Process of watermarking thumbnails seems backwards.
Joined: 2005-04-16
Posts: 2 |
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I don't know but from what I've been seeing as results, it seems to me that when gallery watermarks the thumbnails as well it first creates a thumbnail THEN watermarks it, which seems logical BUT doesn't produce the output I would expect. when viewing my gallery I have this HUGE watermark over the bottom of my picture (the full watermark doesn't show up). I would think the proper way for gallery to handle that would be to take the regular photo, watermark that, then from that file, reduce it down to the proper thumbnail size, that way the watermark is porpotionate in size to the photo. for examples of watermarks appearing too big over a thumbnail (photos added after migrating to G2) for examples of watermarks appearing just right (photos added in G1 then migrated over) am using the latest CVS copy of G2. |
Posts: 7994
That works if the size of the watermark is comparable to the size of the original image. But if it's comparable to, say, the resize or the thumbnail then if you apply it to the full size by the time it's resized down to the resize or thumbnail the watermark is teeny.
The way we do it now, the watermark is always the same size on the image regardless of transformations to the image. Obviously this doesn't work for you either.
I think we need some way to meet in the middle. We need to have a UI that lets us say "the watermark should be no smaller than X and no larger than Y on the image". Thoughts?
Posts: 196
Is there a way to apply the watermark with is own size, in (resized/full) pictures if that picture size allows it.
And resize the watermark if the picture is smaller then the watermark.
This way you can design a watermark to the size of the full size picture and not have to worry about the watermark size of the resizesed pictures.
Posts: 2
I'm not sure if that is the right answer as if someones watermark is small tobegin with it would then be enlarged to be the size of X (which would make the watermark blurry and unreadable) if i'm understanding that right.
I guess the next best thing for me would be for me to create watermark images in the respective sizes that I have my photos sized in and have gallery just apply the watermark image for the size that is scaling to.
ie: watermark800x600.jpg, watermark640x480.jpg, etc, etc.
then based on the scale gallery is building an image to it would apply the appropriate watermark, based on the watermarks filename. IE: if gallery is building a 800x600 picture, then apply the watermark800x600.jpg.
Am not quite sure how to explain whats in my head (you don't wanna go in there anyways
But lets say we have the watermark filenames of album1watermark.jpg, album2watermark.jpg album2watermark600x480.jpg and album2watermark800x480.jpg
Now we tell Gallery we want to watermark a photo, and we tell it to use album1watermark.jpg, gallery would look at the what size photo (ie: 800x600) it would then look to see if there is a file called album1watermark800x600.jpg. Since there is not it would apply the album1watermark.jpg file.
Now we tell Gallery we want to watermark a photo, and we tell it to use album2watermark.jpg, gallery would look at what size photo (ie: 800x600) it would then look to see if there is a file called album2watermark800x600.jpg. Since it found that file, it would NOT use album2watermark.jpg but instead use album2watermark800x600.jpg file.
This could be an "ON/OFF" switch in the watermark module where gallery would ask something like "do you want to use Size Appropriate watermarks?" and then explain you would need to create a watermark for everysize photo else the default file will be added.
Like I said, I'm not sure if thats what u mean by no smaller than X and larger than Y, I haven't had my morning coffee yet :P
Posts: 7994
This is doable. But we don't really have resources to work on it for a while. File this as a feature request so that it doesn't get forgotten in the meantime...