You'll see no markers in the US... but, if you scroll to the right, you'll see it for a second, and then it jumps, well... further to the right.
See what I mean? Any idea how to fix this?
Joined: 2004-10-01
Posts: 388
Posted: Wed, 2005-10-12 03:57
I have the same exact problem. This is a known Google Bug and there is nothing you can do about it other than reduce the size of your map so it's not so obvious. Course depending on where you have your markers reducing your map may not help either as the bug pertains to the East and West of the prime meridian. Google is supposedly working on a fix but I found it was first reported back in July (Bret Taylor confirmed it) so who knows when it'll be resolved, if ever. There might be workarounds but I've yet to come across any that work.
Joined: 2004-01-28
Posts: 4
Posted: Wed, 2005-10-12 17:47
Actually, I was able to solve this.
The coordinates I found online were incorrect. The Longitude for my location should have been around -117, but were, in fact, over 200. Thereby wrapping it around the globe once.
When I found the correct Longitude, it was fixed.
Joined: 2004-10-01
Posts: 388
Posted: Thu, 2005-10-13 06:56
That's very interesting considering Google confirmed this to be a bug. I've noticed the lat/long varies widely between google maps and google earth, especially for Japan and SE Asia.
Mind sharing what website you used?
Joined: 2005-10-11
Posts: 4
Posted: Thu, 2005-10-13 15:33
I use autoroute express as it gives accurate results with longitude and latitude co-ordinates.
I finally got my mapsite working and am quite happy. The module functioned correctly but I had huge problems with the theme. All fixed if anyone wants to check. I have over 600 photos of my travels...
Brilliant work guys.
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Fri, 2005-10-14 00:04
All right,
I figured I give a quick status on the "automated creation of markers" addition as I have been working on it quite a bit at this point.
What is done
- I have the main interface done on the Admin page
- Allow selection of a set of markers that would be simply subfolder under the images/map/ folder of the gallery.
- I also give the ability to add more "base icons" so that anyone can create completely random icons from scratch if needed (you have to upload the file manually for now)
- The tool creates the icons in 10 different colors but they are blank at this point (no characters in them)
- Ability to resize the icons
- Ability to select which color you want and don't want
- Some level of error control
What's left to do
- add more error control as the testing goes
- add an upload button to upload new "base icon"
- add the creation of the icon with characters using the default UTF characters set
- modify the main module to use the selected MarkerSet (selected on the admin page)
- add the error control on the map if the markers cannot be found and put the link to the AdminPage
- add automatic creation of the CustomField "GPS" during installation
- add automatic creation of the CustomField "color" when a new MarkerSet is selected (to have the right list of colors in the combobox)
- Maybe add a section where you select if you want all the characters or not or no characters.
- Open for more?
As you can see, there is still quite a bit to do even thought at this point the tool do create the icons!!!
What's left to do is not in the order I will add all this but as soon as the tool is somewhat functioning (i need to do some more testing and try to brake it :evil, I will release a first beta version.
In the mean time, you can take a look at the screenshot of the AdminPage
The Termite
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Fri, 2005-10-14 02:28
This looks very good. Keep up the good work.
Perhaps related (or not) but...... I would like to see some custom images for the navigation/panning in the map. An example is: and a bit of discussion in the API discussion forum. I have tried the code but ran into a few errors. I have not troubleshot it much. Perhaps somebody with much more JS experience can chime in.
It would be neat if you could have a "theme" of navigation/panning images that could be selected like frames are now.
Nice work so far! Looking forward to your Beta1 release. I implemented the GxMagnifier feature in the maps-module. Very simple and a cool feature.
Joined: 2004-10-01
Posts: 388
Posted: Fri, 2005-10-14 04:04
I've noticed as I'm sure others have that the map often loads slow to extremely slow (If you have alot of markers) in IE but always loads much faster in Firefox. This is most noticable when you go to load the map for the first time; your browser cache is empty.
Browsing the Google API discussion groups it appears IE has some serious issues dealing with javascript caching images. One of which is supposedly a direct quote from Microsoft confirming the issue. (Guess we all have to wait for IE7). I decided to try one of the simpler and recommended hacks and amazingly my load time was cut in half. When not using this hack it takes twice as long to load my map and I find hundreds upon hundreds of cached images from Google in my browser cache dir. Using the hack and the number of cached images scales down to under a dozen. For those who are using the default google markers like I am, here is the entire preload code to tuck inside <body>:
I inserted this near the top of ShowMap.tpl. Works for me.
Not sure if this is the best method as others are ducumented in the Mapki FAQ.
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Fri, 2005-10-14 13:22
Well, I see I have a bunch of thing to add on my todo list :-D
For the "theme" feature I was actually thinking of adding that to the "info window" and have different version of this windows to choose from.
I guess it's like this now:
What's left to do - additions
- Add a theme feature to choese the window styles
- Add a theme feature to choose the map control style
- Add the faster loading for the images in IE (thx swordfish)
- Add the GxMagnifier (this is awesome by the way)
Thanks !
The Termite
Joined: 2005-06-10
Posts: 37
Posted: Sat, 2005-10-15 05:16
Hi all,
Thanks for your work. The map module is a pretty good idea to Gallery. But would you like to list a installation guide for it? As I am not good on Web programing. Thanks a lots! Thanks!
