For a long while I was able to use the "Edit Thumbnail" to crop my thumbnails. I am now unable to edit my thumbnails. Since I didn't do this very often, the only thing I can attribute it to is :
I didn't have a php.ini set, finally realized I didn't and put one in the proper place. Once I did this it broke my ability to upload until I change the upload_tmp_dir to a valid directory writable by nobody.
What else did I break with a default / standard php.ini that could have caused 'Edit Thumnail' not to work.
I can bring the picture up with the crop window, select a section, and click OK. It acts like it takes it but then nothing is actually done.
Gallery version: v1.4.4-pl5
Apache version: 2.0.52
PHP version 5.0.3
Graphics Toolkit: Imagemagick 6.19
Operating system: Linux Slackware 10
Web browser/version (if applicable): Firefox 1.0 and IE6
13 of 13 NetPBM binaries located.
3 of 3 ImageMagick binaries located.
jhead binary located.
jpegtran binary located.
Posts: 3236
Any juicy information from apache logs or gallery in debug mode? It'd be a good start![:)](
Posts: 3
The apache log when I press the "OK" button looks like this :
"GET /gallery/edit_thumb.php?&action=doit&crop_x=444&crop_y=978&crop_w=1159&crop_h=1735 HTTP/1.1" 200 4766 ""
I put gallery in debug mode, but I didn't notice anything. I did get the "This Window will not close" message, but I didn't see anything below it (was I supposed to).
Still not working![:(](