Hi, I just upgraded to gallery 1.5 and I decided to add some additional languages for my gallery, I added turkish and then I changed the "admin" users default language to turkish from the user preferences menu, but then it gave me an error, and now, it always gives that error whenever I login with that account. The error is Fatal error: Call to undefined method Gallery_UserDB::getLoggedIn() in /var/www/html/gallery/classes/Album.php on line 74
How can I solve this problem? Thanks.
Posts: 6818
does this only happen with turkish ?
Posts: 20
I think so, I didnt try other languages, I had french also but didn`t try it, I installed gallery back using my backups, if you want I can recreate the situation for you..
Posts: 6818
it seems your system locales are broken.
the result is, that some function names are converted/localized which cause gallery to fail.
Please ask your administrator (you ?
) to update the system locales.
Posts: 46
I am using the gallery as a phpnuke module that as soon as I added Turkish language to the locales I took an error message is called
Fatal error: Call to undefined method Nuke5_UserDB::getLoggedIn() in /home/eski/public_html/modules/Foto_Galeri/classes/Album.php on line 74
As soon as I delete Turkish language it turns to normal.... We dont understand why it gives the error, I control the Turkish language files incase there will be problem bu it seems everything is ok, Tim you said that update system locales if you are admin can you describe what you mean and what should I do and I can try it and we can see its working or not..
Gallery: 1.5
Php: 5.0.3
Apache: 1.3
Phpnuke: 7.6
Posts: 6818
the system locales are a part of the glibc.
I am not very good expert in this system things. So i know this only for SuSE Linux where is a rpm called glibc-locales.
Sorry that i dont know more. But maybe someone else does.