This behaviour is exactly the same as the known bug in Beta 4 that I thought was fixed. If you change the language to English does the link appear? How about if you activate the 'comments' module for everyone as well (so that there is more than one link per item)?
Joined: 2003-04-11
Posts: 8
Posted: Sun, 2005-07-31 20:42
Well i really would like to have exactly the same of, and by the way i've tried several things and it doesnt work...When i put on block and permission the checkout links it comes up with diaporama slideshow even though those are not on the block...I will install the Gallery again to see if it's work then...Maybe something is just corrupted somewhere...By the way thanks for your kind help, i really appreciate.
Joined: 2004-10-03
Posts: 431
Posted: Sun, 2005-07-31 22:05
No problem - post again to let us know how you get on and if you need any more help.
Joined: 2003-03-27
Posts: 19
Posted: Thu, 2005-09-15 18:14
The codex says this breaks with the G2 final, is that true?
Joined: 2005-09-26
Posts: 3
Posted: Wed, 2005-09-28 04:50
I have it installed on G2 final and it works just fine
Joined: 2004-08-24
Posts: 11
Posted: Mon, 2005-10-03 03:54
Anyone having trouble with no subtotals in the shopping cart? Says $0 for the subtotal
Joined: 2005-11-07
Posts: 15
Posted: Mon, 2005-11-07 21:40
I just downloaded the 142 zip file, and uploaded to my G2 install. This is a release version installation. When I go to the modules page to install and activate it, I see the following errors:
Checkout the cart using Paypal
Incompatible module!
Core API Required: 4.0 (available: 6.8)
Module API Required: 0.9 (available: 2.0)
The version claims to be 0.1.0
Is there a version that will work with the current release version of Gallery2
Joined: 2004-10-03
Posts: 431
Posted: Mon, 2005-11-07 23:18
GerenM - I've taken dleaberr1's modules forward for the final release of Gallery2. The module has now been split into 3 to allow future development of more payment options and so on. See the new thead here for the downloads (they're in the 2 posts at the very start of the thread).
Joined: 2005-11-07
Posts: 15
Posted: Tue, 2005-11-08 00:21
Thanks. Found it, and, except for templating issues, I think it's working.
Here's a question .... what about the possibility of allowing each image to have its own pricing?
Joined: 2005-11-17
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2005-11-17 16:24
'...Anyone having trouble with no subtotals in the shopping cart? Says $0 for the subtotal...'
I am also having trouble passing the price to the cart - I have put the pricing in the module config e.g. £7 but when i add to cart it displays the shipping cost but not the price of the product. I know it's something really simple but i'm stuck. Can anybody help please?
Joined: 2004-10-03
Posts: 431
Posted: Thu, 2005-11-17 16:30
When you set the price of a product you must not use a currency symbol as this will result in values being interpreted as 0.
Joined: 2002-09-06
Posts: 68
Posted: Thu, 2005-11-17 23:50
Is anyone using this with the PG theme? Or multisite? I got the modules installed fine, but am unable to get the "add photo to cart" links to show anywhere... Any ideas?
Joined: 2004-10-03
Posts: 431
Posted: Fri, 2005-11-18 09:09
The link will appear in the list of item actions, so make sure you have this block enabled somewhere in your theme.
If the link appears when you're logged in as admin but not for anyone else, then check the '[checkout] Purchase item' permission is set for the 'Everybody' group.
Joined: 2005-11-19
Posts: 2
Posted: Sat, 2005-11-19 02:44
Hello all!
First off, let me say I love G2 and am trying to get the cart to work.
The 3 cart modules install properly.
One iss I am having is for a typical user, there is no option to checkout via paypal that I can see (but I'm very tired at the moment, so I am not 100% sure).
If I login as the administrator, in the pulldown beneath each pic I see 2 "add to cart" items, one with a capitol "A", one without. The top one (with the cap A) acts just like the add-to-cart for any typical user (where the only checkouts are the shutterfly printing, etc). If I click on the lower "add to cart" option in the pulldown, I am presented with a paypal button when viewing the cart.
But this is only for the administrator. Oh well, I thought let's go see if the transaction works (for $0.01!)).
It did, but when I went back (via the back buttons and refreshed), the items had not been removed from the cart.
