[SOLVED] Url rewrite puts // in urls
Joined: 2004-10-30
Posts: 29 |
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Edit: This topic was split from http://gallery.menalto.com/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&p=135378#135378 valiant wrote:
no, just disable the url rewrite module to get rid of the // and flush your browser cookie cache for this domain. Ah, so my problem is related to the URL rewrite module. fine. But how can I disable it if I can't login? ;) |
Posts: 32509
you should be able to fix also by changing the rewritebase param in the db table pluginparametermap
entry module rewrite rewritebase, remove one slash from the double slash
then edit .htaccess and replace all // in the base urls you see there by a single /
there is already another topic about this // issue, please let us discuss here the development / fix of the cookie problem. thanks.
Posts: 29
Sorry, but that's exactly what I am trying to find out. Because I dunno if my login problems are really related to the URL rewrite bug or the cookie thing we are talking about here.
In fact I did what you said and modified the database and the .htaccess file, but unfortunately I still can't login to my gallery
As I said, as soon as I enter a wrong password gallery is rejecting my login attempt. But as soon as I enter the correct password, gallery is accepting it, pointing me to the root gallery page, but without enabled all elements that are normally activated on a normal user/admin login. So I guess my problems are not due to the URL rewrite problem, right?
Posts: 32509
- have you cleared your cookies as i said? and delete all files in g2data/sessions/
- what's the webserver, webserver version, is it php cgi? (all answered in lib/tools/phpinfo.php and if you can't access that page, create a file filename.php contents <?php phpinfo(); ?>.
- and your g2 still has the // urls
-> i think this will be solved with our cookie fix, whatever the reason is. please continue this // discussion in the other thread, thanks.
Posts: 8601
damato, you need to flush the g2data/cache dirs whenever you touch the db directly.. in this case g2data/cache/module/rewrite where plugin params are cached for that module.
Posts: 29
Oh yes, you are right. that solved my problem! Thanks. Now, not only the "//" are gone, but I also can login to my gallery again
Thanks very much and please go on with your work!
BTW: its very nice to see that you gusys have a "maintenance" framework in the gallery2 configuration now. I already thought about that myself, but then spotted you guys implemented that several weeks ago! The only thing missing now is a maintence item that automatically researches in all images for EXIF data and updates the META data in the database accordingly. Because here I still have hundreds of items dated at 1.1.1970 because I added them before the EXIF features of gallery2 where ready. So a maintance job for rescanning for EXIF dates would be great!
Posts: 7994
I created a G2 task for that, damato.