Gallery URL (optional):
Gallery version:2
Webserver (with version):apache 2
Datatabase (with version):gallery2
PHP version (eg 4.2.1):4.3.6
phpinfo URL (optional):
Graphics Toolkit(s):imagemagik
Operating system:os x 10.39
Web browser/version:safari
G1 version (for migration bugs):
On step seven in a fresh install with the gallery beta 2.0 installer, I get:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class galleryutilities in /Volumes/Files/Users/chuee/Sites/vhtest/gallery2/modules/core/classes/GalleryUtilities.class on line 50
I don't know what to do next!javascript:emoticon('
Posts: 7994
This is an issue on OSX boxes that I have been unable to reproduce. I can't reproduce it on my 10.3.9 OSX laptop. Others have given me their password and I've logged onto their boxes to find that I can't reproduce it there either. Can I try logging onto your box to see if I can figure out what's going wrong?
Posts: 2
I solved this problem (in a round about way).
I could not get past step three of the installer on my desktop (running OS 10.3.9, Apache - 2.0.48, PHP - 4.3.4). I repeatedly got the same error message:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class galleryutilities in /Library/Apache2/htdocs/gallery2/modules/core/classes/GalleryUtilities.class on line 50
I was able to work around this by first installing Gallery2 on my Powerbook (running OS 10.4.2, Apache - 2.0.52, PHP - 4.3.9). Next I exported the gallery2.sql file containing all of the tables created by the gallery installer from the mysql server on the laptop and imported it to the same db on my desktop.
Next, I copied and chmodded the g2data directory and contents that had been created by the gallery installer from the laptop gallery2 directory to the desktop gallery2 directory.
Last, I copied and chmodded the config.php file from the laptop gallery2 directory to the desktop gallery2 directory.
Doing this resulted in a Gallery2 install that I can access from http://localhost/gallery2/main.php
Posts: 32509
well, ok. works for you. i'd still be curious what's wrong with OSX / PHP.
btw: there's a FAQ entry on how to move a G2 installation from one server to another.
FAQ: How can I move my gallery installation from one server to another?
Posts: 24
I had the exact same problem and followed your directions and they worked perfectly!
Thank you!