Lastly, is there any way to provide some sort of link to, say, a higher resolution version of the purchased image that exists elsewhere on the server, after checkout and payment?
For example, we want to sell high-res pics of the pics shown in the gallery. After payment, it would be great if some sort of link would be presented to the user to allow download. It would be even better if such a link would not ID the true server location of the folder holding the high res files, or simply fed the file to a PHP script that would push the download.
Any suggestions?
And thank you all inadvance for your help!
Joined: 2004-10-03
Posts: 431
Posted: Sat, 2005-11-19 13:32
OK, taking your points in order:
no paypal option - I bet this is partly linked with point 2 below, so I'll skip this for now.
two 'add to cart' links - As the Readme says, you need to disable the standard Gallery Cart module if you're going to be using the checkout modules.
Items not removed from cart - the cart is emptied byt he Paypal IPN postback so you need to make sure that's set up properly. This needs doing in your Paypal account, not just in Gallery.
Link to hi-res images - this is a woprk in progress, and that's the next feature I'm working on.
One other think you will need to do once you've installed the modules is to grant the '[checkout] Purchase item' permission to the group 'Everybody' on the gallery if you want anonymous users to be able to purchase things.
You may want to browse through the current thread on the checkout modules here.
Joined: 2005-11-19
Posts: 2
Posted: Mon, 2005-11-21 03:39
Funny thing is when I disabled the original cart, I was not able to get a Paypal button to come up either.
Thank you for the bit about the PP IPN. I am new at this and will look into it.
The ability to link to a high res version would be key,at least for my client and I.
The way the link to a high res file would work best is if some sort of encrypted link would point to the file, or a foldername and filename could be passed to a custom, user-defined PHP script which would know the full path to the file, but rather than have a direct link to the file in question, would just have either an indirect url such as myPhpFile.php?folder=foo&file=bar such that the full path would only be inside of the myPhpFile.php file or the file download would automatically be made to start (these last two methods I have already been able to do, but would need the cart to be able to load the custom script after payment has been made, for each file that was purchased). Either method would be great if it could be integrated.
Anyway, I thank you for your time and patience!
Joined: 2005-11-23
Posts: 7
Posted: Thu, 2005-11-24 01:19
Hi All
I have just setup gallery and all seems to be working somewhat. I installed the Paypal module and the checkout module. I have filled in the paypal email and selected live from the dropdown, I have added the purchase types and the prices and other info in the checkout module.
But when I go to my albums and send something to the cart, it is in the cart but thats where it gets tricky, I must have missed something, there is no way to check out, no button etc.
Can some one point me in where to go from here
And yes i'm new to all this.
Cheers Mike h
Joined: 2004-10-03
Posts: 431
Posted: Thu, 2005-11-24 10:53
mikeh1960 - I think there are some things you still need to do in order to complete the installation:
Disable the built-in cart module
Add the "[checkout] Purchase item" permission for the group "Everybody" to your whole gallery (or just the albums you want people to be able to buy from)
(optional) add the "Shopping cart info" block to the sidebar of your chosen theme
All of these are discussed on the current checkout modules thread here.
Joined: 2005-11-23
Posts: 7
Posted: Sat, 2005-11-26 19:55
Hi Turnbulm
Cheers Thanks got it working so far!!
Mike H
Joined: 2005-12-08
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2005-12-08 01:06
Hey guys.. sounds like a great module but non of the zip files are workin.. they download but then say it is a corrupt file.
Anywere else i can get it? Thanks
Joined: 2004-10-03
Posts: 431
Posted: Thu, 2005-12-08 16:59
The new modules are in a thread here - there's a link to download them from SourceForge that should get rid of the corruption problem for you.
Joined: 2005-12-27
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2005-12-27 13:15
awsome work. ive just checked it out. everything works fine .. except that i can only define a flat rate on all photos. it'd be nice if you can further improve the modules so that they'll allow to define prices to individual photos.
best regards & happy new year
Joined: 2005-10-29
Posts: 61
Posted: Wed, 2006-01-11 04:39
I have a drupal embedded g2 running and am trying to get the checkout module to work. If I try and add an album or item to the cart it Shows step 1 of the checkout but does not show the thumbnail of the item or the price or paper options.