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Sat, 2005-10-15 05:30
dogdog wrote:
Hi all,
Thanks for your work. The map module is a pretty good idea to Gallery. But would you like to list a installation guide for it? As I am not good on Web programing. Thanks a lots! Thanks!
The current version (0.2) is very straight forward to get working, you unzip the module to the module directory and then you install it via the admin panel.
Once installed you can Add your API key in the first field of the AdminPanel.
you also need to add a CustomField called "GPS" (it's case sensitive) and then on each album or picture that you'd like to display a marker for, you need to enter some coordinate long,lat in the custom field.
Otherwise that's it !
he slightly modified version I made 0.2d (i'm not the programmer for this module, i'm just helping out)
Enables you to have a bunch of PNG file in the images/map folder of the gallery and then select them.
refer to my post on "page 3" where I explain how to install this one (if you want it).
I'm now starting to study how Gallery development works. While I start doing things, let me say a couple of suggestions ;)
- GPS now contains latitude and longitude. It would be cool if you could insert a zoom level for each object, too.
- It would also be fine if maps were usable as a block for photos and albums, so each photo had a small map with its location. I don't know if block tipes can be added as a module, or if they have to be hardcoded in each theme's template.
Hope you like the suggestions ;)
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Sat, 2005-10-15 20:22
Thanks for those sugestion, for the zoom level, it's pretty easy to do so I will add it to the list of todo's but the other piece, I'm not sure I understand and since I have a truckload of things to do i will delay that a bit
maybe HorsePunchKid can take a look at it
The Termite
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Sat, 2005-10-15 23:12
As promised, here is the first beta of the module with the tool added.
Here are the changes (compared to 0.2 from HorsePunchKid):
- Added the marker creation tool on the Admin page
- Added ability to select the size of the icon created
- Added ability to select which color you want and don't want
- Added ability to add more "base icons" (for now upload a .png file to modules/map/basemarkers/)
- Added automatic creation of the CustomField "GPS" when first going on the admin page
- Added automatic creation of the CustomField "color" when a new MarkerSet is selected or created
- Added selection of a set of markers on the admin page
- modify the main module to use the selected MarkerSet (selected on the admin page)
- Added error control on the map if the markers cannot be found and put the link to the AdminPage
- Added the faster loading for the images in IE (thx swordfish)
What's left to do
- Add an error message when a MakerSet is created and the name is already in use
- Add an upload button to upload new "base icon"
- Add the creation of the icon with characters using the default UTF characters set
- Maybe add a section where you select if you want all the characters or not or no characters.
- Add a theme feature to choose the window styles
- Add the posibility to change the map control style
- Add a theme feature to choose the map control style
- Add the GxMagnifier (this is awesome by the way)
- Add the possibility to select a zoom level for each object
- Add more comments to the code
- Open for more?
I call this version 0.3beta1, please make sure you test it because I have been using it so many times that I'm not sure if I'm really objective in my testing :-D
Let me know !
EDIT: Deleted the atachement and re-uploaded below
The Termite
Joined: 2004-04-13
Posts: 60
Posted: Sat, 2005-10-15 23:36
Great work so far on the module!
Would you please add the ability to autopopulate the customer GPS field based on EXIF tags? Taking the information from the EXIF tag would allow users to add the user to add the GPS information using any of the dozens of tagging applications out there prior to upload (including the free ones I previously linked).
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Sun, 2005-10-16 00:50
I have just tried your 0.3beta1 module.
First I un installed the old module. Uploaded your version and reinstalled and activated it.
When I save the settings I get this error:
Warning: fopen(images/map/marker_20_black.png/colorlist): failed to open stream: Not a directory in /home/BLABLA/BLA/gallery2/modules/map/ on line 191
I think it is looking for a directory that is not created yet.
I have images in the images directory in the form of:
Shouldn't the images be stored in the images directory of the module and be supplied with the module?
PS.... still trying to get the code to work to replace the navigation/panning controls If I get it to work I will send you the code.
What's left to do
- Add an error message when a MakerSet is created and the name is already in use
- Add an upload button to upload new "base icon"
- Add the creation of the icon with characters using the default UTF characters set
- Maybe add a section where you select if you want all the characters or not or no characters.
- Add a theme feature to choose the window styles
- Add the posibility to change the map control style
- Add a theme feature to choose the map control style
- Add the GxMagnifier (this is awesome by the way)
- Add the possibility to select a zoom level for each object
- Add more comments to the code
- Ability to autopopulate the custom GPS field based on EXIF tags for photos
- Open for more?
The Termite
Joined: 2004-04-13
Posts: 60
Posted: Sun, 2005-10-16 02:23
Ability to autopopulate the customer GPS field based on EXIF tags
My fingers got away from me there. I meant to say "custom GPS field" of course. Apologies for any confusion.
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Sun, 2005-10-16 02:28
There should be no images in the "map" folder. In fact with this new versino you do not need to carry any images around, they are included in the module but need to be generated.
The first time the module is installed, you need to go to the admin module and generate some images.
Once you have generated some images with the tool, you also need to save the settings so that the module knows which Marker Set to use.
After that everything should be fine.
