I keep sites using Blosxom, and have a Livejournal..
In the latter's case, could a module be made that posts a thumbnail and link to a picture in my gallery? A bit like the picture blogging features on flickr.. 
Otherwise, a very neat feature, to speed up the flow of how I've been making the links by hand in lj and blosxom, would be a 'blog links' button which brings up links to the different resizes of image and the thumbnail, so you can copy the code out and paste it into an entry without having to do any of the 'IMG SRC' and 'A HREF' every time..
Sorry, I didn't really know where to put this! Would anyone else find this sort of functionality useful?
Posts: 32509
@links for blogs:
see the Quick URLs module on the user contributions page:
so you'd like a livejournal module? or a G2 module for livejournal, ..? anyway, you need someone who's familiar with livejournal and interested in something like that.
Posts: 35
Oh my! That's brilliant!!
I meant a G2 module for LJ really, I guess I envisioned a button you could press which would post the photo to a LJ (middle or thumbnail sized) which links back to the gallery page, and which lets you specify mood etc.. But then probably gives the option of posting the picture's description as the LJ entry.
Not important though - the module you just linked to makes it super simple to post to LJ anyway, thanks. :D