It seems to work ok in the non-embedded environment. It also works if a drupal user is logged in. I have set the Everybody user group in gallery with the ability to Purchase items.
Link to hi-res images - this is a woprk in progress, and that's the next feature I'm working on.
Hi there, enjoying Gallery So far, and the Paypal Cart was exactly what I was after, Thank you!!
I just thought I'd ask how the 'link to hi-res' option is getting along, is this still something planned for the near future?
Joined: 2006-01-30
Posts: 40
Posted: Tue, 2006-02-07 14:06
I am using PG theme & trying to install the paypal cart but having same problem as others.
Disable the built-in cart module
I disbled it, doing so I cant even see the add to cart link above the images or drop down item actions.
Add the "[checkout] Purchase item" permission for the group "Everybody" to your whole gallery (or just the albums you want people to be able to buy from)
Where do we change this permission option I cant find this using gallery 2.0.2(is it Admin options> groups> ???
(optional) add the "Shopping cart info" block to the sidebar of your chosen theme
I have done that.
In this combination as sated above I can see the cart info but cant see add to cart link. If I enable the built in cart module then I can see that link & able to add the images to the cart but when I want to check out I cant see the paypay botton at all.
May be I am doing something wrong (I guess granting permission to everbody is one of that)bcoz as logged in administartor I can see the paypal & do all the shopping.
Joined: 2004-10-03
Posts: 431
Posted: Tue, 2006-02-07 14:37
ranjan - the reason you can't see the link is that the guest user (i.e. nobody logged in) doesn't have permission to purchase items. You need to add that permission. To do this to the whole of your gallery:
Log into your gallery as an administrator and go to the top level album
Click on "Edit Permissions" from the actions links down the left side of the page
Under "New Group Permission" (about 3/4 of the way down the page) type "Everybody" as the group, select "[checkout] Purchase item" as the permission, and click "Add permission"
When as admin I try to checkout using paypal I have assigned $12 to be added for postage but its not added to the total amount (paypal screenshot)
Joined: 2006-01-30
Posts: 40
Posted: Tue, 2006-02-07 14:57
Thanks for your reply.
I finally found the edit permission & did so.
I am using
basic cart module in gallery 2.0.2
By giving permission to everybody now I can see the "add to cart" can add, to the cart but, "your cart" shows 0 items & I cannot checkout (screen shot)
Joined: 2004-10-03
Posts: 431
Posted: Tue, 2006-02-07 14:58
You have typed a currency symbol into your postage setting in the admin panel (looks like you've typed "$US 12"). You need to enter just "12.00". PHP can't understand the numerical value of what you entered.
Joined: 2004-10-03
Posts: 431
Posted: Tue, 2006-02-07 15:00
Your next screenshot shows the built-in cart, not the Checkout one. I suggest you deactivate or uninstall the standard Cart module to prevent confusion.
Joined: 2006-01-30
Posts: 40
Posted: Tue, 2006-02-07 15:05
Your are right I had added US12, chanaged it to 12 & now it updates & add the postage amonut.
Joined: 2006-01-30
Posts: 40
Posted: Tue, 2006-02-07 15:15
OK disabling does not work so I uninstalled the standard cart module & it works now, but the user or admin cannot see the ad to cart ikon on top of the image or below the albums.
The user now can add the image only by using "item action" & it works perfectly upto the final paypal page.
It would be nice to display the cart ikon above the image, not sure if its PG theme isuue or gallery or it is by design that you dont want to display the ikon.
awsome work. ive just checked it out. everything works fine .. except that i can only define a flat rate on all photos. it'd be nice if you can further improve the modules so that they'll allow to define prices to individual photos.
best regards & happy new year
Me too would like to see this implemented setting the price x size for each image seprately, though it might become too complex.
Ok so there is a work around I will try that. Seems these forums have to be read throughly to get a real glimps of what gallery can do, itoo feature packed.
Is this working with SVN 2.2? When downloaded and installed, I got plenty of errors. Any ideas? I need PayPal from my Gallery.