I know why you are getting this error and I'm going to change an error control which will prevent this from happening to others
Basically the old module (0.2d) needed images in the "images/map" folder but the new one does not, it creates everything on the fly for easier use.
I will upload tomorrow another module with a fix to the error control.
In the mean time, you can delete your map sub-folder under the images and then you should be guided on what to do ;)
Sorry about that :$
Otherwise, for the navigation/panning control, it seems that the code from toeat is fairly straight forward, are you getting stuck on something specific ?
The Termite
Joined: 2004-10-01
Posts: 388
Posted: Sun, 2005-10-16 02:29
I installed and activated 0.3beta1 and on Map Module Settings page I'm getting this
"Your BaseMarker folder does not exist, please check the module installation".
The directory exists though. I'll keep looking for something obvious that I may have missed.
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Sun, 2005-10-16 02:33
samkuhn2 wrote:
Ability to autopopulate the customer GPS field based on EXIF tags
My fingers got away from me there. I meant to say "custom GPS field" of course. Apologies for any confusion.
LOOOL and I simply copied and pasted it :D ...
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Sun, 2005-10-16 02:36
Actually made the change
If you had a previous installation of the module, make sure that you overwrite all the files and if you have a map subfolder under gallery2/images you're better off deleting it
EDIT: Downloadable module removed du to bugs, please seen below for updated zip file
The Termite
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Sun, 2005-10-16 02:52
Termitenshort said:
Otherwise, for the navigation/panning control, it seems that the code from toeat is fairly straight forward, are you getting stuck on something specific ?
I have not been able to get it to work. I don't get a JS error but it did in the beginning. The JS loads with no errors but the images don't load.
Perhaps I am not to JS savvy. I will wait for your implementation if you got it to work properly.
Attached is an album pushpin marker that I made by fusing the Gallery2 logo icon with the Google rideshare pushpin. It is slightly larger than the current Google marker pin to preserve the same space in the "head" on the pin for overlaying characters/symbols/etc with Termitenshort's scripts. I did not make the shadow for this item since I don't understand exactly how it is done. This pushpin is free for use within the limits of any derivate license of the original artwork (i.e. the G2 logo).
Joined: 2004-10-01
Posts: 388
Posted: Sun, 2005-10-16 03:12
On the latest module you posted above I think you have some variable errors in such as around line 119.
Parse error: parse error, unexpected '[' in /var/www/localhost/htdocs/gallery2/modules/map/ on line 119 & 125.
And a syntax error on line 127.
Once I corrected the errors I could reach the settings page but I'm still stuck with the
"BaseMarker folder does not exist" issue.
Thanks very much for your instruction. But I still get some silly question. I have installed and add my API key on the Admin panel. But can u instruct me more detail on the add field? I see Common Fields,Album Fields and Photo Fields. So I add "GPS" on what fields? Also where can I add the coordinate long for my album ? I know whose a silly question but I really need your hands. Thanks SO MUCH!
Joined: 2004-10-01
Posts: 388
Posted: Sun, 2005-10-16 05:56
hey Termitenshort
I fixed my issue with "BaseMarker folder does not exist" by appending my full absolute path in at line 61 like so,
Thanks very much for your instruction. But I still get some silly question. I have installed and add my API key on the Admin panel. But can u instruct me more detail on the add field? I see Common Fields,Album Fields and Photo Fields. So I add "GPS" on what fields? Also where can I add the coordinate long for my album ? I know whose a silly question but I really need your hands. Thanks SO MUCH!
Which version did you install ? 0.2d or the beta1 ?
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Sun, 2005-10-16 15:35
samkuhn2 wrote:
Attached is an album pushpin marker that I made by fusing the Gallery2 logo icon with the Google rideshare pushpin. It is slightly larger than the current Google marker pin to preserve the same space in the "head" on the pin for overlaying characters/symbols/etc with Termitenshort's scripts. I did not make the shadow for this item since I don't understand exactly how it is done. This pushpin is free for use within the limits of any derivate license of the original artwork (i.e. the G2 logo).
I completely forgot to mention that for the script to be able to generate other colors of the pushpins, it seems that they need to have a certain color (around the orange).
At least that's what i got from the original script ...
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Sun, 2005-10-16 15:52
swordfish wrote:
On the latest module you posted above I think you have some variable errors in such as around line 119.
Parse error: parse error, unexpected '[' in /var/www/localhost/htdocs/gallery2/modules/map/ on line 119 & 125.
And a syntax error on line 127.
Once I corrected the errors I could reach the settings page but I'm still stuck with the
"BaseMarker folder does not exist" issue.
