I've copied the latest archive into my gallery2 directory and started "upgrade". It told updating the core from 0.8.4 to 0.8.5. No errors reported but after trying to open my gallery, it claims
Configuration Error: Missing Layout Missing Layout
This album is configured to use the matrix layout, but it is either missing or not activated. To fix this problem you can either choose a new layout for this album or install or activate this layout .
Trying to fix (install/activate) gives an NO_PERMISSION error even after ensuring having set the permissions.
Any idea?
Gallery URL (optional):
Gallery version: 2.0 - 0.8.5
Webserver (with version): IIS 5.1
Datatabase (with version): mySQL 5.01
PHP version (eg 4.2.1): 4.38
phpinfo URL (optional):
Graphics Toolkit(s): ImageMaqgick
Operating system: XP pro SP2
Web browser/version: IE 6
Posts: 47
Hi LFrank,
I do not have a solution, but I can say that you are not the only one. I have the same issue over here with the same error. On my computer, my Gallery gets a daily upgrade by CVS. Yesterday it was working, but is isn't anymore today.
I have also tried to run the upgrader, but that did not help.
Gallery URL (optional):
Gallery version: Latest CVS
Webserver (with version): Apache 2.0.51-2.9
Datatabase (with version): mySQL 3.23.58-9.1
PHP version (eg 4.2.1): 4.3.10-2.4
phpinfo URL (optional):
Graphics Toolkit(s): ImageMagick/NetPBM
Operating system: Linux Fedora Core 2
Web browser/version: IE 6
Posts: 47
I have just found a way for a work-around. The problems seems to be that a maxtrix layout version needs to be installed/activated. However, because I was not logged in, I did not have any rights to do so. And I could not login, because the maxtric layout was not activated/installed.
The way I have found is a real quick and dirty work-around. I have temporarily added the guest user to the site admin group, by working directly on the database. Then I have activated the layout and finally removed the guest user from the site admin group.
The solution worked for me, but I do not know whether it also works for you (it might destroy your whole gallery :-? ). I am not a G2 developer, so this solution is only based on my personal trial and error. I do not recommend to do this, unless you want to take the risk to destroy your G2 installation and you are comfortable with SQL:
1. First, I looked up the user id of the guest user, by typing in MySQL:
SELECT `g_id` FROM `g2_User` WHERE `g_userName` = 'guest';
The statement above, should return the user id. In my case, this was '2'.
2. Then I looked up the group id of the site admin group, by typing in MySQL:
SELECT `g_id` from `g2_Group` WHERE `g_groupName` = 'Site Admins';
The statement above, should return the group id. In my case, this was '4'.
3. I added the guest user to the site admin group. Let's assume that the user id is 2 and the group id is 4, the MySQL statement is:
INSERT INTO `g2_UserGroupMap` ( `g_userId` , `g_groupId` ) VALUES ('4', '2');
4. Then I went to my gallery and activated the new version of the matrix layout.
5. I removed the guest user from the site admins group. So, again let's assume that the user id is 2 and the group id is 4, the MySQL statement is:
DELETE FROM `g2_UserGroupMap` WHERE `g_userId` = '4' AND `g_groupId` = '2';
Posts: 1023
Hi Arjen - thanks a lot. That did the trick for me too. Strange that this occured just with last nights build. Pewh, I was only starting to use G2, but that was quite a Sunday morning surprise ;)
Many Thanks again
Best regards,
Posts: 8601
hey, glad to see users helping eachother out.. definitely helps take some of the load off the developers... but, here's a better way to resolve this upgrade problem:
Login by going directly to the login page: {yourdomain}/gallery2/main.php?g2_view=core:UserAdmin&g2_subView=core:UserLogin
now you can login as admin.. then when you get the layout error again now clicking the link to active/install the layout should work.
the problem with the upgrade may be that matrix layout needs an upgrade but the upgrader didn't do it.. perhaps bharat will shed some light on this.
PS: i assume you meant 0.8.14 to 0.8.15.. i think this could also happen from 0.8.13 to 14/15
Posts: 1023
;) thanks
and, yup -- my quick fingers 'hit' again. It was 14 to 15, indeed ;)
Posts: 7994
Yep, I screwed the pooch with that change. Thanks for cleaning it up, mindless.
Updated layouts don't trigger the full upgrade processs the same as updating the core module does. They're more like the case when you update some random module (like you get a new version of the "exif" module). They just get deactivated and you're prompted to upgrade/reactivate them.
Maybe we should change it so that if the default layout gets a bump you have to run the full upgrade process?
Posts: 47
When I had the problem, I ran the upgrader manually, but that did not help for me at that moment.
Posts: 8601
Arjen, that's correct.. we need to make the upgrader upgrade layouts.. currently it doesn't do that.