For those interested. I grabbed Beta 3 this morning and upgraded from Beta 2. No problems at all, very smooth. Mambo integration appears to be working well.
Joined: 2005-03-14
Posts: 36
Posted: Wed, 2005-05-18 20:39
I've problems with my G2 Mambo integration. It works fine, but I only see the placeholders (no pictures)
full path : /is/htdocs/xx/
relative path : ./Gallery2 or ../Gallery2
Mambo path : ../
embedUr : index.php?option=com_gallery2&Itemid=93
my real full pathes at the webspace are
Mambo : /is/htdocs/xx/
G2 : /is/htdocs/xx/
My Domain is directet at /is/htdocs/xx/
Joined: 2005-05-10
Posts: 100
Posted: Wed, 2005-05-18 21:28
malthazor wrote:
For those interested. I grabbed Beta 3 this morning and upgraded from Beta 2. No problems at all, very smooth. Mambo integration appears to be working well.
Same here. ALL the CVS before this worked just fine as well
Joined: 2005-05-10
Posts: 100
Posted: Wed, 2005-05-18 21:30
matze1106 wrote:
I've problems with my G2 Mambo integration. It works fine, but I only see the placeholders (no pictures)
full path : /is/htdocs/xx/
relative path : ./Gallery2 or ../Gallery2
Mambo path : ../
embedUr : index.php?option=com_gallery2&Itemid=93
my real full pathes at the webspace are
Mambo : /is/htdocs/xx/
G2 : /is/htdocs/xx/
My Domain is directet at /is/htdocs/xx/
Try this:
Relative path to Gallery G2: ./Gallery2
Path to Mambo: /
And disable all options besides Use mirrored logins
That should work
Joined: 2005-03-14
Posts: 36
Posted: Wed, 2005-05-18 21:36
d3vlabs wrote:
Try this:
Relative path to Gallery G2: ./Gallery2
Path to Mambo: /
And disable all options besides Use mirrored logins
That should work
It doesn't work
Joined: 2005-05-10
Posts: 100
Posted: Wed, 2005-05-18 21:37
I've been working with latest CVS of Mambo Integration and so far everything is going just fine. Figured out the paths for embedding, was able to tweak up the g2 module to work the way I want, removed shadow around albums and few other general minor g2 hacks.
Now here are some issues that I'm still fighting with:
Removing the XHTML/GALLERY2/CODENAME buttons on the bottom. The code to those is placed within global.tpl where I succesfully removed those. This showed up in my standalone installation, however did nothing for the component. I cleared browsers's cache/mambo's cache and g2's template cache, yet still got nothing. I went through all the files of the integration and wasn't able to find anything linking to those buttons. Anyone know how to fix this?
The 2nd issue is the permissions issue. I added custom permissions for the items such as view comments/show url code(development module) and they all work just fine in standalone version, however quite buggy and sometimes don't work at ll in the embedded g2.
Relative path to Gallery G2: ./Gallery2
Path to Mambo: /
And disable all options besides Use mirrored logins
That should work
It doesn't work
If possible try fresh installation of G2's latest beta/clear out cahce for both mambo and g2/delete everything in recycle bin of mambo. I had cases where i expeirmented so much with paths that even correct settings wouldn't fix it. Doubel check your ITEMID and again make sure yur recycle bin in mambo is emtpy to prevent interferences. If that doesnt work, reply again, we'll work something out for sure, dont trip.
Joined: 2005-03-14
Posts: 36
Posted: Wed, 2005-05-18 21:45
d3vlabs wrote:
If possible try fresh installation of G2's latest beta/clear out cahce for both mambo and g2/delete everything in recycle bin of mambo. I had cases where i expeirmented so much with paths that even correct settings wouldn't fix it. Doubel check your ITEMID and again make sure yur recycle bin in mambo is emtpy to prevent interferences. If that doesnt work, reply again, we'll work something out for sure, dont trip.
I#ve just updates to G2 beta 3. How I've to clear out the cache for mambo +g2 ?
mambo>system>clean cache ?? delete content of cache directory ?
Joined: 2005-05-10
Posts: 100
Posted: Wed, 2005-05-18 22:08
just click that button, it will do everything for you.
then I would proceed to re-installing the component
make sure u got the latest version from cvs. if you dont know how to use the cvs, i'll post it as the attachment. uninstall from mambo component menu and I would also recommend going through mambo/components and mambo/administrator/components directory on the ftp to make sure the files are gone there as well.