It seems that when I updated the file yesterday night I added a bunch of error, I guess it was time for me to sleep and not code
I'm sorry about that, enclosed is a newer version of the file to correct this problems. Please try it and let me know
I'm gonna look at the other problem we shouldn't have to put the full path name ... sounds unsafe :D
EDIT: file not needed, included in the next beta release of module (below)
The Termite
Joined: 2005-06-27
Posts: 25
Posted: Sun, 2005-10-16 16:09
I got this message insted with the new file:
Notice: Undefined index: useMarkerSet in c:\html\gallery2\modules\map\ on line 227
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at c:\html\gallery2\modules\map\ in c:\html\gallery2\modules\core\classes\GalleryPhpVm.class on line 124
Gallery version = 2.0.1+ core 1.0.3
PHP version = 4.4.0 cgi-fcgi
Webserver = Jana-Server/
Database = mysql 4.0.24-nt-max
Toolkits = ArchiveUpload, Exif, NetPBM, SquareThumb, Thumbnail, ImageMagick, Gd
Operating system = Windows NT 5.1 build 2600
Browser = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sv-SE; rv:1.7.10) Gecko/20050717 Firefox/1.0.6
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Sun, 2005-10-16 16:18
Finally got those quirks out of the way I also found a way to get the full path to the gallery so that we don't have to input our path manually
Here is the latest version: still the same name 0.3beta1
I'm going to remove the other as it is not functionning
Let me know how it goes for you all :D
The Termite
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Sun, 2005-10-16 16:23
lond wrote:
I got this message insted with the new file:
Notice: Undefined index: useMarkerSet in c:\html\gallery2\modules\map\ on line 227
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at c:\html\gallery2\modules\map\ in c:\html\gallery2\modules\core\classes\GalleryPhpVm.class on line 124
I believe this is due to hitting the save button and not having a markerset generated or selected, i'm going to add a error control for that.
The termite
Joined: 2005-06-27
Posts: 25
Posted: Sun, 2005-10-16 16:41
In "Map Settings" there is no "Create Marker" tool.
Joined: 2005-06-10
Posts: 37
Posted: Sun, 2005-10-16 17:18
Hi Termitenshort,
Sorry for the disturb your time. I am using 0.2d version. Also I want to know that after I active the map module in the siteadmin, the URL of mydomain/gallery2/main.php?g2_view=map.ShowMap shows blank. Sure I still haven't add the GPS coordinates ( because I don't know how and where to add this). Is it any problem on my installation? Thanks!
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Sun, 2005-10-16 18:22
lond wrote:
In "Map Settings" there is no "Create Marker" tool.
which version of the module are you using ?
The 0.3beta1 version has a marker creation tool and there is no condition to display it.
The 0.2 version doesn't have any reference to the "markerset" variable ... that's confusing.
Maybe you have 2 versions installed at the same time?
Maybe you would try and replace all files with the latest 0.3beta1
Enclosed 0-3beta2
- Added some error control
- Foxed issues in the (thx all)
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Sun, 2005-10-16 18:27
dogdog wrote:
Hi Termitenshort,
Sorry for the disturb your time. I am using 0.2d version. Also I want to know that after I active the map module in the siteadmin, the URL of mydomain/gallery2/main.php?g2_view=map.ShowMap shows blank. Sure I still haven't add the GPS coordinates ( because I don't know how and where to add this). Is it any problem on my installation? Thanks!
It's normal that the URL shows blank I believe in this version of the module if no images or album have GPS coordinates.
To finish your installation with this module, you need to go to CustomField and manually add a field called GPS in the common fields (I believe it is case sensitive).
Once it's added, go onto an album and select "edit album', there is a tab that says "customfield", in this tab you should see your GPS field which you need to fill up with the coordinate that you want a marker to show up for this album.
That's it !
once at least 1 image or album has a marker, the map will display. I might add a error control for this in the next version I'm trying to make
Joined: 2005-06-27
Posts: 25
Posted: Sun, 2005-10-16 19:18
I was using I deleted the map-folder and installed the Still having the same probleme.
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Sun, 2005-10-16 19:58
lond wrote:
I was using I deleted the map-folder and installed the Still having the same probleme.
I don't understand how you cannot see the marker tool ... there is absolutely NO condition to display it. the display is just plain HTML. If you see the admin panel, marker creation tool is right below ans hould look like this:
I can create markers, and they are created inside /gallery/images/map folder, but I still get the "Your First need to create some markers, see below." message and I can't select them. I've made a fresh install...
Joined: 2004-10-01
Posts: 388
Posted: Sun, 2005-10-16 20:20
The map-module-0.3beta2 works much better for me. The source of some of my issues was due to the fact I run G2 in embedded mode with WordPress. Configuring the Markers Creation Tool in G2 standalone mode and the errors disappeared. I assume the attached image is what it supposed to look like.? I had these icons in modules/map/basemarkers directory. After generating the markers (this appears to work now) and then clicking save settings I get an error stating, "There was a problem processing your request."
The images/map/12x20 directory was created along with the icons and colorlist file.
Perhaps I'm not understanding how the marker tool should work.
Edit: I did try deleting template & database cache.
Joined: 2005-06-27
Posts: 25
Posted: Sun, 2005-10-16 20:33
I found the problem. I had to run "Delete template cache" in "System Maintenance" and then it works.
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Sun, 2005-10-16 20:37
lond wrote:
I found the problem. I had to run "Delete template cache" in "System Maintenance" and then it works.
ooo OK, I was starting to wonder what the problem was
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Sun, 2005-10-16 21:25
TheGoOse wrote:
Ooops.. I can't make Beta 2 work
I can create markers, and they are created inside /gallery/images/map folder, but I still get the "Your First need to create some markers, see below." message and I can't select them. I've made a fresh install...
