I installed A4 of G2 the other day, and it all seems to be up and running fine.
However, when I try to import my v1 albums, PHP times out. I suspect it times out doing other stuff too, but I haven't spent much time trying to do much else, because I wanted to get my v1 gallery imported first 
It's running on my ISP's server, so as far as I know, I don't have the ability to modify the configuration of PHP to change the timeout setting.
I got the impression that there's a function you can call within the PHP code itself to change the timeout. If so, is this something that can be easily added? Perhaps I can add it myself?
Is there any other way I can get it working?
Posts: 32509
please post a link to a phpinfo file on your website / ISP's server.
Posts: 14
you mean from lib/tools?
I can post it, but won't you need my setup password to get to the details?
Isn't there sensitive info in there anyway apart from the password issue?
Posts: 7994
There's nothing private, but there's a lot of information in there so you should look it over before you publish it.
I'm not sure that we need it though. G2 tries to make sure that it won't time out by updating the time limit whenever it does long operations. We must have forgotten to do that somewhere. Can you install one of the latest nightly builds and see if that fixes the problem?
Posts: 974
Hey, RobL, I can believe that php is timing out when importing G1 albums.
Fortunately, I am 97% done with a big change that will make long migrations less likely to time out.
However, if you are having php timeout issues (where php is giving you a timeout error instead of things just dying) there could be other bottlenecks that will cause you problems when doing other big tasks, like adding a few images at a time.
If you don't feel comfortable publishing your config information, you could email it to bharat or me. (I'm at
In the meantime, you could let us know every type of action that results in timeouts. If you only have problems doing migrations then the answer mightr already be in the works. If you have problems with other actions, we may be able to troubleshoot and find some workarounds.