Error Detail -
in modules\core\classes\GalleryModule.class at line 342 (GalleryCoreApi::error)
in modules\core\ at line 233 (GalleryModule::activate)
in modules\core\ at line 63 (PluginCallbackView::handleCallback)
in main.php at line 386 (PluginCallbackView::renderImmediate)
in main.php at line 91
in main.php at line 84
System Information
Gallery version 2.2-svn
PHP version 5.1.6 isapi
Webserver Microsoft-IIS/5.1
Database mysqlt 5.0.24a-community-nt
Toolkits Thumbnail, SquareThumb, NetPBM, Gd
Operating system Windows NT WEBSERVER 5.1 build 2600
Browser Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)
Error Detail -
in modules\core\classes\GalleryModule.class at line 342 (GalleryCoreApi::error)
in modules\core\ at line 233 (GalleryModule::activate)
in modules\core\ at line 63 (PluginCallbackView::handleCallback)
in main.php at line 386 (PluginCallbackView::renderImmediate)
in main.php at line 91
in main.php at line 84
System Information
Gallery version 2.2-svn
PHP version 5.1.6 isapi
Webserver Microsoft-IIS/5.1
Database mysqlt 5.0.24a-community-nt
Toolkits Thumbnail, SquareThumb, NetPBM, Gd
Operating system Windows NT WEBSERVER 5.1 build 2600
Browser Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)
Joined: 2006-10-08
Posts: 121
Posted: Tue, 2006-10-10 14:03
Per valint:
"this is due to a change in g2.2.the checkout modules all should have a function autoConfigure in their where they return array(null, false)"
Can the author update the PayPal checkout to conform to 2.2 standards?
Great Mod - One Question, though
When I go to the checkout screen, the Quantities are all blank (zero) requiring that a "1" be entered. I've been farting around in the code for a few hours now and I can't seem to make this assume and display "1" instead of zero.
Any help?
Mark C. Robinson
For caretakers of elderly, injured, and handicapped pets; products, services, and support.
Gallery version = 2.2-svn core 1.1.23
PHP version = 4.4.4 cgi
Webserver = Apache/1.3.33 (Unix)
Database = mysq
Joined: 2007-10-09
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2007-10-09 08:04
I have upgraded my gallery to version 2.2. Before I did this I uninstalled the checkout plugins, and now I have reinstall versions:
Checkout 0.1.18 0.1.18 Shopping cart module supporting different products and payment
Checkout by Paypal 0.1.12 0.1.12 Complete checkout by paypal
Everything seems to work until I go to checkout, and then I only get the "modify order" button and no button to checkout. It's acting like it doesn't have the Paypal payment plugin enabled, but it is...
Any ideas?
Joined: 2005-11-25
Posts: 64
Posted: Sat, 2007-11-17 02:00
I have been using the checkout by Paypal module for several years just fine, but recently I have had to rebuild my Gallery site from scratch with all the latest versions of everything, including Checkout, Checkout by Paypal and Checkout by email modules. I now cannot get my buy by paypal or email checkout buttons to appear on the final checkout page. It seems plenty people have the same problem. I have deactivated the standard cart, given Everybody the Purchase by checkout permission, and flushed my template cache, uninstalled and re-installed the paypal module, but still no buttons...
OK, I found it, I hadn't seen the check-boxes in the Checkout config page to display the Paypal and Email buttons.
Gallery version = 2.2.3 core
PHP version = 4.3.2 apache2filter
Webserver = Apache/2.0.46 (Red Hat)
Joined: 2009-06-25
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2009-06-25 22:58
Can anyone help please. I have installed paypal checkout module and the confirm button does not appear on the checkout page just the modify one. I have tried everthing that I know but am completely stumped. Many thanks.
Joined: 2006-08-01
Posts: 4342
Posted: Fri, 2009-06-26 11:19
@oldyella: please start a new thread, giving the requested information, also checkout/checkoutpaypal version numbers and preferrably a url to your gallery. Thanks.
Posts: 431
This behaviour is exactly the same as the known bug in Beta 4 that I thought was fixed. If you change the language to English does the link appear? How about if you activate the 'comments' module for everyone as well (so that there is more than one link per item)?
Posts: 8
Well i really would like to have exactly the same of, and by the way i've tried several things and it doesnt work...When i put on block and permission the checkout links it comes up with diaporama slideshow even though those are not on the block...I will install the Gallery again to see if it's work then...Maybe something is just corrupted somewhere...By the way thanks for your kind help, i really appreciate.