I realized that a lot of the directory needs to be fully spelled out for the module to work correctly. I was doing my dev and test on windows and was working just fine. As soon as I moved the module to linux I had some errors due to directory not being fully spelled out.
I'm changing it right now so that there is no possible error
Joined: 2002-12-31
Posts: 50
Posted: Sun, 2005-10-16 21:50
I've been searching for the problem a bit, and I've found a problem with the following line in
--> if ((is_dir($file)) and (substr($file,-1) <> "."))
I've bypassed the "substr" check and now I can select a Marker Set, but I get the following error when trying to see the map:
--> "There is no marker created or a bad marker set is currently selected, please review settings in the control panel."
I'm still trying to fix it.. O
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Sun, 2005-10-16 23:38
TheGoOse wrote:
I've been searching for the problem a bit, and I've found a problem with the following line in
--> if ((is_dir($file)) and (substr($file,-1) <> "."))
I've bypassed the "substr" check and now I can select a Marker Set, but I get the following error when trying to see the map:
--> "There is no marker created or a bad marker set is currently selected, please review settings in the control panel."
I'm still trying to fix it.. O
Yep you are right on target ... I found and corrected the problem and also got to the other problem ... I fixed it it was an extra "!" that I added yesterday night as well when adding some error control ... (i have fat fingers :D)
Enclosed is a new version
Also if your gallery isn't in the /gallery2/ folder, the images will not display and you will need to change the showmap.tpl file to get them to display.
I'm trying to think of a way to fix that as well...
Joined: 2005-10-09
Posts: 1894
Posted: Mon, 2005-10-17 00:11
I wanted to say also that I would be out on a business travel for a 3 days next week. I might not be as responsive so I hope there is little bugs now
As soon as the bugs are fixed, I'm gonna start adding the other features slowly and make sure it's tested on at least 3 machines
See you
The Termite
Joined: 2004-10-01
Posts: 388
Posted: Mon, 2005-10-17 00:30
Getting better with map-module-0.3beta3. The map now loads but the icons are showing the "shadow" icon only and not the colored markers.
The module does Not work for G2 embedded mode so I guess I'll have to do some code tweaking.
oops, I just went into one album I have a GPS coordinate assigned and on the Custom fields tab it's displaying the following:
GPS -121.272841,43.510031
color green
Colors « No Value »
After choosing green for Colors the icon now appears on my map. Guess I can delete the other color field since you include it in the module now.
Posts: 4
Hey all,
This is an awesome module! I've gotten it working (with version 0.2d), but am having a problem... if you look here:
You'll see no markers in the US... but, if you scroll to the right, you'll see it for a second, and then it jumps, well... further to the right.
See what I mean? Any idea how to fix this?
Posts: 388
I have the same exact problem. This is a known Google Bug and there is nothing you can do about it other than reduce the size of your map so it's not so obvious. Course depending on where you have your markers reducing your map may not help either as the bug pertains to the East and West of the prime meridian. Google is supposedly working on a fix but I found it was first reported back in July (Bret Taylor confirmed it) so who knows when it'll be resolved, if ever. There might be workarounds but I've yet to come across any that work.
Posts: 4
Actually, I was able to solve this.
The coordinates I found online were incorrect. The Longitude for my location should have been around -117, but were, in fact, over 200. Thereby wrapping it around the globe once.
When I found the correct Longitude, it was fixed.
Posts: 388
That's very interesting considering Google confirmed this to be a bug. I've noticed the lat/long varies widely between google maps and google earth, especially for Japan and SE Asia.
Mind sharing what website you used?
Posts: 4
I use autoroute express as it gives accurate results with longitude and latitude co-ordinates.
I finally got my mapsite working and am quite happy. The module functioned correctly but I had huge problems with the theme. All fixed if anyone wants to check. I have over 600 photos of my travels...
Brilliant work guys.
Posts: 1894
All right,
I figured I give a quick status on the "automated creation of markers" addition as I have been working on it quite a bit at this point.
What is done
- I have the main interface done on the Admin page
- Allow selection of a set of markers that would be simply subfolder under the images/map/ folder of the gallery.
- I also give the ability to add more "base icons" so that anyone can create completely random icons from scratch if needed (you have to upload the file manually for now)
- The tool creates the icons in 10 different colors but they are blank at this point (no characters in them)
- Ability to resize the icons
- Ability to select which color you want and don't want
- Some level of error control
What's left to do
- add more error control as the testing goes
- add an upload button to upload new "base icon"
- add the creation of the icon with characters using the default UTF characters set
- modify the main module to use the selected MarkerSet (selected on the admin page)
- add the error control on the map if the markers cannot be found and put the link to the AdminPage
- add automatic creation of the CustomField "GPS" during installation
- add automatic creation of the CustomField "color" when a new MarkerSet is selected (to have the right list of colors in the combobox)
- Maybe add a section where you select if you want all the characters or not or no characters.
- Open for more?
As you can see, there is still quite a bit to do even thought at this point the tool do create the icons!!!
What's left to do is not in the order I will add all this but as soon as the tool is somewhat functioning (i need to do some more testing and try to brake it :evil
, I will release a first beta version.
In the mean time, you can take a look at the screenshot of the AdminPage
The Termite
Posts: 27300
This looks very good. Keep up the good work.