Joined: 2005-03-14
Posts: 36
Posted: Wed, 2005-05-18 22:17
d3vlabs wrote:
just click that button, it will do everything for you.
then I would proceed to re-installing the component
make sure u got the latest version from cvs. if you dont know how to use the cvs, i'll post it as the attachment. uninstall from mambo component menu and I would also recommend going through mambo/components and mambo/administrator/components directory on the ftp to make sure the files are gone there as well.
I don't know how to use the cvs
Joined: 2005-05-10
Posts: 100
Posted: Wed, 2005-05-18 22:22
I don't know the dates when these files were actually released, but i got them off cvs last night, so these should be up to date builds. Untared and zipped.
I did the embedded install, everything went fine. activated modules I needed. Did some minor hacks to header/footer, some customizations to the css file, etc... Was about done tweaking when G2 suddent stopped being embedded.
Now when I click the same link within Mambo, it opens up as the full G2 script, taking the whole screen, without the Mambo menus. Basically same as linking to standalone G2 installation.
This happened twice and last time I ended up reinstalling it all over. This time there was just too much work done to do this again.
Does anyone know the cause of this and possibly fix? Thank for your time.
Joined: 2005-04-05
Posts: 50
Posted: Thu, 2005-05-19 12:54
i think i'm having the same problem as matze1160...i installed mambo first, then installed gallery2 beta v2 ...both works perfect by itself...
after that i tried to embed my gallery into mambo...filename:
it seems like everything worked fine...i can see the name of the albums and all other infos...but the only problem i'm having now is, i cant see the picture...only the name of the picture file...
is this a bug? if yes is there any solution for it? or do i have to do some settings changes?
thank you!
Joined: 2005-03-14
Posts: 36
Posted: Thu, 2005-05-19 18:49
I've deinstalled com_gallery2 and the module. Then I've cleared the caches. I've installed the component and the module.
and I've the same problem....
Joined: 2005-05-10
Posts: 100
Posted: Thu, 2005-05-19 19:47
matze1106 try to come on irc and we'll try some stuff out there. otherwise we going to be going back and forward here with guessing on your relative path.
Joined: 2005-03-14
Posts: 36
Posted: Thu, 2005-05-19 20:04
I've installed mIRC... How I can find you ?
Joined: 2005-04-05
Posts: 50
Posted: Thu, 2005-05-19 20:05
i would be thankful if anyone of u can give me a solution for this problem...
Joined: 2005-05-10
Posts: 100
Posted: Thu, 2005-05-19 20:15
It's not a bug. It's simply the matter of finding the right relative paths to your G2 component. There should be really a better README with this component. Maybe I'll throw one together. I've had same issue basically everytime I re-installed G2. Try page 3 of this thread. There is a post on the bottom with yellow highlights that explains little bit more on your paths.
Now for IRC:
after your specify your nick/e-mail/etc in options, come to Freenode IRC and join channel #gallery
Here are the commands to save you time
/j #gallery
Joined: 2005-03-14
Posts: 36
Posted: Thu, 2005-05-19 20:33
oh my god...
I'm not able to connect to
"no identd (auth) response"
"closing link matze1106 (Invalid username)"
Joined: 2005-04-05
Posts: 50
Posted: Thu, 2005-05-19 20:34
juhui!! es funktioniert jetzt...lag wirklich nur an dem pfad...
habe neu statt "../gallery2" (standard text) "/gallery" eingetragen...und prompt hat es geklappt..
danke für deine hilfe d2vlabs
Joined: 2005-03-14
Posts: 36
Posted: Thu, 2005-05-19 20:39
@jimmy boi...
Glückwunsch... bin noch nicht so weit... heul...
wie ist Dein direkter Pfad aufgebaut? Stelle mich grad blöd an
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Thu, 2005-05-19 20:43
matze1106, please keep discussing in english. Always keep in mind how you would find it if others would start discussing in languages that you don't understand...
@topic: i think most of the problems that arise have only to do with the configuration paths. Just read how others have found the correct path, this could help.
Joined: 2005-05-10
Posts: 100
Posted: Thu, 2005-05-19 22:25
For those who are still strugglin wtih paths, here is my working mambo+g2 installation:
I had no problems in getting gallery/mambo intergration working. Now, while I was testing the embedded gallery, I had this strange problem.