Posts: 431
No problem - post again to let us know how you get on and if you need any more help.
Posts: 19
The codex says this breaks with the G2 final, is that true?
Posts: 3
I have it installed on G2 final and it works just fine
Posts: 11
Anyone having trouble with no subtotals in the shopping cart? Says $0 for the subtotal
Posts: 15
I just downloaded the 142 zip file, and uploaded to my G2 install. This is a release version installation. When I go to the modules page to install and activate it, I see the following errors:
Checkout the cart using Paypal
Incompatible module!
Core API Required: 4.0 (available: 6.8)
Module API Required: 0.9 (available: 2.0)
The version claims to be 0.1.0
Is there a version that will work with the current release version of Gallery2
Posts: 431
GerenM - I've taken dleaberr1's modules forward for the final release of Gallery2. The module has now been split into 3 to allow future development of more payment options and so on. See the new thead here for the downloads (they're in the 2 posts at the very start of the thread).
Posts: 15
Thanks. Found it, and, except for templating issues, I think it's working.
Here's a question .... what about the possibility of allowing each image to have its own pricing?
Posts: 1
'...Anyone having trouble with no subtotals in the shopping cart? Says $0 for the subtotal...'
I am also having trouble passing the price to the cart - I have put the pricing in the module config e.g. £7 but when i add to cart it displays the shipping cost but not the price of the product. I know it's something really simple but i'm stuck. Can anybody help please?
Posts: 431
When you set the price of a product you must not use a currency symbol as this will result in values being interpreted as 0.
Posts: 68
Is anyone using this with the PG theme? Or multisite? I got the modules installed fine, but am unable to get the "add photo to cart" links to show anywhere... Any ideas?
Posts: 431
The link will appear in the list of item actions, so make sure you have this block enabled somewhere in your theme.
If the link appears when you're logged in as admin but not for anyone else, then check the '[checkout] Purchase item' permission is set for the 'Everybody' group.
Posts: 2
Hello all!
First off, let me say I love G2 and am trying to get the cart to work.
The 3 cart modules install properly.
One iss I am having is for a typical user, there is no option to checkout via paypal that I can see (but I'm very tired at the moment, so I am not 100% sure).
If I login as the administrator, in the pulldown beneath each pic I see 2 "add to cart" items, one with a capitol "A", one without. The top one (with the cap A) acts just like the add-to-cart for any typical user (where the only checkouts are the shutterfly printing, etc). If I click on the lower "add to cart" option in the pulldown, I am presented with a paypal button when viewing the cart.
But this is only for the administrator. Oh well, I thought let's go see if the transaction works (for $0.01!)).
It did, but when I went back (via the back buttons and refreshed), the items had not been removed from the cart.
Lastly, is there any way to provide some sort of link to, say, a higher resolution version of the purchased image that exists elsewhere on the server, after checkout and payment?
For example, we want to sell high-res pics of the pics shown in the gallery. After payment, it would be great if some sort of link would be presented to the user to allow download. It would be even better if such a link would not ID the true server location of the folder holding the high res files, or simply fed the file to a PHP script that would push the download.
Any suggestions?
And thank you all inadvance for your help!
Posts: 431
OK, taking your points in order:
One other think you will need to do once you've installed the modules is to grant the '[checkout] Purchase item' permission to the group 'Everybody' on the gallery if you want anonymous users to be able to purchase things.
You may want to browse through the current thread on the checkout modules here.
Posts: 2
Funny thing is when I disabled the original cart, I was not able to get a Paypal button to come up either.
Thank you for the bit about the PP IPN. I am new at this and will look into it.
The ability to link to a high res version would be key,at least for my client and I.
The way the link to a high res file would work best is if some sort of encrypted link would point to the file, or a foldername and filename could be passed to a custom, user-defined PHP script which would know the full path to the file, but rather than have a direct link to the file in question, would just have either an indirect url such as myPhpFile.php?folder=foo&file=bar such that the full path would only be inside of the myPhpFile.php file or the file download would automatically be made to start (these last two methods I have already been able to do, but would need the cart to be able to load the custom script after payment has been made, for each file that was purchased). Either method would be great if it could be integrated.