Perhaps related (or not) but...... I would like to see some custom images for the navigation/panning in the map. An example is: and a bit of discussion in the API discussion forum. I have tried the code but ran into a few errors. I have not troubleshot it much. Perhaps somebody with much more JS experience can chime in.
It would be neat if you could have a "theme" of navigation/panning images that could be selected like frames are now.
Gallery Frames / Mods || G1 Test Gallery
Posts: 388
Nice work so far! Looking forward to your Beta1 release. I implemented the GxMagnifier feature in the maps-module. Very simple and a cool feature.
Posts: 388
I've noticed as I'm sure others have that the map often loads slow to extremely slow (If you have alot of markers) in IE but always loads much faster in Firefox. This is most noticable when you go to load the map for the first time; your browser cache is empty.
Browsing the Google API discussion groups it appears IE has some serious issues dealing with javascript caching images. One of which is supposedly a direct quote from Microsoft confirming the issue. (Guess we all have to wait for IE7). I decided to try one of the simpler and recommended hacks and amazingly my load time was cut in half. When not using this hack it takes twice as long to load my map and I find hundreds upon hundreds of cached images from Google in my browser cache dir. Using the hack and the number of cached images scales down to under a dozen. For those who are using the default google markers like I am, here is the entire preload code to tuck inside <body>:
I inserted this near the top of ShowMap.tpl. Works for me.
Not sure if this is the best method as others are ducumented in the Mapki FAQ.
Posts: 1894
Well, I see I have a bunch of thing to add on my todo list :-D
For the "theme" feature I was actually thinking of adding that to the "info window" and have different version of this windows to choose from.
I guess it's like this now:
What's left to do - additions
- Add a theme feature to choese the window styles
- Add a theme feature to choose the map control style
- Add the faster loading for the images in IE (thx swordfish)
- Add the GxMagnifier (this is awesome by the way)
Thanks !
The Termite
Posts: 37
Hi all,
Thanks for your work. The map module is a pretty good idea to Gallery. But would you like to list a installation guide for it? As I am not good on Web programing. Thanks a lots! Thanks!
Posts: 1894
The current version (0.2) is very straight forward to get working, you unzip the module to the module directory and then you install it via the admin panel.
Once installed you can Add your API key in the first field of the AdminPanel.
you also need to add a CustomField called "GPS" (it's case sensitive) and then on each album or picture that you'd like to display a marker for, you need to enter some coordinate long,lat in the custom field.
Otherwise that's it !
he slightly modified version I made 0.2d (i'm not the programmer for this module, i'm just helping out)
Enables you to have a bunch of PNG file in the images/map folder of the gallery and then select them.
refer to my post on "page 3" where I explain how to install this one (if you want it).
See you
Posts: 50
Nice work! I'm actually using it in my Gallery![:)](
I'm now starting to study how Gallery development works. While I start doing things, let me say a couple of suggestions ;)
- GPS now contains latitude and longitude. It would be cool if you could insert a zoom level for each object, too.
- It would also be fine if maps were usable as a block for photos and albums, so each photo had a small map with its location. I don't know if block tipes can be added as a module, or if they have to be hardcoded in each theme's template.
Hope you like the suggestions ;)
Posts: 1894
Thanks for those sugestion, for the zoom level, it's pretty easy to do so I will add it to the list of todo's but the other piece, I'm not sure I understand and since I have a truckload of things to do i will delay that a bit![:-)](
maybe HorsePunchKid can take a look at it![:-)](
The Termite
Posts: 1894
As promised, here is the first beta of the module with the tool added.
Here are the changes (compared to 0.2 from HorsePunchKid):
- Added the marker creation tool on the Admin page
- Added ability to select the size of the icon created
- Added ability to select which color you want and don't want
- Added ability to add more "base icons" (for now upload a .png file to modules/map/basemarkers/)
- Added automatic creation of the CustomField "GPS" when first going on the admin page
- Added automatic creation of the CustomField "color" when a new MarkerSet is selected or created
- Added selection of a set of markers on the admin page
- modify the main module to use the selected MarkerSet (selected on the admin page)
- Added error control on the map if the markers cannot be found and put the link to the AdminPage
- Added the faster loading for the images in IE (thx swordfish)
What's left to do
- Add an error message when a MakerSet is created and the name is already in use
- Add an upload button to upload new "base icon"
- Add the creation of the icon with characters using the default UTF characters set
- Maybe add a section where you select if you want all the characters or not or no characters.
- Add a theme feature to choose the window styles
- Add the posibility to change the map control style
- Add a theme feature to choose the map control style
- Add the GxMagnifier (this is awesome by the way)
- Add the possibility to select a zoom level for each object
- Add more comments to the code
- Open for more?
I call this version 0.3beta1, please make sure you test it because I have been using it so many times that I'm not sure if I'm really objective in my testing :-D
Let me know !
EDIT: Deleted the atachement and re-uploaded below
The Termite
Posts: 60
Great work so far on the module!
Would you please add the ability to autopopulate the customer GPS field based on EXIF tags? Taking the information from the EXIF tag would allow users to add the user to add the GPS information using any of the dozens of tagging applications out there prior to upload (including the free ones I previously linked).
Posts: 27300
I have just tried your 0.3beta1 module.
