site Admin / Random/Popular
there are instructions there.
Posts: 15
oh thanks I think I found it!! U guys rock!!!
Posts: 2
I am also struggling to get thumbnails to be displayed using NetPBM and would appreciate some help.
This is the result of running the test setting for NetPBM
NetPBM binary test results
Binary Name Pass/Fail
giftopnm Passed
ppmtogif Passed
jpegtopnm Passed
pnmtojpeg Failed
pngtopnm Passed
pnmtopng Passed
tifftopnm Failed
pnmtotiff Failed
bmptopnm Failed
Error messages:
File does not exist
ppmtobmp Failed
Error messages:
File does not exist
pnmcomp Failed
Debug listing : http://www.mkco.org/log/errorlog1.txt
PHP details : http://www.mkco.org/test.php
Gallery: URL : http://www.mkco.org/gallery2
Gallery ver: gallery-2.0-beta-1
NetPBM: betpbm-gallery-1.4.pl2-linux-intel
Posts: 32509
ChrisJBZero, there's nothing wrong with it. Hit save and activate the netpbm module. The ... failed messages just say that this operations are not supported by this netpbm package. If you require these operations, try to complete your set of operations by activating the GD and the imagemagick modules too, if you can.
Your links to Debug listing etc. didn't work for me.
Posts: 2
Hi Valiant. Thanks for the very prompt feedback. I'll try to do as you suggest and let you know how I get on. The above links don't work because my website provider's whole network seems to have gone down. So I cannot gain any http/ftp access to any of my sites hosted by them. So I have to patient