When I'm not logged in as an administrator, after clicking through the gallery for some time, it throws me out of the embedded gallery into the standalone. Before this happens, the 'top row links', gallery>album>picture, changes into album>picture. After being thrown to the standalone, neither the embedded or the standalone gallery can be accessed. I have to log out of mambo and log in as an administrator, after which everything works fine again.
Does anyone else have the same problem or any idea why this is happening??
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Fri, 2005-05-20 11:19
m7k, that sounds really strange. but it's too few information to really think of what could have happened.
i guess you somehow lost your session (G2 thought suddenly, you're not a logged in user). but how would that lead to links that link to G2 standalone instead of embedded? i don't know.
i'd also revise that after mindless' next big multisite+embedded+rewrite+cookie change.
Joined: 2005-05-04
Posts: 7
Posted: Fri, 2005-05-20 11:48
I agree, it's strange. I have absolutely no idea why this is happening. If you have the time to take a quick look, I could pm you a password.
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Fri, 2005-05-20 11:55
m7k, no, sorry, not at the moment. let's revise it in a week or so (when mindless' change is in the cvs).
Joined: 2005-04-05
Posts: 50
Posted: Fri, 2005-05-20 12:27
@d3vlabs: sorry !! wont write in german again here.. :-D
@matze1106: so? does it work? u really need to set the right path...i had to delete this 2 dots before the slash and name of the directory... like for me --> /gallery
@all: sorry i'm having a small problem with the sidebar...everything works fine..but my prolbem is...i only need the random picture...all the other infos like "search", "actions", "your carts" and "members" i dont want to use it as a sidebar....
can anyone help me out !!
i found once a this module for random picture...and i installed it with sucess...after entering the url i hoped that it will work..but i i think i'm making some mistake with the url... this is the url i entered...
hope one of this would work...
thanks for ur support
Joined: 2005-03-14
Posts: 36
Posted: Fri, 2005-05-20 16:57
@d3labs: thank you, you have spent a lot of time.... thanks for your support
@all: I've solved the problem. One click with smart ftp. I've paste the gallery2-directory as a subdirectory of mambo, new entry for absolute path, /Gallery2 for relative path... IT'S WORKING
Joined: 2005-05-10
Posts: 100
Posted: Fri, 2005-05-20 23:59
jimmy_boi, m7k: I posted your problems in G2+Mambo Issues thread that I started here:
and I will post your problem in the official Mambo + G2 Issues Thread later
Joined: 2004-06-14
Posts: 16
Posted: Mon, 2005-05-23 00:08
I used the link above and extracted then reziped but I get the same error. Any more suggestions?
Thanks in advance d3vlabs
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Mon, 2005-05-23 10:17
why rezipped?
Joined: 2004-02-01
Posts: 16
Posted: Tue, 2005-05-24 00:34
TWDesignStudios wrote:
I keep getting the error File /home/public_html/media/install_4290adab2bf3d/mambo/gallery2.php does not exist! when I try to do the install.
Is there a readme somewhere with installation instructions. I keep getting rerouted to here when searching for installation help for somereason.
I get the exact same error as well.
Joined: 2005-05-08
Posts: 34
Posted: Tue, 2005-05-24 11:20
i finally got time to reinstall my gallery again and wiped out everything and installed latest g2 beta3. got it working with g2 mambo integration. got the zip file from above few threads...i did not install g2 side bar module as i disable it in the gallery config in mambo. my pictures dun display as suppose...and when i click on the pic(link), i got this error.
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: getorderby() in /var/www/html/gallery2/modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryChildEntityHelper_simple.class on line 480
ps: i still had to no this in my mambo DB to prevent similiar error unable to find mos_mambogallery2* from appearing
rza, and G2 standalone works? can you click on pics there without receiving the error? because this is definitely something that has to do with G2 and G2 only.
i guess you should check the file integrity (installer / upgrader step systemcheck).
Joined: 2005-05-08
Posts: 34
Posted: Tue, 2005-05-24 21:59
hey, it seems like it was the G2 relative path that i have put ../gallery2. took off the .. and now my pictures are showing...but after clickin on the pic, i get saem error..hmmm..
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: getorderby() in /var/www/html/gallery2/modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryChildEntityHelper_simple.class on line 480
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Tue, 2005-05-24 22:03
see my last post. can't help you when you don't answer my questions
Joined: 2005-05-08
Posts: 34
Posted: Tue, 2005-05-24 22:09
i shall list my G2 embedded settings to see where i go wrong.
oh ya forgot to let u know G2 standalone works fine.
u can try to go to url/gallery2 to take a look.