First I un installed the old module. Uploaded your version and reinstalled and activated it.
When I save the settings I get this error:
I think it is looking for a directory that is not created yet.
I have images in the images directory in the form of:
Shouldn't the images be stored in the images directory of the module and be supplied with the module?
PS.... still trying to get the code to work to replace the navigation/panning controls If I get it to work I will send you the code.
Gallery Frames / Mods || G1 Test Gallery
Posts: 1894
What's left to do
- Add an error message when a MakerSet is created and the name is already in use
- Add an upload button to upload new "base icon"
- Add the creation of the icon with characters using the default UTF characters set
- Maybe add a section where you select if you want all the characters or not or no characters.
- Add a theme feature to choose the window styles
- Add the posibility to change the map control style
- Add a theme feature to choose the map control style
- Add the GxMagnifier (this is awesome by the way)
- Add the possibility to select a zoom level for each object
- Add more comments to the code
- Ability to autopopulate the custom GPS field based on EXIF tags for photos
- Open for more?
The Termite![:-)](
Posts: 60
My fingers got away from me there. I meant to say "custom GPS field" of course. Apologies for any confusion.
Posts: 1894
There should be no images in the "map" folder. In fact with this new versino you do not need to carry any images around, they are included in the module but need to be generated.
The first time the module is installed, you need to go to the admin module and generate some images.
Once you have generated some images with the tool, you also need to save the settings so that the module knows which Marker Set to use.
After that everything should be fine.
I know why you are getting this error and I'm going to change an error control which will prevent this from happening to others![:-)](
Basically the old module (0.2d) needed images in the "images/map" folder but the new one does not, it creates everything on the fly for easier use.
I will upload tomorrow another module with a fix to the error control.
In the mean time, you can delete your map sub-folder under the images and then you should be guided on what to do ;)
Sorry about that :$
Otherwise, for the navigation/panning control, it seems that the code from toeat is fairly straight forward, are you getting stuck on something specific ?
The Termite
Posts: 388
I installed and activated 0.3beta1 and on Map Module Settings page I'm getting this
"Your BaseMarker folder does not exist, please check the module installation".
The directory exists though. I'll keep looking for something obvious that I may have missed.
Posts: 1894
LOOOL and I simply copied and pasted it :D ...
Posts: 1894
Actually made the change![:-)](
If you had a previous installation of the module, make sure that you overwrite all the files and if you have a map subfolder under gallery2/images you're better off deleting it![:)](
EDIT: Downloadable module removed du to bugs, please seen below for updated zip file
The Termite
Posts: 27300
Termitenshort said:
I have not been able to get it to work. I don't get a JS error but it did in the beginning. The JS loads with no errors but the images don't load.
Perhaps I am not to JS savvy. I will wait for your implementation if you got it to work properly.
Gallery Frames / Mods || G1 Test Gallery
Posts: 60
Attached is an album pushpin marker that I made by fusing the Gallery2 logo icon with the Google rideshare pushpin. It is slightly larger than the current Google marker pin to preserve the same space in the "head" on the pin for overlaying characters/symbols/etc with Termitenshort's scripts. I did not make the shadow for this item since I don't understand exactly how it is done. This pushpin is free for use within the limits of any derivate license of the original artwork (i.e. the G2 logo).
Posts: 388
On the latest module you posted above I think you have some variable errors in such as around line 119.
Parse error: parse error, unexpected '[' in /var/www/localhost/htdocs/gallery2/modules/map/ on line 119 & 125.
And a syntax error on line 127.
Once I corrected the errors I could reach the settings page but I'm still stuck with the
"BaseMarker folder does not exist" issue.
Posts: 27300
I get the parse arror as well on 119
Gallery Frames / Mods || G1 Test Gallery
Posts: 37
Hi Termitenshort,
Thanks very much for your instruction. But I still get some silly question. I have installed and add my API key on the Admin panel. But can u instruct me more detail on the add field? I see Common Fields,Album Fields and Photo Fields. So I add "GPS" on what fields? Also where can I add the coordinate long for my album ? I know whose a silly question but I really need your hands. Thanks SO MUCH!
Posts: 388
hey Termitenshort
I fixed my issue with "BaseMarker folder does not exist" by appending my full absolute path in at line 61 like so,
Posts: 1894
Which version did you install ? 0.2d or the beta1 ?
Posts: 1894
I completely forgot to mention that for the script to be able to generate other colors of the pushpins, it seems that they need to have a certain color (around the orange).
At least that's what i got from the original script ...
