first of all I'd like to thank everyone involved in developing g2, it's a really great improvement for the of course also good good g1! I'm really looking forward to use g2 on production machines.
Unfortunately I've got some wrong data in my g1.4 installation which prevents me from properly updating to g2. It seems that in my g1.4 installation there are some files in the database (i.e. album.dat etc.) which aren't on the file system. I think that this is caused by uploading images and loosing connection to the internet at that time. The problem is now that when g2 tries to import the old data it finds out that there is some file which it should import, but when it tries to import that given file it sees that this is non existant and therefore fails.
I want to ask you if there is a way to make g2 to import the data from g1.4 properly and omit any files which don't exist on the filesystem. Is there a way for you to implement that or is it already possible yet?
-- Hendrik
Posts: 974
Could I take a look at your G1 and G2 installations?
Your G1 installation apparently has some broken albums that need to be fixed before the migration can happen.
Posts: 5
My g1 is located under http://fotos.naggel.info , g2 is not public at the moment, but if you want I can open it for you. Do you need any additional rights?
Posts: 5
Is there a chance for getting a little script which checks for these missing or broken files and gives me a list of them so that I am able to delete and re-upload them?
Posts: 37
I would like a hint how to fix albums in general... I have one broken album and I would like to have it transferred so that I can view it again
Of course I am to blame of it being broken (I hit delete and eralised 1ms after what I was doing, so it's a mess)
Posts: 974
Hendrik_R, first log in as an admin, then see if gallery tells you that you have any broken albums. Then, visit every one of your albums to see if any of them cause you any problems. Finally, look for the find_orphans script as a final pass. That's about the best that I can recommend right now, but if that doesn't help, please tell me which album is broken and I will take another look. Thanks
Posts: 5
I tried the update again with the latest CVS of g2, and now it worked. This time I disabled generating the thumbnails while importing, I don't know if that caused the error or not.
The find_oprhans script did not find any orphans.
The album which caused the error the last time I tried migrating to g2 contains entries for .MOV files which are missing.
I don't know if that helps you to fix the problem or if it is already fixed, I'll try migrating with auto generating the thumbnails this evening and will report if the error is still fixed then or if it reappears.
Anyway, thanks for your help and kudos to the g2 team!
Posts: 974
if the mov files are still missing...
Posts: 5
Now I tried the update again with auto generating of the thumbnales, and now it worked. Seems there were some changes between today's CVS and the two month old CVS.
I also see that I was incorrect in my last post, the .MOV files were not missing but only 0 bytes in size.
Posts: 7994