Full Path to Gallery G2:/var/www/html/gallery2/
Relative path to Gallery G2:/gallery2
Path to Mambo:/
Login page redirect:index.php
Display G2 Sidebar:no
Display G2 login:no
Use mirrored user logins:yes
Run user setup script:no
Enable auto-album creation:yes
Joined: 2005-05-08
Posts: 34
Posted: Tue, 2005-05-24 22:20
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Tue, 2005-05-24 22:50
can't tell you what's wrong with it.
you could start debugging it though. quite strange.
Joined: 2005-05-08
Posts: 34
Posted: Wed, 2005-05-25 03:07
will debug and check out the error...will probaly take a day or 2 as today is busy
Joined: 2004-11-17
Posts: 6
Posted: Sun, 2005-05-29 22:22
I have gallery2 working very well, in standalone and embedded. In standalone URL rewrite works - embedded in Mambo, I just get kicked back to my front page. Any suggestions?
Joined: 2003-01-04
Posts: 32509
Posted: Sun, 2005-05-29 22:54
rewrite for G2+Mambo isn't solved. so you can't use rewrite in embedded G2/Mambo for now (unless you figure out how it works yourself, but this take a long time).
Joined: 2004-11-17
Posts: 6
Posted: Sun, 2005-05-29 23:42
OK thanks, that's what I was hoping to hear - if I figure it out you'll be the 2nd to know
Posts: 33
For those interested. I grabbed Beta 3 this morning and upgraded from Beta 2. No problems at all, very smooth. Mambo integration appears to be working well.
Posts: 36
I've problems with my G2 Mambo integration. It works fine, but I only see the placeholders (no pictures)
full path : /is/htdocs/xx/
relative path : ./Gallery2 or ../Gallery2
Mambo path : ../
embedUr : index.php?option=com_gallery2&Itemid=93
my real full pathes at the webspace are
Mambo : /is/htdocs/xx/
G2 : /is/htdocs/xx/
My Domain is directet at /is/htdocs/xx/
Posts: 100
Same here. ALL the CVS before this worked just fine as well
Posts: 100
Try this:
Relative path to Gallery G2: ./Gallery2
Path to Mambo: /
And disable all options besides Use mirrored logins
That should work
Posts: 36
It doesn't work
Posts: 100
I've been working with latest CVS of Mambo Integration and so far everything is going just fine. Figured out the paths for embedding, was able to tweak up the g2 module to work the way I want, removed shadow around albums and few other general minor g2 hacks.
Now here are some issues that I'm still fighting with:
Removing the XHTML/GALLERY2/CODENAME buttons on the bottom. The code to those is placed within global.tpl where I succesfully removed those. This showed up in my standalone installation, however did nothing for the component. I cleared browsers's cache/mambo's cache and g2's template cache, yet still got nothing. I went through all the files of the integration and wasn't able to find anything linking to those buttons. Anyone know how to fix this?
The 2nd issue is the permissions issue. I added custom permissions for the items such as view comments/show url code(development module) and they all work just fine in standalone version, however quite buggy and sometimes don't work at ll in the embedded g2.
Here are the links to my site: - standalone g2 BINGO beta installation - Mambo 4.5.3 embedded installation through latest posted component.
Posts: 100
If possible try fresh installation of G2's latest beta/clear out cahce for both mambo and g2/delete everything in recycle bin of mambo. I had cases where i expeirmented so much with paths that even correct settings wouldn't fix it. Doubel check your ITEMID and again make sure yur recycle bin in mambo is emtpy to prevent interferences. If that doesnt work, reply again, we'll work something out for sure, dont trip.
Posts: 36
I#ve just updates to G2 beta 3. How I've to clear out the cache for mambo +g2 ?
delete content of folder ...Mambo/cache ?
Posts: 100
mambo>system>clean cache
mambo> site> trash manager
g2>site>admin>maintenance>delete template cache
Posts: 36
mambo> site> trash manager ===> done
g2>site>admin>maintenance>delete template cache ===> done
mambo>system>clean cache ?? delete content of cache directory ?
Posts: 100
just click that button, it will do everything for you.
then I would proceed to re-installing the component
make sure u got the latest version from cvs. if you dont know how to use the cvs, i'll post it as the attachment. uninstall from mambo component menu and I would also recommend going through mambo/components and mambo/administrator/components directory on the ftp to make sure the files are gone there as well.
