Hello all.
Thanks for making a migration tool from G1 to G2.. it worked well for me... sort of.
I'm running a 'larger' gallery... 450+ albums, close to 30k images.. most images are about 3 megs in size.
I got greedy and tried to do a mass import from my G1 and about half way, I had a CGI timeout...
I don't know how long the session was running.. I'd guess..... 15-20 minutes before it died. Is there a way to increase that timeout feature?
To be even more slick.. an estimated time remaining, or file count would be slicker than snot ;)
Thanks guys, keep up the AWESOME work!
Posts: 239
The goal of the migration tool would be to be able to do larger galleries without any issues eventually (hopefully), but for now simply add them in smaller chunks please.
Posts: 974
You didn't say what version of gallery2 you are using. Because you are asking for an "estimated time remaining" I'm guessing that you aren't using something recent. Please try the new beta release and see if that helps. You might still run out of memory, so you will probably still want to do it in batches.
Posts: 167
I'm running Beta 1 CVS as of March 4 2005.. I see the bar and file names.. I was thinking more of a timer.. estimated time remaining, or even a file counter... like.. file 123 of 1000. Just ignore me if I'm the only person who's asked ;)
Is it a memory issue, or a time length issue? I should have copied the error, but, didn't. I recall it was a CGI timeout issue, not a out of resources issue. It's a fairly large server... Dual Xeon 3.4ghz with 4gb of memory with nothing but IIS/MySQL/Gallery running on it right now.
Quick question while I've got ( some ) attention. I realize that the migration tool isn't completed, but, I'd like to point out, or ask, if the migration tool will move ( in the future ) hidden files and albums in G1.
I have about 300 hidden files in 4 sub albums in G1 that did not migrate into G2 using the tool.
Once again, thank you guys for such an awesome product![:)](http://galleryproject.org/files/smiley/smile.gif)
Posts: 32509
very nice specs (server). for maximum performance, install a PHP accelerator like PHPA or turk mm cache, or the commercial zend optimizer.
Posts: 974
I'm probably not going to do either. Counting all the files in advance would be a very heavy operation.
I haven't ever used IIS so I don't have any experience, but it sounds like you have correctly interpreted your error message. I would check into IIS's options to see if you can extend that timeout.
As to memory usage, it shouldn't matter how much total memory you have, it's how much is allotted to php in your php.ini.
It does move hidden files and albums, but the last time that I checked, it removed all permissions from those items except for the admins and owner.
If this isn't working, let me know.
Posts: 167
It did not work...
I don't see the albums listed in the import albums/source section either.
I also checked some hidden files in public view folders.. the hidden files aren't there either.
If it strips all users except for admin and owner, does that mean that since I am the only admin, it will/should keep the files hidden from 'guest' in the migration?
What can I do to help?
Posts: 974
Fill this out. You can send any private info to me separately. I would also like an admin login to your g2 and maybe your g1. Thanks!
Gallery1 URL (optional):
Gallery2 URL (optional):
Gallery1 Hidden Image URL (optional):
Gallery2 Hidden Album URL (optional):
Gallery version:
Webserver (with version):
Datatabase (with version):
PHP version (eg 4.2.1):
phpinfo URL (optional):
Graphics Toolkit(s):
Operating system:
Web browser/version:
G1 version (for migration bugs):
Posts: 167
You have email.
Posts: 974
Running find_orphans.php seemed to help.
Posts: 79
Where do I find said migration tool?
Posts: 32509
The "migration tool" is part of G2. go to G2, site admin -> modules activate the migration module.
if you refer to find_orphans.php, this is part of G1.4.
Posts: 167
I installed a fresh copy of G2 after my memory leak issue, and re-imported everything.
It came over perfectly.. all of my hidden images stayed hidden, and my hidden folders stayed hidden.
I haven't had the chance to test the memory leak issue.... all in due time.
Thanks for the help!