Posts: 1894
It seems that when I updated the file yesterday night I added a bunch of error, I guess it was time for me to sleep and not code![:)](
I'm sorry about that, enclosed is a newer version of the file to correct this problems. Please try it and let me know
I'm gonna look at the other problem we shouldn't have to put the full path name ... sounds unsafe :D
EDIT: file not needed, included in the next beta release of module (below)
The Termite
Posts: 25
I got this message insted with the new file:
Notice: Undefined index: useMarkerSet in c:\html\gallery2\modules\map\ on line 227
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at c:\html\gallery2\modules\map\ in c:\html\gallery2\modules\core\classes\GalleryPhpVm.class on line 124
Gallery version = 2.0.1+ core 1.0.3
PHP version = 4.4.0 cgi-fcgi
Webserver = Jana-Server/
Database = mysql 4.0.24-nt-max
Toolkits = ArchiveUpload, Exif, NetPBM, SquareThumb, Thumbnail, ImageMagick, Gd
Operating system = Windows NT 5.1 build 2600
Browser = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sv-SE; rv:1.7.10) Gecko/20050717 Firefox/1.0.6
Posts: 1894
Finally got those quirks out of the way
I also found a way to get the full path to the gallery so that we don't have to input our path manually ![:-)](
Here is the latest version: still the same name 0.3beta1
I'm going to remove the other as it is not functionning
Let me know how it goes for you all :D
The Termite
Posts: 1894
I believe this is due to hitting the save button and not having a markerset generated or selected, i'm going to add a error control for that.
The termite
Posts: 25
In "Map Settings" there is no "Create Marker" tool.
Posts: 37
Hi Termitenshort,
Sorry for the disturb your time. I am using 0.2d version. Also I want to know that after I active the map module in the siteadmin, the URL of mydomain/gallery2/main.php?g2_view=map.ShowMap shows blank. Sure I still haven't add the GPS coordinates ( because I don't know how and where to add this). Is it any problem on my installation? Thanks!
Posts: 1894
which version of the module are you using ?
The 0.3beta1 version has a marker creation tool and there is no condition to display it.
The 0.2 version doesn't have any reference to the "markerset" variable ... that's confusing.
Maybe you have 2 versions installed at the same time?
Maybe you would try and replace all files with the latest 0.3beta1
Enclosed 0-3beta2
- Added some error control
- Foxed issues in the (thx all)
Posts: 1894
It's normal that the URL shows blank I believe in this version of the module if no images or album have GPS coordinates.
To finish your installation with this module, you need to go to CustomField and manually add a field called GPS in the common fields (I believe it is case sensitive).
Once it's added, go onto an album and select "edit album', there is a tab that says "customfield", in this tab you should see your GPS field which you need to fill up with the coordinate that you want a marker to show up for this album.
That's it !
once at least 1 image or album has a marker, the map will display. I might add a error control for this in the next version I'm trying to make![:-)](
Posts: 25
I was using I deleted the map-folder and installed the Still having the same probleme.
Posts: 1894
I don't understand how you cannot see the marker tool ... there is absolutely NO condition to display it. the display is just plain HTML. If you see the admin panel, marker creation tool is right below ans hould look like this:
Posts: 50
Ooops.. I can't make Beta 2 work![:(](
I can create markers, and they are created inside /gallery/images/map folder, but I still get the "Your First need to create some markers, see below." message and I can't select them. I've made a fresh install...
Posts: 388
The map-module-0.3beta2 works much better for me. The source of some of my issues was due to the fact I run G2 in embedded mode with WordPress. Configuring the Markers Creation Tool in G2 standalone mode and the errors disappeared. I assume the attached image is what it supposed to look like.? I had these icons in modules/map/basemarkers directory. After generating the markers (this appears to work now) and then clicking save settings I get an error stating, "There was a problem processing your request."
The images/map/12x20 directory was created along with the icons and colorlist file.
Perhaps I'm not understanding how the marker tool should work.
Edit: I did try deleting template & database cache.
Posts: 25
I found the problem. I had to run "Delete template cache" in "System Maintenance" and then it works.
Posts: 1894
ooo OK, I was starting to wonder what the problem was![:-)](
Posts: 1894
I realized that a lot of the directory needs to be fully spelled out for the module to work correctly. I was doing my dev and test on windows and was working just fine. As soon as I moved the module to linux I had some errors due to directory not being fully spelled out.
I'm changing it right now so that there is no possible error![:-)](
Posts: 50
I've been searching for the problem a bit, and I've found a problem with the following line in
--> if ((is_dir($file)) and (substr($file,-1) <> "."))
I've bypassed the "substr" check and now I can select a Marker Set, but I get the following error when trying to see the map:
--> "There is no marker created or a bad marker set is currently selected, please review settings in the control panel."
I'm still trying to fix it.. O![:)](
Posts: 1894
Yep you are right on target ... I found and corrected the problem and also got to the other problem ... I fixed it it was an extra "!" that I added yesterday night as well when adding some error control ... (i have fat fingers :D)
Enclosed is a new version
Also if your gallery isn't in the /gallery2/ folder, the images will not display and you will need to change the showmap.tpl file to get them to display.
I'm trying to think of a way to fix that as well...
Posts: 1894
I wanted to say also that I would be out on a business travel for a 3 days next week. I might not be as responsive so I hope there is little bugs now![:-)](
As soon as the bugs are fixed, I'm gonna start adding the other features slowly and make sure it's tested on at least 3 machines![:-)](
See you
The Termite
Posts: 388
Getting better with map-module-0.3beta3. The map now loads but the icons are showing the "shadow" icon only and not the colored markers.
The module does Not work for G2 embedded mode so I guess I'll have to do some code tweaking.
oops, I just went into one album I have a GPS coordinate assigned and on the Custom fields tab it's displaying the following:
GPS -121.272841,43.510031
color green
Colors « No Value »
After choosing green for Colors the icon now appears on my map. Guess I can delete the other color field since you include it in the module now.