Posts: 36
I don't know how to use the cvs
Posts: 100
I don't know the dates when these files were actually released, but i got them off cvs last night, so these should be up to date builds. Untared and zipped.
Posts: 32509
Posts: 100
yeah forgot about that link
Posts: 100
Sucessfull mambo+g2 integration went wrong.
I did the embedded install, everything went fine. activated modules I needed. Did some minor hacks to header/footer, some customizations to the css file, etc... Was about done tweaking when G2 suddent stopped being embedded.
Now when I click the same link within Mambo, it opens up as the full G2 script, taking the whole screen, without the Mambo menus. Basically same as linking to standalone G2 installation.
This happened twice and last time I ended up reinstalling it all over. This time there was just too much work done to do this again.
Does anyone know the cause of this and possibly fix? Thank for your time.
Posts: 50
i think i'm having the same problem as matze1160...i installed mambo first, then installed gallery2 beta v2 ...both works perfect by itself...
after that i tried to embed my gallery into mambo...filename:
it seems like everything worked fine...i can see the name of the albums and all other infos...but the only problem i'm having now is, i cant see the picture...only the name of the picture file...
is this a bug? if yes is there any solution for it? or do i have to do some settings changes?
thank you!
Posts: 36
I've deinstalled com_gallery2 and the module. Then I've cleared the caches. I've installed the component and the module.
and I've the same problem....

Posts: 100
matze1106 try to come on irc and we'll try some stuff out there. otherwise we going to be going back and forward here with guessing on your relative path.
Posts: 36
I've installed mIRC... How I can find you ?
Posts: 50
i would be thankful if anyone of u can give me a solution for this problem...
Posts: 100
It's not a bug. It's simply the matter of finding the right relative paths to your G2 component. There should be really a better README with this component. Maybe I'll throw one together. I've had same issue basically everytime I re-installed G2. Try page 3 of this thread. There is a post on the bottom with yellow highlights that explains little bit more on your paths.
Now for IRC:
after your specify your nick/e-mail/etc in options, come to Freenode IRC and join channel #gallery
Here are the commands to save you time
/j #gallery
Posts: 36
oh my god...
I'm not able to connect to
"no identd (auth) response"
"closing link matze1106 (Invalid username)"
Posts: 50
juhui!! es funktioniert jetzt...lag wirklich nur an dem pfad...
habe neu statt "../gallery2" (standard text) "/gallery" eingetragen...und prompt hat es geklappt..
danke für deine hilfe d2vlabs
Posts: 36
@jimmy boi...
Glückwunsch... bin noch nicht so weit... heul...
wie ist Dein direkter Pfad aufgebaut? Stelle mich grad blöd an
Posts: 32509
matze1106, please keep discussing in english. Always keep in mind how you would find it if others would start discussing in languages that you don't understand...
@topic: i think most of the problems that arise have only to do with the configuration paths. Just read how others have found the correct path, this could help.
Posts: 100
For those who are still strugglin wtih paths, here is my working mambo+g2 installation:
url :
mambo installation:
g2 installation:
Full Path to Gallery G2: /home/d3v/public_html/mambo/gallery2/
Relative path to Gallery G2: ./gallery2
Path to Mambo: /
embedUri: index.php?option=com_gallery2&Itemid=160
Here's the screenie of the config:
Posts: 7
I had no problems in getting gallery/mambo intergration working. Now, while I was testing the embedded gallery, I had this strange problem.
When I'm not logged in as an administrator, after clicking through the gallery for some time, it throws me out of the embedded gallery into the standalone. Before this happens, the 'top row links', gallery>album>picture, changes into album>picture. After being thrown to the standalone, neither the embedded or the standalone gallery can be accessed. I have to log out of mambo and log in as an administrator, after which everything works fine again.
Does anyone else have the same problem or any idea why this is happening??
Posts: 32509
m7k, that sounds really strange. but it's too few information to really think of what could have happened.
i guess you somehow lost your session (G2 thought suddenly, you're not a logged in user). but how would that lead to links that link to G2 standalone instead of embedded? i don't know.
i'd also revise that after mindless' next big multisite+embedded+rewrite+cookie change.
Posts: 7
I agree, it's strange. I have absolutely no idea why this is happening. If you have the time to take a quick look, I could pm you a password.
