Getting Started


Joined: 2005-06-04
Posts: 2
Posted: Thu, 2005-06-16 00:35

I want to put my pictures on a web site so that my friends can see them. So, I rented some memory on a web server, got a URL and directed it to the memory. I asked my web server administrator to give me a password on my web site so that only my friends could see my pictures and not everyone who surf's the web. I also got an ftp address ( with another password so that I could edit and add files to my web memory.

When I started with Gallery I ran the configuration program. I accepted most of the defaults because I do not know what most of the things were.

When I go to my web page (johnbroyles, beatcal4sure password) I get a page describing some tools. I believe that I have to change that file (index.htm) but I do not know how to do that.

As I was reading the documentation in the doc directory, I noticed that you have something called GalleryRemote. So, I thought , maybe I am a remote person. I downloaded GalleryRemote with the java program and installed. It runs and I get a GUI that looks promising for transferring pictures to my web site. However, when I put my web page URL in the text box and try to login I am not successful. For one thing I am not sure what password/UserID is appropriate but I tried all that I know.

I am just trying to get started with Gallery. So far I have not seen any "point and click" interface that I can use. When I go to the FAQ and docs I do not see any topics that address this beginning stage.

I will attach the GalleryRemoteLog.txt file. Also there is a file in the Gallery directory called Version.php. Among other things it says,
$gallery->version = '1.4.2';
$gallery->config_version = 79;
$gallery->album_version = 25;
$gallery->user_version = 5;
$gallery->url = "";

GalleryRemoteLog.txt19.71 KB