Anyway, I thank you for your time and patience!![:)](
Posts: 7
Hi All
I have just setup gallery and all seems to be working somewhat. I installed the Paypal module and the checkout module. I have filled in the paypal email and selected live from the dropdown, I have added the purchase types and the prices and other info in the checkout module.
But when I go to my albums and send something to the cart, it is in the cart but thats where it gets tricky, I must have missed something, there is no way to check out, no button etc.
Can some one point me in where to go from here
And yes i'm new to all this.
Cheers Mike h
Posts: 431
mikeh1960 - I think there are some things you still need to do in order to complete the installation:
All of these are discussed on the current checkout modules thread here.
Posts: 7
Hi Turnbulm
Cheers Thanks got it working so far!!
Mike H
Posts: 1
Hey guys.. sounds like a great module but non of the zip files are workin.. they download but then say it is a corrupt file.
Anywere else i can get it? Thanks
Posts: 431
The new modules are in a thread here - there's a link to download them from SourceForge that should get rid of the corruption problem for you.
Posts: 1
awsome work. ive just checked it out. everything works fine .. except that i can only define a flat rate on all photos. it'd be nice if you can further improve the modules so that they'll allow to define prices to individual photos.
best regards & happy new year
Posts: 61
I have a drupal embedded g2 running and am trying to get the checkout module to work. If I try and add an album or item to the cart it Shows step 1 of the checkout but does not show the thumbnail of the item or the price or paper options.
It seems to work ok in the non-embedded environment. It also works if a drupal user is logged in. I have set the Everybody user group in gallery with the ability to Purchase items.
Any thoughts....
Posts: 61
Please disregard above. I will post in the thread
Posts: 1
Hi there, enjoying Gallery So far, and the Paypal Cart was exactly what I was after, Thank you!!
I just thought I'd ask how the 'link to hi-res' option is getting along, is this still something planned for the near future?
Posts: 40
I am using PG theme & trying to install the paypal cart but having same problem as others.
Disable the built-in cart module
I disbled it, doing so I cant even see the add to cart link above the images or drop down item actions.
Add the "[checkout] Purchase item" permission for the group "Everybody" to your whole gallery (or just the albums you want people to be able to buy from)
Where do we change this permission option I cant find this using gallery 2.0.2(is it Admin options> groups> ???
(optional) add the "Shopping cart info" block to the sidebar of your chosen theme
I have done that.
In this combination as sated above I can see the cart info but cant see add to cart link. If I enable the built in cart module then I can see that link & able to add the images to the cart but when I want to check out I cant see the paypay botton at all.
May be I am doing something wrong (I guess granting permission to everbody is one of that)bcoz as logged in administartor I can see the paypal & do all the shopping.
Posts: 431
ranjan - the reason you can't see the link is that the guest user (i.e. nobody logged in) doesn't have permission to purchase items. You need to add that permission. To do this to the whole of your gallery:
Also, do you have the latest versions of the cart modules from
Hope this helps.
Posts: 40
When as admin I try to checkout using paypal I have assigned $12 to be added for postage but its not added to the total amount (paypal screenshot)
Posts: 40
Thanks for your reply.
I finally found the edit permission & did so.
I am using
basic cart module in gallery 2.0.2
By giving permission to everybody now I can see the "add to cart" can add, to the cart but, "your cart" shows 0 items & I cannot checkout (screen shot)
Posts: 431
You have typed a currency symbol into your postage setting in the admin panel (looks like you've typed "$US 12"). You need to enter just "12.00". PHP can't understand the numerical value of what you entered.
Posts: 431
Your next screenshot shows the built-in cart, not the Checkout one. I suggest you deactivate or uninstall the standard Cart module to prevent confusion.
Posts: 40
Your are right I had added US12, chanaged it to 12 & now it updates & add the postage amonut.
Posts: 40
OK disabling does not work so I uninstalled the standard cart module & it works now, but the user or admin cannot see the ad to cart ikon on top of the image or below the albums.
The user now can add the image only by using "item action" & it works perfectly upto the final paypal page.
It would be nice to display the cart ikon above the image, not sure if its PG theme isuue or gallery or it is by design that you dont want to display the ikon.
Thanks for helping.
