i am using G2 and serving some users, and my gallery structure as shown as below, every user has all right on his album only,
- Mary's album
- Mary's sub-albums...
- John's album
- John's sub-albums...
- Peter's album
- Peter's sub-albums...
- public album (can be upload by above users)
my aim is:
1) i would like to let every user could use gallery remote to upload into their own album and public album only.
2) when user login, other users' stuff should be hidden.
my problem is:
for gallery remote, i found that i need to set permission of root gallery to users allow to "view item", then they could use gallery remote to login, and see their folders and upload, but i would like every user cannot see folders (album) which cannot access, how?
furthermore, when user login from web UI, if they go to root gallery, they could also see other users' albums... i would like to hide them also.
thx a lot for hints.
Posts: 8601
do "edit permissions" on each users album and see if "Everybody" group has any permissions assigned.. perhaps you want to remove those.
Posts: 34
thx, edit the permission per each user album can work for my aim for gallery remote.
but futhermore, now i have set the permission of each user album to owner only and cannot see each other own album. but how can users share view to other members which under their own album? (except upload to public album)
thx for more hints
Posts: 7994
I don't understand what you're asking. Can you draw a simple text diagram of your albums and what privileges you'd like each album to have?
Posts: 34
i am sorry that i asked a silly question, after tried and error and i have solved my question of share albums -- it's just permission matter.