I can't find any thread that solves my problem...
I had a big gallery! Many users and many picures (g2 - alpha4)
The problem is: I got a new server (alpha 4 is still running on the old one) and i wan't to import everything from the old server to the new one.
The webserver, and everything else is the same on both server (just a new cpu and more memory...). I have installed beta2 on the new one, and activated every module that i have on my alpha4 gallery.
Can somebody tell me how i can get everything over to the beta2 gallery? I tryed to just import things from the alpha4 database to the fresh beta2 database, but i did not finnish, because it was to much to do!
Is it a more easy way to do it?
As i said, everything i want is to import the users, picures and the comments on every picure from alpha4 server to beta2 server...
(My english is bad, sorry for that... I'm a Norwegian you see :oops: )
Thanks for reading this thread...
Gallery URL (optional):
Gallery version: g2 - Beta 2
Webserver (with version): Apache 1.3.33
Datatabase (with version): Mysql 3.23.58
PHP version (eg 4.2.1): 4.3.4
phpinfo URL (optional):
Graphics Toolkit(s): Ffmpeg and Gd
Operating system: FreeBSD 4.11
Web browser/version: Opera 8.0
G1 version (for migration bugs):
Posts: 32509
in short: you don't want to lose your precious working install, do you? so the first thing is to backup your complete working alpha 4 (g2data, gallery2 directory, database).
then upgrade to beta 2 on the old server. then copy g2data and the database tables to the new server. then start/finish the installer on the new server (did should create a new config.php and empty the cached data).
see also:
i guess I'll add that to the FAQ, you're about the 10th guy asking this question
Posts: 6
No, thats not it
I want to move the gallery...
I now have one server with the alpha4, and one with beta2.
I want to move images, users and comments from the alpha4 gallery to the beta2, and when thats done i will shut down alpha4!
Posts: 32509
you mean you just want to upgrade?
upgrading is supported since alpha 4.
backup your alpha 4, then untar the beta codebase over the alpha 4 codebase (just reaplace all files/dirs in gallery2) and browse to your gallery. now, the upgrader should start automatically.
Posts: 6
Hmm, is it just that simple?
Copy g2data from my alpha4 to beta2 gallery...
And then upgrade the gallery, just import everything from alpha database into the beta2 database
And everything will work?
Wouldnt that fuck up the beta2 database? Sorry if i am asking stupid now, but is it that simple?
Posts: 32509
delete your g2data dir / database of the beta 2 install. replace them by the g2data dir of the alpha 4 and the database of alpha 4.
usually it's as simple as: "untar the new gallery2.tar.gz over the old gallery2 files and browse to your gallery2, the upgrader starts automatically."
Posts: 6
Uhm, i didnt see what you wrote... It really fucked up the database
But now it is a fresh beta2 install again...
Look at it this way! I deleted my alpha4 gallery, and i now have a fresh beta2 install, and the files from alpha4 on a backup computer... Is it a way to just import the images and database (that is from alpha4 gallery) into the beta2 gallery?
Posts: 8601
just put the g2data and db in place, update config.php to point to the right places and access the site to get the upgrader going..
Posts: 6
Thanks for quick support
I will now try to just import everything in alpha4 database into the beta2 database and make a great mix :P And then copy the whole g2data from alpha4 to beta2 gallery. I will also fix the config.php
We will see how it works after the changes :P
Posts: 6
It worked just fine
You can change this to SOLVED if you want...
Thank you for the superb support! :D