<Please check the G2 FAQ (sticky topic in this forum) before posting!>
Gallery URL (optional):http://alurkar.com/gallery2
Gallery version:G2 core 0.9.5
Webserver (with version):httpd-2.0.46-44.ent
Datatabase (with version):8.0.1
PHP version (eg 4.2.1):4.3.2
phpinfo URL (optional):
Graphics Toolkit(s):
Operating system:RHEL3
Web browser/version:safari 1.2.4
G1 version (for migration bugs):
[22:34] <Adi> ok so G2 0.95 seems busted in safari
[22:35] <Adi> hey bharat
[22:36] <Signe> 0.95 ?
[22:36] <Signe> Core version 0.9.5?
[22:36] <Adi> or 0.9.5
[22:36] <Adi> yup
[22:37] <Adi> want me to take a screenshot?
[22:37] <bharat> sure
[22:40] <Adi> bharat: http://alurkar.com/gallery2/main.php?g2_view=core:ShowItem&g2_itemId=5821&g2_imageViewsIndex=1
[22:41] <Adi> looks at the first column
[22:41] <bharat> ah
[22:41] <bharat> ok, best thing to do is to post that in the forums
[22:41] <bharat> mindless is working on a CSS refactor and will want to know about this
[22:41] <Signe> Probably related to the "1*" thing that mindless did. I think he fixed it already.
[22:42] <bharat> possibly. Adi, you using the latest cvs?
[22:42] <Signe> Lemme sync, and you can look at my site.
[22:43] <Signe> Assuming CVS completes.
[22:53] <Adi> bharat: i am running cvs and did a up earlier
[22:53] <Adi> today
[22:54] <bharat> k. did you look at Signe's site?
[22:54] <bharat> (with Safari)
[22:54] <Signe> Just loading some data up now. One sec.
[22:54] <Adi> ok
[22:54] <Adi> i did a cvs up just now
[22:54] <Adi> and trying my site
[22:55] <Signe> Adi: Without dev access, you're 6-24 hours behind 'reality', though.
[22:55] <Signe> Anonymous CVS has a delay on it.
[22:55] <Adi> Signe: right 
[22:56] <bharat> but I imagine Adi has a way around that 
[22:56] <Adi> bharat: i have not bothered doing that as yet 
[22:56] <Signe> http://dev.cothlamadh.net/gallery2/main.php
[22:56] <Adi> i can live like the "common" joe for now
[22:57] <Adi> Signe: same deal
[22:57] <Adi> 1st column is off
[22:57] <bharat> ok
[22:57] <bharat> mindless will want to know .. please post that in the forums
[22:57] <Signe> <colgroup width="1*,*"/>
[22:57] <Signe> It's still in there.
[23:00] <Adi> why does it happen only in safari tho?
[23:00] <bharat> lack of standards compliance?
[23:00] <Signe> Konq would be the same way.
[23:01] <Adi> post this to G2 support right?
[23:02] <bharat> yup
[23:04] <Adi> i am a lil tired so will paste the relevant IRC conv in the forum if thats ok
[23:05] <bharat> that'll do
[23:06] <bharat> you should probably click the "watch this topic" link so that you get emailed when he replies
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