Posts: 32509
m7k, no, sorry, not at the moment. let's revise it in a week or so (when mindless' change is in the cvs).
Posts: 50
@d3vlabs: sorry !! wont write in german again here.. :-D
@matze1106: so? does it work? u really need to set the right path...i had to delete this 2 dots before the slash and name of the directory... like for me --> /gallery
@all: sorry i'm having a small problem with the sidebar...everything works fine..but my prolbem is...i only need the random picture...all the other infos like "search", "actions", "your carts" and "members" i dont want to use it as a sidebar....
can anyone help me out !!
i found once a this module for random picture...and i installed it with sucess...after entering the url i hoped that it will work..but i i think i'm making some mistake with the url... this is the url i entered...
hope one of this would work...
thanks for ur support
Posts: 36
@d3labs: thank you, you have spent a lot of time.... thanks for your support
@all: I've solved the problem. One click with smart ftp. I've paste the gallery2-directory as a subdirectory of mambo, new entry for absolute path, /Gallery2 for relative path... IT'S WORKING
Posts: 100
jimmy_boi, m7k: I posted your problems in G2+Mambo Issues thread that I started here:
Will be working trying to solve it as well as other issues that are listed.
matze1106: glad you finally figured it out. post your settings here if you wish. it might help the others.
Posts: 16
I keep getting the error
File /home/public_html/media/install_4290adab2bf3d/mambo/gallery2.php does not exist!
when I try to do the install.Is there a readme somewhere with installation instructions. I keep getting rerouted to here when searching for installation help for somereason.
Posts: 100
looks like you need a dir-fix. try getting latest cvs from here: and working with that component. make u sure extract the files before u zip them up:
and I will post your problem in the official Mambo + G2 Issues Thread later
Posts: 16
I used the link above and extracted then reziped but I get the same error. Any more suggestions?
Thanks in advance d3vlabs
Posts: 32509
why rezipped?
Posts: 16
I get the exact same error as well.
Posts: 34
i finally got time to reinstall my gallery again and wiped out everything and installed latest g2 beta3. got it working with g2 mambo integration. got the zip file from above few threads...i did not install g2 side bar module as i disable it in the gallery config in mambo. my pictures dun display as suppose...and when i click on the pic(link), i got this error.
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: getorderby() in /var/www/html/gallery2/modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryChildEntityHelper_simple.class on line 480
ps: i still had to no this in my mambo DB to prevent similiar error unable to find mos_mambogallery2* from appearing
mv mos_gallery2.frm mos_mambogallery2.frm
mv mos_gallery2.MYD mos_mambogallery2.MYD
mv mos_gallery2.MYI mos_mambogallery2.MYI
my site
Posts: 32509
rza, and G2 standalone works? can you click on pics there without receiving the error? because this is definitely something that has to do with G2 and G2 only.
i guess you should check the file integrity (installer / upgrader step systemcheck).
Posts: 34
hey, it seems like it was the G2 relative path that i have put ../gallery2. took off the .. and now my pictures are showing...but after clickin on the pic, i get saem error..hmmm..
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: getorderby() in /var/www/html/gallery2/modules/core/classes/helpers/GalleryChildEntityHelper_simple.class on line 480
Posts: 32509
see my last post. can't help you when you don't answer my questions
Posts: 34
i shall list my G2 embedded settings to see where i go wrong.
oh ya forgot to let u know G2 standalone works fine.
u can try to go to url/gallery2 to take a look.
Full Path to Gallery G2:/var/www/html/gallery2/
Relative path to Gallery G2:/gallery2
Path to Mambo:/
Login page redirect:index.php
Display G2 Sidebar:no
Display G2 login:no
Use mirrored user logins:yes
Run user setup script:no
Enable auto-album creation:yes
Posts: 34
Posts: 32509
can't tell you what's wrong with it.
you could start debugging it though. quite strange.
Posts: 34
will debug and check out the error...will probaly take a day or 2 as today is busy
Posts: 6
I have gallery2 working very well, in standalone and embedded. In standalone URL rewrite works - embedded in Mambo, I just get kicked back to my front page. Any suggestions?
Posts: 32509
rewrite for G2+Mambo isn't solved. so you can't use rewrite in embedded G2/Mambo for now (unless you figure out how it works yourself, but this take a long time).
Posts: 6
OK thanks, that's what I was hoping to hear - if I figure it out you'll be the 2nd to know