I have been gone from the Gallery scene for quite a few months. I have still been actively using Gallery with my website which uses IPB 1.3. With work, moving, not to mention with all the PMs, emails for support from people in MK Portal community, IPB help from Invisionize community, questions from Gallery community and the reviews I was doing for artists on Megatokyo I was swamped. I spend a lot of time at work on the computer and thus always online and it started to get to a point where I would log on and there would be 15 questions. So I took a vacation per say. Not to mention I moved and started to focus more on hardware of computers than software.
Now since I've been a slacker it was time to get back into the swing of things. Eventually I knew I would need to upgrade to IPB (Invision Power Board) 2.0 so I have been testing and skinning with that trying to get everything setup so when I upgrade my website I can do it fast and efficiently without many problems. I purchased IPB's Gallery and well so far haven't liked it. I can only control access to albums based on membergroups not a member name which makes things difficult for how my Gallery works.
So since I'm skinning a test Invision Power Board and portal system I'll reload and install Gallery 2.0. My site still uses the older version of Gallery but when I upgrade my message board none of my old mods and skins will work. So I'm trying to get everything graphically set and modified so when I do upgrade it is effecient without the look of my website changing. After I install Gallery 2.0 the first step I'll be doing is to integrate its member database with IPB's. Once that is bridged over then I'll work on actually testing and seeing about integrating Gallery with my portal system I use (MK Portal).
Posts: 32509
see docs/EMBEDDING and checkout integration from the gallery repository on sf.net.
see how things are done in the xaraya integration and in drupal etc.
user integration is only done in the xaraya integration AFAIK.
Posts: 181
There have definitely been some upgrades and changes since the first version of G2 that I worked with. I really like the direction and changes that have been happening so far. One of the things that I felt G1 lacked was layout and theme's tended to not seem as clean and professional as other gallery systems. With the options that came with the initial G2 install it looks very clean and crisp.
Installation was also a breeze, easy to understand and didn't have any problems at all which is always good.
I admit it is a bit confusing for me but only because I'm looking in certain places and some things have been moved around. As I play around with it more my familarity will increase. Overall G2 is looking great and has wonderful potential. Keep up the great work.
Now to dig into the docs and see what I can play with. LOL!
Posts: 7994
Welcome back, Shadow_Wolf. I look forward to seeing what you come up with!
Posts: 19
@ SW... do you think you could do an integration from IPB 2 to gallery 1.5 ?