Help request


Joined: 2004-05-20
Posts: 13
Posted: Thu, 2005-06-16 15:46

<I know that paid support is unavailable for the G2 however I want to begin using it as a secondary print sales site. My current site sucks and I have ads coming out tommorow that I would like to use the G2 gallery for (yes..I know the warnings) I am not very knowledgeable about all this and worked all day yesterday and still have problems.

I will be more than happy to pay someone for thier assistance in getting the PG layout installed, the paypal module Imagemagick and my logo on it. Some minor tweaking would also be helpful. I have tried and tried and don't understand a lot of the lingo associated with this project so it has left me totally frustrated. What has taken me hours and hours could be done in nothing by someone who knows what they are doing.
Someone please help!
I have yahoo messnger..victorcodyphoto
and msn ...victorcody@hotmail
Thanks you!
<Please check the G2 FAQ (sticky topic in this forum) before posting!>

Gallery URL (optional):
Gallery version:
Webserver (with version):
Datatabase (with version):
PHP version (eg 4.2.1):
phpinfo URL (optional):
Graphics Toolkit(s):
Operating system:
Web browser/version:
G1 version (for migration bugs):