EDIT: This has been fixed. See this link for a fix:
I am running G2 B3 and Mambo 4.5.2 ! Integration worked fine, but now I have a problem with rights. I have created 2 albums that should be viewable by everybody, so I have set the rights accordingly. When I go to the gallery via Mambo it is showing the Thumbs of the albums just fine and also the dropdowns etc. But when I click on the thumbs to view the album, I am told to log in, as I don't have sufficient rights. With rights set to "everybody" this shouldn't be the case ! When I access them directly through the Gallery-Page (circumventing Mambo) everything works fine !!
Anybody out there, who could help me ??
My site is http://afs-marburg.de
Here are my system specs:
Gallery-Version = 2.0-beta-3 Kern 0.9.17
PHP-Version = 4.3.11 apache
Webserver = Apache/1.3.33 manitu (Unix) PHP/4.3.11 mod_ssl/2.8.22 OpenSSL/0.9.7d mod_auth_pam_external/0.1 FrontPage/ mod_perl/1.29
Datenbank = mysql 4.0.24_Debian-1.backports.org.1
Werkzeuge = ArchiveUpload, Exif, Gd, ImageMagick, Thumbnail
Betriebssystem = Linux web18.manitu.net 2.2.16C37_III #1 Fri Feb 20 10:44:03 CET 2004 i586
Browser = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de-DE; rv:1.7.8) Gecko/20050511 Firefox/1.0.4
Thanks in advance for any help !!
Posts: 32509
you've got to give them view all version permission and check the box in the edit permission view to inherit these new permissions to all sub-items.
Posts: 20
they have "view all" already ... that's why it works directly in Gallery .... there must be some problem in user-rights when using Mambo !
Posts: 32509
first, clear all your cookies. then browse to the standalone G2, do not login. all items visible?
Posts: 20
I have cleared all cookies, went to the standalone G2 and everything looks fine and is accessible the way it should be. In the Mambo-Integration I still don't have access to the files !
Posts: 100
read the G2 + Mambo Issues thread. It was started for a reason. The bug is listed. Workaround is in progress. Try with latest nightly build.
Posts: 20
Hi d3vlabs,
Thanks for the info. I did a search before starting this thread, but the G2 + Mambo Issues thread did not come up.
I will check out the nighly builds ... where do I find them ???
Posts: 100
Posts: 20
Muchas Gracias 8)
Posts: 20
problem is solved ... by de-installing other components (MGM Gallery and Mambelfish). Now everything works fine !! :D
Thanks for all the help !
Greetings from Germany
Posts: 9
I've got the same problem here.
Is there a fix yet?
Posts: 32509
gette, follow the instructions in this thread, upgrade to the nightly version (read the thread again if you still have questions ;) ).
Posts: 430
I run gallery2 with mambelfish and it gives me know problem. So if you need mambelfish it shouldn't be a problem.
Posts: 9
I have upgraded to the nightly build, and i have removed some components.
But i still have rights to see mine albums
Anyone an other sollution???
Posts: 9
i've the same problem.
greetings Sauer
Posts: 430
gette and Sauer,
url to mambo embed and url to standalone please?
Posts: 9
mambo embed:
http://lsn.newstylenetworks.com/index.php (Gallery)
and url standalone:
thanks a lot
greetings Sauer
Posts: 430
you have set your gallery2 link incoorectly it is pointing to: "index.php?option=com_login&Itemid=33"
that is your problem, you have to fix this in the menu manager.
Posts: 9
thanks a lot
you've got a p.m
greetings Sauer
Posts: 11
I have the same problem.
URL to mambo
URL to gallery2
i have looked at the links in my gallery link, and they seem to be correct! I have also updated gallery2 to latest nightly build, mambo 4.5.2 and com_gallery2 latest nightly build (today).
Posts: 32509
sgm251070, please don't post your problem in x threads, if everyone did the same, we would lose 10 times the time reading the emails and trying to answer.
so please, read the forums, then post the problem in a new topic OR in an existing topic.
i hope one of the mambo/G2 devs is reading these posts.
i believe there's a problem in the anonymous user detection in the integration code.
Posts: 11
Sorry Valiant, just keen to get a resolution to this problem. :oops: Wasn't really sure of the best place to post.
Anyway, am sitting tight!
Posts: 9
Hello again,
I still got those problems.
thanx Gette
Posts: 11
Just to let you know, I am still having this problem. I have updated to mambo as well as uploaded the latest version of com_gallery2 as of lastnight.
Cheers sgm251070
Posts: 430
I have updated to latest build of G2 and mambo. It should fix the problem but i'm not 100% certain it will work.
please give feedback on this one?
Posts: 9
I updated to mambo and to the latest nightly build of gallery, but i still can't acces mine pictures embedded in mambo
Posts: 430
Try version 2 or pass me your url and i'll take a look.
Posts: 9
I'm using version 2
Posts: 11
I am also using ver 2
mambo url http://www.stephenmorton.com.au/mambo
gallery2 URL http://www.stephenmorton.com.au/gallery2
Posts: 430
where is your link to the embed gallery2 in mambo?
Your problem is is with Itemid, add "&itemid=number"(For you it is 70)
Posts: 11
Sorry, I had removed my link, it is now there calleg gallery2 test link at the bottom of the main menu. URL is http://www.stephenmorton.com.au/mambo
Gallery2 URL is http://www.stephenmorton.com.au/gallery2
Thanks in advance
Posts: 430
hi your problem is also the missing itemid!
&Itemid=40 should be added to your embeduri so it would look like this:
Posts: 430
This question is often asked and is solved in the next relaice but here is the answer to this problem.
if you encounter this error:
Your url is missing the "Itemid=" and mambo doesn't like that!
add "&itemid=number" after your embeduri and replace number with the number that is showing in your browsers url after "Itemid=" when you are on the first page of your embedded gallery.
Posts: 11
Thankyou so much Michiel, that has fixed it, and all appears Ok now....