Posts: 431
That is to do with the PGtheme - take a look at for notes on how to fix it.
Posts: 40
Me too would like to see this implemented setting the price x size for each image seprately, though it might become too complex.
Posts: 40
Ok so there is a work around I will try that. Seems these forums have to be read throughly to get a real glimps of what gallery can do, itoo feature packed.
Posts: 431
Per-item pricing has been implemented in Checkout v0.1.12 - take a look at the relevant section in the Codex
Posts: 121
Is this working with SVN 2.2? When downloaded and installed, I got plenty of errors. Any ideas? I need PayPal from my Gallery.
Error Detail -
in modules\core\classes\GalleryModule.class at line 342 (GalleryCoreApi::error)
in modules\core\ at line 233 (GalleryModule::activate)
in modules\core\ at line 63 (PluginCallbackView::handleCallback)
in main.php at line 386 (PluginCallbackView::renderImmediate)
in main.php at line 91
in main.php at line 84
System Information
Gallery version 2.2-svn
PHP version 5.1.6 isapi
Webserver Microsoft-IIS/5.1
Database mysqlt 5.0.24a-community-nt
Toolkits Thumbnail, SquareThumb, NetPBM, Gd
Operating system Windows NT WEBSERVER 5.1 build 2600
Browser Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)
Error Detail -
in modules\core\classes\GalleryModule.class at line 342 (GalleryCoreApi::error)
in modules\core\ at line 233 (GalleryModule::activate)
in modules\core\ at line 63 (PluginCallbackView::handleCallback)
in main.php at line 386 (PluginCallbackView::renderImmediate)
in main.php at line 91
in main.php at line 84
System Information
Gallery version 2.2-svn
PHP version 5.1.6 isapi
Webserver Microsoft-IIS/5.1
Database mysqlt 5.0.24a-community-nt
Toolkits Thumbnail, SquareThumb, NetPBM, Gd
Operating system Windows NT WEBSERVER 5.1 build 2600
Browser Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)
Posts: 121
Per valint:
"this is due to a change in g2.2.the checkout modules all should have a function autoConfigure in their where they return array(null, false)"
Can the author update the PayPal checkout to conform to 2.2 standards?
Posts: 57
Great Mod - One Question, though
When I go to the checkout screen, the Quantities are all blank (zero) requiring that a "1" be entered. I've been farting around in the code for a few hours now and I can't seem to make this assume and display "1" instead of zero.
Any help?
Mark C. Robinson
For caretakers of elderly, injured, and handicapped pets; products, services, and support.
Gallery version = 2.2-svn core 1.1.23
PHP version = 4.4.4 cgi
Webserver = Apache/1.3.33 (Unix)
Database = mysq
Posts: 1
I have upgraded my gallery to version 2.2. Before I did this I uninstalled the checkout plugins, and now I have reinstall versions:
Checkout 0.1.18 0.1.18 Shopping cart module supporting different products and payment
Checkout by Paypal 0.1.12 0.1.12 Complete checkout by paypal
Everything seems to work until I go to checkout, and then I only get the "modify order" button and no button to checkout. It's acting like it doesn't have the Paypal payment plugin enabled, but it is...
Any ideas?
Posts: 64
I have been using the checkout by Paypal module for several years just fine, but recently I have had to rebuild my Gallery site from scratch with all the latest versions of everything, including Checkout, Checkout by Paypal and Checkout by email modules. I now cannot get my buy by paypal or email checkout buttons to appear on the final checkout page. It seems plenty people have the same problem. I have deactivated the standard cart, given Everybody the Purchase by checkout permission, and flushed my template cache, uninstalled and re-installed the paypal module, but still no buttons...
OK, I found it, I hadn't seen the check-boxes in the Checkout config page to display the Paypal and Email buttons.
Gallery version = 2.2.3 core
PHP version = 4.3.2 apache2filter
Webserver = Apache/2.0.46 (Red Hat)
Posts: 1
Can anyone help please. I have installed paypal checkout module and the confirm button does not appear on the checkout page just the modify one. I have tried everthing that I know but am completely stumped. Many thanks.
Posts: 4342
@oldyella: please start a new thread, giving the requested information, also checkout/checkoutpaypal version numbers and preferrably a url to your gallery. Thanks.